The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Members of Religious Orders (795-900)

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The list includes the names of the religious cardinals, the position they occupied at the time of their cardinalitial creation, and the year of their promotion.

Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines - O.S.B.)      (5)

Gregorio (797) (O.S.B.Fossano) (Pope Gregory IV)
Leone (844) (Pope Leo IV)
Gauderico, bishop of Velletri (867) (O.S.B. Cassinesse)
Giovanni (880)
Giovanni (unknown date between 891-896) (Pope John IX)

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Cardinals religious created by:
Leo III (795-816) - 0
Stephen IV (V) (816-817) - 0
Paschal I (817-824) -1
Eugenius II (824-827) - 0
Valentine (827) - 0
Gregory IV (827-844) - 0
Gregory IV (827-844) - 0
[Antipope] John (844) - 0
Sergius II (844-847) - 0
Leo IV (847-855) - 1
Benedict III (855-858) - 0
[Antipope] Anastasius III Bibliothecarius (855) - 0
Nicholas I the Great (858-867) - 1
Adrian II (867-872) - 0
John VIII (872-882) - 1
Marinus I (882-884) - 0
Adrian III (884-885) - 0
Stephen V (VI) (885-891) - 0
Formosus (891-896) - 1
Boniface VI (896) - 0
Stephen VI (VII) (896-897) - 0
Romanus (897) - 0
Theodore II (897) - 0
John IX (898-900) - 0
Total --5

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