The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Cardinals patriarch of Venice from 1489 until 2003

15th Century 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th Century 21st Century
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History (Wikipedia)
In 1451, upon the death of Domenico Michel, patriarch of Grado, Pope Nicholas V suppressed the patriarchate and the bishopric of Castello, incorporating them both in the new patriarchate of Venice by the papal bull Regis aeterni of October 8, 1451. Thus Venice succeeded to the whole metropolitan jurisdiction of Grado's eccelsiastical province, including the sees of Dalmatia.
In 1466 the territory of the patriarchate was expanded by merging the suppressed diocese of Equilio (nowadays Jesolo).
The election of the patriarch belonged to the Senate of Venice, and this practice sometimes led to differences between the republic and the Holy See.

Sources: Niero, Antonio. I patriarchi di Venezia. Da Lorenzo Giustiniani ai nostri giorni. Venice : Studium Cattolico Veneziano, 1961. (Collana Storica, 3); Orsoni, Alessandro. Cronologia storica dei vescovi Olivolensi detti dapoi Castellani e sucessivi patriarchi di Venezia. Corredata di annotazioni illustranti l'ecclesiastico-civile veneta storia. Venezia : Tip. G.S. Felice, 1828; Orsoni, Alessandro. Serie cronologica dei cardinali Veneziani tratta dalle memorie inedite di Alessandro Orsoni, Venezia, Tipografia Picotti MDCCCXXXIII. A Spese degli Editori, Google Books; and General list of cardinals, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church.

15th century
Maffeo Gherardi, O.S.B.Cam. (1489)

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16th century
Lorenzo Priuli (1596)

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17th century
Francesco Vendramino (1615)
Federico Cornaro, iuniore (1626)

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18th century
Gianalberto Badoaro (1706)
Ludovico Flangini (1789)

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19th century
Jacopo Monico (1833)
Giuseppe Luigi Trevisanato (1863)
Domenico Agostini (1882)
Giuseppe Sarto (1893) (Pope Pius X)

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20th century
Aristide Cavallari (1907)
Pietro La Fontaine (1916)
Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, O.C.D. (1937)
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1953) (Pope John XXIII)
Giovanni Urbani (1958)
Albino Luciani (1973) (Pope John Paul I)
Marco Cé (1979)

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21st century
Angelo Scola (2003)

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