The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

S. Agnese fuori le mura --- Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio

S. Agnese fuori le mura S. Agnese in Agone S. Agostino S. Alberto Magno S. Alessio Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo S. Anastasia S. Andrea al Quirinale S. Andrea della Valle

S. Andrea della Valle S. Andrea delle Fratte Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio S. Angela Merici S. Antonio da Padova in Via Merulana

S. Antonio da Padova in Via Tuscolana S. Antonio in Campo Marzio S. Apollinare Ss. Aquila e Priscilla S. Atanasio S. Atanasio a Via Tiburtina

S. Balbina S. Barbara S. Bartolomeo all'Isola Beata Maria Vergine Addolorata a Piazza Buenos Aires

Beata Vergine Maria del Monte Carmelo a Mostacciano S. Bernardo alle Terme Diocleziane S. Biagio dell'Anello Bizantis S. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio

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S. Agnese fuori le mura
Pope Innocent XI (1644-1655) established this title on October 5, 1654, when he suppressed the title of S. Agnese in Agone.

Baccio Aldobrandini (1654-1658)
Girolamo Farnese (1658-1668)
Vitaliano Visconti (1669-1671)
Federico Borromeo (1672-1673)
Vacant (1673-1690)
Toussaint de Forbin de Janson (1690-1693)
Giovanni Battista Spinola, iuniore (1696-1698)
Vacant (1698-1706)
Rannuzio Pallavicino (1706-1712)
Vacant (1712-1721)
Giorgio Spinola (1721-1734)
Serafino Cenci (1735-1740)
Flippo Maria Monti (1743-1747)
Frédéric-Jérôme de la Rochefoucauld de Roye (1747-1757)
Étienne-René Potier de Gesvres (1758-1774)
Vacant (1774-1778)
Luigi Valenti Gonzaga (1778-1790)
Vacant (1790-1802)
Giuseppe Spina (1802-1820)
Dionisio Bardaxí y Azara (1822-1826)
Ignazio Nasalli (1827-1831)
Flippo Giudice Caracciolo, Orat. (1833-1844)
Hughes-Robert-Jean-Charles de La Tour d'Auvergne-Lauraguais (1846-1851)
Girolamo D'Andrea (1852-1860); in commendam (1860-1868)
Lorenzo Barili (1868-1875)
Pietro Giannelli (1875-1881)
Charles-Martial-Allemand Lavigerie, M.Afr. (1882-1892)
Georg von Kopp (1893-1914)
Károly Hornig (1914-1917)
Adolf Bertram (1919-1945)
Samuel Alphonse Stritch (1946-1958)
Carlo Confalonieri (1958-1972)
Louis-Jean Guyot (1973-1988)
Camillo Ruini (1991-

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S. Agnese in Agone
This title was established on July 6, 1517 by Pope Leo X (1513-1521) just after he greatly increased the number of cardinals in the consistory of July 1, 1517. It was suppressed by Pope Innocent XI (1644-1655) on October 5, 1654 and transferred to S. Agnese fuori le mura. In 1998, Pope John Paul II reestablished it as a deaconry.

Andrea della Valle (1517-1525)
Vacant (1525-1533)
Claude de Longwy de Givry (1533-1561)
Pier Francesco Ferrero (1561-1566)
Vacant (1566-1570)
Carlo Grassi (1570-1571)
Vacant (1571-1587)
Antonio Maria Gallo (1587-1600)
Vacant (1600-1605)
Jacques Davy Du Perron (1605-1618)
Andrea Baroni Peretti Montalto (1621)
Ottavio Ridolfi (1622-1623)
Vacant (1623-1628)
Girolamo Colonna, pro illa vice deaconry (1628-1639)
Girolamo Verospi (1642-1652)
Baccio Aldobrandini (1652-1654)
Title suppressed in 1654

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S. Agostino
Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590) established this title on April 13, 1587, by the apostolic constitution Religiosa.

Vacant (1587-1590)
Gregorio Petrocchini, O.E.S.A. (1590-1608)
Fabrizio Veralli (1608-1624)
Berlinghiero Gessi (1627-1639)
Ottaviano Raggi (1642-1643)
Niccolò Albergati-Ludovisi (1645-1646)
Fabrizio Savelli (1647-1659)
Antonio Bicchi (1659-1667)
Vacant (1667-1671)
Federico Borromeo (1671-1672)
Francesco Lorenzo Brancati, O.F.M. Conv. (1681)
Vacant (1681-1687)
Carlo Stefano Anastasio Ciceri (1687-1694)
Enrico Noris, O.E.S.A. (1696-1704)
Carlo Agostino Fabroni (1706-1727)
Angelo Maria Quirini, O.S.B. (1727-1728)
Gregorio Selleri, O.P. (1728-1729)
Marco Antonio Ansidei (1729-1730)
Bartolomeo Massei (1731-1745)
Giorgio Doria (1745-1757); in commendam (1757-1759)
Gaetano Fantuzzi (1759-1767)
Mario Marefoschi (1770-1780)
Vacant (1780-1785)
Paolo Massei (1785)
Vacant (1785-1800)
Diego Innico Caracciolo (1800-1814); in commendam (1814-1820)
Cesare Brancadoro (1820-1837)
Vacant (1837-1842)
Friedrich Johannes Jacob Celestin von Schwarzenberg (1842-1885)
Antolín Monescillo y Viso (1886-1897)
Antonio María Cascajares y Azara (1898-1901)
Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A. (1902-1918)
Aleksander Kakowski (1919-1938)
Agustín Parrado y García (1946)
Fernando Quiroga Palacios (1953-1971)
Marcelo González Martín (1973-2004)
Jean-Pierre Ricard (2006-

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S. Alberto Magno
Established by Pope Francis on November 19, 2016.

Anthony Soter Fernandez (2016-2020)
Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, S.D.B. (2022-

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S. Alessio
Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590) established this title on April 13, 1587, by the apostolic constitution Religiosa. The church, built in the 10th century, was dedicated to S. Bonifacio; then in 1217 to S. Alessio. In the 19th century it began to be called Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio. It is located in the Aventino Hill and was entrusted to the monks of S. Girolamo. See Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio.

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Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo
Established by Pope Paul VI on June 7, 1967, by the apostolic constitution Ab antiquis quidem. From 1627 to 1639 existed a title called S. Carlo al Corso, which was also known as Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso.

Angelo Dell'Acqua, O.Ss.C.A. (1967-1972)
Ugo Poletti (1973-1997)
Dionigi Tettamanzi (1998-2017)

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S. Anastasia
This title was listed in the Roman synod of March 1, 499. According to the catalog of Pietro Mallio, composed during the pontificate of Alexander III (1159-1181), this title was attached to Saint Peter's Basilica and its priests were to celebrate mass there in turn.

Anastasio (494-?)
Anastasio (ca. 500-?)
Eustrasio (721-before 731)
Leone (745-before 761)
Clemente (761-?)
Gregorio (761-?)
Giorgio (853-?)
Domno (963-?)
Giovanni (1044-before 1061)
Gaudenzio (1061-1064)
Ponone (1063-1073)
Conone, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine (1073-1088)
Anastase (ca. 1084-ca. 1099), pseudocardinal of Antipope Clement III
Giovanni (1088-ca. 1115)
Teobaldo (1114 or 1115-1116)
Bosone (1116-1122)
Teobaldo Boccapecora (1122-1126)
Pierre (1126-ca. 1134)
Azzone degli Atti (1134-1139)
Rabaldo (1139-1142)
Ariberto (1143-1156)
Giovanni Pizzuti, Can. Reg. of Saint-Victor of Paris (1158-ca. 1182)
Andrea Boboni (1188-1189)
Boson (1189-ca. 1190)
Romano (1191-1194)
Roger (1206-1213)
Gregorio Theodoli (1216-1227)
Giacomo Savelli, in commendam (1254-1285?); (he did not become a cardinal until 1261)
Vacant (1285-1320) (?)
Pilfort de Rabastens, O.S.B. (1320-ca.1330/1331)
Adhémar Robert (1342-1352)
Pierre de Salvete Monteruc (1356-1385)
Pietro Tomacelli (1385-1389)
Jean Allarmet de Brogny (1385-1405), pseudocardinal of Antipope Clement VII
Enrico Minutoli (1389-1405)
Vicente de Ribas, O.S.B. (1408)
Guillaume Ragenel de Montfort (1432)
Vacant (1432-1440)
Giorgio Fieschi (1440-1449)
Jordi d'Ornos (1440-1441), pseudocardinal of Antipope Felix V
Louis de La Palud, O.S.B. (1450-1451)
Vacant (1451-1456)
Giacomo Tebaldi (1457-1466)
Giovanni Battista Zeno (1470-1479)
Paolo Fregoso (1480-ca. 1489)
Antonio Gentile Pallavicini (1489-1493)
John Morton (1493-1500)
Antonio Trivulzio, seniore, Can. Reg. of Sant'Antonio (1500-1505)
Robert Guibé (1505-1513)
Vacant (1513-1517)
Antoine Bohier Du Prat, O.S.B. (1517-1519)
Lorenzo Campeggio (1519-1528)
Antoine du Prat (1528-1535)
Cristoforo Giacobazzi (1537)
Robert de Lénoncourt (1540-1547)
Francesco Sfondrati (1547-1550)
Giovanni Angelo de' Medici (1550-1552)
Giovanni Poggio (1552-1556)
Giovanni Michele Saraceni (1557-1565)
Scipione Rebiba (1565-1566)
Pier Francesco Ferrero (1566)
Ludovico Simonetta (1566-1568)
Philibert Babou de la Bourdaisière (1568-1570)
Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle (1570)
Stanisław Hosius (1570)
Girolamo da Correggio (1570-1572)
Giovanni Francesco Gambara (1572-1578)
Alfonso Gesualdo (1578-1579)
Zaccaria Delfino (1579-1583)
Giovanni Francesco Commendone (1584)
Pierdonato Cesi, seniore (1584-1586)
Ludovico Madruzzo (1586-1591)
Giulio Canani (1591-1592)
Simeone Tagliavia d'Aragona (1592-1597)
Bonifazio Bevilacqua (1599-1601)
Bernardo de Rojas y Sandoval (1601-1618)
Felice Centini, O.F.M.Conv. (1621-1633)
Ulderico Carpegna (1634-1659)
Federico Sforza (1659-1661)
Vacant (1661-1665)
Carlo Bonelli (1665-1676)
Camillo Massimi (1676-1677)
Girolamo Gastaldi (1677-1685)
Federico Colonna Baldeschi (1685-1691)
Giambattista Costaguti (1691-1704)
Giandomenico Paracciani (1706-1721)
Nuno da Cunha e Ataíde (1721-1750)
Carlo Maria Sacripante (1751-1756)
Giacomo Oddi (1756-1758)
Carlo Vittorio Amedeo delle Lanze (1758-1763)
Lodovico Calini (1766-1771)
Vacant (1771-1785)
Muzio Gallo (1785-1801)
Lodovico Flangini (1802-1804)
Ferdinando Maria Saluzzo (1804-1816)
Francisco Antonio Javier de Gardoqui Arriquíbar (1817-1820)
Johann Casimir von Häffelin (1822-1827)
Cesare Nembrini Pironi Gonzaga (1829-1837)
Angelo Mai (1838-1854)
Karl August von Reisach (1855-1861); in commendam (1861-1869)
Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano (1874-1884)
Carlo Laurenzi (1884-1893)
Andrea Ferrari (1894-1921)
Michael von Faulhaber (1921-1952)
James Francis McIntyre (1953-1979)
Godfried Danneels (1983-2019)
Eugenio Dal Corso, P.S.D.P. (2019-

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S. Andrea al Quirinale
Established by Pope John Paul II in 1998.

Adam Kozłowiecki, S.J. (1998-2007)
Odilo Pedro Scherer (2007-

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S. Andrea della Valle
Established by Pope John XXIII on March 12, 1960, by the apostolic constitution Quandoquidem.

Luigi Traglia (1960-1969)
Joseph Höffner (1969-1987)
Giovanni Canestri (1988-2015)
Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp. (2016-

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S. Andrea delle Fratte
Established by Pope John XXIII on March 12, 1960, by the apostolic constitution Cum Nobis.

Paolo Marella (1960-1972) (1)
Joseph Cordeiro (1973-1994)
Thomas Joseph Winning (1994-2001)
Ennio Antonelli (2003-

(1) He was created cardinal on December 14, 1959 and was assigned this title on March 31, 1960.

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Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio
This title was erected on June 8, 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846), when he suppressed the title of S. Eusebio.

Ambrogio Bianchi, O.S.B.Cam. (1839-1856)
Michele Viale Prelà (1856-1860)
Angelo Quaglia (1861-1872)
Henry Edward Manning (1875-1892)
Herbert Vaughn (1893-1903)
Alessandro Lualdi (1907-1927)
Jusztinián György Serédi, O.S.B. (1927-1945)
Bernard Griffin (1946-1956)
John Francis O'Hara, C.S.C. (1958-1960)
Carlos Humberto Quintero Parra (1961-1984)
Edmund Casimir Szoka (1988-2014)
Francesco Montenegro (2015-

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S. Angela Merici
Established in 2014 by Pope Francis (2013-). The church is located at Via di Sant'Angela Merici, 57, Rome.

Fernando Sebastián Aguilar, C.M.F. (2014-2019)
Sigitas Tamkevičius, S.J. (2019-

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S. Antonio da Padova in Via Merulana
Established by Pope John XXIII on March 12, 1960, by the apostolic constitution Inter cetera.

Peter Tatsuo Doi (1960-1970)
António Ribeiro (1973-1998)
Cláudio Hummes, O.F.M. (2001-2022)

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S. Antonio da Padova in Via Tuscolana
Established on February 11, 1973 by Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) by the apostolic constitution Purpuratis patribus.

Paulo Evaristo Arns, O.F.M. (1973-2016)
Jean Zerbo (2017-

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S. Antonio in Campo Marzio
Established by Pope John Paul II in 2001.

José da Cruz Policarpo (2001-2014)
Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente (2015-

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S. Apollinare
This title was established on July 6, 1517 by Pope Leo X (1513-1523) just after he greatly increased the number of cardinals in the consistory of July 1, 1517. It was suppressed by Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590) on April 13, 1587, by the apostolic constitution Religiosa, and reestablished as a deaconry on May 26, 1929, by the apostolic constitution Recenti conventione of Pope Pius XI (1922-1939).

Giovanni Battista Pallavicino (1517-1524)
Giovanni Domenico De Cupis (1524-1529)
Antonio Sanseverino, O.S.Io.Hieros. (1530-1534)
Agostino Spinola (1534-1537)
Giacomo Simonetta (1537-1539)
Gasparo Contarini (1539-1542)
Uberto Gambara (1542-1544)
Niccolò Ardinghelli (1545-1547)
Robert de Lénoncourt (1547-1555)
Charles I de Guise de Lorraine (1555-1574)
Title suppressed in 1587

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Ss. Aquila e Priscilla
Established by Pope John Paul II in 1994.

Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino (1994-2019)
Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez (2019-

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S. Atanasio
Established by Pope John XXIII on February 22, 1962, by the apostolic constitution Prorsus singularia.

Gabriel Acacius Coussa, O.S.B.A.M. (1962)
Josyf Slipyj (1965-1984)
Vacant (1984-2012)
Lucian Lucian Mureşan (2012-

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S. Atanasio a Via Tiburtina
Established by Pope John Paul II in 1991.

Alexandru Todea (1991-2002)
Gabriel Zubeir Wako (2003-

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S. Balbina
The title Tigridae is listed in the Roman Synod of March 1, 493. According to Kirsch, it is the title which appears under the name of S. Balbina, after the Synod of 595. Cristofori says that the title Tigride was suppressed by Pope S. Gregory I the Great (590-604) ca. 600 and replaced by the title of S. Sisto. According to the catalog of Pietro Mallio, composed during the pontificate of Alexander III (1159-1181), this title was attached to the Basilica of S. Paolo fuori le mura and its priests were to celebrate Mass there in turn. In March 2023, the church had to be closed due to serious deterioration of its structure.

Pietro (590-?)
Gregorio (745-before 761)
Gregorio (761-?)
Paolo (853-before 867)
Paolo (?) (867-before 872)
Benedetto (872-?)
Leone (963-?)
Guido (?-?), pseudocardinal of Antipope Clement III
Guido, O.S.B.(1099-ca. 1120)
Adoaldo (1120-ca. 1124)
Gregorio (1125-?)
Vacant (?-1294) (?) (1)
Simon d'Armentiéres, O.S.B.Clun. (1294-1297)
Eleazario da Sabran (1378-1379 or 1381)
Bandello Bandelli (1408-1416)
Guglielmo Carbone (1411-1418), pseudocardinal of Antipope John XXIII
John Kempe (1440-1452)
Vacant (1452-1467)
Amico Agnifili (1467-1469)
Vacant (1469-1473)
Giovanni Battista Cibo (1473-1474)
Girolamo Basso della Rovere (1477-1479)
Vacant (1479-1500)
Juan de Vera (1500-1507)
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, O.F.M.Obs. (1507-1517)
Adrien Gouffier de Boissy (1517-1520) (2)
Giovanni Piccolomini (1521-1524)
Vacant (1524-1535)
Girolamo Ghinucci (1535-1537)
Gasparo Contarini (1537-1539)
Pierpaolo Parisio (1540-1545)
Jacopo Sadoleto (1545)
Otto von Truchsess von Waldburg (1545-1550)
Pedro Pacheco de Villena (1550-1557)
Lorenzo Strozzi (1557-1571)
Gaspar Cervantes de Gaete (1572-1575)
Gaspar de Quiroga y Vela (1578-1594)
Pompeio Arrigoni (1597-1616)
Antonio Zapata y Cisneros (1616-1635)
Alfonso de la Cueva-Benavides y Mendoza-Carrillo (1635-1644)
Juan de Lugo y de Quiroga, S.J. (1644-1660)
Pascual de Aragón (1661-1677)
Lazzaro Pallavicino (1677-1680)
Vacant (1680-1687)
José Sáenz de Aguirre, O.S.B. (1687-1694)
Ferdinando d'Adda (1696-1714)
Antonfelice Zondadari (1715-1731)
Girolamo Grimaldi (1731-1733)
Thomas Philippe Wallrad d'Hénin-Liétard d'Alsace-Boussu de Chimay (1733-1752)
Vacant (1752-1760)
Girolamo Spinola (1760-1775)
Vacant (1775-1782)
Alessandro Mattei (1782-1786)
Antonio Felice Zondadari (1801-1823)
Ercole Dandini (1823-1840)
Silvestro Belli (1841-1844)
Giacomo Piccolomini (1846-1847)
Giuseppe Pecci (1850-1855)
Enrico Orfei (1858-1871)
Giuseppe Andrea Bizzarri (1875-1877)
Giacomo Cattani (1880-1887)
Amilcare Malagola (1893-1895)
Donato Maria Dell'Olio (1901-1902)
Vacant (1902-1916)
Auguste-Rene Dubourg (1916-1921)
Jean Verdier, P.S.S. (1929-1940)
Vacant (1940-1946)
Clément-Emile Roques (1946-1964)
Léon-Étienne Duval (1965-1996)
Péter Erdö (2003-2023)

(1) Cristofori lists Cardinal Tommaso da Capua among the occupants of this title and a Cardinal Tommaso del Vescovo da Capua as occupant of the title of S. Sabina from 1212 to 1243, but they are the same person.
(2) This is according to Eubel, Hierarchia Catholica, III, 60, which says that he died in 1520. Several other sources indicate that he died in 1523.

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S. Barbara
This title was established on December 4, 1551 by Pope Julius III (1550-1555) and suppressed in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590).

Giovanni Andrea Mercurio (1551-1553)
Vacant (1553-1570)
Pierdonato Cesi, seniore (1570) (1)
Gaspar de Zúñiga y Avellaneda (1570-1571)
Vacant (1571-1587)
Title suppressed in 1587

(1) Cristofori indicates that Cardinal Giulio Santori occupied this title in 1570 at the same time that Cardinal Cesi.

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S. Bartolomeo all'Isola
This title was established by Pope Leo X (1513-1521) on July 6, 1517 just after he greatly increased the number of cardinals in the consistory of July 1, 1517. The title was also known as S. Bartolomeo inter duos pontes because it is situated in a small island in the River Tiber, connected to the city by two bridges.

Egidio da Viterbo, O.E.S.A. (1517)
Domenico Giacobazzi (1517-1519)
Vacant (1519-1533)
Jean Le Veneur (1533-1543)
Jacques d'Annebaut (1547-1548)
Bartolomé de la Cueva y Toledo (1551-1555)
Fulvio Giulio della Corgna, O.S.Io.Hieros. (1555-1557)
Vacant (1557-1562)
Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle (1562-1568)
Diego Espinosa y Arévalo (1568)
Giulio Antonio Santorio (1570-1595)
Francesco Maria Tarugi, Orat. (1596-1602)
Filippo Spinelli (1604-1608)
Michelangelo Tonti (1608-1621)
Gabriel Trejo y Paniagua (1621-1630)
Agustín Spínola (1631-1649)
Vancant (1649-1654)
Ottavio Acquaviva, iuniore (1654-1658)
Vacant (1658-1670)
Francesco Nerli, seniore (1670)
Johann Eberhard Nidhard, S.J. (1672-1679)
Vacant (1679-1696)
Giovanni Giacomo Cavallerini (1696-1699)
Niccolò Radulovich (1700-1702)
Vacant (1702-1707)
Francesco Acquaviva d'Aragona (1707-1709)
Vacant (1709-1721)
Álvaro Cienfuegos Villazón, S.J. (1721-1739)
Vacant (1739-1782)
József Batthyány (1782-1799)
Vacant (1799-1803)
Pierfrancesco Galleffi (1803-1820)
Bonaventura Gazzola, O.F.M.Ref. (1824-1832)
Engelbert Sterckx (1838-1867)
Vacant (1867-1874)
János Simor (1874-1891)
Mario Mocenni (1893-1894)
Egidio Mauri, O.P. (1894-1895)
Johannes Haller (1896-1900)
Bartolomeo Bacilieri (1901-1923)
Enrico Gasparri (1925-1933)
Carlo Salotti (1935-1939)
Vacant (1939-1946)
Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian (1946-1970)
Aníbal Muñoz Duque (1973-1987)
Mario Revollo Bravo (1988-1995)
Francis Eugene George, O.M.I. (1998-2015)
Blase Joseph Cupich (2016-

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Beata Maria Vergine Addolorata a Piazza Buenos Aires
Established by Pope Paul VI on June 7, 1967, by the apostolic constitution Sunt hic Romae. It is the national church of Argentina.

Nicolás Fasolino (1967-1969)
Raúl Francisco Primatesta (1973-2006)
Estanislao Esteban Karlic (2007-

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Beata Vergine Maria del Monte Carmelo a Mostacciano
Established by Pope John Paul II in 1988.

John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung (1988-2002)
Anthony Olubunmi Okogie (2003-

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S. Bernardo alle Terme Diocleziane
This title was established on May 19, 1670 by Pope Clement X (1670-1676) when the title of S. Salvatore in Lauro was suppressed.

Giovanni Bona, O.Cist. (1670-1674)
Galeazzo Marescotti (1676-1681)
Vacant (1681-1690)
Giambattista Costaguti (1690-1691)
Urbano Sacchetti (1693-1704)
Lorenzo Casoni (1706-1715)
Francesco Barberini, iuniore (1715-1718)
Bernardo Maria Conti, O.S.B.Cas. (1721-1730)
Henri-Pons Thiard de Bissy (1730-1737)
Domenico Silvio Passionei (1738-1755); in commendam (1755-1761)
Ignazio Michele Crivelli (1761-1768)
Vacant (1768-1773)
Gennaro Antonio de Simone (1773-1780)
Giuseppe Maria Capece Zurlo, Theat. (1783-1801)
Carlo Oppizzoni (1804-1839)
Filippo De Angelis (1839-1867)
Vacant (1867-1875)
Victor-Auguste-Isidore Dechamps, C.SS.R. (1875-1883)
Francesco Battaglini (1885-1892)
Giuseppe Melchior Sarto (1893-1903)
Emidio Taliani (1903-1907)
Pietro Gasparri (1907-1915)
Giovanni Cagliero, S.D.B. (1915-1920)
Achille Locatelli (1923-1935)
Henri-Marie-Alfred Baudrillart, Orat. (1935-1942)
Klemens Augustine von Galen (1946)
Vacant (1946-1953)
Georges-Fançois-Xavier-Marie Grente (1953-1959)
Aloisius Joseph Muench (1959-1962)
Raúl Silva Henríquez, S.D.B. (1962-1999)
Varkey Vithayathil, C.SS.R. (2001-2011)
George Alencherry (2012-

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S. Biagio dell'Anello
Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590) established this title on April 13, 1587, by the apostolic constitution Religiosa. It was suppressed in 1616 by Pope Paul V (1605-1621) and transferred to the new church of S. Carlo ai Catinari.

Ippolito de' Rossi (1587-1591)
Guido Pepoli (1595-1596)
Fernando Niño de Guevara (1597-1599)
Bonvisio Bonvisi (1599-1603)
Girolamo Pamphilj (1604-1610)
Vacant (1610-1616)
Orazio Spinola (1616)
Ottavio Belmosto (1616)
Title suppressed in 1616

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See Ss. Giovanni e Paolo

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S. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio
Pope Francis (2013- established this title in 2018.

Joseph Coutts (2018-

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Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio
This title, also known as S. Alessio, was established in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590).

Giovanni Vincenzo Gonzaga (1587-1591)
Ottavio Paravicini (1592-1611)
Metello Bichi (1611-1619)
Roberto Ubaldini (1621-1629)
Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno (1631-1641)
Mario Theodoli (1643-1649)
Luigi Alessandro Omodei (1652-1676)
Vacant (1676-1681)
Federico Visconti (1681-1693)
Taddeo Luigi dal Verme (1696-1717)
Gilberto Borromeo (1717-1740)
Gaetano Stampa (1740-1742)
Vacant (1742-1753)
Antonio Andrea Galli, Can. Reg. Lat. (1753-1757)
Giuseppe Maria Castelli (1759-1780)
Paolo Francesco Antamori (1781-1795)
Vacant (1795-1801)
Giovanni Filippo Gallarati Scotti (1801-1814)
Emmanuele de Gregorio (1816-1829); in commendam (1829-1839)
Vacant (1839-1843)
Francesco di Paola Villadecani (1843-1861)
Alexis Billiet (1862-1873)
Johannes Baptiste Franzelin, S.J. (1876-1886)
Giuseppe D'Annibale (1889-1892)
Angelo Di Pietro (1893-1903)
Sebastián Herrero y Espinosa de los Monteros, Orat. (1903)
Joaquim Arcoverde Albuquerque Cavalcanti (1905-1930)
Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra (1933-1942)
Jaime de Barros Câmara (1946-1971)
Avelar Brandão Vilela (1973-1986)
Lucas Moreira Neves, O.P. (1988-1998); in commendam (1998-2002)
Eusébio Oscar Scheid, S.C.I. (2003-2021)
Paulo Cezar Costa (2022-

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