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After the death of Cardinal Furno, the number of cardinals is 216. The cardinal non-electors are now 99, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 68 by Pope John Paul II; 22 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 117; 29 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 57 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis.
Video, Rome Reports.
After the death of Cardinal Terrazas, the number of cardinals is 217. The cardinal electors are now 117; 29 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 57 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are 100, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 69 by Pope John Paul II; 22 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis.
Video, Rome Reports.
Entirely dedicated to the life and thought of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as a scholar and as pope, the structure is housed in the premises of the library of the Teutonic College. The cultural initiative, supported by the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI, is in collaboration with the Roman institute of the Society Gôrres. The collection contains more than a thousand titles, in thirty-six languages, donated mostly by the pope emeritus, by the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI and by the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI, from Regensburg. The online catalog of the library is already available on the portal Rômisches Institut der Gôrres-Gesellschaft.
After the death of Cardinal Korech, the number of cardinals is 218. The cardinal non-electors are now 100, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 69 by Pope John Paul II; 22 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 118; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 57 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis.
The cardinal electors are now 118; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 57 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are now 101, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 70 by Pope John Paul II; 22 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis.
The cardinal electors are now 119; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 58 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are now 100, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 70 by Pope John Paul II; 21 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports.
After the death of Cardinal Paskai, the number of cardinals is 219. The cardinal non-electors are now 99, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 70 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 120; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports.
After the death of Cardinal Baum, the number of cardinals is 220. The cardinal non-electors are now 100, of which 1 was created by Pope Paul VI; 71 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 120; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis.
After the death of Cardinal Biffi, the number of cardinals is 221. The cardinal non-electors are now 101, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 71 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 120; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis.
San Girolamo a Corviale
Cardinal Luis Héctor Villalba, archbishop emeritus of Tucumán, Argentina, in the evening of Saturday May 9, 2015, solemnly took possession of the title of San Girolamo a Corviale. On entering the Roman church of via dei Buonvisi, the Argentinian cardinal was welcomed by the pastor, Don Stefano Alberici, who presented him the crucifix for the kissing and veneration. Then, the cardinal presided over the mass, which was concelebrated, among others, by the parish pastor; the vice-pastor; the rector and vice-rector of the Argentinian church in Rome; and Latin American priests that reside in Rome. Among those present was the secretary of the Argentinian embassy before the Holy See, Matías José Piris. During the rite - directed by Monsignor Guillermo Javier Karcher, pontifical cerimoniere - the cardinal instituted two laymen from the parish as permanent acolytes.
Santo Spirito in Sassia
Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, in the morning of Sunday May 10, 2015, solemnly took possession of the diaconate of Santo Spirito in Sassia. In the church, located in via dei Penitenzieri, the cardinal was received by the rector, Monsignor Jozef Bart, who presented him with the crucifix for the kissing and veneration. Successively, the cardinal presided over the mass, which was concelebrated by three prelates - Archbishops Paul Richard Gallagher, his successor as secretary for the Relations with the States; Artur Roche, secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; and Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, adjunct secretary of the Apostolic Signature; as well as by thirty six priests. Among the concelebrant priests were the rector of the shrine church of the Divine Mercy; Archbishop-elect Paolo Rocco Gualtieri, apostolic nuncio in Madagascar, successor of Cardinal Mamberti in the titular see of Sagona; and Monsignors Antoine Camilleri, under-secretary for the Relations with the States; Fernando Chica Arellano, permanent observer before the organizations and organs of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and Giuseppe Laterza, Mauro Carlino and Robert Murphy, from the Secretariat of State. Among those present were Archbishop Frans Daneels, secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature; Doctor Patrizio Polisca, physician; and the minister counselor of the French Embassy before the Holy See, François-Xavier Marie Tilliette. The papal bull was read by Monsignor Francesco Camaldo, apostolic protonotary. The rite was directed by Monsignor Massimiliano Matteo Boiardi, pontifical cerimoniere, and animated by students from the Pontifical French Seminary.
San Timoteo
Cardinal Arlindo Gomes Furtado, bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde, in the morning of May 10, 2015, solemnly took possession of the title of San Timoteo. On the square in front of the Roman church of via Apelle, in Casalpalocco, the Capeverdian cardinal was received by the parish pastor, Don Angelo Compagnoni, who presented him the crucifix for the kissing and veneration. Successively, the cardinal presided the mass, which was concelebrated by Bishop Paolo Schiavon, auxiliary for the southern sector of Rome, and by numerous priests, among them the parish pastor, the parochial vicars and two Capeverdian priests who are studying in Rome. Among those present was the ambassador of Cape Verde before Italy, Manuel Amante da Rosa, and Maria Helena Semedo, vice-director generale of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The rite was animated by chants from the parochial choir and from the Tranoi Movement, of the Capeverdian community in Rome. Monsignor Vincenzo Peroni, pontifical cerimoniere, directed the rite.
San Gabriele dell'Addolorata
Cardinal Júlio Duarte Langa, bishop emeritus of Xai-Xai, Moçambique, in the morning of Sunday May 10, 2015, solemnly took possession of the title of San Gabriele dell'Addolorata. On the square in front of the Roman church of via Ponzio Cominio, al Tuscolano, the Moçambican cardinal was welcomed by the parish pastor, Don Antonio Lauri, who presented him the crucifix for the kissing and veneration. Successively, the cardinal presided over the mass, which was concelebrated by the pastor and the vicars; and by four prelates from Moçambique: the successor of the cardinal in Xai-Xai, Lúcio Andrice Muandula; the auxiliary of that see, Alberto Vera Aréjula; and the bishops of Inhambane, Adriano Langa; and of Pemba, Luiz Fernando Lisboa. During the rite - directed by Monsignor Guillermo Javier Karcher, pontifical cerimoniere - the cardinal confirmed four youngsters.
After the death of Cardinal Canestri, the number of cardinals is 222. The cardinal non-electors are now 102, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 72 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 120; 30 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports, 2015-04-30.
After the death of Cardinal George, the number of cardinals is 223. The cardinal electors are now 121; 31 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are now 102, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 72 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis.
The site, in French, added the following:
The funeral will be broadcast on television, in direct, by RDI/Radio-Canada. Father Alain Roy, priest of the archdiocese of Montréal, will provide the commentaries in French. Over 1400 persons will be in attendance besides the dignataries. Several hundred places will be available for the public. Admission will be at 12:30 p.m. A giant screen will broadcast the celebration outside the cathedral for those who did not find a place inside.
The apostolic nuncio to Canada, Luigi Bonazzi, as well as Cardinals Gérald-Cyprien Lacroix, of the Secular Institute Pius X, of Québec and Thomas Collins of Toronto, will be among the principal concelebrants as well as Paul-André Durocher, archbishop of Gatineau and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Canada, and Paul Lortie, bishop of Mont-Laurier and president of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Québec.
The auxiliary bishops of Montréal, Jude Saint-Antoine and Thomas Dowd, as well as thirty bishops from different dioceses of Québec and Canada will participate in the celebration besides more than two hundred and fifty priests and permanent deacons.
Five persons will testify to their relationship with Cardinal Turcotte and the profound deep values that animated him throughout his life:
" M. Pierre Turcotte, nephew of the Cardinal
" Sister Nicole Fournier, SGM, member of the National Order of Québec and former director general of Accueil Bonneau
" The Honorable Lucien Bouchard, former prime minister of Québec and friend of the Cardinal
" Monsignor Anthony Mancini, archbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, former vicar general of the archdiocese of Montréal
" Monsignor Jean Fortier, P.H., former vicar general of the archdiocese and friend of the Cardinal.
Numerous religious men and women will also participate as well as members of organizations of consecrated life and dozens of members of Catholic and civil groups with which Cardinal Turcotte worked during his pastoral life. Many dignitaries and personalities from the business and political sectors will attend the funeral as well as many friends and employees.
More than 500 places will be reserved for the public inside the cathedral and a giant screen (with sound) will be placed in the exterior of the cathedral to allow the largest number of people to take advantage of the atmosphere of the place.
The musical accompaniment will be provided by the polyphonic choir of Montréal, directed by M. Louis Lavigueur and the organist will be M. Olivier Godin.
After the funeral, the late cardinal will be buried in the crypt of the metropolitan cathedral of Montréal, where his predecessors are also buried.
After yhr death of Cardinal Tucci, the number of cardinals is 224. The cardinal electors are 122; 32 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are now 102, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 72 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports, 2015-04-15.
After the death of Cardinal Turcotte, the cardinal electors are 122; 32 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 59 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis. The cardinal non-electors are 103, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 73 by Pope John Paul II; 20 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports, 2015-04-08.
After the death of Cardinal Egan, the members of the College of Cardinals are 226. The cardinal non-electors are now 101, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 72 by Pope John Paul II; 19 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 8 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 125; 34 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 60 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 31 by Pope Francis.
After the death of Cardinal Becker, the members of the College of Cardinals are 207. The cardinal non-electors are now 97, of which 2 were created by Pope Paul VI; 73 by Pope John Paul II; 19 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 3 by Pope Francis. The cardinal electors are 110; 34 have been created by Pope John Paul II; 60 by Pope Benedict XVI; and 16 by Pope Francis. Video, Rome Reports, 2015-02-10.
Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals and for the Vote on some causes of Canonization.
On Saturday February 14, 2015, at 11 a.m., in the Vatican Basilica, Holy Father Francis will have an Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals, the imposition of the biretta, the consignment of the ring, and the assignment of the title or deaconry.
At the end of the rite, the pope will also hold an Ordinary Public Consistory for the Canonization of Blesseds:
- Giovanna Emilia de Villeneuve, Religious, Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres;
- Maria di Gesù Crucified (original name: Maria Baouardy), professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites;
- Maria Alfonsina Danil Ghattas, Religious, Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Rosary of Jerusalem.
The visits of courtesy to the new Cardinals will take place on Saturday February 14, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
On Sunday February 15, 2015, at 10 a.m., in the Vatican Basilica, the Holy Father will celebrate Holy Mass with all the Cardinals.
On Saturday February 14, 2015, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., will take place the visits of courtesy to the new Cardinals in the following places:
1. Cardinal Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente
2. Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, C.M.
3. Cardinal John Atcherley Dew
4. Cardinal Edoardo Menichelli
5. Cardinal Pierre Nguyễn Van Nhơn
6. Cardinal Alberto Suárez Inda
1. Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B.
2. Cardinal Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij
3. Cardinal Francesco Montenegro
4. Cardinal Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, S.D.B.
5. Cardinal Ricardo Blázquez Pérez
6. Cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, O.A.R.
7. Cardinal Arlindo Gomes Furtado
8. Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi
Royal Hall
1. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti
2. Cardinal Luigi De Magistris
Ducal Hall
1. Cardinal Karl-Joseph Rauber
2. Cardinal Luis Héctor Villalba
3. Cardinal Júlio Duarte Langa
To access the Paul VI Hall please use the entrance of Petriano, at the first Loggia of the Apostolic Palace, the Bronze Door.
During the visits, kindly follow the indicated itineraries.
[Note. Cardinal-designate José de Jesús Pimiento Rodríguez is not listed among the new cardinals receiving visits of courtesy. Possibly, he may not be attending the consistory because of his advanced age. He will be turning 96 on February 18 and traveling from his native Colombia to Rome may be hazardous to his well being.]
Video of the Angelus and the announcement of the new cardinals, Rome Reports, 2015-01-04.
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