(13) 1. ESTAING, O.S.B., Pierre d' (1320s-1377)
Birth. 1320s, château d'Estaing, near Espalion, diocese of Rodez, France. Fourth of the nine children of Guillaume III d'Estaing and Esmengarde de Peyre. The other siblings were Raymond, Guillaume, Jean, Guy (or Guyon), Dieudonné (canon and bishop of Saint-Paul-trois-Châteaux), Richarde, Marguerite and Marquise (nun in Rodez). His last name is also listed as Stanno, Stagno and d'Estain. Relative of Pope Urban V.
Education. Entered the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) in the monastery of Sainte-Foy de Conques; professed in the monastery of Saint-Victor de Marseille on October 13, 1341. Obtained a doctorate in law.
Priesthood. Ordained (no further information found). Prior of the monastery of Saint-Geniés-d'Oit, diocese of Rodez. Professor of law at the University of Montpellier. Procurator and prior of the monastery of Sainte-Foy de Columbiers, diocese of Meaux, with dispensation of residence. Prior of the monastery of Canourgue, diocese of Mende.
Episcopate. Elected bishop of Saint-Flour, November 19, 1361. Consecrated (no information found). Founded the chapter of Notre-Dame de Villedieu. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Bourges, April 2, 1368.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of S. Maria in Trastevere in the consistory of June 7, 1370.; at the same time, he was named camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. Administrator of the see of Ferrara in 1372; and again in 1373. Opted for the order of cardinal bishops and the suburbicarian see of Ostia e Velletri, September 28, 1373. Did not participate in the conclave of 1370, which elected Pope Gregory XI, because he was in Italy. Legate in Italy, with residence in Bologna, from July 1371 until March 1374.
Death. November 18 (or 25), 1377, in the palace of S. Maria in Trastevere, Rome. Buried in the church of S. Maria in Trastevere, Rome.
Bibliography. Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, II, 224-225; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, II, col. 571-572; Du Chesne, François. Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois : de naissance, ou qui ont esté promeus au cardinalat par l'expresse recommandation de nos roys, pour les grands services qu'ils ont rendus a leur estat, et a leur couronne. Comprenant commairement leurs legations, ambassades & voyages par eux faits en divers pays & royaumes, vers les papes, empereurs, roys, potentats, republiques, communautex & universitez, pour affaires importantes à l'église universelle, & à l'auguste majesté de nos souuerains. Enrichie de leurs armes et de leurs portraits. Divisée en deux tomes, et justifiée par tiltres et chartres du thresor de sa majesté, arrests des parlemens de France, registres des Chambres des comptes; donations, fondations, epitaphes, testamens, manuscripts, ancients monumens, chroniques & chartulaires d'abbayes, & autres histoires publiques & particlieres. 2 vols. A Paris : Aux despens de l'autheur, & se vendent chez luy ..., 1660, I, 612-613; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIVè siè jusqu'au Grand Schisme". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1930. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1930, p. 158; Eubel, Conradus and Gulik, Guglielmus van. Hierarchia Catholica Medii Aevi. Volumen I (1198-1431). Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1913; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1960, pp. 21, 36, 44, 139 and 251.
Webgraphy. Biography by Pierre Jugie, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 43 (1993), Treccani; biographical entry, in French, estaingdouze.fr; his engraving and biography in Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois de naissance, ou qui ont esté promeus au cardinalat, by François Duchesne (1616-1693), 2 vols. Publisher : F. Duchesne (Paris), 1660, in French, I, 612-613; his genealogy and arms, in French, Armorial du Pays d'Oc par d'Agos, archive.org; his engraving and arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(14) 2. CORSINI, Pietro (ca. 1335-1405)
Birth. Ca. 1335, Florence. Of a noble family. Fifth child of Tommaso Corsini (di Duccio) and his second wife, Ghita degli Albizzi. Cousin of Andrea Corsini, future saint. He was called the Cardinal of Florence.
Education. Obtained a doctorate in canon aw.
Early life. Auditor of the Sacred Palace in Avignon. Vicar foraneus of Sainte-Marie de Montemignaio, diocese of Fiesole.
Episcopate. Elected bishop of Volterra, March 18, 1362. Consecrated (no information found). Legate in Germany. On his return, he was transferred to the see of Florence on September 1, 1363; occupied the see until his promotion to the cardinalate.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso in the consistory of June 7, 1370. Participated in the conclave of 1370, which elected Pope Gregory XI. Legate before the knights of Rhodes. Opted for the order of cardinal bishops and the suburbicarian see of Porto e Santa Rufina in 1374. He was charged with the reform of the discipline of all the religious communities of Italy. Participated in the conclave of April 1378, which elected Pope Urban VI. He was present, but did not vote, in the conclave of September 1378, which elected Antipope Clement VII. Arrived in Avignon on September 30, 1381, having joined the obedience of Antipope Clement VII; he settled in Avignon before May 1386. Archdeacon of York, 1383-1387. Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals in 1388. Participated in the conclave of 1394, which elected Antipope Benedict XIII. He wrote the lives of several popes, a book of homilies and an opuscle for the cessation of the schism; all his works have been lost.
Death. August 16, 1405, Avignon. Buried in the church of the Augustinians in Avignon; later, his remains were transferred to the cathedral of Florence, where his portrait and epitaph can still be seen (1); the inventory of his movable possessions is in the Vatican archives.
Bibliography. Cardella, Lorenzo. Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, II, 225-227; Chacón, Alfonso. Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque ad Vrbanvm VIII. Pont. Max. 2 volumes. Romae : Typis Vaticanis, 1677, II, col. 572-573; "Essai de liste générale des cardinaux. Les cardinaux du XIVè siècle jusqu'au Grand Schisme". Annuaire Pontifical Catholique 1930. Paris : Maison de la Bonne Presse, 1930, p. 158; Eubel, Conradus and Gulik, Guglielmus van. Hierarchia Catholica Medii Aevi. Volumen I (1198-1431). Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1913; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1960, pp. 21, 37, 43, 250 and 536.
Webgraphy. Biography by Jacques Chiffoleau, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 29 (1983), Treccani; his funeral monument, arms of the Corsini and biography, in Italian Wikipedia; his arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of his epitaph, taken from Chacón, Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalivm, II, col. 573:
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