The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Biographical Dictionary
Pope John XXIII (1958-1963)
Consistory of December 15, 1958 (I)


(1) 1. MONTINI, Giovanni Battista

Birth. September 26, 1897, Concesio, diocese of Brescia, Italy. Son of Giorgio Montini and Giuditta Alghisi. He was baptized in the parish church of S. Antonio in Concesio and received the names Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria. He had two brothers, Francesco, who became a physician, and Lodovico, who became a lawyer and politician.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Brescia; at the Seminary of Milan; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, Rome; and at the University of Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, May 29, 1920, Brescia, by Giacinto Gaggia, bishop of Brescia. Further studies, 1920-1923. Staff member of the nunciature in Poland, 1923. Staff member of the Secretariat of State, 1924-1937. National ecclesiastical assistant of the university section of the Italian Catholic Action, 1925-1933. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, October 19, 1925. Faculty member of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, 1931-1937. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, July 8, 1931. Substitute of the Secretariat of State and secretary of ciphering, December 16, 1937. Referendary prelate of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, September 24, 1936. Protonotary apostolic, May 10, 1938. Participated in the 38th International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, in May 25-29, 1938, together with Papal Legate Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, secretary of State. Pro-secretary of State for Ordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, November 29, 1952 until November 1, 1954. In the consistorial allocution of January 12, 1953, Pope Pius XII announced that his two most immediate collaborators (Monsignors Domenico Tardini and Giovanni Battista Montini) had declined the promotion to the cardinalate.

Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Milan, November 1, 1954. Consecrated, December 12, 1954, patriarchal Vatican basilica, Rome, by Cardinal Eugène Tisserant, bishop of Ostia and Porto e Santa Rufina, dean of Sacred College of Cardinals, assisted by Giacinto Tredici, bishop of Brescia, and by Domenico Bernareggi, titular bishop of Famagosta and vicar capitular of Milan. Pope Pius XII was going to consecrate him but could not do it because of ill health. His episcopal motto was In nomine Domini.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti, December 18, 1958. Attended the first session of the Second Vatican Council, 1962. Participated in conclave of 1963 and was elected pope.

Papacy. Elected, June 21, 1963; took name of Paul VI. Crowned, June 30, 1963, by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, protodeacon of S. Maria in Domnica. He continued the Second Vatican Council, which had been automatically suspended because of the death of Pope John XXIII. He issued the motu proprio Ad purpuratorum patrum on February 11, 1965, in which he stipulated that Eastern-rite patriarchs incorporated to the Sacred College of Cardinals would not belong to the clergy of Rome and consequently no title or deaconry should be assigned to them. On February 24, 1965, he issued the motu proprio Sacro Cardinalium Consilio, by which he established that the dean and sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals should be elected to their posts by and from among the cardinal bishops instead of succeeding by order of seniority as had been the practice for centuries and as was legally stipulated by canon 237, paragraph one, of the Code of Canon Law of 1917. This election by the cardinal bishops requires papal confirmation to be valid. By his motu proprio Ingravescentem aetatem, dated November 21, 1970, he decided that cardinals older than eighty years were deprived of their right to elect the pope and to participate in the conclave; and that cardinals heading dicasteries in the Roman Curia were asked to submit their resignation to the pope upon reaching 75 years of age and ceased as members of the same at 80. Finally, he promulgated the apostolic constitution Romano Pontifici eligendo, of October 1, 1975, issuing norms for the College of Cardinals during a vacancy of the Holy See and the election of the Pope. He created one hundred forty three cardinals in six consistories. He published six encyclicals: Ecclesiam Suam (August 6, 1964); Mense Maio (April 29, 1965); Mysterium fidei (September 3, 1965); Christi Matri (September 15, 1966); Populorum progressio (March 26, 1967); Sacerdotalis caelibatus (June 24, 1967); and Humanae vitae (July 25, 1968).

Death. August 6, 1978, at 9:40 p.m., of a massive myocardial infarction and complications from a pulmonary edema; Castelgandolfo, Italy, assisted by his secretaries, Fathers Pasquale Macchi and John Magee. He was buried on August 12, 1978 in the grotto of the patriarchal Vatican basilica.

Beatification. The diocesan process for cause of beatification and canonization opened May 11, 1993; it was closed March 18, 1999. The promulgation of the decree concerning his heroic virtues was authorized by Pope Benedict XVI on December 20, 2012, thus receiving the title of Venerable Servant of God. Pope Francis approved the promulgation of the decree for his beatification on May 9, 2014. The ceremony of beatification, presided by Pope Francis, took place at St. Peter's Square, the Vatican, on October 19, 2014 in the presence of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, cardinals, patriarchs, archbishops major, archbishops, bishops, priests and thousands of faithful. Pope Francis approved the promulgation of the decree for his canonization on March 6, 2018. On May 19, 2018, Pope Francis presided over the Ordinary Public Consistory for his canonization. On October 14, 2018, took place the ceremony of his canonization together with six other blesseds. On February 5, 2019, the Press Office of the Holy See published the Decree on the Inscription of the celebration of Saint Paul VI, Pope in the General Roman Calendar on May 29.

-Adornato, Giselda. Paolo VI. Il coraggio della modernità. Cinisello Balsamo : San Paolo, 2008;
-Barret, William. Shepherd of Mankind. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1964;
-Bernardelli Giorgio; Rosoli, Lorenzo. Paolo VI, destinazione mondo. I viaggi di papa Montini incontro ai popoli. Prefazione del Cardinale Luis A. G. Tagle. Bologna : Editrice missionaria italiana (EMI), 2014. (Vita di missione (Nuova serie));
-Caprioli, Adriano. Montini alla scuola di Agostino e Ambrogio. Chiamati alla santità. Prefazione del cardinale Angelo Scola. Brescia : Morcelliana, 2014;
-Cárcel Ortí, Vicente. Beato Pablo VI: papa del diálogo. Prólogo de Mons. Ricardo Blázquez, arzobispo de Valladolid y presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española. Madrid : Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2014;
-Casini, Tito. The last mass of Paul VI: an autumn night's dream. Chawleigh, Devon : Britons Pub. Co., 1971. Responsibility: translated by Scott McCallum;
-Cazzani, Eugenio. Vescovi e arcivescovi di Milano. Nuova ed./ a cura di Angelo Majo, 2. ed. Milano : Massimo : NED, 1996. Note: Originally published 1955, now enlarged and updated, p. 292-295;
-Clancy, John G. Apostle for our time. Pope Paul VI. New York : P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1963;
-Chiron, Yves. Paul VI, le pape écartelé. Paris : Perrin, 1993;
-Giovanni Battista Montini, Arcivescovo di Milano e il Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II : preparazione e primo periodo : colloquio internazionale di studio, Milano 23-24-25 settembre 1983. Brescia : Istituto Paolo VI ; Roma : Edizioni Studium Vita Nova, 1985. (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI ; 3). Note: Bibliografia sull'episcopato milanese del Card. G.B. Montini (1955-1963)": p. 424-432;
-González, J.L. & Péres, T. Paul VI. English Version by Edward L. Heston, C.S.C. Boston : St. Paul Editions, 1964;
-Hatch, Alden. Pope Paul VI. New York : Random House, 1966;
-Hebblethwaite, Peter. Paul VI : The first modern pope. New York/Mahwah : Paulist Press, 1993;
-Impagliazzo, Marco. La diocesi del Papa : la Chiesa di Roma e gli anni di Paolo VI (1963-1978). Milano : Guerini e Associati, 2006. (Contemporanea ; 17);
-Laboa, Juan María. Pablo VI, España y el Concilio Vaticano II. Madrid : Editorial PPC, 2017;
-Majo, Angelo. Storia della chiesa ambrosiana. 5 vols. 2nd ed. Milano : NED, 1983-1986, V, 35, 50, 55, 78, 89, 103, 105, 106, 109-129, 131-133, 136, 138, 140, 158, 160, 164 and 173;
-Montini, Giovanni Battista. L'ora della prova. Scritti antifascisti 1920-1939. A cura di Giselda Adornato. Milano : Edizioni Medusa, 2014. (Le porpore);
-Montini, Giorgio ; Montini, Giovanni Battista. Affetti familiari spiritualità e politica. Carteggio 1900-1942. A cura di Luciano Pazzaglia. Brescia ; Roma: Istituto Paolo VI; Edizioni Studium, 2009. (Quaderni dell'Istituto, 30);
-Paul VI et la modernité dans l'Église: Actes du colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome (Rome 2-4 juin 1983). Rome : École française de Rome, 1984. Contributing authors include Yves Congar, René Laurentin, Paul Cardinal Poupard, and many others;
-Paolo VI . Un ritratto spirituale. A cura di Claudio Stercali. Introduzione del card. Gianfranco Ravasi. Brescia-Roma : Istituto Paolo VI - Edizioni Studium, 2016. (Ist. Paolo VI Brescia. Pubblicazioni);
-Papa Paolo VI e l'Associazione Biblica italiana. Un magistero fecondo. A cura di Luca Mazzinghi. Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2014;
-Paolo VI, Gesù Cristo. A cura di Leonardo Sapienza, Monopoli : Edizioni Viverein, 2017; -Paul VI, Pope, 1897-1978. Cristo nell'uomo d'ggi : nella parola di Paolo VI. Verona : A. Mondadori, 1968. Responsibility: a cura di Virgilio Levi ; con un "Saggio bibliografico orientativo su Gesú Cristo" di P. Carlo Maria Martini ; e 32 disegni fuori testo di Lello Scorzelli;
-Paul VI et la modernité dans l'Église: Actes du colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome (Rome 2-4 juin 1983). Rome : École française de Rome, 1984. Contributing authors include Yves Congar, René Laurentin, Paul Cardinal Poupard, and many others;
-Sapienza, Leonardo. Paolo VI e le tre m: miseria, misericordia, Magnificat. Roma : Edizioni Viverein, 2016;
-Tornielli, Andrea. Paolo VI. L'audacia di un papa. Milano : Mondadori, 2009;
-Vaccaro, Luciano and Giselda Adornato. Montini. "Ha giunta un'ora nuova...". Introduction by Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi. Milan : Centro Ambrosiano, 2004;
-Versace, Eliana. Montini l'apertura a sinistra. Il falso mito del vescovo progressista. Milano : Guerini e Associati, 2007;
-Vian, Giovanni Maria. "Paolo VI.' Enciclopedia dei papi. 3 vols. Roma : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 2000, III, 657-674;
-Vian, Nello. Anni e opere di Paolo VI. Roma : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1978.

Webgraphy. Photograph, coat of arms and biography, in English, The Vatican; photographs, video and biography by The Most Rev. Edward Louis Heston, C.S.C., in English, Encyclopaedia Britannica; biography by Giovanni Maria Vian, in Italian, Enciclopedia dei papi, Treccani; his episcopal lineage by Charles N. Bransom, Jr., in English, Apostolic Succession & Episcopal Lineages in the Roman Catholic Church; his arms and photographs, Araldica Vaticana; Elezione Papa Paolo VI (1963), in Italian, YouTube, uploaded on Jul 5, 2009; Serie cronologica dei vescovi di Milano (III-XXI secolo), in Italian, archdiocese of Milan;

Visita alla radio Vaticana. Discorso di Paolo VI, Vatican News, Giovedì, 27 giugno 1963;
Allocuzione del Santo Padre Paolo VI, Ultima Sessione Pubblica del Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II, Martedì, 7 dicembre 1965;
Discorso di Paolo VI per l'Inaugurazione di tre nuovi trasmettitiori alla Radio Vaticana, Vatican News, Giovedì, 30 giugno 1966;
Arcivescovo Montini: La Grande Missione di Milano del 1956, in Italian, You Tube, Apr 2, 2008; Elezione Papa Paolo VI (1963), in Italian, You Tube;
Paul VI: The Pope of Suffering Humanity, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider, 06/9/2011; A Grande História - Papa Paulo VI, Rai, You Tube, uploaded on Nov 28, 2011;
Giovanni Paolo I presto beato La svolta? Un miracolo 'pugliese' by Antonino D'Anna, Martedì,, 3 luglio 2012 - 12:54:00; Juan Pablo I y Pablo VI podrman subir a los altares durante Año de la Fe, ACI Prensa, 10 Jul. 12 / 06:09 am; Montini, trovato il diario del suo viaggio in Africa, Chiesa, Avvenire, 4 agosto 2012; Carta a Pablo VI (falleció el 6 de agosto de 1978), por Jesñs de las Heras Muela, Ecclesia, posted 5 agosto, 2012 by Editor in Blog del director; A personal memoir of Pope Paul VI on anniversary of his death, Vatican Radio,, 2012-08-06; Conférence internationale sur le pape Paul VI et l'Afrique,, mardi, 07 août 2012;
L'omelia di mons. Beschi per i 35 anni dalla morte di Paolo VI by Francesco Beschi, bishop of Bergamo, in Italian, Avvenire, 6 agosto 2013; Paolo VI, «la dolce e confortante gioia di evangelizzare» by Marco Roncalli, in Italian, Avvenire, 6 agosto 2013; Paul VI's "miracle" receives medical approval, Vatican Insider, 13/12/2013; Paolo VI in Terra Santa: 50 anni fa l'inizio dei viaggi papali, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider, 29/12/2013;
"Credere": Paolo VI beato nel 2014, Vatican Insider, 24/04/2014; Cardinals approve miracle attributed to Paul VI by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider, 05/6/2014; Paolo VI, la mano tesa verso gli artisti by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, 7 maggio 2014; É ufficiale: Paolo VI beato il 19 ottobre, Vatican Insider, 10/05/2014; Presto beato: la biografia (illustrata) di Paolo VI, Avvenire, 10 maggio 2014; Paolo VI: una vita essenziale, un'attenzione ai più poveri by Ettore Malnati, Avvenire, 10 maggio 2014; IL discorso di Paolo VI alla Cei, 50 anni fa (14 aprile 1964), Avvenire, 19 maggio 2014; Paolo VI e il pane che rigenera uomo by Eliana Versace, Avvenire, 23 giugno 2014; Come parlare di Paolo VI. Nuova edizione per il libro in cui nel 2001 Montini venne ricordato dal suo segretario, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 luglio 2014; Verso la sera della Trasfigurazione. Gli ultimi giorni di Paolo VI nei ricordi di uno dei medici che lo hanno assistito, by Renato Buzzonetti, L'Osservatore Romano, 31 luglio 2014; Il messaggero di Kafka. Rilettura del discorso di Paolo VI all'Onu, by Vincenzo Bertolone, L'Osservatore Romano, 02 agosto 2014; Più di un'enciclica by Giovanni Maria Vian (g.m.v.), L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2014; L'ultimo dono di Paolo VI: l'Angelus che non potè pronunciare by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, 6 agosto 2014; Che sorpresa l'«Ecclesiam suam». Il 10 agosto 1964 veniva pubblicata la prima enciclica di Paolo VI by Pierangelo Sequeri, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 agosto 2014; Studio, amore e servizio: la luce di Montini by Gianfranco Ravasi, Avvenire, 16 ottobre 2014; Carta al Papa Pablo VI, escrita hace 35 años, y ahora en la víspera de su beatificación, by Jesús de las Heras Muela, Ecclesia Digital, 16 octubre, 2014; Beatificación del Papa Pablo VI porta un especial mensaje de vida para Colombia by Marta Jiménez, ACI/EWTN Noticias, Roma, 16 Oct. 14 / 10:02 pm; Pablo VI: Cuando de joven durmió una semana en la caseta de la leña by Renzo Allegri, Zenit, Ciudad del Vaticano, 17 de octubre de 2014; Paolo VI, il Papa dei lavoratori by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, 17 ottobre 2014; El Pontífice que enfureció a Franco by Juan G. Bedoya, El País, 19 oct 2014; Paolo VI e il fascismo, gli scritti di Montini, L'Avvenire, 31 ottobre 2014; Pope Paul VI: 1963-1978, by The Editors of America, November 17, 2014; Montini e l'Immacolata. «È la festa della bellezza» by Eliana Versace, Avvenire, 6 dicembre 2014; Un magnifico movimento. Lo scoutismo secondo Giovanni Battista Montini, L'Osservatore Romano, 11 dicembre 2014;
Cronaca di un malinteso. Montini e la Spagna by Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 febbraio 2015; Lettera ritrovata. Un testo inedito di Maritain a Montini by Piero Viotto, L'Osservatore Romano, 20 giugno 2015; La riscoperta di Paolo VI, Papa del mondo moderno by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, 6 agosto 2015; Beato Pablo VI - 26 de septiembre by Isabel Orellana Vilches,, Madrid, 26 de septiembre de 2015; Il mistero della luna. Giovanni Battista Montini nella storia del Novecento, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 settembre 2015; Dialogo a tutto campo. L'azione internazionale promossa da Paolo VI by Paul Richard Gallagher. L'Osservatore Romano, 08 ottobre 2015; Gli ultimi giorni del concilio by Giovanni Maria Vian, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 dicembre 2015; Gesto di giustizia e di perdono by Frans Bouwen, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 dicembre 2015;
Dentro e oltre la storia. Montini e le forme della testimonianza cristiana, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 gennaio 2016; Tenete gli occhi aperti. Il testo inedito del discorso che Paolo VI pronunciò il 3 marzo 1965 visitando all'Aventino l'istituto Pio IX, L'Osservatore Romano, 16 gennaio 2016; Tra la pace e la guerra, L'Osservatore Romano, 26 marzo 2016; Il volto interiore di Montini by Inos Biffi, L'Osservatore Romano, 02 luglio 2016; Una jeep per la missione. Montini e l'India by Eliana Versace, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2016; Cercare la vita di Dio. Il 6 agosto 1978 moriva a Castel Gandolfo Papa Montini by Marcello Semeraro, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 agosto 2016; L'invenzione di una poetica teologale. Nella ricerca spirituale di Giovanni Battista Montini by Pierangelo Sequeri, L'Osservatore Romano, 18 agosto 2016; Incarnazione mistica nel povero. Il discorso in parte inedito di Paolo VI durante l'ultima udienza a madre Teresa, L'Osservatore Romano, 20 agosto 2016; Pablo VI, cuyo legado sigue interpelando, bien merece un simposio - editorial Ecclesia, Ecclesia, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2016; Misericordia. Un inedito di Montini, L'Osservatore Romano, 23 settembre 2016; El “regreso” de Pablo VI a España en un simposio organizado por la CEE, Ecclesia Digital, 13 octubre, 2016; Notte di Natale a Firenze. Dopo la disastrosa alluvione del 4 novembre 1966, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 ottobre 2016;
Il valore del tempo. Nell’omelia del 1° gennaio 1961 per l’inizio dell’anno civile by Giovanni Battista Montini, L'Osservatore Romano, 02 gennaio 2017; L’eredità di Montini by Giovanni Maria Vian, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 gennaio 2017; Montini a Madrid, L'Osservatore Romano, 08 marzo 2017; Un testo realista e pieno di speranza. Nella Spagna di Franco by Antonio Pelayo, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 marzo 2017; La enciclica dimenticata by Gian Maria Vian, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 marzo 2017; Un urto dirompente. Cinquant’anni fa l’enciclica di Paolo VI sullo sviluppo dei popoli by Roberto Pertici, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 marzo 2017; La rivoluzione montiniana by Gianpaolo Romanato, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 marzo 2017; I ragazzi della Populorum progressio by Giacomo Scanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 marzo 2017; At 50, 'Populorum Progressio' takes on new life through Pope Francis by Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service, Mar. 24, 2017; Encyclical's influence on church's social action work continues by Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service, Mar. 24, 2017; Mai così attuale by Angelo Maffeis, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 marzo 2017; Conferencia Internacional por el 50° aniversario de la Populorum Progressio, Zenit, Roma, 30 marzo 2017; Una bussola per il mondo. Nell’anniversario dell’enciclica di Paolo VI sullo sviluppo dei popoli by Michele Dau, L'Osservatore Romano, 01 aprile 2017; Realizarán conferencia en el Vaticano por 50 años de la Populorum Progressio, ACI, Vatican, 01 Abr. 17 / 07:40 pm; Cristo ci è necessario. Una raccolta di testi di Paolo VI curata da Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 aprile 2017; Il Papa dei molti inizi. Il cinquantesimo della «Populorum progressio» by Ferdinando Citterio, L'Osservatore Romano, 19 aprile 2017; Quel filo rosso nell’enciclica by Martin Schlag, L'Osservatore Romano, 19 aprile 2017; ‘Populorum Progressio’ at 50: Is It Still Relevant? by Matthew Bunson, National Catholic Register, Apr. 25, 2017; L’anima di casa Montini. L’influenza di Giuditta Alghisi su Paolo VI by Antonio E. Rubio Plo, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 maggio 2017; Gloria a Dio e onore agli uomini. La diretta seguita da Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 19 luglio 2017; Unire ciò che è diviso. Mezzo secolo fa l’incontro tra Paolo VI e Atenagora al Phanar by Bartolomeo, Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 luglio 2017; Atenagora e l’ambasciatore. Il viaggio di Paolo VI in Turchia nel racconto di testimoni e giornalisti by Eliana Versace, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 luglio 2017; Il messaggio di Efeso by Federico Alessandrini, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 luglio 2017; Da Roma a Istanbul, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 luglio 2017; "Humanae Vitae". Gruppo di ricerca in vista 50mo Enciclica di Paolo VI, by Roberta Gisotti, L'Osservatore Romano, 2017-07-25; Why the drafting of 'Humanae Vitae' matters, 50 years later by Andrea Gagliarducci, The Boston Pilot, CNA/EWTN News, Vatican City, Aug 1, 2017; Nell'ombra della notte presente. Il 6 agosto 1978 moriva Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2017; La sua mano stringeva la mia by Chiara Montini Matricardi, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2017; Papa Francisco visita tumba del beato Pablo VI en el aniversario de su muerte by Álvaro de Juana, ACI, Vaticano, 07 Ago. 17 / 05:16 am; Los Papas que visitaron Colombia antes de Francisco by María Ximena Rondón, ACI, Bogotá, 14 Ago. 17 / 07:06 pm; Un día como hoy hace 49 años el Papa Pablo VI rezó esta bella oración en Colombia, ACI, Bogotá, 22 Ago. 17 / 04:31 pm; El cardenal Re: Pablo VI tenía preparadas dos cartas de renuncia, Zenit, Ciudad del Vaticano, 26 agosto 2017; ¿Sabías que el Papa Pablo VI escribió dos cartas de renuncia al pontificado?, ACI, Roma, 26 Ago. 17 / 02:07 pm; El beato Papa Pablo VI escribió a mano dos cartas de renuncia al pontificado, Revista Ecclesia, 27 agosto 2017; On popes and the problem with preemptive resignation by John L. Allen Jr., Crux, August 27, 2017; Un ospite speciale. Nel 1968 sull’aereo che portava Paolo VI a Bogotá viaggiò fratel Roger Schutz by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 settembre 2017; Humanae Vitae Comes Under Fire by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, Vatican City, Sep. 11, 2017; Theologian: Tampering With Humanae Vitae Could Cause Untold Damage by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, Sep. 12, 2017; Hoy es la fiesta del Beato Pablo VI, autor de la encíclica Humanae Vitae, ACI, 26 Sep. 17 / 12:01 am; Testamento ai romani. Il 16 ottobre 1977 Paolo VI celebrava l’ottantesimo compleanno by Marcello Semeraro, L'Osservatore Romano, 16 ottobre 2017; La Spagna il concilio e Paolo VI. In un libro di Juan María Laboa by Fernando Sebastián, Arcivescovo emerito di Pamplona e Tudela, L'Osservatore Romano, 25 ottobre 2017; Il Papa e le rane. Ricordo di Emilio Bonomelli by Gabriele Archetti, L'Osservatore Romano, 03 novembre 2017; Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the Conference “Paul VI, the Pope of modernity: justice among peoples and love for Italy”, Press Office of the Holy See, 8 november 2017; Montini il riformatore by Pietro Parolin, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 novembre 2017; El Papa llama a la “acción concreta” para el desarrollo integral del hombre. Congreso “Pablo VI, el Papa de la modernidad: justicia entre los pueblos y amor a Italia”, Zenit, 9 noviembre 2017; La sfida di Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 11 novembre 2017; Nuova credibilità. Montini, il concilio Vaticano II e la Spagna by José Lorenzo, L'Osservatore Romano, 23 novembre 2017; Paul VI, Prophet by Bishop Robert Barron, National Catholic Register, Nov. 29, 2017; What’s Changed Since Humanae Vitae? by George Weigel, First Things, 11.29.17; ¿Qué ha cambiado en el mundo desde que Pablo VI publicó la Humanae Vitae?, ACI Prensa, Roma, 30 Nov. 17 / 07:46 pm; Quella notte a Dacca by Raimondo Manzini, L'Osservatore Romano, 01 dicembre 2017; Paul VI could be canonized in 2018, diocesan newspaper says by Cindy Wooden, The Pilot, CNS, Vatican City, 12/22/2017 Tres años después del nacimiento de Amanda, Pablo VI podría ser canonizado by Anita Bourdin, Zenit, 28 diciembre 2017;
L’umanesimo integrale di Montini, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gennaio 2018; Al mondo la vera gioia by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gennaio 2018; Cristo maestro della felicità, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gennaio 2018; Una poetica dell’umano by Giacomo Sanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gennaio 2018; Riscoprire Humanæ Vitæ, non riscriverla by Costanza Miriano, Aleteia, Gen 23, 2018; Analysis: Questioning Humanae Vitae? The Vatican has already had its say by Andrea Gagliaducci, The Boston Pilot, CNA/EWTN News, Vatican City, Feb 3, 2018; Vatican congregation approves miracle, opening door to Paul VI's canonization by Hannah Brockhaus, The Boston Pilot, CNA/EWTN News, Vatican City, Feb 6, 2018; Paolo VI santo, i cardinali approvano il miracolo by Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, pubblicato il 06/02/2018, ultima modifica il 06/02/2018 alle ore 19:17; Quando il colloquio con il mondo divenne concreto. Paolo VI all’Onu by Joseph Joblin, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 febbraio 2018; Habla madre de la niña que habría recibido milagro por intercesión de Pablo VI by Álvaro de Juana, ACI Prensa, 9 de febrero de 2018, 2:06 pm; Blessed Paul VI and the Unborn Child by Joanna Bogle, National Catholic Register, Feb. 15, 2018; Pope Francis: Blessed Paul VI to Be Canonized This Year by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, Feb. 17, 2018; Montinis Neffe: „Paul VI. war privat extrem herzlich“ by Gudrun Sailer and Fabio Colagrande, Vatican News, Vatikanstadt, 20 Februar 2018, 12:34, with audio; Montini i giornalisti e i geroglifici. Recuperato un discorso di Paolo VI alla Stampa estera in Italia, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 febbraio 2018; Una simpatia antica by Marcello Semeraro, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 febbraio 2018; Inspiring pope: Francis often speaks of Paul VI's influence on him by Cindy Wooden, The Boston Pilot, CNS, 2/22/2018; A los 50 años de dos profecías by José-Román Flecha Andrés, Ecclesia Digital, 5 de marzo de 2018, in Diario de León, 10-3-2018; Blessed Paul VI to be canonized at close of synod, cardinal says by Cindy Wooden, The Boston Pilot, Rome, CNS, 3/6/2018; Pablo VI, el Papa que yo conocí, será santo by Salvador Aragonés, Aleteia, Mar 06, 2018; Storia minima. Paolo VI nella serie secolare dei diari tenuti dai cerimonieri pontifici by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 marzo 2018; Giovanni Battista Montini sarà proclamato santo, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 marzo 2018; Vatican: Paul VI, Oscar Romero Will Be Saints by Elise Harris, National Catholic Register, CNA/EWTN News, Mar. 7, 2018; Paul VI, le Pape du Concile Vatican II, Vatican News, 07 mars 2018, 19:22, video; Paulo VI proclamou Maria como “Mãe da Igreja” em 1964 by Rui Saraiva, Vatican News, Porto, 07 março 2018, 11:21, with audio; «Nostra figlia, Amanda, è nata sana grazie a Paolo VI», Avvenire, mercoledì 7 marzo 2018, video; Montini vescovo a Milano by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 10 marzo 2018; Paolo VI e Moro: l’appello del Papa per la liberazione dell’amico by Benedetta Capelli, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 16 marzo 2018, 09:00, with video and audio; La casa del Papa by Giovanni Maria Vian, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 marzo 2018; Kurienreform 1968: Paul VI. schaffte vor 50 Jahren den Hofstaat ab, Vatican News, 27 März 2018, 14:19, with audio; Pablo VI podría ser el santo protector de la vida por nacer, ACI Prensa, 3 de abril de 2018 6:38 pm; 50 anni fa a Memphis l’assassinio del reverendo Martin Luther King by Roberta Barbi, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 04 aprile 2018, 07:33, with audios; Un ragazzo come voi. Ai giovani bresciani il Papa parla di Montini, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 aprile 2018; Paul VI and the Liturgical Reform. He Approved It, But Didn't Like It Much by Sandro Magister, Settimo Cielo, 19 apr 2018; Así fue el encuentro entre el Beato Óscar Romero y el Papa Pablo VI, ACI Prensa, 5 de mayo de 2018 9:01 pm [Fotos]; Anche per il Papa cambiare non è facile. Paolo VI e la riforma liturgica, L'Osservatore Romano, 08 maggio 2018; I gesti di Pietro. Il pontificato di Paolo VI by Angelo Maffeis, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 maggio 2018; Cardeal Parolin sobre o Papa Paulo VI: "figura luminosa" e "atual", Vatican News, Cidade do Vaticano, 09 maio 2018, 20:20; Umile testimonianza e ulteriore prova di santità. Il commento del Papa allo scritto di Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 15 maggio 2018; La nostra missione evangelica verso il mondo, L'Osservatore Romano, 15 maggio 2018; Resignation letter prepared by Blessed Paul VI published by Cindy Wooden, The Boston Pilot, CNS, 5/16/2018; Montini tra Marcuse e Camus by Giacomo Scanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 giugno 2018; 50 anni fa il Messaggio di Paolo VI ai sacerdoti della Chiesa cattolica by Emanuela Campanile, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 30 giugno 2018, 17:10; Esta es la “historia secreta” de la Humanae Vitae de Pablo VI by Walter Sánchez Silva, 14 de julio de 2018 8:24 am; Paul VI, Prophet by Michael Warsaw, Nationa Catholic Register, Jul. 20, 2018; 50 Years Ago, Pope Paul VI Predicted #MeToo by Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, Jul. 25, 2018; With "Humanae Vitae" Paul VI Was Right. "L'Osservatore Romano" Lays Down the Law by Sandro Magister, Settimo Cielo, 27 lug 2018; Specchi di una missione. Attualità di «Ecclesiam suam» ed «Evangelii nuntiandi» by Pierre de Charentenay, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 luglio 2018; Paolo VI: la testimonianza del medico che ha seguito il miracolo della piccola Amanda by Massimo Gandolfini, Sevizio Informazione Reliogiosa, 28 luglio 2018; Contemplativi nell’azione. Una formula ignaziana tra Montini e Bergoglio by Marcello Semeraro, L'Osservatore Roman, 03 agosto 2018; Paolo VI: mons. Semeraro (Albano), “la canonizzazione ci conforta che Montini è nella luce”, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 4 agosto 2018 @ 19:30; Gli ultimi giorni di Paolo VI by Pasquale Macchi, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 agosto 2018; En el Ángelus, el Papa Francisco recuerda a Pablo VI como el Papa “de la modernidad”, ACI Prensa, 5 de agosto de 2018 5:33 am; Pablo VI, “el primer Papa moderno”, by Cardinal Fernando Sebastián, Ecclesia Digital, 6 de agosto de 2018; ‘Year of Three Popes’: Paul VI’s Death 40 Years Ago Heralded Whirlwind in Church by Matthew E. Bunson, National Catholic Register, Aug. 6, 2018; Paolo VI grande Papa della modernità, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 agosto 2018; Per una Chiesa amica dell’umanità by Fernando Sebastián Aguilar, Cardinale arcivescovo emerito di Pamplona y Tudela, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 agosto 2018; Paolo VI e l’attrazione per il monte della Trasfigurazione by Marcello Semeraro, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 6 agosto 2018; Gli ultimi difficili mesi del pontificato di Paolo VI by Fabio Zavattaro, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 6 agosto 2018; Pope Paul VI who died 40 years ago underscored the centrality of man, Vatican News, 06 August 2018, 15:12; Hace 40 años moría Pablo VI. Hoy entrevistamos a su postulador, Vatican News, Ciudad del Vaticano, 06 agosto 2018, 16:05; 7 cosas que quizás no sabías del Papa Pablo VI, ACI Prensa, 6 de agosto de 2018 11:28 am; Un día como hoy el Papa Pablo VI publicó su primera encíclica: Eclesiam suam, Ecclesia Digital, 6 de agosto de 2018; Il coraggio della denuncia. Quel filo tra Montini e Bergoglio by Pierre de Charentenay, L'Osservatore Romano, 08 agosto 2018; Pablo VI y el amor conyugal by José-Román Flecha Andrés, in Diario de León (11-8-2018), Ecclesia Digital; Il sogno e la favela. Cinquant’anni fa fratel Roger accompagnò Paolo vi nel pellegrinaggio apostolico a Bogotá by Fratel Alois, L'Osservatore Romano, 21 agosto 2018; Testamento del Papa Pablo VI: nueva lectura e interpelación en la víspera de su canonización, Ecclesia Digital, 21 de agosto de 2018; Jean Guitton, l’ami intime de Paul VI by Xavier Le Normand, Aleteia, 22 août 2018; Holy Mass and Canonization of seven Blesseds, among them Pope Paul VI, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; Radioakademie im September: Wer war Papst Paul VI.? by Johanna Mack,, 07 September 2018, 13:01; Famiglia piccola Chiesa. Dizionario montiniano by Giacomo Scanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 08 settembre 2018; Paul VI’s Solutions to the Clergy Crisis? Be Bold in Faith… by Ines Murzaku, National Catholic Register, Sep. 10, 2018; Blessed Paul VI: The Helmsman of the Vatican by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, Salt+Light, September 25, 2018; Giovani appassionati di autenticità. Dizionario montiniano by Giacomo Scanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 settembre 2018; Noi abbiamo bisogno di voi. Si apre a Concesio una mostra sul rapporto fra Paolo vi e gli artisti, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 settembre 2018; Pope Paul VI's Closing Messages of Vatican II, Salt+Light, September 30, 2018; Paolo VI. Un uomo, un Papa, un Santo, Vatican News, 02 ottobre 2018, 12:00; Paolo VI, il postulatore: “Era pronto a sostituirsi ad Aldo Moro per salvarlo” by Iacopo Scaramuzzi, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, 02/10/2018; Per Paolo VI santo un web doc sul sito del Vaticano by Iacopo Scaramuzzi, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, 02/10/2018; Paolo VI chiese a frère Roger: “Dimmi come comunicare la fede ai giovani” by Marco Roncalli, Vatican Insider, Brescia, 02/10/2018; Cinquemila pellegrini da Brescia e Concesio per Paolo VI,, 04 ottobre 2018, 08:00, with video; Paulo VI, sacerdote antes de tudo, Vatican News, Cidade do Vaticano, 05 outubro 2018, 11:11, with audio; Bergoglio e Montini by Juan José Omella, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 ottobre 2018; Mons. Delpini: la chiesa di Milano ricorda Paolo VI, Vatican News, 06 ottobre 2018, 08:00; Canonizzazione di Paolo VI. Montini il Papa santo che a Milano capì l'Italia by Lorenzo Rosoli, Avvenire, sabato 6 ottobre 2018; Paolo VI nelle foto di Pepi Merisio, Vatican News, 08 ottobre 2018, 08:00; Gigi Proietti a tu per tu con Paolo VI, Vatican News, 09 ottobre 2018, 08:00, with video; Paolo VI: i volumi “Santità” e “L’amicizia con Dio” ripercorrono pensiero e visione della vita cristiana di Papa Montini, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 9 ottobre 2018 @ 17:12; Paolo VI e la nascita del quotidiano Avvenire, Avvenire, mercoledì 10 ottobre 2018, with video; Paul VI, a prophetic pope by Russell Shaw, The Boston Pilot, Wednesday, October 10, 2018; San Paolo VI, il Papa del Concilio e di una Chiesa in dialogo con l’uomo by Toore Malnati, Trieste, 11/10/2018 alle ore 10:34; Paolo VI e mons. Romero: due vite donate alla Chiesa by Benedetta Capelli, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 11 ottobre 2018, 19:20; Pablo VI: Humildad, caridad y sufrimiento por la Iglesia y por el mundo by Rosa Die Alcolea, Zenit, octubre 11, 2018 19:58; Paolo VI e Romero, santi il Papa del dialogo e il vescovo dei poveri by Salvatore Cernuzio, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, 11/10/2018 alle ore 22:59; Pablo VI, santo y confesor de la fe by César Franco, bishop of Segovia, Ecclesia Digital, 11 de octubre de 2018; Paul VI, un témoin crédible de l’Évangile dans son temps by Philippe Chenaux, Aleteia, 11 octobre 2018; Paul VI : le pape qui a tenu la barre dans la tempête et qui a gardé la foi by Mgr Marc Aillet, Aleteia, 11 octobre 2018; Paul VI, un héritage toujours fécond pour l’Église d’aujourd’hui, by Olivier Bonnel, Vatican News, Cité du Vatican, 12 octobre 2018, 07:27, with audio; Celebrating one of history’s most refined, and recognizably human, popes by John L. Allen, Jr., Crux, Rome, Oct 12, 2018; Paolo VI protettore della vita nascente by Antonio Marrazzo, Postulatore, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 ottubre 2018; Per amore della Chiesa. Il prefetto della Congregazione delle cause dei santi presenta le figure dei nuovi canonizzati, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 ottubre 2018; L’appello di Paolo VI all’ONU contro la guerra, Vatican News, 12 ottobre 2018, 08:00; Paul VI, le pape du Credo et de la vie by Yves Chiron, Aleteia, 12 octobre 2018; Pablo VI y Franco, by Vicente Cárcel Ortí, Ecclesia Digital, 12 de octubre de 2018; Mère Teresa, celle qui parle le mieux de Paul VI by Isabelle Cousturié, Aleteia, 13 octobre 2018; The irreconcilable duality of Pope Paul VI by Arthur Jones, National Catholic Reporter, Oct 13, 2018; Pope Hamlet: Paul VI's indecisive, wavering papacy by Paul Collins, National Catholic Reporter, Oct 13, 2018; Alla vigilia della canonizzazione di Paolo VI by Giacomo Scanzi, L'Osservatore Romano, 13 ottubre 2018; Paul VI’s Canonization Presents an Opportunity by Matthew Bunson, National Catholic Register, Oct. 13, 2018; Paolo VI alla Messa di Natale con gli operai di Taranto, Vatican News, 13 ottobre 2018, 08:00, with video; Il desiderio di Paolo VI: tutta la Chiesa si faccia missionaria, Agenzia Fides, sabato, 13 ottobre 2018; Incontri. Montini, un faro per Romero by Roberto Morozzo Della Rocca, Avvenire, sabato 13 ottobre 2018; Così san Paolo VI diede disse sì alla moschea di Roma by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, 13/10/2018 alle ore 17:28; San Pablo VI, el hambre y la FAO by Fernando Chica, Ecclesia Digital, 13 de octubre de 2016; Intervista. Non è santo solo il Papa, ma tutto l'uomo Giovanni Battista Montini by Mimmo Muolo, Avvenire, sabato 13 ottobre 2018; Paolo VI, il Papa del Concilio, Vatican News, 14 ottobre 2018, 08:00, with video; Paul VI’s Canonization Presents an Opportunity by Matthew E. Bunson, National Catholic Register, Oct. 13, 2018; Sainting Romero and Paul VI, Francis says: no 'half measures' to holiness by Joshua J. McElwee and Heidi Schlumpf, National Catholic Reporter, Oct 14, 2018; Paolo VI. Semeraro: volle un quotidiano per dare voce ai cristiani, Avvenire, domenica 14 ottobre 2018; On Romero and Paul VI, and their surprising affinity for Opus Dei by John L. Allen Jr., Crux, Rome, Oct 14, 2018; Paolo VI, il Papa degli artisti, Vatican News, 15 ottobre 2018, 08:00; España: El primer templo dedicado a Pablo VI estará en Madrid, Zenit, octubre 15, 2018 16:33, with video; Lives of love: Pope Francis canonizes Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Romero by Father Thomas Reese, S.J. National Catholic Reporter, Vatican City, Oct 16, 2018; Sr. Petronilla: I am happy to have met Pope Saint Paul VI by Paul Samasumo, Vatican Nes, Vatican City, 15 October 2018, 13:36, with audio; Riprendere forza dalle origini. La visita di Paolo VI alle catacombe romane il 12 settembre 1965, L'Osservatore Romano, 20 ottobre 2018; Paul VI, le pape qui modifia le rapport de l’Église au monde by Benoît Pellistrandi, Aleteia, 20 octobre 2018; Católicos y científicos: san Pablo VI y la ciencia by por Alfonso V. Carrascosa Santiago, científico del CSIC, Ecclesia Digital, 23 de octubre de 2018; Cardinal Parolin: For Paul VI, 'Humanae vitae' had to be pastoral by Andrea Gagliarducci, The Boston Pilot, CNS, Vatican City, Oct 22, 2018; Identità contadina. Paolo VI e la Coldiretti by Nunzio Primavera, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 ottubre 2018; L’Humanae vitae a Pavia, L'Osservatore Romano, 26 ottobre 2018; Radicalismo evangelico. Montini, Voillaume e de Foucauld by Ezio Bolis, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 ottubre 2018; The Artist is Prophet and Poet, Vatican News, 07 November 2018, 16:11, with video; Dall’Ecclesiam suam all’Evangelii nuntiandi. Paolo VI e la missione, by Franco Giulio Brambilla, L'Osservatore Romano, 02 novembre 2018; Lo stile del dialogo. Paolo VI e la missione by Franco Giulio Brambilla, L'Osservatore Romano, 13 novembre 2018; Santità episcopale ordinaria. Alla Cei il cardinale Ouellet ricorda Paolo VI by Marc Ouellet, L'Osservatore Romano, 14 novembre 2018; Le persone e le pietre. Etica ed estetica in uno studio sulle chiese di Montini a Milano by Francesco Scoppola, L'Osservatore Romano, 15 novembre 2018; El Vaticano pone en circulación una moneda para celebrar la canonización de Pablo VI, ACI Prensa, 20 de noviembre de 2018, 12:52 p.m; Humanae vitae: Anelli (rettore), “Paolo VI fece la scelta coraggiosa di prendere posizione”, Servizio Informazione religiosa, 23 novembre 2018 @ 17:31; Il Papa della mia vicenda cristiana. Ritratto spirituale di Paolo VI by Enzo Bianchi, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 novembre 2018; Storia di un’amicizia. Don Gnocchi e Montini by Giulia Galeotti, L'Osservatore Romano, 03 dicembre 2018; 50º visita di Paolo VI a Taranto: il card. Pietro Parolin officerà le celebrazioni Servizio Informazione Religios, 8 dicembre 2018 @ 17:00; Papa Pablo VI. Evangelii nuntiandi: evangelizar un mundo en cambio, Ecclesia Digital, 10 de diciembre de 2018; L’armonia del dialogo. Paolo VI e la missione by Franco Giulio Brambilla, L'Osservatore Romano, 11 dicembre 2018; Nessuno resti senza lavoro. A Taranto l’appello del cardinale segretario di Stato a cinquant’anni dalla visita di Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 dicembre 2018; Il Natale di un Papa tra gli altiforni by Ettore Malnati, Vatican Insider, 27/12/2018 alle ore 11:02; Il Vangelo è libertà. Paolo VI e la missione by Franco Giulio Brambilla, L'Osservatore Romano, 29 dicembre 2018;
55 anni fa lo storico viaggio di San Paolo VI in Terra Santa by Michele Raviart, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 04 gennaio 2019, 08:00; La Chiesa è evangelizzazione. Paolo VI e la missione by Franco Giulio Brambilla, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gennaio 2019; Paolo VI e il primato dello Spirito Santo. In un libro di Salvatore Martinez by Gabriele Nicolò, L'Osservatore Romano, 26 gennaio 2019; Decreto della Congregazione del Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti sull’iscrizione della celebrazione di San Paolo VI, Papa, nel calendario Romano Generale, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, 06.02.2019; Commento dell’ Card. Robert Sarah, Prefetto della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, 06.02.2019; Decreto della Congregazione del Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti sull’iscrizione della celebrazione di San Paolo VI, Papa, nel calendario Romano Generale, Sala stampa della Santa Sede, 06.02.2019; La celebrazione di san Paolo VI nel Calendario romano generale, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 febbraio 2019; Il 2 marzo 1969 la visita di Nixon in Vaticano by Valeria Pendenza, L'Osservatore Romano, 01 marzo 2019; St. Paul VI’s ‘Missale Romanum’ Turns 50 by Joseph O’Brien, National Catholic Register, Apr. 3, 2019; Papa dalle mani tese. Il 29 maggio la memoria liturgica di san Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 maggio 2019; Paolo VI e la liturgia by Corrado Maggioni, L'Osservatore Romano, 29 maggio 2019; Riccardo Chailly omaggia san Paolo VI nella Missa Papae Pauli by Gabriella Ceraso, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 29 maggio 2019, 08:00, with audios; Il motore del progresso sociale. Paolo VI, la «Populorum progressio» e la Fao by Fernando Chica Arellano, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 giugno 2019; Presentado el nuevo libro sobre Pablo VI, la caridad y la FAO, Ecclesia Digital, 4 de junio de 2019; Corrispondenza asimmetrica. Presentazione dell’epistolario fra Paolo VI e La Pira, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 giugno 2019; 20 July 1969: Pope Paul VI sends blessings to first men on the moon by Veronica Scarisbrick and Linda Bordoni, Vatican News, 18 July 2019, 16:57, with audio; Il video di Paolo VI che guarda l'allunaggio, Vatican News, 20 luglio 2019, 09:30, with video; Ugandan Parliament moves motion honouring Pope Saint Paul VI, Vatican News, 26 July 2019, 14:19; Mite e rivoluzionario. Il 6 agosto del 1978 la morte di san Paolo VI by Andrea Monda, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 gosto 2019; I frutti dell’equità. La forza profetica della «Populorum progressio» by Fernando Chica Arellano, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2019; Diligente e fedele timoniere della riforma liturgica. Cinquant’anni fa Papa Montini approvava l’«Ordo baptismi parvulorum» by Enda Murphy, L'Oservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2019; Non si vive per l’economia anche se si deve vivere di economia. Giovanni Battista Montini e la bellezza del realismo cristiano, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2019; Paolo VI e l'Enciclica del dialogo by Emanuela Campanile, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 06 agosto 2019, 13:06, with audio; Un día como hoy el Papa Pablo VI publicó su primera encíclica: Eclesiam suam, Ecclesia Digital, 6 de gosto de 2019; A morte de Paulo VI, um verdadeiro cristão, gentil e revolucionário by Andrea Monda, Vatican News, Cidade do Vaticano, 06 agosto 2019, 11:02, with audio; Visto da vicino. Domenica su Tv2000 il documentario «Caro Montini» L'Osservatore Romano, 11 ottobre 2019; Incontro al mondo con le braccia spalancate. Un libro nel primo anniversario della canonizzazione di Paolo VI by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 11 ottubre 2019; Lercaro-Montini, le carte inedite sulle dimissioni nel nuovo libro di padre Sapienza by Marco Roncalli, Vatican Insider, Roma, 01 Novembre 2019; L’ultima tiara. 13 novembre 1964 il dono di Paolo VI by Ulrich Nersinger, L'Osservatore Romano, 16 novembre 2019; Il papa tanto amato da Bergoglio è anche il suo critico più severo by Sandro Magister, Settimo Cielo, 24 nov 2019; Un Concilio ancora attuale, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 dicembre 2019;
“Riprendere i contatti”. Quella profezia di Paolo VI sulla Chiesa in Cina by Gianni Valente, Vatican Insider, Roma, 06 Gennaio 2020 18:01; «Udienza importante, consultare padre Martini», L'Osservatore Romano, 25 gennaio 2020; El Papa Francisco recuerda a San Pablo VI y anima a ser evangelizadores alegres by Mercesdes de la Torre, ACI Prensa, 16 de abril de 2020 5:56 am; «Provo le vibrazioni del Magnificat» by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 maggio 2020; Essere prete per diventare santo by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 maggio 2920; San Pablo VI, 29 de mayo by Isabel Orellana Vilches, Zenit, mayo 28, 2020 09:00; Hoy celebramos a San Pablo VI, el Papa santo que defendió la vida y la familia, ACI Prensa, 29 de mayo de 2020 12:01 am; Fiesta de san Pablo VI, “el arzobispo de los pobres” by Larissa I. López, Zenit, mayo 29, 2020 14:46; Pablo VI, la renovación valiente y dolorosa by Juan María Laboa, Ecclesia Digital, 29 mayo, 2020; Le jour où Agatha Christie a fait plier Paul VI by Philippe Maxence, Aleteia, 12 juin 2020; ‘No Justice, No Peace’: Catholic Connections to a Powerful Slogan by David E. DeCosse, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, Jul 15, 2020; Bisogna sempre saper osare per la causa di Dio by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 agosto 2020; Il 6 agosto del 1978 moriva Paolo VI, il Papa che voleva osare per il Vangelo by Angela Ambrogetti, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 06 agosto, 2020 / 11:05 AM; Paolo VI, il Papa della Chiesa nel mondo contemporaneo by Francesco Bonini, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 6 agosto 2020; Grotte vaticane: Papa Francesco in preghiera oggi sulla tomba di s. Paolo VI, Il Sismografo, giovedì 6 agosto 2020; Un messaggio per ieri e per oggi. Il magistero sociale di Paolo VI durante la visita in Colombia by Fernando Chica Arellano, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 agosto 2020; Concesio: San Paolo VI diventa il nuovo patrono, festa il 29 maggio by Lilina Holia, Corriere della Sera, 17 settembre 2020 | 10:12; Porta Pia, “parve un crollo” ma il Papa ne uscì rafforzato, Vatican News, 19 settembre 2020, 14:02; L’amore di Paolo VI per la Chiesa by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 24 settembre 2020; When Paul VI proclaimed Teresa of Avila Doctor of the Church by Jean-François Lefebvre, La Croix International, Vatican City, September 28, 2020; Paolo VI. Mons. Sapienza: “Avrebbe voluto dedicare un’enciclica al dialogo” by Michela Nicolais, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 7 novembre 2020; Papa Francesco, il celibato e le carte segrete di Paolo VI nel libro di padre Sapienza, adnkronos, 14/11/2020 14:07; Preferirei dare la vita. Paolo VI e Papa Francesco di fronte alla questione del celibato sacerdotale by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 17 novembre 2020; A pochi centimetri dal cuore. Cinquant’anni fa l’attentato contro di Paolo VI appena atterrato a Manila, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 novembre 2020; Quando Paolo VI andò a Teheran by Giorgio Bernardelli, Mondo e Missione, 27 Nov 2020; Quel pugnale che si fermò a pochi centimetri dal cuore di Paolo VI, Vatican News, 27 novembre 2020, 07:00; Il 7 dicembre 1965 Papa Paolo VI e il patriarca Atenagoras di Constantinopli tolgono la mutua scomunica che era in vigore sin dal 1054, Il Sismografo, domenica 6 dicembre 2020; Testimonianza di una fede immutabile e di una tradizione ininterrotta. Il Messale Romano di san Paolo VI by Arthur Roche, Arcivescovo segretario della Congregazione per il culto divino e la disciplina dei Sacramenti, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 dicembre 2020; La Cappella privata di Paolo VI. Il libro «Arte e preghiera» di padre Leonardo Sapienza by Gabriele Nicolò, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 dicembre 2020; Montini e il “Natale in piazza” degli operai by Giselda Adornaton, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 dicembre 2020;
Paul VI 1st World Day of Peace - historic visit to children’s hospital, Vatican News, 02 January 2021, 12:40, with video; Coerenza tra parola e azione. I «Pensieri giovanili» di Giovanni Battista Montini by Francesca Romana de' Angelis, L'Osservatore Romano, 04 gennaio 2021; Quelle immagini di Paolo VI che prega per la pace all’ospedale Bambino Gesù by Giampaolo Mattei, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 gennaio 2021; Misericordia Antella. Dante: la corona d'oro di Papa VI per Dante Alighieri nel battistero di Firenze sconosciuta e dimenticata dalla città, met, 25/03/2021 9.24; San Paolo VI in ginocchio al Santo Sepolcro. 4 gennaio 1964, L'Osservatore Romano, 02 aprile 2021; Tra le stelle per trovare Dio. Montini e il volo di Gagarin by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 aprile 2021; I nuovi proletari e il dovere per il Papa di essere “avvocato dei poveri” by Andrea Tornielli, L'Osservatore Romano, 08 maggio 2021; Il mese del Rosario, San Paolo VI e la pietà popolare mariana dopo il Concilio by Angela Ambrogetti, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 10 maggio, 2021 / 6:00 PM; 50 anni fa la Octogesima adveniens by Stefano Ceccanti, Re-blog, 12 Maggio 2021; Quando Paolo VI delineò il vero progresso by Andrea Gagliarducci, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 14 maggio, 2021 / 11:00 AM; Hace medio siglo by José Román Flecha Andrés, Ecclesia Digital, 15 May 2021; Povero cuore di vescovo. In un libro il pensiero di Paolo VI sul ministero dei successori degli apostoli by Leonardo Sapienza, L'Osservatore Romano, 25 maggio 2021; Chiara Montini, nipote di Papa Paolo VI/ “Zio speciale, un anno ci regalò una pecora” by Alessandro Nidi, Il Sussidiario, 29.05.2021; Una scelta irreversibile. Il 10 giugno 1969 Paolo VI nella sede del Wcc a Ginevra by Riccardo Burigana, L'Osservatore Roma, 09 giugno 2021; «Osi!» disse Montini a Nervi by Gabriele Nicolò, L'Osservatore Romano, 22 giugno 2021; Paolo VI. Mons. Sapienza: “Ha amato tanto i vescovi, in particolare i vescovi italiani” by M. Michela Nicolais, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 24 Luglio 2021; Paolo VI e la Caritas, a cinquant’anni dalla costituzione by Ettore Malnati, Vatican Insider, 30 Luglio 2021; Paolo VI, morto 43 anni fa, "non prendeva come parametro il successo e l'approvazione, bensì la coscienza, che si misura sulla verità, sulla fede, Il Sismografo, lunedì 2 agosto 2021; Maestro e testimone di una nuova civiltà by Giovanni Battista Re, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 agosto 2021; Paolo VI, 43 anni dalla morte. Il giovane Montini si racconta / Testo Inedito by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, venerdì 6 agosto 2021; Paolo VI, la lezione del ‘papa amletico’: nessuna vendetta contro chi lo reputava scomodo by Francesco Antonio Grana, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 6 agosto 2021; São Paulo VI seguia o Apóstolo cujo nome assumira, Vatican News, 06 agosto 2021, 11:53, with audio; Con Lui sull’alto monte. Nella festa della Trasfigurazione il cardinale Semeraro ricorda Paolo vi a 43 anni dalla morte, L'Osservatore Romano, 07 agosto 2021; «La cosa più bella che un Papa abbia detto ai gesuiti», L'Osservatore Romano, 25 settembre 2021; Archbishop Welby wearing Paul VI’s pastoral ring, Vatican News, 06 October 2021, 13:13;
How John Paul II’s theology of the body unpacks and explains “Humanae Vitae” by Peter M.J. Stravinskas, The Catholic World Report, February 17, 2022; Nel 1958 quando l"URSS invase la Cechoslovacchia Papa Paulo VI, in partenza per la Colombia, pensò di cambiare destinazione e andare a Praga, Il Sismografo, lunedì 28 febbraio 2022; Paolo VI e la cultura con l’anima. Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza al Ghislieri di Pavia, L'Osservatore Romano, 11 marzo 2022; Never Again, Again by Susan Bigelow Reynolds, La Croix International, April 9, 2022; Paolo VI: mons. Sapienza, in un volume il suo rapporto con il Seminario by M. Michela Nicolais, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 20 Aprile 2022; Il maestro by Monica Mondo, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 maggio 2022; Editoria. Montini "patrono" dei correttori di bozze by Ilario Bertoletti, Avvenire, martedì 19 luglio 2022; Per non perdere la memoria del concilio Vaticano II. Messa del cardinale Semeraro nell’anniversario della morte di Paolo VI, L'Osservatore Romano, 06 agosto 2022; Gli ultimi giorni e le ultime ore di vita di Papa Paolo VI by Antonio Tarallo, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 06 agosto, 2022 / 2:00 PM; 44 anni fa la morte improvvisa di Papa s. Paolo VI, Il Sismografo, sabato 6 agosto 2022; 44 anni fa la morte. Montini e il bene della povertà, un testo inedito by Marco Roncalli, Avvenire, sabato 6 agosto 2022; 4 profecías de San Pablo VI sobre los anticonceptivos que ya se han cumplido by Walter Sánchez Silva, ACI Prensa, 9 de agosto de 2022 - 6:23 PM; Vatican’s Academy for Life sparks debate over infallibility of ‘Humanae Vitae’ by Elise Ann Allen, Crux, Rome, Aug 10, 2022, with audio; Vatikan: Vor 50 Jahren wurde das Amt des Subdiakons abgeschafft, Vatican News, 12 August 2022, 12:44; L’encyclique Humanae vitae sera-t-elle «réformée»?,, 15.08.2022; "Ministeria quaedam" di San Paolo VI compie 50 anni. La "proposta" del Papa by Veronica Giacometti, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 24 agosto, 2022 / 1:00 AM; Giovanni Battisti Montini giornalista e pioniere dell’informazione by Antonio Tarallo, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 26 settembre, 2022 / 9:00 AM; Papa Paulo VI e a alegria by Jackson Erpen, Vatican News, Cidade do Vaticano, 14 novembro 2022, 08:04, with audio; «Quel male che chiamiamo il Demonio». Il discorso di Paolo VI del 15 novembre 1972 by Giselda Adornato, L'Osservatore Romano, 15 novembre 2022; Las cartas de renuncia que firmó un Papa santo del siglo XX by Walter Sánchez Silva, ACI Prensa, 26 de diciembre de 2022 - 5:59 PM;
Gli ordini nel libro dell'arcivescovo Pagano. Il futuro Paolo VI e la grande scuola di Papa Pio XII by Angelo Scelzo, Il Mattino, I Sismografo, lunedì 23 gennaio 2023; Fedeltà a Pio XII prima di tutto by Jean-Dominique Durand, L'Osservatore Romano, 23 febbraio 2023; Paolo VI, due nuovi volumi rivelano tratti poco noti della sua personalità by Tiziana Campisi, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 25 febbraio 2023, 10:20; Scuola di educazione a fede e impegno civile by Angelo Vincenzo Zani, L'Osservatore Romano, 25 febbraio 2023; I carteggi di Montini raccontano la sua vita rivolta «in alto» by Giovanni Maria Vian, Domani, 15 aprile 2023 • 19:58; Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del Conferimento del Premio Internazionale Paolo VI 2023, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, 19.04.2023; Azione politica e servizio al bene comune. Papa Francesco consegnerà il Premio internazionale Paolo vi al presidente della Repubblica italiana Sergio Mattarella, L'Osservatore Romano, 19 aprile 2023; Pope Paul VI was right about The Pill – now everyone else is finally catching up by Laura Perrins, Catholic Herald, April 20, 2023 at 9:43 am.


(2) 2. URBANI, Giovanni

Birth. March 26, 1900, parish of S. Pantaleone, Venice, Italy. Son of Angelo Urbani, commercial broker, and Elisabetta Borghi, hosier. He had six younger sisters; four of whom were Alba, Giuseppina, Luigina and Teresina (the names of the two youngest sisters have not been found). He was baptized on the following April 8 in that church by Father Pietro Ferrei, with the names Giovanni Emilio Maria. Received the sacrament of confirmation on August 16, 1906, in the parish of S. Pantaleone, from Aristide Cavallari, patriarch of Venice; his godfather was Luigi Piasentini, a friend of the family.

Education. Initial studies in the elementary school "Sant'Agnese", of the Institute of Fathers Cavani (a Venetian congregation dedicated to the eduction of the youth); he received first communion on June 21, 1910; entered the Patriarchal Seminary at Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, on October 16, 1913; in the First World War, he was a corporal in the military district of Cornegliano, March to October 20, 1918; received the ecclesiastical habits in the seminary, October 31, 1918; received the ecclsiastical tonsure the following December 20; received the first two minor orders, porter and lector, December 18, 1920; and the other two, exorcist and acolyte on December 17, 1921; on April 1, 1922, he was ordained subdeacon, taking the vow of celibacy for life; ordained a deacon on June 10, 1922.

Priesthood. Ordained, September 24, 1922, basilica of Ss. Maria e Donato di Murano, Venice, by Cardinal Pietro La Fontaine, patriarch of Venice. Cooperator at the parish of Ss. Maria e Donate di Murano, 1922-1927; for nine months in 1924, he was chaplain at isola di Sant'Erasmo. Further studies, in canon law at the Juridical Faculty, Venice, 1925-1926. Pastoral ministry in the Catholic Action from 1926. Faculty member of the patriarchal seminary, 1927-1945; he taught biblical science and pastoral theology. Taught religion in private and public institutions from 1926. Named ecclesiastical notary, July 15, 1926. Rector of the parish of S. Samuele, October 31, 1927. Prosynodal judge, April 20, 1936. Vice-president of the diocesan junta of Catholic Action, November 7, 1936. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, November 12, 1936; reappointed, June 8, 1939. President, as patriarchal delegate, of the diocesan office for the direction of the Catholic Action, September 29, 1939. Promotor of justice in the regional tribunal for matrimonial causes, October 28, 1940. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, June 5, 1943. Patriarchal chancellor, June 22, 1943. Promotor of the faith in the beatification process of Pope Pius X, February 28, 1944. On January 1, 1945, Pope Pius XII named him secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the Study of the Statutes of the Italian Catholic Action and of the Commission for Coordinating Catholic Works. Member of the commission for the rebuilding and repair of the ecclesiastical buildings damaged during the Second World War, 1945. Member of the committee for the erection of the diocesan house of spiritual exercises, March 19, 1945. Secretary and national counselor of the Central Commission of the Italian Catholic Action, 1946-1955.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Assume, October 26, 1946. Consecrated, December 8, 1946, patriarchal cathedral basilica of S. Marco, Venice, by Cardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, O.C.D., patriarch of Venice, assisted by Giovanni Jeremich, titular bishop of Berissa, auxiliary of Venice, and by Carlo Zinato, bishop of Vicenza. His episcopal motto was In misericordia tua. Promoted to titular archbishop of Sardi, November 27, 1948. Transferred to the see of Verona, with the title of archbishop ad personam, April 14, 1955. Promoted to the patriarchate of Venice, November 11, 1958.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Prisca, December 18, 1958. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Opted for the title of S. Marco, March 19, 1962. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, 1966-1969. Attended the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967. He suffered from coronary artery disease in his later years.

Death. September 17, 1969, of a heart attack, at 2:30 p.m., assisted by his ninety-one year old mother, in Venice; his last words before his death were “Muoio donando la mia vita al Papa”. Buried in the patriarchal cathedral basilica of S. Marco, Venice (1).

Bibliography. Battelli, Giuseppe. Giovanni Urbani patriarca di Venezia. Venezia : Studium Cattolico veneziano, 2003. (Figure della Chiesa di Venezia); Niero, Antonio. I patriarchi di Venezia. Da Lorenzo Giustiniani ai nostri giorni. Venice : Studium Cattolico Veneziano, 1961. (Collana Storica, 3), pp. 229-231.

Webgraphy. Biography by Giovanni Tonolo, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 97 (2020), Treccani; His portrait and arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici:



(3) 3. GIOBBE, Paolo

Birth. January 10, 1880, Rome, Italy.

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Roman Seminary, where he obtained doctorates in theology and canon law.

Priesthood. Ordained, December 4, 1904, Rome. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome, 1904-1909. Pontifical ceremonery supernumerary, May 3, 1909. From 1909 to 1918, censor of the Roman Liturgical Academy; minutant in the S.C. of Propaganda Fide; assistant at the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum "De Propaganda Fide," 1909-1918. Pontifical ablegato for the imposition of the red biretta to new Cardinal Enrique Almaraz y Santos, archbishop of Sevilla, 1911. Ceremonery at the International Eucharistic Congess, Lourdes, France, 1914. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, November 6, 1917. Rector of the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum "De Propaganda Fide," Rome, 1918-1925.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Tolemaide di Tebaide, March 30, 1925. Consecrated, April 26, 1925, chapel of the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum "De Propaganda Fide," Rome, by Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, secretary of State, assisted by Tito Trocchi, titular archbishop of Lacedaemonia, and by Alessandro Fontana, bishop of Ferentino. His episcopal motto was Haerere Christo. Appointed nuncio to Colombia, June 16, 1925. Internuncio, with title of nuncio ad personam, to Holland, August 12, 1935.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Maria in Vallicella, December 18, 1958. Papal Datary, November 14, 1959 until January 1, 1968, when the office was suppressed. Cardinal patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta, August 8, 1961. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Lost his right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years, January 1, 1971.

Death. August 14, 1972, Rome. Buried in the chapel of the S.C. for the Evangelization of the Peoples, Campo Verano cemetery, Rome. At his death, he was the oldest member of the Sacred College of Cardinals.

Bibliography. Restrepo Posada, José. "Galería de representantes de la Santa Sede en Colombia." Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Historia Eclesiástica, V (January-June, 1970), 240.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.


(4) 4. FIETTA, Giuseppe

Birth. November 6, 1883, Ivrea, Italy.

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, November 4, 1906, Ivrea, by Matteo Angelo Filipello, bishop of Ivrea. A year later he was named secretary to Ernesto Maria Piovella, O.SS.C.A., bishop of Alghero. Secretary to the bishop of Alghero, Oristano, and Cagliari, 1907-1923. Rector of the Seminary of Alghero and canon of its cathedral chapter, 1923-1924. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, May 9, 1920. Secretary of the nunciature in Costa Rica, 1924; chargé d'affaires, 1925. Internuncio to Central America, February to March, 1926.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Sardica, March 30, 1926. Consecrated, October 10, 1926, basilica of Sacro Cuore a Castro Pretorio, Rome, by Cardinal Giovanni Bonzano, assisted by Ernesto Maria Piovella, archbishop of Cagliari, and by Augustin Blessing, Laz., titular bishop of Tegea, vicar apostolic of Limón, Costa Rica. His episcopal motto was Fiat pax in virtute tua. Nuncio to Central America, July 8, 1926. Nuncio to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, October 18, 1930. Nuncio to Argentina, August 8, 1936. Nuncio to Italy, January 26, 1953.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received his red biretta from Giovanni Gronchi, President of Italy, at the Quirinal Palace in Rome; received the red hat and the title of S. Paolo Apostolo alla Regola, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, March 12, 1959.

Death. October 1, 1960, at his residence in Ivrea. Buried in the cathedral of Ivrea.

Webgraphy. Biography, in English, Wikipedia; his arms, Araldica Vaticana.


(5) 5. CENTO, Fernando

Birth. August 10, 1883, Pollenza, diocese of Macerata, Italy. His parents were Evaristo Cento and his second wife, Ermelinda Andreani. He had a half-sister, Rosa, and a brother, Vincenzo.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Macerata from 1893 to 1905 (philosophy and theology); at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (canon law); at La Sapienza Royal University, Rome, where he obtained a doctorate in letters (dissertation: "Il pensiero educativo di Dante"). Received the tonsure and the first two minor orders on March 19, 1904, in the church Corpus Domini, Macerata, from Raniero Sarnari, bishop of Macerata; the other two minor orders on April 8, 1905, in the cathedral of Tolentino, from the same bishop; the subdiaconate on September 23, 1905, in the cathedral of Fermo; the diaconate on December 17, 1905 in the basilica of the Madonna della Misericordia.

Priesthood. Ordained, Saturday December 23, 1905, Macerata; he had to obtain a dispensation for not having yet reached the canonical age of 23 years required to be ordained a priest. Further studies in Rome. Professor of literature at the Seminary of Macerata; and of philosophy at the State Institute of Macerata, 1906-1916; demonstrated excellent qualities as a preacher in several Italian dioceses. Called to the military service during the First World War, was attached to the Service of Health at the military hospital of Ancona, 1915-1917. Founder and first director of the weekly Il Cittadino, diocesan paper. Secretary to the papal majordome, Giovanni Tacci, titular archbishop of Nicea, 1917-1918. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, November 15, 1917. Canon of the cathedral chapter of Macerata and pastor of the cathedral, 1919-1922.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Acireale, July 22, 1922. Consecrated, September 3, 1922, cathedral of Macerata, by Cardinal Giovanni Tacci, secretary of the S.C. for the Oriental Church, assisted by Domenico Pasi, bishop of Macerata-Tolentino, and by Placido Ferniani, bishop of Ruvo e Bitonto. Promoted to titular archbishop of Seleucia Pieria, June 24, 1926. Appointed nuncio to Venezuela, June 28, 1926. Nuncio to Perú, July 26, 1936; he was charged with the affairs of the church in Ecuador, which had no had diplomatic relations with the Holy See for nearly forty years. Named nuncio to Ecuador, July 25, 1937, after having successfully negotiated the modus vivendi with the Ecuadorian government, which established the diplomatic relations between both states (1). Papal legate to the Second National Eucharistic Congress, La Paz, Bolivia, April 16, 1939. Envoy in a special mission to Venezuela, 1939. Extraordinary ambassador to the inauguration of President Manuel Prado y Ugarteche of Perú, December 8, 1939. Papal legate to the Second National Eucharistic Congress, Arequipa, Perú, September 21, 1940. Extraordinary ambassador to the inauguration of Juan Antonio Ríos Morales of Chile, April 2, 1942. Extraordinary ambassador to the inauguration of President José Luis Bustamante y Rivero of Perú, July 28, 1945. Extraordinary ambassador to the inauguration of President Marshal Gaspar Dutra of Brazil, January 31, 1946. Nuncio to Belgium and Luxemburg, March 9, 1946. Extraordinary papal envoy to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, June 2, 1953. Nuncio to Portugal, October 26, 1953.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Eustachio, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, March 12, 1959. Papal legate to the National Eucharistic Congress, Córdoba, Argentina, October 20, 1959. Grand penitentiary, February 12, 1962. Papal legate to the Fourth Centennial Celebration of Theresian Reforms, Ávila, Spain, July 16, 1962. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Cardinal bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Velletri, April 23, 1965. Papal legate to consign the Golden Rose to the Shrine of Fátima, Portugal, May 13, 1965. Resigned his post of grand penitentiary, April 6, 1967. Lost the right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years, January 1, 1971. He founded "Casa di Riposo di Pollenza", 1972.

Death. January 13, 1973, at 4 a.m., Rome. On that same day, Pope Paul VI visited the chapel where the body of the cardinal was exposed. The funeral mass, celebrated by Luigi Punzolo, titular archbishop of Sebastea, apostolic administrator of Velletri, took place in the patriarchal Vatican basilica on January 16, 1973, at 10:30 a.m. Cardinal Luigi Traglia represented the pope in the final commendation. A large number of cardinals, archbishops and bishops of the Roman Curia, as well as from Macerata, Pollenza and Acireale, attended the funeral. A funeral Mass in the cathedral of Macerata was presided by Bishop Ersilio Tonini, bishop of Macerata, and concelebrated by 100 priests and numerous bishops. The funeral in Pollenza was a demonstration of the esteem of its population for the late cardinal. His mortal remains were buried in the parish church of S. Antonio, Pollenza, where he had celebrated his first Mass.

Bibliography. Bogliolo, Luigi ; Casolini, Fausta. Il Cardinale Cento, 1883-1973. Dal focolare domestico alla porpora. Roma : Città Nuova Editrice, 1983.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) The nuncio was asked to visit Ecuador on his way to enter his nunciature in Perú. The Ecuadoran government had placed as an absolute condition that the visit would have to be of a strictly private character. The nuncio entered the country as a simple tourist. He disembarked in the port of Guayaquil on August 31, 1936, and was received by civil and ecclesiastical authorities. Archbishop Carlos María de la Torre of Quito, future cardinal, went to meet him in the middle of the street in the city of Riobamba. The news of his arrival spread and provoked a festive and enthusiastic response from the population. The archbishop of Quito organized a triumphant reception for the nuncio in that city, when he arrived at the station on September 3, 1936. The government got alarmed by the enthusiasm of the people and reminded the nuncio that he came as a private visitor and that it could not guarantee his safety. He was hosted by the Álvarez Barba family, who owned a house in the center of the city of Quito. President Federico Páez, who had probably imposed the restrictions on the visit of the nuncio, sent a high level officer of the presidency to greet the visitor the following morning. Archbishop Cento, after having celebrated Mass in the Salesian church of "Cristo Rey", went personally to return the visit to the president and in the evening, he visited the foreign minister; he later went to thank the archbishop. From that day, the nuncio initiated a cordial rapport with the Catholic people of Quito and the diplomatic relations with the government, which culminated with a modus vivendi between the church and the state.


(6) 6. CHIARLO, Carlo

Birth. November 4, 1881, Pontremoli, Italy. Son of Giuseppe Chiarlo, an engineer from Acqui, and Maria Tasso, from Genoa.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Lucca; at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", Rome; and at the Pontifical "Angelicum" Athenaeum, Rome. Besides Italian, his native language, he was fluent in English, French and Spanish.

Priesthood. Ordained, May 28, 1904, Lucca. Faculty member of the Seminary of Lucca and pastoral ministry in that archdiocese, 1904-1917. Secretary; and later, chargé d'affaires in the nunciature in Perú, 1917-1922. Auditor in the nunciature in Poland, 1922-1928. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, May 26, 1918; reappointed, July 21, 1922.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Amida, October 12, 1928. Consecrated, November 11, 1928, chapel of Collegio Pio-Latinoamericano, Rome, by Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, secretary of State, assisted by Giovanni Volpi, titular archbishop of Antiochia di Pisidia, and by Theodor Kubina, bishop of Czestochowa. Hi episcopal motto was Mea Lux Dominus. Named nuncio to Bolivia, November 12, 1928. Nuncio to Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Panamá, January 7, 1932. Transferred to the newly established nunciature to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panamá, December 19, 1933. Recalled to Rome in 1941 and charged with the special mission of assisting prisoners of the Second World War. Head of the pontifical mission to Germany, 1945. Nuncio to Brazil, March 19, 1946. On February 20, 1951 he was named knight of the order of the White Eagle by the government of Poland in exile. On December 17, 1953 he was named Cavaliere di gran croce dell'Ordine al merito of the Italian Republic. Nuncio at the disposition of the Secretariat of State, September 1954-1958.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Maria in Portico Campitelli, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, December 18, 1958. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Attended the first two sessions of the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1963.

Death. January 21, 1964, at 8:15 p.m., of an intestinal tumor, from which he suffered for more than seven months, at his family home in Lucca. The city of Lucca celebrated a pompous funeral. His casket, transported from his family home to the archbishopric, was carried towards the cathedral accompanied by a battalion of the 78th Infantry Regiment, members of the diocesan and religious clergy, seminarians and students of the Missionary Lyceum of Carraia and the chapter of the metropolitan cathedral. The funeral Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Giovanni Ferrofino, with the participation of Cardinal Antonio Bacci, was concelebrated amongst others by the archbishops of Lucca and Pisa and the Bishops of Pescia, Pistoia, San Miniato, Volterra, Chiusi-Pienza, Massa Marittima, the auxiliary bishops of Lucca and Pisa, the abbot of the Vallombrosian abbey of Montenero, and three prelates from the Holy See. Cardinal Ermenegildo Florit of Florence was represented by his vicar general. At the end of the Mass, the five absolutions were imparted by Archbishop Antonio Torrini of Lucca, Archbishop Ugo Camozzo of Pisa, Bishop Felice Beccaro of San Miniato, Bishop Dino Luigi Romoli of Pistoia and the last one by Cardinal Bacci. Buried in the Giomignani Chapel, Urban Cemetery of Lucca, according to his wishes.

Webgraphy. Photograph, arms and biography, in English, Wikipedia; his portrait and arms, Araldica Vaticana.


(7) 7. CICOGNANI, Amleto Giovanni

Birth. February 24, 1883, Brisighella, diocese of Faenza, Italy. One of seven children, of whom four reached adulthood, of Guglielmo Cicognani, a modest fish vendor and shopkeeper, and Anna Ceroni; she became widowed at a young age; she ran a general store in order to support her sons. His older brother became Cardinal Gaetano Cicognani (1953).

Education. He studied at the Seminary of Faenza, Faenza; after his ordination, he continued his formation at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, September 23, 1905, Faenza, by Gioacchino Cantagalli, bishop of Faenza. Further studies in Rome, 1905-1910. Minutant at the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments, May 10, 1910. In 1914, he passed to the S.C. Consistorial. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, March 28, 1917; reappointed, March 9, 1922. Faculty member of the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", 1921-1932. Substitute adjunct of the S.C. Consistorial, December 16, 1922. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, May 19, 1923. In 1924, he was named apostolic visitor to the United States of America to examine if the Scalabrini Fathers should be entrusted with a more comprehensive program of spiritual assistance to migrants; he recommended that the Fathers be encouraged to extend their work in North America and made the same recommendation for South America, after visiting the Scalabrini Fathers in Brazil in 1926. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome, 1926-1932; chaplain of the Catholic students of the University of Rome; his assistant was Father Giovanni Battista Montini, future Pope Paul VI, with whom he maintained a long lasting friendship. Assessor of the S.C. for the Oriental Church, February 16, 1928. Secretary of the Cardinalitial Commission for the Codification of Oriental Canon Law, December 2, 1929. He visited the United States for the second time in 1931. Named protonotary apostolic on April 7, 1932.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Laodicea di Frigia, March 17, 1933. Consecrated, April 23, 1933, in the church of S. Susanna, Rome, by Cardinal Raffaele Carlo Rossi, O.C.D., secretary of the S.C. Consistorial, assisted by Giuseppe Pizzardo, titular archbishop of Nicea, secretary of the S.C. for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, and by Carlo Salotti, titular archbishop of Filippopoli, secretary of the S.C. for Propagation of Faith and rector of the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum "De Propaganda Fide". His episcopal motto was Vigilat nec fatiscit, the same as his brother the cardinal. Named apostolic delegate to the United States of America on April 23, 1933. He performed his duties during twenty five years with great tact and discretion; his collected sermons and addresses in the United States filled five volumes; he travelled widely, visiting every state to study the needs of the laity and the clergy; during his tenure as apostolic delegate, the number of Catholics rose from twenty to thirty million and the number of bishops from 118 to 213.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Clemente, December 18, 1958. His creation was an exception made to canon 232 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law, that forbids anyone having a brother in the Sacred College of Cardinals to be a cardinal. Gaetano Cicognani, his brother, had been created a cardinal in the consistory of January 12, 1953, and was still living. Secretary of the S.C. for the Oriental Church, November 14, 1959. Papal legate to the National Catechetical Congress, Dallas, Texas, United States of America, March 20, 1961. Secretary of State, president of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, and president of the Commission of Cardinals for the Administration of the Wealth of the Holy See, August 12, 1961. President of the Cardinalitial Commission for the Special Administration of the Holy See, October 4, 1961. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Cardinal bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Frascati, May 23, 1962. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Confirmed in all his posts by the new pope, June 21, 1963 (1). Papal legate to the 19th centennial celebration of the arrival of St. Paul Apostle to Spain, Tarragona, December 31, 1963. Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals, September 26, 1964 until June 26, 1967. Attended the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967. President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, May 7, 1968. Resigned his posts, April 30, 1969. Secretary of State emeritus, May 8, 1969. Attended the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969. Lost the right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years of age, January 1, 1971. Elected by the cardinal bishops and confirmed by Pope Paul VI as dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals and cardinal bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Ostia, retaining the title of the suburbicarian see of Frascati, March 24, 1972.

Death. December 17, 1973, of cardiac insufficiency, Vatican City. Buried in the church of S. Clemente, Rome (2) and (3).

Bibliography. Bransom, Charles N. Ordinations of U. S. Catholic bishops 1970-1989. A chronological list. Washington, D.C. : National Conference of Catholic Bishops ; United States Catholic Conference, 1990, p. 207; Code, Bernard. Dictionary of the American Hierarchy (1789-1964). New York : Joseph F. Wagner, 1964, pp. 42-43; Del Re, Niccolò. "Amleto Giovanni Cicognani" in La Sacra Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali. Nel cinquantesimo della fondazione (1917-1967). Grottaferrata, Roma : Tipografia Italo-Orientale "San Nilo", 1969, p. 90-92; O'Grady, Desmond. Amleto Cardinal Cicognani. Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1965. (The Men who make the council, 19); Studi su san Pier Damiano in onore del cardinale Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. Faenza : Venerabile Seminario vescovile Pio XII, 1961. (Biblioteca cardinale Gaetano Cicognani ; 5).

Webgraphy. Biography by Luciano Osbat, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 25 (1981), Treccani; biography, in Italian, diocese of Frascati; his photograph, portrait and arms, Araldica Vaticana; Il cardinale Amieto Cicognani e mons. Pericle Felici by Vincenzo Fagiolo, Publications de l'École française de Rome lien Le deuxième concile du Vatican (1959-1965). Actes du colloque international de Rome (28-30 mai 1986), 1989, pp. 229-242; Lo zio d'America by Eliana Versace, L'Osservatore Romano, Anno CLIII n. 290 (46.534), Città del Vaticano, mercoledì 18 dicembre 2013, p. 4; I Decani del Sacro Collegio: il Cardinale Amleto Giovanni Cicognani by Marco Mancini, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 24 agosto, 2021 / 2:00 PM.

(1) After confirming him as secretary of State, Pope Paul VI sent him a photograph dedicated to "the teacher and friend who is now our most trusted Secretary of State, with reverence and benediction".
(2) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:


(3) This is the text of the inscription on the memorial erected in his honor in the cathedral of Brisighella, also kindly provided by Mr. Bonnici, from Malta:

24 II 1883 - 17 XII 1973




(8) 8. GARIBI RIVERA, José

Birth. January 30, 1889, Guadalajara, México. Youngest of the three children of Miguel Garibi y Reyes and Joaquina Rivera y Robledo; his brother and sister were Juan Manuel y Carmen. He was baptized by Father Lorenzo Altamirano; his baptismal name was José Mariano. On March 26, 1889, he was confirmed in the cathedral of Guadalajara, by Pedro Loza y Pardavé, archbishop of that see. He received first communion on June 25, 1897 in the parish of Nuestra Señora del Pilar from Fsther Arnulfo Jiménez, the pastor of the parish.

Education. Studied at Colegio del Señor San José (primary education); co-founder of the Marian Congregation of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and San Estanislao de Kotska, 1897; at the Seminary of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, October 18, 1900 to 1906 (humanities, sciences, Latin, Greek, philosophy and theology); at the Franciscan convent of Zapopán, October 1, 1906 to September 30, 1907 (decided not to join the order); at the Seminary of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, 1907-1912; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, October 1913 to July 4, 1916 (doctorate in theology and licentiate in canon law); resided at the Pontifical Collegio Pio-Latinoamericano, Rome. Received the minor orders on February 2, 1908 from José de Jesús Ortiz, archbishop of Guadalajara, in the church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad; the subdiaconate on June 25, 1911, from the same archbishop and in the same church; and the diaconate on August 20, 1911, also from the same archbishop and in the same church. Named professor of Latin at the Seminary of Guadalajara, November 5, 1911; occupied the post until August 26, 1913.

Priesthood. Ordained, February 25, 1912, church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, Guadalajara, by José de Jesós Ortiz, archbishop of Guadalajara. Further studies in Rome, 1913-1916. Travelled to Chicago to meet his archbishop, Francisco Orozco y Jiménez, October 1916; went to San Antonio, Texas; later to Laredo; and then, on November 13th, to México, where the situation was very tense. Prefect of the Seminary of Totatiche, November 20, 1916 to October 22, 1917. Vicar cooperator in Atotonilco, October-November 1917. Vicar cooperator of the parish of Jesús, November 28 to December, 1917. Second auxiliary of the archdiocesan curia of Guadalajara, December 3, 1917. Professor of philosophy at the Major Seminary of Guadalajara, April 28, 1918. Chaplain of San Nicolás de Bari, annexed to the parish of Nuestra Señora del Pilar, February 1 to September 16, 1919. Chaplain of the church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, January 20 to August, 1920. Professor of pastoral theology, ascetics, mystics, pedagogical catechesis, and ecclesiastical history at the Seminary of Guadalajara, 1920. Official major of the archdiocesan curia, June 14, 1920 until 1924. Canon doctoral of the metropolitan cathedral chapter of Guadalajara, October 22, 1923; took possession on March 17, 1924. Given the charge of the construction of Templo Expiatorio, March 24, 1924. Secretary of the Sacred Miter, July 2, 1924. Secretary general of the Chamber and Government of the archdiocese of Guadalajara, 1925 to May 7, 1930. During the religious persecution, while Archbishop Orozco was confined in "La Lobera", Monsignor Garibi and Father Narciso Aviña governed the archdiocese; Monsignor Garibi signed his correspondence as Mariano Reyes, his second name and his father's second last name. In 1929, Archbishop Orozco was expelled from México to the United States of America; Monsignor Garibi accompanied him. They went to Laredo; Monsignor Garibi stayed there as chaplain of a community of nuns from Guadalajara until November 1929, and the archbishop went to Chicago. Named canon chantre of the chapter of the metropolitan cathedral of Guadalajara, November 16, 1929. Sent to Rome by the archbishop, he arrived in December 1929.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Roso and appointed auxiliary of Guadalajara, December 16, 1929; the election occurred while he was in Rome; arrived in México on March 11, 1930; Archbishop Orozco was allowed to return to Guadalajara on March 30, 1930. Consecrated, May 7, 1930, metropolitan cathedral of Guadalajara, by Francisco Orozco Jiménez, archbishop of Guadalajara, assisted by Ignacio Placencia y Moreira, bishop of Zacatecas, and by Miguel de la Mora y Mora, bishop of San Luis de Potosí. His episcopal motto was Diligite alterutrum. Vicar general of the archdiocese of Guadalajara, January 1, 1933. Promoted to titular archbishop of Bizia and appointed coadjutor of Guadalajara, with right of succession, December 22, 1934. Succeeded to the metropolitan see of Guadalajara, February 18, 1936. Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, May 13, 1948. President of the Mexican Episcopal Conference for six consecutive terms.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Onofrio, December 18, 1958. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Papal legate to the National Missionary Congress, Guadalajara, October 30, 1966. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, March 1, 1969. Lost the right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years of age, January 1, 1971. He was the first Mexican cardinal.

Death. May 27, 1972, at 11:40 p.m., of a pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency, at Hospital de la Santísima Trinidad, Guadalajara. Exposed in the Archdiocesan Seminary of Guadalajara and, later, in the metropolitan cathedral of Guadalajara; the funeral took place on May 30, 1972 in that cathedral and his remains were buried in its crypt, under the main altar. A splendid monument featuring lifesize statues of Pope John XXIII creating Cardinal Garibi Rivera to the cardinalate is located next to the Templo Expiatorio del Santísimo Sacramento of Guadalajara of which he oversaw its completion.

Bibliography. Bravo Ugarte, José. Diócesis y obispos de la iglesia mexicana (1519-1965). Con un apéndice de los representantes de la S. Sede en México y viceversa. 2d ed. México : Editorial Jus, 1965. (Colección México Heorico, 39), p. 55; Valdés Salazar, Inocencia. El primer cardenal mexicano don José Garibi Rivera. Mexico : s.n., 1992.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.


(9) 9. BARBIERI, O.F.M.Cap., Antonio María

Birth. October 12, 1892, Montevideo, Uruguay. Son of José P. Barbieri and Mariana Romano. His baptismal name was Alfredo.

Education. He worked as an insurance clerk before entering the religious life. Joined the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins on December 8, 1913, in spite the strong opposition of his parents. In 1915 he was sent to Italy and on September 8 of that year he received the religious habit of a novice in the convent of S. Barnaba, Genoa; emitted his religious vows in 1916; took the name Antonio María. Houses of studies of his order; Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; he obtained a doctorate in theology, July 9, 1923.

Priesthood. Ordained, December 17, 1921, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome. He declined a professorship in "Collegio Internazionale" of his order in Rome and returned to Uruguay. Pastoral ministry and studies in the Capuchin convent of Montevideo. Rector of "Colegio Concordia", Buenos Aires, 1926. Guardian of "Colegio de San Antonio de Padua", Montevideo, 1929. Elected superior of the Capuchin mission, November 1931; reelected in 1936.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Macra and appointed coadjutor, with right of succession, of Montevideo, October 6, 1936. Consecrated, November 8, 1936, metropolitan cathedral basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Montevideo, by Filippo Cortesi, titular archbishop of Sirace, nuncio to Uruguay, assisted by Francisco Aragone, archbishop of Montevideo, and by Alfredo Viola, titular bishop of Bitilio, coadjutor, with right of succession, of Salto. His episcopal motto was Adveniat regnum tuum. Succeeded to the metropolitan see of Montevideo, November 20, 1940. Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, November 11, 1953. Attended the First General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 25 to August 4, 1955.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Crisogono, December 18, 1958. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, October 12, 1972. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, November 17, 1976. He was the first Uruguayan cardinal. He was a member "de número" of the "Instituto Histórico y Geográfico del Uruguay". He was a notable historian, essayist and violinist.

Death. July 6, 1979, Montevideo. Buried in the metropolitan cathedral basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Montevideo (1). A square was named after him in Montevideo; as well as the library of Colegio y Liceo San José de la Providencia.

Bibliography. González, Ariosto Domingo. Su eminencia el cardenal Antonio María Barbieri. Montevideo, [s.n.], 1965. Note : "Apartado de Perfiles."

Webgraphy. Biography, in Spanish, Wikipedia; his photograph, portrait and arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

12 - 10 - 1892 6 - 7 - 1979


(10) 10. GODFREY, William

Birth. September 25, 1889, Liverpool, England. He was the youngest son of George Godfrey and Maria Garvey; his father, who was a haulage contractor, died before William was born.

Education. He studied at Ushaw College, Durham, from 1903 to 1910; while in Rome, he resided at the Venerable English College, Rome, from 1910 to 1917); and at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, where he earned a doctorate in philosophy; and another in theology in 1917.

Priesthood. Ordained, October 28, 1916, Rome. Further studies, 1916-1918. Pastoral ministry as a curate in St. Michael's, West Derby Road, in the archdiocese of Liverpool, 1918-1919. Classics professor at Ushaw College, 1918-1928; professor of theology, 1928-1930. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, October 28, 1930. Rector of the Venerable English College, Rome, 1930-1938. Member of the Pontifical Commission to Malta, 1935. Member of the pontifical delegation to the coronation of King George VI of Great Britain in May 1937. Apostolic visitor to the seminaries and ecclesiastical colleges of England, Wales, and Malta, 1938. He was an honorary canon of St. Lawrence's Collegiate of Vittoriosa, Malta.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Cio and appointed apostolic delegate to Great Britain, Gibraltar, Malta, and Bermuda, November 21, 1938. Consecrated, December 21, 1938, chapel of the Venerable English College, Rome, by Cardinal Raffaele Carlo Rossi, O.C.D., secretary of the S.C. Consistorial, assisted by Luigi Traglia, titular archbishop of Cesarea in Palaestina, vice-gerent of Rome, and by Ralph Leo Hayes, titular bishop of Gerapoli. His episcopal motto was Pax a Deo. Chargé d'affaires of the Holy See in Poland in 1943. Transferred to the metropolitan see of Liverpool, November 10, 1953. Transferred to the metropolitan see of Westminster, December 3, 1956.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo, December 18, 1958. Attended the first session of the Second Vatican Council, 1962. He loved sports and playing piano.

Death. January 22, 1963, at 4:45 p.m., of a heart attack, at Westminster Hospital, in London, just as Dr. Michael Ramsey, archbishop of Canterbury was due to visit him. Buried in the metropolitan cathedral of Westminster, London (1).

Bibliography. Bellenger, Dominc Aidan and Stella Fletcher. Princes of the church. A history of the English cardinals. Phoenix Mill, Gloucestershire : Sutton Publishing Ltd., 2001, p. 157-159, 169 and 178; Quinlan, John. Our English cardinals, including the English pope. Alcester ; Dublin : C. Goodliffe Neale, 1972, p. 101-103; Schofield, Nicholas ; Skinner, Gerard. The English cardinals. Oxford, UK : Family Publications, 2007, p. 203-207; Walsh, Michael J. The Westminster cardinals : the past and the future. London ; New York : Burns & Oates, 2008, p. 155-166.

Webgraphy. His portrait and biography, in English, archdiocese of Westminster; his arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:



(11) 11. CONFALONIERI, Carlo

Birth. July 25, 1893, Seveso, archdiocese of Milan, Italy. Fourth child of Giuseppe Confalonieri, a cabinet maker, and Maria Rusconi. Baptized the day after his birth by Father Ambrogio Sirtori. Received the sacrament of confirmation on February 13, 1901 at the parish church of Seveso; and the first communion on May 5, 1904.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Seveso, Seveso (1904-1909; ginnasio); at the Archiepiscopal Seminary of Monza, Milan (1909-1912; philosophy); at Lyceum "Parini", Milan (license liceale); at the Pontifical Seminary Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo (Collegio Lombardo), Rome; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (1912-1914; bachelor in theology, 1913); military service (1914-1916). From Andrea Carlo Ferrari, archbishop of Milan, received the ecclesiastical tonsure, June 14, 1912; the four minor orders, September 20, 1913; the subdiaconate, January 2, 1916 in the archbishop's private chapel; and the diaconate, January 9, 1916 in the crypt under the main altar of the metropolitan cathedral of Milan.

Priesthood. Ordained, March 18, 1916, shrine of S. Pietro Martire, Seveso, by Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari, archbishop of Milan. In the Italian Army during the First World War, 1916-1919. Pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Milan, 1919-1921. Secretary to Cardinal Achille Ratti, archbishop of Milan, 1921-1922; was his conclavist in the conclave of 1922; was named his secretary when he became Pope Pius XI (1922-1939). Privy chamberlain participant, February 7, 1922; reappointed, March 3, 1939. Protonotary apostolic, December 24, 1935. Canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, 1935. In 1937, Pope Pius XI intended to name Monsignor Confalonieri as substitute of the Secretariat of State but Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, secretary of State, future Pope Pius XII, asked the pope to name Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini, future Pope Paul VI, instead. Pope Pius XII designated Monsignor Confalonieri to be metropolitan archbishop of Modena and abbot of Nonantola on December 16, 1939 but he declined.

Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Aquila, March 27, 1941. Consecrated, May 4, 1941, Sistine chapel at the Vatican, by Pope Pius XII, assisted by Giuseppe Migone, titular archbishop of Nicomedia, secret almoner of His Holiness, and by Alfonso Camillo De Romanis, O.S.A., titular bishop of Porfireone, sacristan of His Holiness. His episcopal motto was Regnum tuum Domine. Secretary of the S.C. for Seminaries and Universities, January 25, 1950. Transferred to the titular archbishopric of Nicopoli al Nesto, February 22, 1950.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Agnese fuori le mura, December 18, 1958. Archpriest of the patriarchal Liberian basilica, Rome, November 16, 1959. Secretary of the S.C. Consistorial, March 14, 1961, Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Pro-prefect of the S.C. Consistorial, 1966. Attended the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967. Confirmed in his post by Pope Paul VI when he became seventy five years old, July 25, 1968. President delegate of the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, October 11 to 28, 1969. President of the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral of Emigration and Tourism, April 30, 1970. Attended the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971. Cardinal bishop of the title of suburbicarian see of Palestrina, March 15, 1972. Resigned his posts, February 25, 1973. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, July 25, 1973. Special papal envoy to the restoration of Seminary of Milan, Milan, October 27, 1973. Vice-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, January 7, 1974. Papal legate to the opening of the Holy Door at the patriarchal Liberian basilica, December 24, 1974. Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals and bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Ostia, proper of the dean, retaining the title of the suburbicarian see of Palestrina, December 12, 1977. Presided over the funerals of Popes Paul VI and John Paul I in 1978. Special papal envoy to the 20th National Eucharistic Congress, Milan, Italy, May 15 to 22, 1983. Papal legate to the opening of Holy Door at patriarchal Liberian basilica, December 24, 1983.

Death. August 1, 1986, Rome. The funeral took place on August 4, 1986 at 10 a.m., in the patriarchal Vatican basilica, presided by Pope John Paul II. Transferred to Seveso, another funeral Mass was celebrated on August 5, 1986 at 10 a.m. in the parish church, celebrated by Cardinal Giovanni Colombo, archbishop emeritus of Milan; afterward, the late cardinal was buried next to his parents in the family plot in the cemetery of Seveso (1).

Bibliography. Garofalo, Salvatore. Il cardinale Carlo Confalonieri (1893-1986). Presentazione di Francesco Marchisano. Roma : Studium, 1993. (Coscienza. Studi ; 23).

Webgraphy. His arms and biography, in Italian, Wikipedia; his arms and photograph, Araldica Vaticana; I Decani del Sacro Collegio: il Cardinale Carlo Confalonieri by Marco Mancini, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 26 agosto, 2021 / 2:00 PM.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

25.VII.1893       1.VIII.1986
+ + +


(12) 12. CUSHING, Richard James

Birth. August 24, 1895, South Boston, archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. He was the third of the five children of Patrick Cushing, a blacksmith at the Boston Elevated Railway, and Mary Dahill, a domestic. Both parents were Irish immigrants. He was baptized two days after his birth at the Gate of Heaven parish by Father Thomas Brannan.

Education. Initialy, he attended Perry Public Grammar School, graduating in 1909; then, he studied at South Boston High School, but because of bad conduct he had to drop out in his freshman year; then, he attended Boston College High School and graduated in 1913 with honors in Greek and Latin; then, he entered Boston and in 1915, he enlisted in the U.S. Army; shortly afterward, he was given a medical discharge; after finishing his second year at Boston College, he entered St. John's Seminary, Brighton, in September 1915 to start his studies for the priesthood.

Priesthood. Ordained, May 26, 1921, at the cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, by Cardinal William Henry O'Connell, archbishop of Boston. Pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Boston, first as parochial vicar at St. Patrick Church in Roxbury and later as parochial vicar at St. Benedict Church in Somerville. In 1922, when he requested from Cardinal O'Connell to become a missionary, the cardinal appointed him assistant director of the archdiocesan office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and in 1929, he became its director, occupying the post until 1944. Named domestic prelate of His Holiness, May 14, 1939.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Mela and appointed auxiliary of Boston, June 10, 1939. Consecrated, June 29, 1939, at the metropolitan cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, by Cardinal William Henry O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, assisted by John Bertram Peterson, bishop of Manchester, and by Thomas Addis Emmet, S.J., titular bishop of Tuscamia, apostolic vicar of Jamaica. His episcopal motto was Ut cognoscant te. While auxiliary bishop, he served as pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Newton. Apostolic administrator, sede vacante, of Boston, April-September, 1944. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Boston, September 25, 1944. Installed as archbishop of Boston on the following November 8. He received the pallium on April 7, 1946. Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, June 11, 1954. In 1959, he founded the Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle (an international organization of diocesan priests who volunteer for a minimum of five years of service in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Perú).

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Susanna, December 18, 1958. He took possession of his title on December 20, 1958. Papal legate to the National Eucharistic Congress, Lima, Perú, June 27, 1960; to the National Eucharistic Congress, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, July 4, 1961. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Papal legate to the consecration of cathedral of Galway, Ireland, March 10, 1965. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Boston, September 8, 1970. He published several works, among them were "Sing to the Lord", a collection of approved Catholic hymns and prayers (1946); "That they may know Thee", selected writings on vocations (1956); "Eternal Thoughts from Christ the Teacher" (1961); and three biographical tomes: "Pope Pius XII" (1959); "St. Martin de Porres" (1962); and "Blessed Mother Seton" (1963). He was a personal friend of the Kennedy family. He witnessed the marriage of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953. He attended President Kennedy's inauguration in 1961 and delivered the invocation. In November 1963, he celebrated the funeral Mass for President Kennedy at Washington's St. Matthew cathedral. He performed the rite of Final Commendation and Farewell at Senator Robert Francis Kennedy's Requiem Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral, New York, on June 8, 1968. The celebrant of the Mass was Terence Cooke, archbishop of New York, future cardinal.

Death. November 2, 1970, of cancer, in Boston. His funeral, held on the following November 7 at Boston’s cathedral of the Holy Cross, was celebrated by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States. Buried in the Porciuncula Chapel, St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children, Boston. The grounds of the school have been since renamed as Cardinal Cushing Centers.

Bibliography. Bransom, Charles N. Ordinations of U. S. Catholic bishops 1970-1989. A chronological list. Washington, D.C. : National Conference of Catholic Bishops ; United States Catholic Conference, 1990, p. 96; Code, Bernard. Dictionary of the American Hierarchy (1789-1964). New York : Joseph F. Wagner, 1964, p. 59; Dever, Joseph. Cushing of Boston : a candid portrait. Boston : Bruce Humphries, 1965; Devine, M.C. The world's cardinal. Boston : St. Paul Editions, 1964; Fenton, John H. Salt of the earth : an informal profile of Richard Cardinal Cushing. New York : Coward-McCann, 1965.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana; Cushing - Boston's cardinal and the 'world's cardinal' by Charles N. Bransom, The Pilot, 10/28/2011; The 45th anniversary of Cardinal Cushing's death by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Culture, Friday, November 13, 2015; Cardinal Cushing, advocate of equality for all by Thomas Lester, Echoes, Boiston, Friday, May 06, 2016; Cardinal Cushing reflects on limits of knowledge by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Culture, Friday, June 03, 2016; Cardinal Cushing's sermon on St. Thomas Aquinas by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Friday, March 03, 2017; Cardinal Cushing's 1962 Easter sermon by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Friday, April 14, 2017; Cardinal Cushing urges peace in Vietnam by Violet Hurst, The Boston Pilot, Friday, July 17, 2020; The life of Cardinal Richard Cushing by Violet Hurst, The Boston Pilot, Friday, November 6, 2020; Cardinal Cushing's outreach to other faiths by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Friday, November 13, 2020; Cardinal Cushing's 'exceptional children' by Violet Hurst, The Boston Pilot, Friday, November 20, 2020; Cardinal Cushing's missionary impulse by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Friday, November 27, 2020; Cardinal Cushing addresses the call to holiness by Thomas Lester, The Boston Pilot, Friday, September 24, 2021; President Truman's 1952 visit with Cardinal Cushing by Violet Hurst, The Boston Pilot, Friday 4th of November 2022, with audio.


(13) 13. CASTALDO, Alfonso

Birth. November 6, 1890, Casoria, archdiocese of Naples, Italy. Third of the five children of Aniello Casoria, a merchant, and Marianna Crispino; his father died when he was seven years old. The siblings were Pasquale, who became a lawyer and a physician in Casoria; Maria, Alfonso, Michele e Giuseppina (the last two children died in childhood). He was baptized four days after his birth at home, by special permission of the Neapolitan curia, on November 10, 1890, at noon, by Canon Alfonso Castaldo, his paternal uncle.

Education. Initial studies at the elementary of school of Casoria; then, studied at the Seminary of Cerreto Sannita (licenza ginnasiale); at the Seminary of Pozzuoli, Pozzuoli; at the Seminary of Naples; and at the University of Naples (letters and philosophy). Monsignor Francesco Morano and Father Luigi Maglione, future cardinals, were influential in his decision to enter the seminary.

Priesthood. Ordained, June 8, 1913, Naples, by Angelo Michele Jannacchino, bishop of Cerreto. Military chaplain in the Italian Army in World War I, 1915-1918. Provost of the church of S. Mauro Abbate, Casoria, 1918-1934.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Pozzuoli, March 27, 1934. Consecrated June 30, 1934, parish church of S. Marco, Casoria, by Cardinal Alessio Acalesi, archbishop of Naples, assisted by Salvatore del Bene, bishop of Cerreto Sannita (Telese), and by Salvatore Meo, titular bishop of Metone. His episcopal motto was Non dormitabit neque dormiet. Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, July 16, 1949. Promoted to titular archbishop of Tessalonica and appointed coadjutor of Naples and administrator per vitam of Pozzuoli, January 14, 1950. Transferred to the metropolitan see of Naples, February 7, 1958. Named bishop ad personam of Pozzuoli, August 5, 1958.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Callisto, December 18, 1958. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. He gave his inheritance to charity and founded a Boy's Town, professional school for boys and girls, and artisan training centers. He was a great promoter of the Italian Catholic Action.

Death. Thursday March 3, 1966, at 10:50 a.m., of kidney trouble, diabetes and coronary sclerosis, at Filomarino palace, archiepiscopal residence, Naples. The funeral, celebrated in the metropolitan cathedral of Naples, was attended by Cardinal Francesco Morano and thirty archbishops and bishops. Buried in the chapel of Succopro near the remains of S. Gennaro, martyr and patron saint of Naples, in the metropolitan cathedral of Naples (1).

Bibliography. Di Petta, Pasquale. Alfonso Castaldo : preposito, vescovo, cardinale. Con appendice di Gaetano Capasso. Naples ; Rome : LER, 1997; Germier, Giuseppe. Il cardinale Alfonso Castaldo, arcivescovo di Napoli. Presentazione di S.E. Mons. Antonio Cece. Napoli: Santuario Basilica Immacolata del Ven. Placido Baccher, 1977; Imbò, Ignazio Salvatore. Il cardinale Alfonso Castaldo : un padre un pastore (1890-1966) : ricordi. Napoli : Edizioni Gaeta, 2005.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:



(14) 14. RICHAUD, Paul-Marie

Birth. April 16, 1887, next to the church Notre-Dame of Versailles, rue de la Paroisse, n° 37, Versailles, France. Of an old Versaillese family, originally from the Dauphiné, on his father's side. His father, Jules-Marie Richaud, who died at 85 on February 11, 1933, was vice-president of the Commission des Hospices de Versailles. He had a sister, Jeanne, who entered the Dominican Sisters with the name of Sister Marie de la Trinité, while two of his nephews, sons of his elder brother Albert, became also diocesan priests. He was baptized summarily on April 18, 1887 (n° 111); no information found about when he received the additional ceremonies (in Latin Suppleta). His baptismal name was Paul Marie Alexandre.

Education. Initial studies at the Eudist School of Saint Jean, Varsailles; Faculty of Law, Paris (licentiate in law); entered the Major Seminary of Versailles, October 1909; sent to Rome to further studies; while in Rome, he stayed at the French Seminary and studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University and Collège Angelique; obtained a doctorate in philosophy in 1915.

Early life. Entered the Paris Faculty of Law and obtained a licentiate; during this period, he was president of Cercle d'Etude Saint-Benoît, which was the origin of the Action Catholique des Jeunes Française. Under the direction of Charles Gibier, bishop of Versailles, he joined the Oeuvres Sociales and the Oeuvres de Presse. Departmental secretary of the Societé Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. He was the first conferencist of the Oeuvre des Conférences Populaires, organized by the bishop of Versailles.

Priesthood. Ordained, June 28, 1913, cathedral of Versailles, by Charles Gibier, bishop of Versailles. Further studies, 1913-1915. Vicar of the parish of Notre-Dame, Versailles, 1915-1924; there he was in charge of Patronage des Oeuvres de Lycéens and founded Cercle Saint-Thomas d'Aquin; toward the end of the First World War, he was mobilized by the French Army as a nurse. Chaplain of Lycée Hoche, Versailles. During these years, he published several articles in Bulletin Thomiste, Revue des Jeunes and Vie Spirituelle. He established the first Scout troops in Versailles. In 1928, he became director of Oeuvres de Jeunes Gens; he founded the first section of Jeune Ouevriers Catholiques. Vicar general of Versailles and vice-assistant general of the French Catholic Action, 1931-1933.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Irenopoli di Isauria and appointed auxiliary of Versailles, December 19, 1933. Consecrated, January 25, 1934, cathedral of Versailles, by Benjamin-Octave Roland-Gosselin, bishop of Versailles, assisted by Pierre Gerlier, bishop of Tarbes, and by Georges Louis, bishop of Périgueux. His episcopal motto was Vinctus Christi. Transferred to see of Laval, July 27, 1938. Promoted to metropolitan see of Bordeaux, February 10, 1950; took possession of the see on March 20, 1950; entered the archdiocese on the following March 25.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta, December 18, 1958. Participated in the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Papal legate to the National Eucharistic Congress, Bordeaux, May 25, 1966. On September 4, 1966, he confirmed his spiritual testament, written on January 23, 1955 (1).

Death. Monday February 5, 1968, at 2 p.m., after a serious chirurgical operation (he suffered from liver ailment), Bordeaux (2). The obsequies took place in the metropolitan cathedral of Bordeaux on Friday February 9, at 10 a.m. presided by Archbishop Marius Maziers of Bordeaux; Cardinals Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre, archbishop of Bourges, Joseph-Marie Martin, archbishop of Rouen, and Alexandre-Charles Renard, archbishop of Lyon, were present. Paolo Bertoli, titular archbishop of Nicomedia, nuncio in France, represented the pope. Paul-Pierre Philippe, O.P., titular archbishop of Eracleopoli Maggiore, secretary of the S.C. for the Doctrine of the Faith, represented the Roman Curia. Also present were M. Fouchet, minister of the Interior, a friend of the late cardinal; M. Jacques-Pierre-Michel Chaban-Delmas, mayor of Bourdeaux and president of the National Assembly; and numerous other dignitaries. Buried, temporarily, in the grotto under the chapel of Saint-Sacrement, in the metropolitan cathedral of Bordeaux (3). On February 5, 1969, the first anniversary of his death, his body was transferred definitively to the chapel of Notre-Dame de la Nef, in that cathedral, according to his will (4).

Bibliography. Chapeau, O.S.B. André and Fernand Combaluzier, C.M. Épiscopologe français des temps modernes, 1592-1973.Paris : Letouzey et Ané, 1974, p. 465-466; Laroza, Olivier. Le Cardinal Paul Richaud, archevêque de Bordeaux (1887-1968). Préface de Mgr. M. Maziers, archevêque de Bordeaux. Impriméerie Daniel Duberga, 1969.

Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) Text of his spiritual testament, taken from Laroza, Le Cardinal Paul Richaud, archevêque de Bordeaux (1887-1968), p. 122-124:
Bordeaux, le 23 janvier 1955
   J'entends mourir, quoi qu'il m'arrive et quoi qu'on puisse dire, dans la foi de l'Église catholique romaine, en pleine et entière soumission envers le Pape et en pleine et fraternelle union avec tous les évêques catholiques.
   Je déclare réprouver tout ce qui, dans mes écrits ou mes paroles, a pu être contraire à cette foi et à cette soumission, sans que je le veuille. Je regrette et rétracte toutes paroles que j'aurais pu prononcer ou écrire et qui auraient constitué un manque de respect, une médisance ou une calomnie à l'égard de mes supérieurs ou de mes collègues dans l'épiscopat.
   Je supplie que l'on me pardonne tout le tort et toute la peine que j'aurais causés aux uns et aux autres. J'offre pour eux, d'avance, toutes les souffrances que je pourrai endurer, ainsi que pour tous ceux que j'aurais pu scandaliser ou porter au mal.
   Je supplie que l'on prie beaucoup et longtemps pour moi. Car je suis écrasé à la pensée de tous les péchés que j'ai commis, de toutes les négligences dont je me suis rendu coupable. Ma vie aurait dû être bien plus féconde et bien plus édifiante !
   Je pardonne de tout coeur et sans la moindre réticence à ceux qui auraient pu me causer quelque peine.
   J'offre ma vie, mes souffrances, ma mort "pour mes péchés, pour mon diocèse, pour l'Église et pour la France ". Ce fut mon acte d'offrande perpétuel. Je les offre spéciale-ment pour mes prêtres que j'ai tant aireés et je demande très humblement pardon à ceux que j'aurais pu froisser ou contrarier.
   Je leur recommande un attachement indéfectible et délicat au Saint-Siège. Jamais je ne remercierai trop Dieu de la grâce incomparable de la formation romaine.
   Je recommande à mes prêtres l'assiduité dans l'étude des sciences sacrées, la pratique quotidienne de l'oraison mentale. Si je n'ai pas fait assez de bien et si j'ai eu tant de mouvements d'humeur, c'est parce que, dans ma vie, je n'ai pas fait assez oraison. Avec tout mon coeur, je leur recommande la dévotion ? la Sainte Vierge. C'est ma tendresse pour Marie et ma confiance dans le Coeur Sacré de Jésus qui m'auront sauvé, si Dieu veut bien me faire miséricorde.
   A mes prêtres et à mes diocésains, je demande d'être apôtres, de correspondre aux directives de la hiérarchie en ce qui concerne l'Action Catholique, de vivre davantage suivant l'Évangile et, pour cela de pratiquer davantage le détachement. Je mourrai avec le regret de n'avoir pas été et de n'avoir pas eu le courage d'être pauvre.
   En ce moment, devant tous, je m'humilie profondément pour tout ce qu'il y a eu d'orgueilleux, de vaniteux, d'égoiste dans mes actes et mes sentiments.
   Je voudrais mourir dans l'amour le plus pur, en murmurant les mots: "Jésus ! Marie !" "

+ Paul RICHAUD Archevêque de Bordeaux
Evêque de Bazas

Texte confirmé le 4 septembre 1966.
+ Paul Card. RICHAUD.

(2) Upon learning the news of the death of Cardinal Richaud, Pope Paul VI sent the following telegram to Marius Maziers, archbishop of Bordeaux:
Apprenant avec une vive peine la mort de notre cher fils le Cardinal Paul-Marie Richaud, nous élevons de tout coeur nos prières vers Dieu pour le repos de l'âme de cet éminent pasteur qui a servi l'Eglise avec un courageux dévouement et nous vous envoyons, ainsi qu'aux prêtres et fidèles de l'archidiocèse de Bordeaux, notre paternelle bénédiction apostolique. PAULUS P.P. VI

(3) This is the text of the inscription, written on a parchment, that was placed in a glass tube, sealed with the arms of the cardinal, and deposited in his casket, taken from Laroza, Le Cardinal Paul Richaud, archevêque de Bordeaux (1887-1968), p. 108-109:


(4) This is the text of his epitaph, taken from Laroza, Le Cardinal Paul Richaud, archevêque de Bordeaux (1887-1968), p. 112-113

* *


(15) 15. O'HARA, C.S.C., John Francis

Birth. May 1, 1888, Ann Arbor, diocese of Detroit, Michigan, United States of America, while his father was studying at the University of Michigan. He was the fourth of the eight children, five boys and three girls, of John Walter O'Hara and Ella Cecilia Thornton, both former school teachers. When his father was named American consul to Uruguay, John went with him to Montevideo; and spent there the next three years; he served as secretary to the U.S. minister to Uruguay, starting in 1905. This experience provided him with a strong command of the Spanish language and a great understanding of the Latin American culture. He returned to the United States in 1908.

Education. Studied at the Catholic elementary school in Peru, Indiana; at Peru Public High School, from 1902 until 1905, when his father was appointed consul; while in Uruguay, he studied at the Jesuit University in Montevideo; then, at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, from January 1909 (bachelor's degree in economics and history); in 1911, he introduced the practice of frequent or daily communion to the university campus; later, he studied at the Catholic University of America, Washington; and at the State University of Pennsylvania. Joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross, August 8, 1912; the following year, 1913, he started his theological studies at Holy Cross College in Washington, D.C.; professed, September 14, 1914.

Priesthood. Ordained, September 9, 1916, Indianapolis, by Joseph Chartrand, titular bishop of Flavia, auxiliary of Indianapolis. After ordination, he finished the final year of theological studies. Professor of Latin American studies and prefect of religion at the University of Notre Dame from 1917 to 1933; its vice-president from 1933 until 1934 (he was acting president when Father Charles Leo O'Donnell, C.S.C. fell ill); its president, succeeding Father O'Donnell, who passed away, from 1934 until 1939.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Milasa and appointed delegate of the military vicar of the United States Armed Forces, December 11, 1939. Consecrated, January 15, 1940, church of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, by Francis Spellman, archbishop of New York, assisted by John Francis Noll, bishop of Fort Wayne, and by Joseph Elmer Ritter, bishop of Indianapolis. His episcopal motto was Ipsam sequens non devias. Transferred to the diocese of Buffalo, March 10, 1945. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Philadelphia, November 28, 1951. He established the first Annual Catholic Charities Appeal in 1958. He was also interested in the education of the mentally challenged.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio, December 18, 1958. Humble by character, it is said that he often answered his own doorbell (1).

Death. Sunday August 28, 1960, at 3:06 a.m., peacefully, following a surgery for peritonitis, in Philadelphia. Priests and prelates came from all over the United States for his funeral. Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman, archbishop of New York, sang the final pontifical mass. The eulogy was delivered by Cardinal James Francis McIntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles. Both cardinals had known him closely in New York and considered him a friend. Messages by the thousands paid tribute to the dead cardinal. Although in his last will he asked to be buried in the Holy Cross Cemetery on the grounds of the University of Notre Dame, a tomb was hurriedly prepared in the chapel of the Sacred Heart, on the side of the gospel of the main altar, as he lay in state while fathers and sisters of the Holy Cross, professors and old friends, filed by. More than 100,000 people filed past the bier as he was laid out in state. Archbishop Paul Clarence Schultz of Indianapolis sang the pontifical mass and gave the final absolution. The final entombment took place on September 7, 1960 in the church of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame. His body rests at The Cardinal O'Hara Chapel in Notre Dame's Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield, Pennsylvania, and The Cardinal O'Hara High School in Tonowanda, New York, were named after him.

Bibliography. Code, Bernard. Dictionary of the American Hierarchy (1789-1964). New York : Joseph F. Wagner, 1964, p. 229; McAvoy, Thomas T. Father O'Hara of Notre Dame the cardinal archbishop of Philadelphia. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1967.

Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in English, The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, Indiana; portrait and biography, in English, twelfth on page, Philadelphia Catholic League; biography, in English, Wikipedia; photographs and biography by rjschatz, Find a Grave; his signature, Havel's House of History; Cardinal O'hara Dies At 72 In Philadelphia, Google News; Founding of the John Cardinal O'Hara Society by Peggy Bolstetter, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame; John Francis O'Hara Papers, Notre Dame Archives; Cardinal O'Hara Papers, Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center (PAHRC); The Bishops of Philadelphia, The Archdiocese of Philadelphia; his arms, portrait and photograph, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) During his last two years, the cardinal fought continuously for his life through several operations, spending months at the Misericordia Hospital. Although sick in bed, on one occasion taking twenty two pills a day, he kept his finger firmly on the pulse of his archdiocese by daily consultation with his secretary, the chancellor, and other officials. On Saturday morning, August 27, 1960, word went out from the chancery to the 439 parishes that Cardinal O'Hara was gravely ill. Priests and people began to offer prayers for the man they loved. He died quietly the following morning at 3:06 am. He had long known that his days were numbered, and he looked forward to release.


(16) 16. BUENO Y MONREAL, José María

Birth. September 11, 1904, Zaragoza, Spain. He was the eldest son of four children of Abel Bueno, a drawing teacher, and Paquita Monreal, from Navarra. The other children were Isabel, who became a renowned artist, Abel and Manuel. His maternal uncle, Monsignor Santiago Monreal, was dean of the Spanish Rota. His last name is also listed as Bueno Monreal.

Education. Entered the Seminary of Madrid in 1914; at the same time studied bachillerato at Instituto San Isidro; in 1920, he was sent to study at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, with a scholarship; he also attended the Roman Academy of S. Tommaso d'Aquino; he obtained doctorates in theology and canon law in 1925; later, he studied for two years at the University of Madrid, earning a licentiate in law.

Priesthood. Ordained, March 19, 1927, Rome, by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val. Professor of Ecclesiastical Public Law at the Instituto Central de Cultura Superior Religiosa from 1923-1945. Professor of theology, canon law and moral theology at the Seminary of Madrid from 1927 until 1945. Professor of Journalistic Ethics at the School of Journalism "El Debate", Madrid, 1935. Fiscal general of the diocese of Madrid, 1935-1945. Doctoral canon of the cathedral chapter of Madrid, 1945.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Jaca, December 1, 1945. Consecrated, March 19, 1946, cathedral of Madrid, by Leopoldo Eijo Garay, bishop of Madrid and patriarch of the West Indies, assisted by Casimiro Morcillo González, titular bishop of Agatopoli, auxiliary of Madrid, and by Luis Alonso Muñoyerro, bishop of Sigüenza. His episcopal motto was Opus justitia pax. Attended the National Eucharistic Congresses of Perú (Cuzco); and Ecuador (Quito), representing the Spanish episcopate. Transferred to the see of Vitoria, May 13, 1950. Promoted to titular archbishop of Antiochia di Pisidia and appointed coadjutor, with right of succession, of Sevilla October 27, 1954. Named apostolic administrator, sede plena, of Sevilla, October 20, 1955. Succeeded to the metropolitan see of Sevilla, April 8, 1957, at the death of Cardinal Pedro Segura y Sáenz.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, March 12, 1959. He was the precursor of the Seminario Menor de Pilas, inaugurated and blessed on May 3, 1961. He received the Medalla de Oro de la Hiniesta in 1962 the Medalla de Oro de Sevilla in 1963; the Medalla de Oro del Gran Poder in 1965; the Medalla de Oro del Consejo General de Hermandades y Cofradías de Sevilla; and was named Cofrade Ejemplar in 1980. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Celebrated a diocesan synod to implement the decisions of the Second Vatican Council that held three sessions, June 1970, November 1971, and May-June 1973. In 1972, he was elected vice-president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference; occupied the post until 1978. Participated in the conclave of August 25 to 26,1978, which elected Pope John Paul I. Participated in the conclave of October 14 to 16,1978, which elected Pope John Paul II. Papal legate to the 15th International Marian Congress, Zaragoza, Spain, October 9 to 12, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, May 22, 1982. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, September 11, 1984. Among the works he published were Las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el Estado en los modernos concordatos, Madrid, 1936; and Principios fundamentales de Derecho Público Eclesiástico, Madrid, 1943.

Death. August 20, 1987, of heart failure, after a long history of frail health, at Clínica de la Universidad de Navarra, in Pamplona. His funeral was celebrated in the metropolitan cathedral of Sevilla on August 24, presided by Archbishop Carlos Amigo Vallejo of Sevilla. Buried in Capilla de San José, metropolitan cathedral of Sevilla. His sepulchre was made by José Antonio Márquez in 1995. A bust in his memory was erected near the cathedral of Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía.

Bibliography. Bueno y Monreal, José María. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer : un hombre de Dios. Madrid : Ediciones Palabra, 1991. (Testimonios sobre el fundador del Opus Dei, 3); Bueno y Monreal, José María. Principios fundamentales de derecho público de la Iglesia Católica. Madrid : Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Acción Católica Española Sucs. S. Ocaña, 1945. Corporate author: Instituto Central de Cultura Religiosa Superior (Madrid); Bueno Monreal, José María. Las relaciones entre la igelsia y el Estado en los modernos concordatos. Madrid : Taller "Luz y Vida", 1931; Echeverría, Lamberto de. Episcopologio español contemporáneo, 1868-1985 : datos biográficos y genealogía espiritual de los 585 obispos nacidos o consagrados en España entre el 1 de enero de 1868 y el 31 de diciembre de 1985 . Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca, 1986. (Acta Salmanticensia; Derecho; 45), p. 106; Hombre magnánimo y libre : homenaje al cardenal José Ma. Bueno Monreal, con motivo de sus 78 años de vida, 56 de sacerdocio, 37 de episcopado, 23 de cardenalato y 28 años de gobierno de la Archidiócesis de Sevilla. Dirigido por Miguel Oliver Román. Sevilla : Centro de Estudios Teológicos, 1983; Jiménez Blasco, Julio. José María Bueno Monreal. Cardenal Arzobispo de Sevilla. Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Sevilla, 2012; Martín de Santa Olalla Saludes, Pablo. "Pedro Segura y José María Bueno Monreal. Historia de una difícil convivencia" in Miscelánea Comillas: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, vol. 67, n. 131, 2009, pp. 481-499; Ros Carballar, Carlos. José María Bueno Monreal, semblanza de un cardenal bueno. Madrid : Editorial San Pablo, 2012. (Retratos de bolsillo).

Webgraphy. Biography by Vicente Cárcel Ortí, in Spanish, Diccionario Biográfico Español, DB~e; biography, in Spanish, Wikipedia; biography, in English, Wikipedia; biography, in Spanish, Conocer Sevilla; his photograph and arms, Araldica Vaticana; El Cardenal José María Bueno Monreal y su vinculación a algunas Hermandades by Marta Marí Triana "La Jartible", in Spanish, marzo 1, 2011, Cofrades, La Comunidad de Pasión en Sevilla; his sepulchre, Monumentos a Cardenales en Sevilla (II), Julio Domínguez Arjona, 15 de octubre de 2003, La Sevilla que no vemos; Testigos Hoy (CSTV) 'Retrato de un Humanista', You Tube; Del cardenal Bueno al cardenal Amigo: Sevilla entre dos siglos by Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirín, 23.01.2012 - 14:12,; El nacimiento del Seminario Menor de Pila, in Spanish. Los Niños de Juan Manuel, 2009; Martínez Sánchez, Santiago. "Dos amigos que se escriben: Josemaría Escrivá y José María Bueno Monreal, 1939-1975", Universidad de Navarra, Deposito Académico Digital, Istituto Storico San Josemaría Escrivá, 2012. (Studia et Documenta, 6 : 297-394).


(17) 17. KÖNIG, Franz

Birth. August 3, 1905, Warth, small village near Rabenstein, diocese of Sankt Pölten, Austria (the Austrian Empire). Of a family of modest farmers. Eldest child of Franz and Maria König; the other siblings were two boys and two girls. He was baptized a few days later. His father died suddenly when he was six years old later, the mother married again; Franz's relations with Mr. Kaiser, his stepfather, were not happy ones and this made the boy want to get away from home. The parish priest of Kirchberg fomented his priestly vocation and at fourteen, he entered the seminary.

Education. In 1919, he entered the diocesan Seminary of Sankt Pölten, which was the high school of the Benedictine abbey of Melk, where he studied ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy and humanities; he drew and painted and wrote poetry and drama; at the end of his high school studies, he decided definitively to entere the priesthood; in 1927, after his graduation, he was invited to spend his vacation in England; then, he obtained a grant to continue his studies in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he obtained a doctorate in philosophy, summa cum laude, on July 9, 1930; and later, a doctorate in theology, also summa cum laude, on January 21, 1936; while at the university, he heard lectures on experimental psychology, biology, mineralogy, physics, chemistry and languages; then, he studied at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome (old-Persian religion and languages); while studying in Rome, he resided at the Pontifical Collegio Germanico-Hungarico; in 1936, he obtained a fellowship for two semesters at the Faculty of Sociology of the Catholic University of Lille, France, where he obtained a diploma. He spoke German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian and Latin, and could understand Syriac, ancient Persian and Hebrew. This proved to be an invaluable skill during the diplomatic missions he embarked on. While studying in Rome, he met Father Alojzije Stepinac, future cardinal.

Priesthood. Ordained, October 29, 1933, Rome, by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani, vicar general of Rome and its district, archpriest of the patriarchal Lateran basilica. Further studies, 1933-1937. In 1937, he was recalled home by his bishop and appointed curate at Sankt Valenti; and later at Scheibbs. In 1939, he was named assistant pastor at the cathedral of Sankt Pölten; and professor of religion at the city's high school; when the Nazi regime prohibited religion in state schools, he gathered the Catholic youth of the city for religious instruction in the cathedral, right under the nose of the Gestapo. Twice the Gestapo tried to entrap him but the attempts were unsuccessful. In 1945, when the University of Vienna reopened, he registered and heard lectures in law, finance and economics, statistics, political science, linguistics, Syriac texts, ancient and modern history, modern philosophy, comparative anatomy, methodology of botany, morphology of plants, bases of animal physiology, and others. Professor of religion at the College of Krems, 1945-1948. In 1947, he became a lecturer on the Old Testament and on comparative theology at the University of Vienna. He spent a few months at the University of Innsbruck, where he became acquainted with world renowned Jesuit theologians Karl and Hugo Rahner. He was a lecturer on moral theology at the University of Salzburg, from 1948 until 1952; he lived in the Benedictine monastery on the Nonnberg.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Liviade and appointed coadjutor of Sankt Pölten, with right of succession, July 3, 1952. Consecrated, August 31, 1952, St. Pölten, by Michael Memelauer, bishop of St. Pölten, assisted by Leo Pietsch, titular bishop of Narona, auxiliary bishop of Seckau, and by Franz Zauner, titular bishop of Fata, coadjutor of Linz. His episcopal moto was Veritate in Caritate. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Vienna, May 10, 1956; when he was offered the see, he had traveled to Rome to explain the reasons why he should remain in Sankt Pölten, but the pope insisted on the promotion.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Eusebio, December 18, 1958. Military vicar of Austria, February 21, 1959; resigned, 1969. Received a doctorate honoris causa from Notre Dame University, Indiana, United States of America, on June 7, 1959. Granted a visa by the Communist authorities of Yugoslavia to attend the funeral of Cardinal Alozije Stepinac, archbishop of Zagreb (whom he had befriended during his studies in Rome), in February 1961; on his way to the funeral, he was involved in a serious car accident which kept him near death for several days; it took him almost a year to resume normal activities. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Sent by Pope John XXIII in April 1963, he became the first Catholic prelate to visit Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary, at the U.S. embassy in Budapest where he had sought refuge after the U.S.S.R. crushed the 1956 uprising; afterwards, he visited the cardinal several times until the cardinal's departure for Rome in 1971. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. President of the Austrian Episcopal Conference. He also visited Poland and Romania and later the Orthodox Church of Serbia. Participated in a conference with delegates of three non-Christian religions in Bombay, India, 1964. President of the Secretariat for Non-Believers, April 6, 1965. Attended the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967; the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969; the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974; he was one of its three presidents delegate. In 1975, he visited the Coptic Christian patriarch Shenouda III in Egypt. Attended the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977. Participated in the conclave of August 25 to 26,1978, which elected Pope John Paul I. Participated in the conclave of October 14 to 16,1978, which elected Pope John Paul II. In 1978, he visited the Orthodox patriarch of Syria in Damascus. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5-9, 1979. Resigned the presidency of the secretariat for Non-Believers, June 27, 1980. In 1980, he met in Moscow with the patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Special papal envoy to the Croatian National Eucharistic Congress, Marija Bistrica, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, September 8 to 9, 1984. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, August 3, 1985. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Vienna, September 16, 1985. Attended the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985; as special guest. Cardinal protopriest, May 2, 1989.

Death. March 13, 2004, near 3 a.m. in his sleep, in the convent of the Sisters of Mercy of Vienna, where he resided. Buried on March 27, 2004, in the vault of the bishops, metropolitan cathedral of Vienna. Last surviving cardinal of Pope John XXIII.

Bibliography. Barta, Richard. Francis Cardinal Koenig. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1964. (The Men who make the Council, 12); Barta, Richard. Kardinal Franz König. Mahner seines Volkes, Partner des Gespräches. Rufer über die Grenzen. Wien ; Freiburg i. Br. ; Basel : Herder, 1965; Feichtlbauer, Hubert. Franz König : der Jahrhundert-Kardinal. Wien : Holzhausen Verlag, 2003; Fenzl, Annemarie ; Tambour, Evelyn. Kardinal König. Wien : Herold, 1985; König, Franz and Licheri, Gianni. Chiesa dove vai? : Gianni Licheri interroga il cardinale Franz Koenig. Roma : Borla, 1985. (Concilio aperto).

Webgraphy. His photograph, arms and biography, in English, Wikipedia; his photograph, arms and biography, in German, Wikipedia; biography, in German, religion; Kardinal König Haus, Vienna; his arms and portrait, Araldica Vaticana.


(18) 18. DÖPFNER, Julius

Birth. August 26, 1913, village of Hausen, near Bad Kissingen, diocese of Würzburg, Germany. His parents, Matthäus Julius and Maria Büttner, were an almost penniless couple of peasants and Julius was raised in very humble circumstances. His siblings were Maria Anna, who married Metz, Otto Joseph, Paul Alfons and another boy who was also named Julius and who died within a year of his birth. He was baptized on August 28, 1913 and received the name Julius August. His last name is also listed as Doepfner. He was confirmed on May 13, 1924.

Education. Studied at the Augustinian Gymnasium, Münnerstadt, from 1924 to 1925; at the Seminary of Würzburg from 1925 to 1933 (he was the valedictorian of his class); he was sent to study in Rome and resided in the Pontifical Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum; studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. from 1933 to 1941 (philosophy and theology; obtained a doctorate in theology in 1941; dissertation: Das Verhältnis von Natur und Übernatur bei John Henry Newman).

Priesthood. Ordained, October 29, 1939, feast of Christ the King, church of Gesù, Rome, by Luigi Traglia, titular archbishop of Cesarea di Palestina, vice-gerent of Rome. Further studies, 1939-1941. Chaplain in Großwallstadt, diocese of Würzburg, 1941-1944. Prefect in Kilianeum, 1945; assistant, 1946. Subgerent of the Seminary of Würzburg, 1946-1948.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Würzburg, August 11, 1948. Consecrated, October 14, 1948, Neumünsterkirche, Würzburg, by Josef Otto Kolb, archbishop of Bamberg, assisted by Joseph Schröffer, bishop of Eichstätt, and by Arthur Michael Landraf, titular bishop of Eudocia and auxiliary of Bamberg. His episcopal motto was Praedicamus crucifixum. At the time of his election to the episcopate, he was the youngest bishop of the church. Transferred to the diocese of Berlin, January 15, 1957.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Maria della Scala, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, December 18, 1958. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Münich und Freising, July 3, 1961. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Member of the Board of Presidency of the Second Vatican Council, 1963-1965. Chairman of the German Conference of Bishops, 1966 until his death in 1976. Attended the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967; the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969; the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974.

Death. July 24, 1976, at 8 a.m., of a heart attack, in the archbishop's house, Münich. His funeral Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Joseph Höffner on July 29 with Cardinal Hermann Volk delivering the homily. The subsequent burial in the crypt of the cathedral was celebrated by the vicar capitular, Ernst Tewes, C.O., titular bishop of Villamagna di Proconsulari, auxiliary of Münich (1).

Bibliography. Döpfner, Julius; Fleckenstein, Heinz. Ortskirche, Weltkirche ; Festgabe für Julius Kardinal Döpfner. Würzburg : Echter, 1973; Forster, Karl. Julius Cardinal Doepfner. Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 1965. (The men who make the council, 13); Landersdofer, Annton. "Döpfner, Julius (August). "Die Bischöfe der deutschsprachigen Länder, 1945 2001 : ein biographisches Lexikon. Unter Mitwirkung von Franz Xaver Bischof ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Erwin Gatz. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2002, p. 386-394; Pfister, Peter ; Treffler, Guido. Julius Kardinal Döpfner und das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil : Vorträge des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums anldsslich der Öffnung des Kardinal-Döpfner-Konzilsarchivs am 16. November 2001. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2002. (Schriften des Archivs des Erzbistums München und Freising ; Bd. 4). Contents: Vor-vorbereitender Zeitraum -- Korrespondenzakten -- Konzilspublizistik -- Vorgdnge im Zusammenhang mit dem Konzil -- Vorbereitender Zeitraum -- Erste Konzilsperiode -- Erste Zwischenperiode -- Zweite Konzilsperiode -- Zweite Zwischenperiode -- Dritte Konzilsperiode -- Dritte Zwischenperiode -- Vierte Konzilsperiode -- Nachkonziliarer Zeitraum. Other Title: Archivinventar der Dokumente zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil; Treffler, Guido ; Pfister, Peter. Erzbischöfliches Archiv München, Julius Kardinal Döpfner : Archivinventar der Dokumente zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2004. (Schriften des Archivs des Erzbistums München und Freising ; Bd. 6). Contents: Vor-vorbereitender Zeitraum -- Korrespondenzakten -- Konzilspublizistik -- Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit dem Konzil -- Vorbereitender Zeitraum -- Erste Konzilsperiode -- Erste Zwischenperiode -- Zweite Konzilsperiode -- Zweite Zwischenperiode -- Dritte Konzilsperiode -- Dritte Zwischenperiode -- Vierte Konzilsperiode -- Nachkonziliarer Zeitraum; Wittstadt, Klaus. Julius Kardinal Döpfner : (1913-1976) : Anwalt Gottes und der Menschen. München : Don Bosco, 2001; Wittstadt, Klaus. Julius Kardinal Döpfner : 26. August 1913 bis 24. Juli 1976. Würzburg : Bistum, 1996. (Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter, 58. Bd. (Ergänzungsband)).

Webgraphy. His arms and photograph, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of his tombstone taken from Wittstadt, Julius Kardinal Döpfner, p. 311:



(19) 19. TARDINI, Domenico

Birth. February 29, 1888, at 8:25 p.m., in Via dei Sediari n.85, rione S. Eustachio, Rome, Italy. Son of Cesare Tardini and Giulia Malerbini; she died when Domenico was almost four years old; and Cesare died on July 16, 1910. He was baptized in the parish of S. Eustachio on March 4, 1888; received the name Domenico Michele Giuseppe Carlo; his godfather was Pietro Malerbini, maternal uncle; and his godmother was Maria Santi.

Education. Entered the Pontifical Roman Seminary, Rome, on February 11, 1903, as an intern student; he was a classmate of Alfredo Ottaviani, future cardinal. Received the first ecclesiastical tonsure on May 28, 1904. Obtained the diploma di laurea in philosophy at La Sapienza University, Rome, on July 7, 1908. Received the first two minor orders, ostiary and lector, on April 11, 1908; received the other two minor orders, exorcist and acolyte, on April 26, 1910. Obtained a licentiate in sacred theology on June 26, 1911. Received the subdiaconate on September 23, 1911; and the diaconate on March 23, 1912. Obtained the diploma di laurea in sacred theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum of the Roman Seminary on July 2, 1912.

Priesthood. Ordained, September 20, 1912, Rome, by Cardinal Pietro Respighi, vicar of Rome; celebrated his first mass in the chapel of the summer seminary of Roccantica. Named professor of theoretical liturgy at the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum "De Propaganda Fide," October 21, 1912; professor of sacramental theology on October 27, 1913. Director of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary, Porta Furba, Rome, August 16, 1913. Faculty member of the Pontifical Roman Seminary, dogmatic and sacramental theology, November 22, 1913. Named professor of sacramental theology at the Major Pontifical Roman Seminary on October 12, 1917. On June 1, 1919, in his capacity of assistant military chaplain, he received the Medaglia di benemerenza by the military vicar, Bishop Angelo Bartolomasi. Named member of the central council for Italy of the Pia Opera for the Propagation of the Faith on November 16, 1919. Member of the Sacræ Liturgiæ Academia, with the charge of censor, November 17, 1919. Named deputy in the Congregation of the Ecclesiastical Subsidy, January 2, 1920. Member of the diocesan commission for the Missionary Union of the Clergy of Rome, January 19, 1920. Named deputy of the Venerable Archconfraternity of the Christian Doctrine and member of the Diocesan Catechetical Commission of Rome, March 23, 1920. Member of Collegium Cultorum Martyrum, May 18, 1920. On November 16, 1920, he was named director of "Scuola interparrochiale di Religione S. Giovanni Battista de la Salle", erected in the Institute "De Merode" of the Catechetical Commission, in execution of the deliberations of the first diocesan congress. Consultor of the S.C. of the Discipline of the Sacraments, December 9, 1920. Named chamberlain d'onore in abito paonazzo on May 31, 1921. Minutant of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, July 26, 1921. Privy chamberlain supernumerary, March 15, 1922. Member of the national council for Italy of the Pontifical Work for the Propagation of the Faith, January 19, 1923. Central ecclesiastical assistant of the Union of Men of the Catholic Action, April 25, 1923. Member of the commission charged with the redaction of the Catechism for all the Catholic Church. He was made participant of the spiritual benefices of the Order of the Friars Minor (Franciscans) on July 14, 1923. Named ecclesiastical assistant of the Italian Catholic Youth Organization, November 7, 1923; he retained temporarily the post of ecclesiastical assistant of the Union of Men of the Catholic Action. Member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, January 26, 1926. Undersecretary of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, June 7, 1929. Member of the committee for the cause of beatification and canonization of the Servant of God Canon Luigi Oreste Borgia, priest of the Roman clergy, June 18, 1929. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, August 21, 1929. On December 14, 1929, the Vatican citizenship was conferred on him in virtue of his office, with authorization to permanently reside in the State of Vatican City. Member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of S. Tommaso d'Aquino, 1932. Member of the mission accompanying Cardinal Lorenzo Lauri, legate to the International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland, June 22 to 26, 1932. Consultor of the S.C. for the Oriental Church, in charge of the Commission pro Russia, part of that congregation, March 31, 1934. Substitute of the Secretariat of State and secretary of the Cipher, December 19, 1935 (1). Consultor of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office, January 6, 1936. Consultor of the S.C. Consistorial, February 19, 1936. Apostolic protonotary ad instar participantium, July 2, 1937. Secretary of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs and president of the Pontifical Commission pro Russia, December 16, 1937. Secretary of the Cardinalitial Commission presiding the Special Administration of the Holy See, March 5, 1939. In Fall 1946, he started his work at Institute Villa Nazareth. Member of the central committee for the 1950 Jubilee Year, June 28, 1948. Pro-Secretary of State for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, November 29, 1952 until October 9, 1958. In the consistorial allocution of January 12, 1953, Pope Pius XII announced that his two most immediate collaborators (Monsignors Domenico Tardini and Giovanni Battista Montini) had declined the promotion to the cardinalate. By motu proprio of April 22, 1953, Pope Pius XII granted him precedence over bishops as well as the privilege to hear confessions in all the world; preach; celebrate mass on Holy Thursday and three masses on Christmas Eve; to bless rosaries and sacred objects with the simple sign of the cross; and to use portable altars. Honorary member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of Archeology, March 14, 1955. Honorary member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of Theology, June 5, 1956. Regent of the Secretariat of State, October 9, 1958. Pro-secretary of State, October 29, 1958. Honorary member of the International Marian Academy, December 8, 1959. Secretary of State and prefect of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, November 17, 1958 until his death. He was a great scholar of Dante Alighieri, Alessandro Manzoni and Gioacchino Belli; as well as a great devotee of Saint Thérése of Lisieux.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Laodiciea di Siria, December 14, 1958.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the title of S. Apollinare, deaconry elevated pro illa vice to title, December 18, 1958. Consecrated, December 27, 1958, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Girolamo Bartolomeo Bortignon, O.F.M.Cap., bishop of Padua, and by Gioacchino Muccin, bishop of Feltre e Belluno. In the same ceremony were consecrated future Cardinals Carlo Grano, titular archbishop of Tessalonica, nuncio in Italy; Angelo Dell'Acqua, titular archbishop of Chalcedonia and substitute of the Secretariat of State; Albino Luciani, bishop of Vittorio Veneto, future Pope John Paul I; Giuseppe Ferretto, titular archbishop of Sardica, assessor of the S.C. Consistorial; and Mario Casariego y Acevedo, C.R.S., titular bishop of Pudenziana, auxiliary of Guatemala. His episcopal motto was Festina Domine in auxilium meum. President of the preparatory commission of the Ecumenical Vatican Council, May 17, 1959. Archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica and prefect of the S.C. of the Fabric of Saint Peter's basilica, November 14, 1959. Named among the cardinal members of the Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, December 18, 1959. Honorary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, March 19, 1960.

Death. Sunday July 30, 1961, early in the morning, of a massive heart attack, in his apartment at the Vatican; he had become unexpectedly ill while at a resort, north of Rome. Pope John XXIII announced the news of his death at noon, after the recitation of the Angelus from the window of his Vatican apartment. The body was exposed in the hall of the Congregations in the official apartment of the secretary of State. The funeral mass was celebrated on Wednesday August 2, 1961, at 10 a.m., at the patriarchal Vatican basilica by Antonio Samorè, titular archbishop of Tirnovo, secretary of the S.C. for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, in the presence of the pope and twenty five cardinals; at the end of the rite, the pope imparted the final absolution. In the afternoon, the body of the late cardinal was transported to the Carmelite monastery, Vetralla, Viterbo, where it was buried in a vault under the pavement of the sanctuary of the church, according to his will. Later, Cardinal Samorè had the remains of Cardinal Tardini exhumed and placed in a small box in the same vault where they rested in order to make room for himself.

Bibliography. Carbone, Vincenzo. "Il cardinale Tardini e il Concilio Vaticano II", in Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, XLV (1991), pp. 42-88; Casula, Carlo Felice. Domenico Tardini (1888-1961). L'azione della S. Sede fra le due guerre. Roma : Studium, 1988. (Coscienza. Studi ; 18); Nicolini, Giulio. Il cardinale Domenico Tardini. Padova: EMP, 1980; Pagano, Sergio. Domenico Tardini. Diario di un cardinale (1936-1944). La Chiesa negli anni delle ideologie nazifascista e comunista. Cinisello Balsamo : San Paolo, 2020; Tardini, Domenico. La dottrina sociale cattolica nei documenti di Leone XIII. Roma : Bollettino per gli assistenti ecclesiastici delle associazioni cattoliche maschili, 1928; Tardini, Domenico. De eucharistia et poenitentia. Romae : [s.n.], 1921. Contents: Praelectiones dogmaticae de SS. eucharistia--De poenitentia; Tardini, Domenico. De poenitentia. Romae : Athen. Pont. Sem. Rom. Major, 1921-1922. Note: Written in long-hand; mimeographed; Tardini, Domenico. Die Gestalt, das Werk und di heroischen Tugenden Papst Pius XII: Geddchtnisrede Kardinal Tardinis vor Seiner Heiligkeit, Papst Johannes XXIII. am 20. Oktober 1959. Leutesdorf am Rhein : Johannes-Verl., 1960; Tardini, Domenico. Memories of Pius XII. Translated by Rosemary Goldie. Westminster, Md. : Newman Press, 1961. Note: Originally published in The Vatican City under the title Pio XII; Tardni, Domenico. Pio XII. Città del Vaticano : Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1960. Note: Translated into English under title: Memories of Pius XII; Tardini, Domenico. Pio XII; nella rievocazione del Card. Domenico Tardini. Discorso tenuto alla augusta presenza di Sua Santità Giovanni XXIII il 20 octtobre 1959. Roma : Libreria San Paolo, 1959; Tardinii Domenico. Praelectiones dogmaticae de sacramentis in genere. Romae : Pont. Seminario Rom. Maj., 1931-1932. Note: Cyclostat manuscrit./ Bound with the author's De peccato personali. Romae: 1931-1932.

Webgraphy. Biography, in English, Wikipedia; biography, in French, Wikipedia; his arms and photographs, Araldica Vaticana; Il braccio destro del Papa buono by Filippo Rizzi, in Italian, Avvenire, 29 luglio 2011; Fondazione Comunità Domenico Tardini Onlus, in Italian, Conferenza Collegi universitari legalmente riconosciuti; Diario di un cardinales by Francesco Malgieri, L'Osservatore Roman, 21 aprile 2020; 60 anni fa la morte del Cardinale Domenico Tardini by Marco Mancini, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 30 luglio, 2021 / 2:00 PM.

(1) He was succeeded in these posts by Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini, future Pope Paul VI, on December 13, 1937, when he became secretary of the S.C. for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs.


(20) 20. DI JORIO, Alberto

Birth. July 18, 1884, Rome, Italy.

Education. Studied at the Pontifical Roman Seminary; and at the "Studium" of the Sacred Roman Rota.

Priesthood. Ordained, April 18, 1908, Rome. Faculty member of the Interdiocesan Seminary of Perugia, 1908-1910. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome, 1910-1958. Official of the vicariate of Rome, 1910-1918. Secretary of the Institute for Works of Religion, 1918-1922; its president, 1922-1958. Secretary of the Cardinalitial Commission for the Special Administration of the Holy See, 1940-1947. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, June 23, 1922. Protonotary apostolic, April 8, 1933. Auditor general of the Apostolic Chamber, January 24, 1947. Secretary of the Sacred College of Cardinals, 1947-1958. Vicar of the patriarchal Lateran basilica, January 24, 1947. Delegate for the Special Administration of the Holy See, April 1, 1947. Secretary of the conclave of 1958, which elected Pope John XXIII; and regent of the secretariat of Sacred College of Cardinals, October 9, 1958. At the end of the conclave, the new Pope John XXIII placed his cardinalitial skullcap on the head of Monsignor Di Jorio thus indicating that he would be created cardinal in the next consistory.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the deaconry pro illa vice of S. Pudenziana, December 18, 1958. Director of the administrative secretariat for the preparation of the Second Vatican Council, June 15, 1960. Pro-president of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, August 14, 1961. For many years, he served as President of Istituto per le Opere di Religione, the Vatican bank; occupied the post until 1968. His cardinalitial motto was Innova.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Castra Nova, April 5, 1962. Consecrated, April 19, 1962, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo and by Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. In the same ceremony were consecrated Cardinals Joaquín Anselmo María Albareda, O.S.B., Antonio Bacci, Augustin Bea, S.J., Francesco Bracci, Michael Browne, O.P., William Theodore Heard, André Jullien, P.S.S., Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F., Francesco Morano, Alfredo Ottaviani and Francesco Roberti. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and his deaconry was restored to title, June 26, 1967. Resigned the pro-presidency of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, November 4, 1968. Lost his right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years, January 1, 1971. In 1978, at the mass celebrating the seventieth anniversary of his priestly ordination, Pope Paul VI preached the homily. At his death, he was the oldest member of the Sacred College of Cardinals.

Death. September 5, 1979, at his Roman residence. Buried in the basilica of S. Pudenziana, Rome (1).

Webgraphy. His arms and photograph, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:



(21) 21. BRACCI, Francesco

Birth. November 5, 1879, Viganello, diocese of Viterbo, Italy.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Civita Castellana; and at the University of Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, June 6, 1903. Further studies in Rome, 1903-1906. Faculty member and, later, rector, canon of the cathedral chapter and chancellor of the diocese of Civita Castellana. He entered the Roman Curia in 1914, as a lawyer of the Roman Rota of which he was made auditor on December 29, 1934. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, November 15, 1919. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, September 18, 1922. Referendary prelate of the Apostolic Signature, January 23, 1926. Secretary of the S.C. of the Discipline of the Sacraments, December 30, 1935.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the deaconry of San Cesareo in Palatio, December 18, 1958. He resigned as secretary of the S.C. of the Discipline of the Sacraments on December 18, 1958. He wa member of the SS. CC. for the Discipline of the Sacraments and of the Council; and of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Idassa, April 5, 1962. Consecrated, April 19, 1962, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo and by Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. In the same ceremony were consecrated Cardinals Joaquín Anselmo María Albareda, O.S.B., Alberto Di Jorio, Antonio Bacci, Francesco Roberti, Augustin Bea, S.J., Michael Browne, O.P., William Theodore Heard, Alberto di Jorio, André Jullien, P.S.S., Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F., Francesco Morano and Alfredo Ottaviani. His episcopal motto was Bracchio virtutis tuae. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI.

Death. March 24, 1967, Rome, after a long illness. Notified of the cardinal’s death while participating in Good Friday cceremonies, Pope Paul VI visited the late cardinal’s residence in order to pay his respects on his way to the Vatican. Buried in the collegiate church of S. Maria della Presentazione, Vignanello(1).

Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in English, Find a Grave; his arms and biography, in Italian, Wikipedia; his arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of inscription on his funeral monument, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

A ⳩ Ω



(22) 22. ROBERTI, Francesco

Birth. July 7, 1889, Pergola, diocese of Pesaro, Italy. Son of Terenzio Roberti and Giuseppina Profili. He was baptized on the same day of his birth.

Education. Studied at the Pre-Seminary of Pesaro from 1899; received the ecclesiastical tonsure on December 26, 1901; at the Pontifical Roman Seminary, from April 24, 1902 to 1913; returned to Pergola to receive the priestly ordination; at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", Rome, where he earned doctorates in philosophy, theology and utroque iure, both canon and civil law; and at the Royal University, Rome.

Priesthood. Ordained, August 3, 1913, Pergola. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome, Tor di Mezzavia d'Albano and Torretta Massimi. Vice-rector of the Pontifical Minor Roman Seminary, 1915-1916; its rector, 1916-1929. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, March 2, 1917. Professor of canon law at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", February 1, 1918-1938. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, March 23, 1922. Advocate of the Sacred Roman Rota and of the Holy Office, 1927-1931. Referendary prelate of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, March 17, 1928; voting prelate, November 27, 1930. Founder and director of the journal Apollinaris, organ of the Faculty of Canon Law, 1928. Undersecretary of the S.C. of Seminaries and Universities, April 24, 1931. He was one of the organizers and contributors of the 4th International Juridical Congress for the commemoration of the 7th centennial of the decretali of Pope Gregory IX and the 14th centennial of the codice Giustinianeo, celebrated in Rome on November 12 to 17, 1934; the congress gathered the leading international specialists in canon and Roman law. Auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, June 5, 1936. Dean of the Pontifical Institute "Utriusque Iuris", 1937-1943. Official of the Roman vicariate. Secretary of the S.C. of the Council, March 9, 1946. Legal consultor of the Secretariat of State, October 6, 1952.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Maria in Cosmedin, December 18, 1958. Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, November 14, 1959.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Colonnata, April 5, 1962. Consecrated, April 19, 1962, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo and by Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. In the same ceremony were consecrated Cardinals Joaquín Anselmo María Albareda, O.S.B., Antonio Bacci, Augustin Bea, S.J., Francesco Bracci, Michael Browne, O.P., William Theodore Heard, Alberto di Jorio, André Jullien, P.S.S., Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F., Francesco Morano and Alfredo Ottaviani. His episcopal motto was Dominus robur meum. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of Ss. XII Apostoli, June 26, 1967. Resigned the prefecture, March 24, 1969; named prefect emeritus, March 26, 1969. Lost the right to participate in the conclave by being older than eighty years, January 1, 1971.

Death. July 16, 1977, Rome. Buried in his family's chapel in the cemetery of Pergola (1).

Bibliography. Palazzini, Pietro. "Card. Francesco Roberti." La Pontificia Università lateranense : profilo della sua storia, dei suoi maestri, e dei suoi discepoli. Roma : Libreria editrice della Pontificia Università lateranense, 1963, pp. 222-224; Palazzini, Pietro. "Commemorazione del cardinale Francesco Roberti." Apollinaris, LI (1978), 5-15.

Webgraphy. His arms and photograph, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text of the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

PERGOLA 7 VII 1889         ROMA 16 VII 1977


(23) 23. JULLIEN, P.S.S., André

Birth. October 25, 1882, Pelussin, archdiocese of Lyon, France. His baptismal name was André-Damien-Ferdinand. His last name is also listed as Jullien de Pommerol. Shortly after his birth, future Saint, Giovanni Bosco, happened to visit the Jullien family home in Pelussin. Upon seeing the baby, he expressed: “This will be the prelate of the family”. And so it was.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Issy, Paris; at the Seminary of Saint-Sulpice, Paris; and at the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare", Rome. Joined the Society of Saint-Sulpice in Rome in 1918.

Priesthood. Ordained, October 1, 1905, Lyon. Further studies, 1905-1908. Faculty member of the Seminary of Lyon, 1908-1912. Secretary to Monsignor Maury, S.S., auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, 1912-1922. Auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, September 15, 1922; its dean, October 30, 1944.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of December 15, 1958; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Giorgio in Velabro, December 18, 1958. His cardinalitial motto was Solum Deum præ oculis habens.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Corone, April 5, 1962. Consecrated, April 19, 1962, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo and by Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. In the same ceremony were consecrated Cardinals Joaquín Anselmo María Albareda, O.S.B., Antonio Bacci, Augustin Bea, S.J., Francesco Bracci, Michael Browne, O.P., William Theodore Heard, Alberto di Jorio, Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F., Francesco Morano, Alfredo Ottaviani and Francesco Roberti. His cardinalitial motto became his episcopal motto. Attended the first two sessions of the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1963. Participated in the conclave of 1963, which elected Pope Paul VI.

Death. January 11, 1964, of leukemia, Clinica San Carlo on Via Aurelia, Rome where he had been interned since December 6, 1963; a few days after receiving a personal visit from Pope Paul VI. Buried in the church of S. Giorgio in Velabro, Rome, in a vault intended for the remains of the cardinals who are assigned to that deaconry; however, Cardinal Jullien's remains are the only ones buried in it (1). A memorial tablet in his memory was placed above his vault (2).

Bibliography. Chapeau, O.S.B. André and Fernand Combaluzier, C.M. Épiscopologe français des temps modernes, 1592-1973. Paris : Letouzey et Ané, 1974, p. 351-352; Fiore, Ernesto, "Card. Andrea Jullien" in La Pontificia Università lateranense : profilo della sua storia, dei suoi maestri, e dei suoi discepoli. Roma : Libreria editrice della Pontificia Università lateranense, 1963, p. 453-455; Mélanges en l'honneur de son éminence le cardinal André Jullien, ancien doyen du tribunal de la Rote. Strasbourg : Palais universitaire, 1961. (Revue de droit canonique ; t. 10, no. 3-4 ; t. 11, no. 1).

Webgraphy. His arms and photograph, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) This is the text on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:


(2) This is the text of its inscription, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

1882 1964

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