The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Biographical Dictionary
Pope Innocent II (1130-1143)
Consistory celebrated in 1140 (X)

(59) 1. PIETRO (?-1144)

Birth. (No date or place found).

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of S. Pudenziana (S. Pastoris) in a consistory celebrated in 1140. Subscribed papal bulls issued between April 16, 1140 and May 14, 1143; December 6, 1143 and March 4, 1144; March 28 and May 15, 1144. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected.

Death. After August 12 and before December 22, 1144, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 45, no. 38; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 27; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 999; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 129; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 840; and II, 1 and 7.

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(60) 2. LONGINO (?-1140)

Birth. (No date or place found). He is also listed as Longinus.

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Probably created cardinal priest of an unknown title in a consistory celebrated in 1140. On October 3, 1140, he resolved, as papal legate in Bologna, a conflict between bishop Enrico of Bologna and abbot Rainiero of S. Michele in Massa Paterno.

Death. He must have died at an unknown place shortly after his promotion, because the document of October 3, 1140 is the only documentary proof of his existence. Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Mittarelli, Giovanni Benedetto ; Costadoni, Anselmo. Annales Camaldulenses ordinis Sancti Benedicti; quibus plura interseruntur tum ceteras Italico-monasticas res, tum historiam Ecclesiasticam remque diplomaticam illustrantia. 9 v. Farnborough : Gregg, 1970, 1755. Contents: t. 1. 907-1026.--t. 2. 1027-1079.--t. 3. 1080-1160.--t. 4. 1161-1250.--t. 5. 1251-1350.--t. 6. 1351-1430.--t. 7. 1431-1515.-- t. 8. 1515-1764.--t. 9. Addenda & mutanda in superioribus tomis. Note: "Ad fidem monumentorum & veterum chartarum, quai appendicem constituunt."/ Reprint of the 1755-73 ed. Responsibility: Johanne-Benedicto Mittarelli & Anselmo Costadoni auctoribus, III, app. cols. 273 and 389-390; Regesto di Camaldoli, pubblicato dall'Istituto storico italiano. 4 v. Edited by Francesco Baldasseroni ; Luigi Schiaparelli ; Ernesto Lasinio. Roma : E. Loescher, 1928. (Regesta chartarum Italiae.; n. 2, 5, 13-14). Other title: Regestum camaldulense, II, 154 no. 979.

Webgraphy. Italia Pontificia by Paul Fridolin Kehr (Berlin 1911), V, 289 no. 1 (with note on p. 290).

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(61) 3. TOMMASO, Can. Reg. of S. Maria de Crescenzago (?-1153)

Birth. (No date found), Milan.

Education. Joined the Canons Regular of S. Maria de Crescenzago of Milan. He obtained the title of magister.

Priesthood. Ordained (no further information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of S. Vitale (Vestinæ) in a consistory celebrated in December 1140. Subscribed papal bulls issued between April 11, 1141 and May 14, 1143; October 19, 1143 and March 8, 1144; March 15, 1144 and February 14, 1145; March 10 and June 16, 1145. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected.

Death. October 1146 (1), (no place found. Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 47, no. 50; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 24-25; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 997; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 129; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 840; and II 1, 7 and 20.

(1) This is according to Brixius, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181, p. 47, no. 50. "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 129, says that he died before July 1153.

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(62) 4. COLLEMEZZO, O.S.B.Cas., Rainaldo di (ca. 1110-1166)

Birth. Ca. 1110, Collemezzo, Forcone (Abruzzi). Of the counts of Marsi. Brother (?) of Cardinal Badouin, O. Cist. (1130). His last name is also listed as Colimetano; as Collimetano; as Colledimezzo; and as Calametano.

Education. Entered the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) at Monte Cassino in 1125.

Priesthood. Ordained (no further information found). Abbot of the monastery of Monte Cassino from November 13, 1137 until October 28, 1166.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro in a consistory celebrated in December 1140 (1). Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1153, in which Pope Anastasius IV was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1154, in which Pope Adrian IV was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1159, in which Pope Alexander III was elected. He suffered the hostility of King Roger of Sicily, who sacked his monastery. Cardinal primoprete in 1159.

Death. October 1166 (2), Monte Cassino. Buried in the abbey of Monte Cassino.

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 46, no. 42; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 26-27; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 998-999; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 129.

Webgraphy. Liste des abbés du Mont-Cassin, in French, Wikipédia.

(1) According to "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 129, he had been created pseudocardinal by Antipope Anacletus II with that title, and that he later made his submission to Pope Innocent II, who recognized his promotion and title. Other sources do not mention his promotion by the antipope. G. A. Loud, The Latin Church in Norman Italy (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 241, says that he "seems to have been an honorary cardinal from 1141, but never an active member of the college."
(2) This is according to Brixius, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181, p. 46, no. 42. "Essai de liste géérale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 129, says that he died on June 13, 1165.

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(63) 5. UBALDO (?-1150)

Birth. (No date or place found). He is also listed as Hubald; as Hubaldus; and as Humbaldus.

Education. Obtained the title of magister.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo in a consistory celebrated in December 1140 (1). Subscribed papal bulls issued between February 23, 1141 and May 19, 1142; December 23, 1143 and February 19, 1144; October 9, 1145 and May 6, 1149. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected. He accompanied the pope in France; in 1147, he was with the pontiff in Trier; and later, he went to Pisa.

Death. 1150, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 43, no. 26; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 30; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 999; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 129; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 840; and II, 1 and 20.

(1) "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 128, says that Cardinal Ubaldo (1133) may be confused with him.

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(64) 6. PIETRO (?-ca. 1145)

Birth. (No date or place found).

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro in a consistory celebrated in 1140. Subscribed papal bulls issued between December 13, 1141 and February 22, 1143; December 9, 1143 and February 19, 1144; March 20 and May 20, 1144. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected.

Death. Ca. 1145, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 46, no. 39; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 31; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1001; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 131; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 841; and II, 1 and 7.

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(65) 7. PIETRO (?-1145)

Birth. (No date or place found).

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon of S. Maria in Portico Octaviae in a consistory celebrated in 1140. Subscribed papal bulls issued between January 10, 1140 and May 16, 1143; October 19, 1143 and February 10, 114; March 15, 1144 and January 31, 1145; and March 15 and May 17, 1145. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected.

Death. Summer of 1145, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 46, no. 40; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 31-32; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1001; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 131-132; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 841; and II, 1. 7 and 20.

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(66) 8. MORICOTTI, Guido (?-ca. 1150)

Birth. (No date found), Pisa (1). Relative of Cardinal Errico Moricotti, O.Cist. (1150). His last name is also listed as Moricoso.

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in a consistory celebrated in 1140; his deaconry is not known. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso in November or December 1143. Subscribed papal bulls issued between December 28, 1143 and February 28, 1144. Did not participate in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Subscribed papal bulls issued between April 15, 1144 and February 14, 1145. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected. Subscribed papal bulls issued between March 14, 1145 and May 6, 1149.

Death. Ca. 1150, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 34; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1003; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 132; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, II, 1, 7 and 20.

Webgraphy. Biographical data, in Italian, p. 129-130, note 3 in Angelo Fabroni, Memorie istoriche di più uomini illustri pisani, Pisa, MDCCXCI, Presso Ranieri Prosperi. Con Approvazione, Google Books.

(1) According to Cardella, Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa, I, pt. 2, 34, some sources say that he was from Siena.

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(67) 9. NICCOLÒ (?-1151?)

Birth. (No date or place found). He is also listed as Nicolaus and as Nikolaus.

Education. (No information found).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in a consistory celebrated in 1140; his deaconry is not known. Subscribed a papal bull issued on October 22, 1142; and another one on October 28, 1143. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane on December 17, 1143. Subscribed papal bulls issued between December 23, 1143 and March 6, 1144. Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Subscribed papal bulls issued between March 15, 1144 and January 31, 1145. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected. Subscribed papal bulls issued between April 8, 1145 and March 7, 1151.

Death. April 1, 1151 (?) (1), (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 45, no. 33; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 35; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1003; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 132; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 841; and II, 1, 7 and 20; Zenker, Barbara. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 bis 1159. Dorsten, Westf. : B. Zenker, 1964, p. 190, no. 9.

(1) This is according to Brixius, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181, p. 45, no. 33. "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 132, says that he died ca. 1152.

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(68) 10. FOLIET, O.S.B., Hugues de (?-ca. 1164)

Birth. (No date found), France (1). Son of the seigneur de Fouilloné. His first name is also listed as Hugo; and his last name as Folieto; as Foglietto; as Folietanus; as La Feuille; as Folieto; as Fouilloy; as Fouillone; as Fouilloi; and as Fouilloné.

Education. Entered the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) in Corbie (2).

Priesthood. Ordained (no further information found). Prior of Saint-Laurent au Bois, Amiens, 1152; the priorate belonged to the abbey of Corbie.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in a consistory celebrated in 1140; his deaconry is not known. Cardinal protodeacon in 1162. He does not appear as a participant in any of the papal elections celebrated during his cardinalate or subscriber of any papal bulls issued during the same. Among the works attributed to him are: De avibus, De Claustro animae (De duodecim abusionibus claustri is in its second book), De medicina animae, De nuptiis, De rota verae et falsae religionis and De pastoribus et ovibus.

Death. Ca. 1164 (3), (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 30; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1001; Du Chesne, François. Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois : de naissance, ou qui ont esté promeus au cardinalat par l'expresse recommandation de nos roys, pour les grands services qu'ils ont rendus a leur estat, et a leur couronne. Comprenant commairement leurs legations, ambassades & voyages par eux faits en divers pays & royaumes, vers les papes, empereurs, roys, potentats, republiques, communautex & universitez, pour affaires importantes à l'église universelle, & à l'auguste majesté de nos souuerains. Enrichie de leurs armes et de leurs portraits. Divisée en deux tomes, et justifiée par tiltres et chartres du thresor de sa majesté, arrests des parlemens de France, registres des Chambres des comptes; donations, fondations, epitaphes, testamens, manuscripts, ancients monumens, chroniques & chartulaires d'abbayes, & autres histoires publiques & particlieres. 2 vols. A Paris : Aux despens de l'autheur, & se vendent chez luy ..., 1660, II, 130-131; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 132.

Webgraphy. His arms and biography in Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois de naissance, ou qui ont esté promeus au cardinalat, by François Du Chesne (1616-1693), 2 vols. Éditeur : F. Duchesne (Paris), 1660, in French, I, p. 130-131, Gallica; biography, in French, Wikipédia (does not mention his cardinalate); biography by Johann Albert Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina, 3 vols. Hamburg : Kisner, 1721-1722, in Latin, II, p. 273.

(1) Some sources confuse him with Hugh of Fouilloy (1096/1111-ca. 1172).
(2) This is according to "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 132. Cardella, Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa, I, pt. 2, 30; and Chacón, Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm, I, col. 1001, say that he was a canon regular of the monastery of Sankt Peter in Corbia, Saxony and adds that other sources indicate that he entered the Order of the Benedictines at the monastery of St.-Pierre-et-Paul in Piccardy.
(3) This is according to "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928, p. 132. His second biography in French, linked above, says that he died toward 1173-1174, and that an obituary of Saint-Laurent, from the end of the 12th century, mentions that he died on a September 7 without mentioning the year.

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(69) 11. CASTELFIDARDO, Guido di (?-1145)

Birth. (No date found), Castelfidardo, Lucca or Pisa. Son of Ugo de Castro Ficeclo. He is also listed as Guido de Castro Ficardo; and as Guido de Castro Picenus Ficardo.

Education. (No information found).

Early life. Minister altaris in the patriarchal Lateran basilica (1). Because of their support of the interests of the Church, the pope gave his family extensive possessions in the archdiocese of Lucca.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in a consistory celebrated in 1140; his deaconry is not known. Subscribed papal bulls issued between April 29, 1140 and April 25, 1142; February 17, 1144 and January 31, 1145; and October 10, 1145 and December 23, 1146, without indicating that he was a cardinal. Papal legate in Bohemia and Moravia from August 1142 to 1144; the charges of the legation were the improvement of church discipline and the reconciliation between Bohemia and Moravia; Arnoldo de Brescia also formed part of the legation. Participated in the papal election of 1143, in which Pope Celestine II was elected. Subscribed papal bulls issued between December 23, 1143 and March 6, 1144 (2). Participated in the papal election of 1144, in which Pope Lucius II was elected. Participated in the papal election of 1145, in which Pope Eugenius III was elected pope.

Death. 1145, (no place found). Buried (no information found).

Bibliography. Brixius, Johannes Matthias. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130-1181. Berlin : R. Trenkel, 1912, p. 43, no. 24; and 89-90, no. 63; Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1792, I, pt. 2, 31; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, I, col. 1001; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIIè siècle". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1928. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1928, p. 132; Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab conditio Ecclesia. Ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1956. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published : Lipsiae : Veit et comp., 1885-1888. Original t.p. included : Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia : ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII. Editionem secundam correctam et auctam edidit Philippus Jaffè ; auspiciis Gulielmi Wattenbach; curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald, I, 841; and II, 1, 7 and 21; Zenker, Barbara. Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 bis 1159. Dorsten, Westf. : B. Zenker, 1964, 188-190.

Webgraphy. Biography, in French, Wikipédia.

(1) He signed papal bulls as Indignus minister altaris in Romana Ecclesia.
(2) Zenker, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 bis 1159, p. 188, says that he subscribed papal bulls between April 29, 140 and December 27, 1146; and that he died in 1147?.

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