The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Biographical Dictionary
Pope Pius XI (1922-1939)
Consistory ofDecember 20, 1923 (III)


(11) 1. LUCIDI, Evaristo

Birth. October 4, 1866, Montefranco, archdiocese of Spoleto, Papa; State (now Italy).

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Roman Seminary; at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare"; and at the University of Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained (no date found). Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome and director of the Institute of "S. Girolamo degli Schiavoni," for twenty years. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, July 4, 1900; reappointed, December 29, 1903. Consultor adjunct for Provincial Councils, September 19, 1902. Secretary of the Commission for the Revision of Provincial Councils, April 15, 1904. Assessor of the S.C. of Council, 1905. Papal prelate, March 20, 1906. Pro-secretary of the financial section of the S.C. for Propagation of the Faith, October 20, 1908. Secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, papal auditor, and palatine prelate, December 8, 1916. Protonotary apostolic, December 13, 1917.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 20, 1923; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Adriano al Foro, December 23, 1923. Papal legate to the Emilian Eucharistic Congress, Parma, 1924.

Death. March 31, 1929, in Rome; he had fallen ill from heart disease and died after a bout of severe influenza a week later. Buried, in the Chapel of Propaganda Fide, Campo Verano cemetery, Rome. His body was transferred on June 21, 1929 and buried in the monastery church of San Bernardino da Siena, Montefranco, which he helped to restore and which has since been converted into a hotel.


(12) 2. GALLI, Aurelio

Birth. February 26, 1866, Frascati, Papal State.

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Roman Seminary; and later, attended the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, April 21, 1889, Rome. Further studies, 1889-1892. Staff member of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1893-1899. Secretary to the secretary of Latin Letters, 1899-1903. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, 1899. Composed and delivered the funeral oration for Pope Leo XIII in July 1903; and for Pope Pius X in August 1914; as well as the oratio pro eligendo pontifice, in the conclaves of 1914 and 1922. Secretary of Latin Letters and domestic prelate of His Holiness, August 5, 1903. Canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, Rome, June 24, 1908. Protonotary apostolic supernumerary, November 27, 1908. Secretary of Briefs to Princes, November 7, 1911.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 20, 1923; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Angelo in Pescheria on December 23, 1923. Member of the SS. CC. of Rites, Seminaries and Universities, Fabric of St. Peter's basilica (December 23, 1923) and Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs (January 15, 1924). Protector of the Daughters of Mercy of the Third Order of Saint Francis Assisi of Palma de Mallorca, Spain (December 4, 1924); of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary of the Third Order of Saint Francis Assisi in Leopol (January 7, 1928; and of the Little Sisters of the Providence of Corenc, Grenoble (March 12, 1928). He resided in the Palace of the Holy Office in Rome.

Death. March 26, 1929, Rome; stricken by an apoplexy while paying a visit to the Dorothean Nuns at their General House on the Janiculum; he died a few days later, after receiving the last rites. Buried in Campo Verano cemetry, Rome. On the first anniversary of his death, his remains were transferred to the cathedral of Frascati. Biagio Budelacci, titular bishop of Nissa, pronounced the oration for the occasion.

Bibliography. Budelacci, Biagio. Per la traslazione della salma dell'Emo cardinale Aurelio Galli alla cattedrale Tuscolana nel primo anniversario della sua morte; orazione tenuta da Mons. Biagio Budelacci vesc. tit. di Nissa ... Frascati : Tip. Tuscolana, 1930; "Cardinali defunti." Annuario pontificio per l'anno 1931. Città del Vaticano : Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1931, p. 60; "Liste des cardinaux par order alphabétique." Annuaire Pontifical Catholique de 1929. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1929, p. 90; "Liste générale alphabétique des protonotaires apostoliques, prélates de Sa Santité, camériers secrets et d'honneur, d'honneur 'extra urbem', chapelains communs, secrets, d'honneur'extra urbem', et autres collèges prélatices." Annuaire Pontifical Catholique de 1920. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1920, p. 617.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.



Birth. December 19, 1873, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia. Son of Rodolfo Sanz de Samper and Teresa Campuzano. His first name is also listed as Riccardo; and his last name as Sanz y Samper only and as de Samper.

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles, Rome, from 1896 to 1899.

Early life. Lieutenant of artillery. Secretary of the legation of Colombia in Paris. Received the clerical habit, June 21, 1895, Paris; the homily was delivered by Monsignor Alfredo Peri-Morosini, secretary of the nunciature in Paris, and future bishop and apostolic administrator of Canton Ticino, Switzerland.

Priesthood. Ordained, December 17, 1898, Rome. Privy chamberlain participantium of Pope Leo XIII, September 26, 1899. He was sent to Bilbao, Spain, from October 31, 1900 to November 8, 1900, as special papal delegate to bring a gift from the pope Our Lady of Begoña; the precious gift was a golden rosary in commemoration of the coronation of the image of the Virgin of Begoña, which had taken place on September 8, 1900. Prelate of His Holiness, February 11, 1902. He was sent to México to try to establish an apostolic delegation; arrived in México on March 18, 1902 and departed on July 10 of the same year. Named secretary of embassy, August 5, 1903. Privy chamberlain participantium of Pope Pius X, 1903-1914; for six years, interim master of chamber. Coppiere of His Holiness, 1905. Canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, 1910. In May 1910, with Msgr. Rodolfo Caroli, he participated in the reopening of the cathedral of Canton Ticino after its repair was finished. Protonotary apostolic supernumerary, July 10, 1910. Secretary of the S.C. Ceremonial, November 2, 1911. Master of Chamber of His Holiness, 1914-1921. Majordome of His Holiness and prefect of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, June 16, 1921 to October 1926; as majordome, he was one of the four prelati di fiocchetti and had ordinary audiences with the pope the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Governor of the conclave of 1922; he heard, from the outside, that in the Sistine Chapel the pope had been elected and ran to give the news to the Pontifical Family; as governor, he was the first, after the cardinals, to pay homage to the new Pope Pius XI. President of the Heraldic Commission of the Pontifical Court. President of the Ospizio dei Convertendi, Rome.

Cardinalate. According to Yves Chiron, Pie XI : 1857-1939 (Paris : Perrin, 2004), p. 130, in 1923 Pope Pius XI wanted to promote him to the cardinalate, but changed his mind when King Alfonso XIII of Spain insisted that he appoint cardinals from South America. The pope did not wish to appear to have been influenced by political considerations (1). In 1926, he was abruptly suspended from his position (2). He resigned the post in October 1928 and was named majordome emeritus (3). He testified for the Positio Summarium during the beatification process of Pope Pius X, which was published in 1949. He moved to Sanremo because of his deteriorating health.

Death. February 22, 1954, Sanremo. Buried in the Armea Cemetery of Sanremo.

Bibliography. Bravo Ugarte, José. Diócesis y obispo de la iglesia mexicana (1519-1965). Con un apéndice de los representantes de la S. Sede en México y viceversa. 2d ed. México : Editorial Jus, 1965. (Colección México Heorico, 39); Bravo Ugarte, José. Historia de México. México : Jus, 1941-1944, 3, II, 432. Contents: v. 1. Elementos prehispánicos.--v. 2. La Nueva España.--v. 3, I. Independencia, caracterización politica e integración social.--v. 3, II. Relaciones internacionales, territorio, sociedad y cultura; Gillow, Eulogio. Apuntes históricos. México : Impr. del. Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, 1899; "Liste générale alphabétique des protonotaires apostoliques, prélates de Sa Santité, camériers secrets et d'honneur, d'honneur 'extra urbem', chapelains communs, secrets, d'honneur'extra urbem', et autres collèges prélatices." Annuaire Pontifical Catholique. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, XIV année, 1911, p. 633; XXIV, année, 1931, p. 771; and XXXIX année, 1936, p. 787.

Webgraphy. Portrait, medals of the Sede vacante 1922 and biographical data, in Italian (nos. 77-79); Château of Middes, Switzerland, which he bought in 1914 and where he resided until 1930; another site of Château of Middes.

(1) This the text of Chiron's book: En 1923, le roi d'Espagne, Alphonse XIII, au cours de la visite officielle qu'il fit au Vatican, demanda au pape de créer des cardinaux en Amérique du Sud, cette partie du confinent américain n'ayant qu'un représentant au sein du Sacré Collège (le cardinal Arcoverde). Pie XI prit mal cette ingérence. Alors qu'il envisageait de créer cardinal un autre Sud-Américain, Mgr Richard Sanz de Samper, son majordome du palais, prélat de la famille pontificale, il changea d'avis " pour ne pas paraître subir une pression d'un souverain ...". Ce n'est qu'en 1930 qu'un Sud-Américain sera cré cardinal. Il s'agira de Mgr Sebastian Leme da Silveira Cintra, archevêque de Rio de Janeiro.
(2) According to Chiron, Pie XI : 1857-1939, p. 130, note in note 2 : Dépêche de Doulcet, le 11 janvier 1924, AMAE, Saint-Siège, vol. 5, f. 69. Peut-être y avait-il aussi d'autres raisons ? Près de cinq ans plus tard, Mgr Sanz de Samper sera " brusquement " éloigné de sa charge, " sans aucune compensation ", et sans le traditionnel chapeau cardinalice attaché à la fonction au bout d'un certain nombre d'années de service (cf. dépêche de Fontenay, le 17 décembre 1928, AMAE, Saint-Siège, vol. 5, f. 279-280).
(3) Wito Pontificalis Domus of March 28, 1968, the office was definitively suppressed and replaced by that of prefect of the Pontifical Household.

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