The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Biographical Dictionary
Pope Pius VI (1775-1799)
Consistory of January 29, 1787 (XV)

(50) 1. CARANDINI, Filippo (1729-1810)

Birth. September 6, 1729, Pesaro. Of a noble family from Modena. Fifth of the nine children of Marquis Gian Lodovico Carandini and Countess Osanna Magni of Mantua. The other siblings were Paolo, Francesca (prioress of S. Maria Maddalena, Pesaro), Cleofe (Benedictine nun) Girolamo, Anna Teresa, Cassandra, Claudia and Niccolò (died in infancy). Maternal uncle of Cardinal Ercole Consalvi (1800). Related to Cardinal Antonio Maria Frosini (1823).

Education. Studied at Collegio di Pesaro; later, studied canon and civil law in Rome, where he went called by his father, who after becoming a widower had settled in that city and entered the prelature.

Early life. Minister of Francesco II, duke of Modena, before the Holy See, 1774. The duke named him later counselor of State of Modena. Domestic prelate of His Holiness Pius VI, 1777. Lieutenant of the Vicariate of Rome. Vicegerente of Rome (1). Lieutenant of the auditor of the Apostolic Chamber. Secretary of the S.C. of the Tridentine Council, 1785.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of January 29, 1787; received the red hat on February 1, 1787; and the deaconry of S. Maria in Portico Campitelli, April 23, 1787. Ascribed to the SS. CC. of the Holy Office, Examination of Bishops, Lauretana, delle Acuqe, and the Economy of Collegio of Propaganda Fide. Protector of the city of Pesaro; and of Conservatorio del Carmine, Gianicolo. Prefect of the S.C. of Good Government, February 6, 1787. Received the minor orders, December 28, 1787; subdiaconate, June 6, 1789. Opted for the deaconry of S. Eustachio, September 12, 1794. Participated in the conclave of 1799-1800, celebrated in Venice, which elected Pope Pius VII. Prefect of the S.C. of the Tridentine Council, March 1800 until his death on August 28, 1810. Perpetual visitor of the Roman Tribunals. When the French occupied Rome, he was forced to leave the city on June 16, 1809, under the threat of having his possessions confiscated; he sought refuge in Tolentino; and later in Modena with his family, where he arrived on July 9, 1810.

Death. August 28, 1810, after a short illness, in Modena. Exposed in the Carandini Palace, Modena; the funeral, celebrated by Bishop Tiburzio Cortese of Modena, took place in the cathedral of Modena. Buried, in front of the railing at the corner of the Epistle, near where the body of S. Germiniano is venerated, next to the stairs of the chapel of the Sacrament (2).

Bibliography. Benabei, Nicola. Vita del cardinale Giovanni Morone, vescovo di Modena, e biografie dei cardinali modenesi e di casa d'Este, dei cardinali vescovi di Modena e di quelli educati in questo Collegio di San Carlo. Modena : Ditta tipografica Rossi, 1885, pp. 222-227; Del Re, Niccolò. "I cardinali prefetti della Sacra Congregazione del Concilio dalle origini ad oggi (1564-1964)." Apollinaris, XXXVII (1964), p. 132; Moroni, Gaetano. Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni. 103 vols. in 53. Venezia : Tipografia Emiliana, 1840-1861, IX, 250-251; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi, Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1968, VI, 35, 51 and 52; Weber, Christoph and Becker, Michael. Genealogien zur Papstgeschichte. 6 v. Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann, 1999-2002. (Päpste und Papsttum, Bd. 29, 1-6), I, 194.

Webgraphy. Biography by Mirella Giansante, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 19 (1976), Treccani; his engraving, Araldica Vaticana; his tomb, Requiem Datenbank.

(1) This is according to Bernabei, Vita del cardinale Giovanni Morone, vescovo di Modena, e biografie dei cardinali modenesi e di casa d'Este, dei cardinali vescovi di Modena e di quelli educati in questo Collegio di San Carlo, p. 223, and to Del Re, "I cardinali prefetti della Sacra Congregazione del Concilio dalle origini ad oggi (1564-1964)", p. 132, but the latter author does not list him among the occupants of the post in his Il vicegerente del vicariato di Roma, Rome : Istituto di Studi Romani Editore, 1976.
(2) This is the inscription on the wall of the stairs: Hic . Iacent . Ossa . Philippi . Carandini . S. . R. . E. . Cardinalis. On the wall at the exit of the stairs, sculpted in marble, there is another inscription: S. E. Philippus . Cardinalius . Mutinensis . S. R. . E. . Cardinalis . Diaconus . Titulo . S. . Eustachii. Qui . Pisauri . Natus . Romam . Ab . Ipsa . Adolescentia . Profectus . Acri . Ingenio . Pietate . Constanti . Doctrina . Multiplici . Omnium . Hominum . In . Se . Convertit . Animos . Iuvenis . In . Partem . Reipub . Administrandae . Vocatus . Operam . Suam . Pontificibus . Summis . Probavil . Auctus . Perpetuo . Novis . Honoribus . A . Pio . VI . Ut . Ditionis . Universae . Bono . Regimini . Praesset . Unus . Extra . Ordinem . Amplissimo . Cardinalium . Collegio . Adscriptus . An. MDCCLXXXVII . A Pio . VII . In . Sanctis . Christianae . Religionis . Consilium . Difficillimis . Temporibus . Praefecti . Auctoritate . Adscitus . Est . Obiit . In . Patria . Octogenario . Major . V . Kal. Septemb. . An . MDCCCX . Victoria . Stellia . Fratria . testam . Donata . Usu . Et . Fructibus . Ex . Semisse . Et . Iosephus . Ex . Fratre . Nepos . Haeres . Ex . Asse . Monumentum . Optime . Merenti . P. P. Both inscriptions were transcribed from Benabei, Vita del cardinale Giovanni Morone, vescovo di Modena, e biografie dei cardinali modenesi e di casa d'Este, dei cardinali vescovi di Modena e di quelli educati in questo Collegio di San Carlo, pp. 226 and 227.

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