About the author

Salvador Miranda was born in Havana, Cuba, on October 18, 1939. He completed his primary and secondary education at the Jesuit Colegio de Belén, in Havana, from 1948 to 1958; then, he studied for two years at the Law School of the University of Havana; and from 1963 to 1966, studied Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico. He holds a B.A. in History and Philosophy from Biscayne College (now St. Thomas University in Miami); an M.A. in Modern European History from Villanova University (1974); and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from Florida State University (1976). For ten years (1976-1986), the author was Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographer at the University of Florida Libraries in Gainesville. From 1986 until 2001, he was Assistant Director for Collection Management at Florida International University Libraries in Miami. On June 30, 2001, he retired after having worked as a librarian for a quarter of a century. Interested in the history of the College of Cardinals at a very young age, he has been doing research on the subject for many years. The title of his master's thesis in history was "The Sacred College of Cardinals in the Twentieth Century (1903-1973): Developments, Documents and Biographies".

He has produced another site on the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Cuba entitled Episcopologio de la Iglesia Católica en Cuba (1517-2015). This site is in Spanish.

Cool Archive

MLA Citation: Miranda, Salvador. "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church." The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Salvador Miranda, 16 Oct. 1998. Web. 1 Feb. 2016. https://cardinals.fiu.edu/cardinals.htm. A digital resource created and produced by Salvador Miranda, consisting of the biographical entries of the cardinals from 492 to 2015 and of the events and documents concerning the origin of the Roman cardinalate and its historical evolution.


©1998-2018 Salvador Miranda.