Birth. November 24, 1914, Castel San Giovanni, diocese of Piacenza, Italy (1). Of a family of modest economic means. Son of Emilio Casaroli, a tailor, and Giuditta Pallaroni, a homemaker. He was baptized and confirmed in the parish church of Castel San Giovanni. His eldest brother, Luigi, went missing on the Russian front, during the Second World War, leaving his young wife with a child at an early age. Two of his maternal uncles were priests: Teodoro Pallaroni, who was bishop of Sarsina from 1931 to 1944; and Agostino Pallaroni, who for many years was rector of the diocesan seminary of Piacenza. They were an influence in the early vocation to the priesthood of Agostino.
Education. He entered the Minor Seminary of Bedonia, where his uncle Teodoro was the rector, at an early age completing the five classes of the ginnasio; then, in October 1929, he started his studies Collegio Alberoni of San Lazzaro, in Piacenza, where he studied philosophy (1929-1932); and theology (1932-1936); his course of study was characterized by a continued commitment to learning languages and a passion for music; over the years he acquired a mastery of French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and English and also made attempts to learn Russian and Chinese; then, in 1936, already a subdeacon, he obtained a scholarship to study at the Pontifical Institute utriusque iuris at the Pontifical Lateran Athenaeum, Rome, where he earned a doctorate in canon law in 1939; from 1937 to 1940, at the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles, Rome (diplomacy); and at the Italian Society for International Organizations, Rome, in 1946.
Priesthood. Ordained, May 27, 1937, feast of Corpus Christi, in the parish church of Castel San Giovanni. Further studies, 1937-1940, Rome. Adjunct to the archives and minutante at the Secretariat of State, 1940. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome from 1943. Privy chamberlain of His Holiness, January 4, 1945. Chaplain of Villa Agnese, 1950-1998. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, December 22, 1954. Assistant to Cardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, O.C.D., secretary of the S.C. Consistorial at the First General Conference of the Latin American Episcopal Council, July 25 to August 4, 1955, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ecclesiastical counselor to the Roman Group of Christian Union of Enterpreneurs, 1957-. Papal envoy to deliver the red biretta to Cardinal José María Bueno Monreal, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain, December 1958. Faculty member of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, Rome, 1958-1961. Undersecretary of the S.C. for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, February 24, 1961. Chief of the Vatican delegation to the United Nations Organization Conference on diplomatic relations, Vienna, Austria, March 1961. Chief of the Vatican delegation to the United Nations Organization Conference on consular relations, Vienna, Austria, March 1963. Vatican representative at the exchange of instruments in ratification of the modus vivendi with Tunisia, concerning the situation of the Catholic Church, 1964. Signatory of the partial agreement between the Holy See and Hungary, Budapest, September 15, 1964. Negotiated with the Czech government the appointment of Frantisek Tomásek, titular bishop of Buto and auxiliary of Prague, as apostolic administrator sede plena of the archdiocese, February 1965. Signatory of the protocol between the Holy See and Yugoslavia, Belgrade, June 25, 1966. Secretary of the S.C. for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, June 29, 1967.
Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Cartagine, July 4, 1967. Consecrated, July 16, 1967, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope Paul VI, assisted by Augusto Gianfranceschi, bishop of Cesena, and by Jacques-Paul Martin, titular bishop of Neapoli di Palaestina, prefect of the Papal Household. In the same ceremony were consecrated Ernesto Civardi, titular archbishop of Sardi, secretary of the S.C. Consistorial and secretary of the Sacred College of Cardinals, future cardinal; and three other prelates. His episcopal motto was Pro fide et justitia. President of the Pontifical Commission for Russia. Delivered the official document of adhesion of the Vatican to the Treaty of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, Moscow, U.S.S.R., February 25, 1971. Vatican representative to the meeting of European foreign ministers, Helsinki, Finland, July 3 to 7, 1973. Special delegate of the Holy See to the Conference on European Security and Cooperation, Helsinki, Finland, July 30 to August 1, 1975. Delivered the papal message to the United Nations Organization Special Assembly on Disarmament, June 1978. Confirmed in his posts by Pope John Paul I, August 28, 1978; and by Pope John Paul II, October 1978. Pro-secretary of State and pro-prefect of the Council for Public Affairs of the Church, April 28 to July 1, 1979.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of Ss. XII Apostoli, June 30, 1979. Named secretary of State, prefect of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church and president of Pontifical Commission for State of Vatican City, July 1, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980. President of the Administration of Patrimony of Apostolic See, January 30, 1981. Papal legate to the opening celebrations of 7th centennial of St. Francis' birth, Assisi, Italy, October 3 to 4, 1981. Papal legate to the celebrations of 450th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, México City, México, December 12, 1981. Special papal envoy to the centennial celebration of the establishment of the Knights of Columbus, Hartford, Connecticut, United States of America, August 3 to 6, 1982. Attended the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983. Resigned the presidency of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, April 8, 1984; charged with representing the pope before the civil government of the State of Vatican City. Papal legate to the National Eucharistic Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 11 to 14, 1984. Named cardinal bishop of the title of suburbicarian see of Porto e Santa Rufina, retaining in commendam his title of Ss. XII Apostoli, May 25, 1985; the name of the suburbicarian see was changed to Porto-Santa Rufina on September 30, 1986. Papal legate to the celebrations in honor of the 11th centennial of St. Metodius' death, Djakovo, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, July 4 to 5, 1985; and Velehrad, Czechoslovakia, July 7, 1985. Attended the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985. Papal legate to the coronation of the image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Pompeii, Italy, May 8, 1987. Attended the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987. Attended the Eighth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 28, 1990. Resigned the secretariat of State and the prefecture of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church, December 1, 1990. Vice-dean of College of Cardinals, June 5, 1993. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, November 24, 1994. After his retirement, he exercised his priestly ministry among young detainees in the jail of Casal del Marmo for minors, in Rome.
Death. Tuesday June 9, 1998, of cardio-respiratory complications, at "Colombus Clinic" in Rome, where he had been admitted the previous Thursday. Buried beneath the pavement at the entrance of the chapel of S. Antonio di Padua in the basilica of Ss. XII Apostoli, Rome (2) (3). The "Associazione Centro Studi Cardinale Agostino Casaroli", located at the Seminary of Bedonia, was founded following the cardinal's death; his niece, Orietta Casaroli Zanoni, gave a vast collection of photographs, audio-visual recordings, books, documents, and several others belongings of the late cardinal to the newly established Association.
Bibliography. Casaroli, Agostino. Il martirio della pazienza. Torino : Einaudi, 2000; Casaroli, Agostino. Nella Chiesa per il mondo : omelie e discorsi. Milano : Rusconi, 1987; Chizzoniti, Antonio G. Agostino Casaroli: lo sguardo lungo della Chiesa. Milano : Vita e Pensiero, 2015; Lavopa, Marco. La diplomazia dei "Piccoli Passi". L'Ostpolitik vaticana di Mons. Agostino Casaroli. Rome : GBE / Ginevra Bentivoglio EditoriA, 2013 (Extravagantes, 24); Melloni, Alberto. Il filo sottile : l'Ostpolitik vaticana di Agostino Casaroli. Bologna : Il mulino, 2006. (Santa Sede e politica nel Novecento, 4); Santini, Alceste. Agostino Casaroli, hombre de diálogo. Translated by Rafael Pérez. Madrid : PPC, 1993; Silvestrini, Achille. L'Ostpolitik di Agostino Casaroli, 1963-1989. Convegno "L'Ostpolitik di Agostino Casaroli, 1963-1989" (2008 : Vatican City). Bologna : EDB, 2009. (I libri de Il regno, 5). Materials specified: Table of contents. Link to external web site .
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography by Carlo Felice Casula, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (2013), Treccani; Interventi del Segretario di Stato, S. Em. Card. Agostino Casaroli, Segretaria di Stato, Città del Vaticano; Site of the "Associazione Centro Studi Cardinale Agostino Casaroli", in Italian; Omelia di Papa Giovanni Paolo II nella Esequie per S. Em. Card. Agostino Casaroli, Venerdì, 12 giugno 1998; his photograph, portrait and arms, Araldica Vaticana; Secretaries of State Compared. Low Marks for Casaroli, Too by Sandro Magister, Chiesa, July 16, 2012; Casaroli and Wyszynski: Facts and falsehoods revealed by Gianni Valente, Vatican Insider, 10/12/2013; Casaroli il grande tessitore. Biografia per immagini del diplomatico dell'Ostpolitik, L'Osservatore Romano, 10 settembre 2015; The old and new Ostpolitik of the Holy See (I) by Stefano Caprio,, 02/19/2018, 10.29; Criticism of Ostpolitik, persecution and dissent (II) by Stefano Caprio,, 02/20/2018, 10.22; The Ostpolitik of today and the 'outgoing' Church (III) by Stefano Caprio, AsiaNews.iu, 02/21/2018, 10.22; Quando Agostino Casaroli disse a Leonardi Sandri: "Hanno eletto Wojtyła, che coraggio!” by Angela Ambrogetti, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 21 giugno, 2021 / 6:00 PM; Il Concordato del 1984 tra Stato e Chiesa: cos’è l’accordo impugnato dal Vaticano contro il ddl Zan by Antonio Carioti, Corriere della Sera, 22 giugno 2021 | 17:49; The Casaroli Myth by George Weigel, The Catholic World Report, September 29, 2021; Agostino Casaroli, il "pontiere" di Giovanni Paolo II by Andrea Muratore, Il Giornale, 28 Dicembre 2021 - 07:46; Pope to new cardinals: bring the fire of Jesus, like Casaroli and Van Thuan, Asia, Vatican City, 08/27/2022, 17.10.
(1) This is the text of the inscription on the facade of the house in which he was born, kindly provided by Mr. Eman
Bonnici, from Malta:
Birth. November 15, 1914, Lapio, archdiocese of Benevento, Italy. Baptized in the parish church of S. Catarina d'Alessandria, Lapio. He had an uncle, also named Giuseppe Caprio, who was a priest and for several years pro-secretary of the economy of the S.C. of Propaganda Fide.
Education. Studied at the Archiepiscopal Seminary of Benevento; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, where he obtained a licentiate in theology and a doctorate in canon law; and at the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles, Rome.
Priesthood. Ordained, December 17, 1938, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome. Further studies, 1939-1940, Rome. Assigned to the Secretariat of State, 1940-1947. Secretary of the nunciature in China, 1947-1951; expelled from China by the Communist regime after three months of house arrest in Nanchang. Auditor of the nunciature in Belgium, 1951-1954. Visitor and regent of the apostolic delegation in South Vietnam, 1954-1959. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, November 21, 1955. Internuncio in China (Formosa), May 20, 1959.
Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Apollonia, October 14, 1961. Consecrated, December 14, 1961, basilica of Madonna delle Grazie, Benevento, by Cardinal Gregoire-Pierre Agagianian, prefect of the S.C. for the Propagation of the Faith, assisted by Pietro Parente, titular archbishop of Tolemaide di Tebaide, assessor of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office, and by Raffaele Calabria, titular archbishop of Elipoli di Fenicia, coadjutor of Benevento. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. His episcopal motto was Pax in virtute. Pro-nuncio in India, August 22, 1967. Head of the Vatican delegation to the Second U.N.O. Conference for Commerce and Development, New Delhi, India, 1968. Secretary of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, April 19, 1969. Substitute of the Secretariat of State, June 14, 1977. Pro-president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, April 28, 1979.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the deaconry of S. Maria Ausiliatrice in Via Tuscolana, June 30, 1979. President of the Administration of Patrimony of Apostolic See, July 1, 1979. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980. President of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, January 30, 1981. Attended the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 28 to October 29, 1983; the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985. Cardinal protodeacon, June 22, 1987. Attended the VII Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987. Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, November 15, 1988. Special papal envoy to the funeral of Prince Franz Josef II of Liechtenstein, November 1989. Resigned the presidency, January 22, 1990. Special papal envoy to the accession to the throne of Emperor Akihito, Tokyo, Japan, November 12, 1990. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Maria della Vittoria, November 26, 1990. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, November 15, 1994. Resigned the grand mastership, December 1995.
Death. October 15, 2005, in the afternoon, Rome. After learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI sent Signora Maria Caprio a telegram of condolence (1). The funeral, presided by Pope Benedict XVI, who delivered the homily, took place on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 11 a.m., in the altar of the chair of Saint Peter the patriarchal Vatican basilica. Fifty cardinals and many bishops, present in Rome for the assembly of the Synod of Bishops, participated in the ceremony, which was also attended by members of the diplomatic corps accredited before the Holy See, and family members of the late cardinal. Another funeral for Cardinal Caprio took place on October 19, 2005, in the parish church of S. Catarina d'Alessandria, Lapio, where he had been baptized; it was presided by Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, and concelebrated by Serafino Sprovieri, archbishop of Benevento, and all the bishops of the Irpina region. The remains of the cardinal were buried, according to his will, in that parish church (2).
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; his arms and photographs, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
Gentile Signora Maria CaprioBirth. July 8, 1925, Izano, diocese of Crema, Italy. Of a modest family of small farmers. His last name is also listed as Cè.
Education. Studied at the Seminary of Crema, (classic studies); then at Lyceum "A. Verri", Lodi (maturità); sent to Rome, he resided at Seminary Lombardo and studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, where he obtained a doctorate in dogmatic theology; and at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, where he earned a licentiate in Sacred Scriptures.
Priesthood. Ordained, March 27, 1948, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Luigi Traglia, titular archbishop of Cesarea di Palestina, vice-gerent of Rome. Returned to Crema after his ordination. He was vice-rector of the diocesan seminary and professor of Sacred Scriptures, from 1948 to 1957; he was named its rector in 1957; and continued teaching; occupied both posts until 1970. He was president of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. He also dedicated himself particularly to preaching spiritual retreats to the youth of the Catholic Action; and to giving spiritual exercises to the clergy.
Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Vulturia and appointed auxiliary of Bologna, April 22, 1970. Consecrated, May 17, 1970, feast of Pentecost, at the cathedral of Crema, by Carlo Manziana, bishop of Crema, assisted by Franco Costa, titular archbishop of Emmaus, General Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Italian Catholic Action, and by Placido Cambiaghi, C.R.S.P., bishop of Novara. His episcopal motto was Christus ipse pax. He was received in Bologna on June 29 with a solemn concelebration in the cathedral basilica of S. Petronio. Named general ecclesiastical assistant of the Italian Catholic Action, May 21, 1976. Promoted to the patriarchal see of Venice, December 7, 1978. He took canonical possession of the see on January 1, 1979; and made his solemn entrance the following January 7.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Marco, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980; the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983; the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987; the Eighth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 28, 1990. Special papal envoy to the celebrations of the sixteenth centennial of the death of Saint Vigil, bishop, patron of the archdiocese of Trent, Italy, that took place in that city on June 26, 2001. Resigned the pastoral government of patriarchate of Venice, January 5, 2002. Apostolic administrator of Venice, January 5 to March 3, 2002. Participated in the conclave of April 18 to 19, 2005, which elected Pope Benedict XVI; he was the oldest cardinal participating in the conclave. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned 80 years old, July 8, 2005. Preached the spiritual exercises for Pope Benedict XVI and the Roman Curia, March 5 to 11, 2006, chapel Redemptoris Mater, Vatican City on the theme "Camminando con Gesù verso la Pasqua guidati dall'Evangelista Marco". After his retirement, he continued, until a few months before his death, to exercise his ministry dealing especially with the spiritual care of people and, in particular, the diocesan retreats. He was the first patriarch emeritus of Venice. He was hospitalized on March 19, 2014 following the fracture of his left femur after a fall in his residence. Upon his request, he received the last rites from his successor, Patriarch Francesco Moraglia.
Death. Monday May 12, 2014, at 8:15, p.m., at the Hospital Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. Upon learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope Francis prayed for the eternal repose of his soul and sent Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice a telegram of condolence (1). The funeral for the late cardinal took place on Saturday May 17, 2014, at 10 a.m., in the cathedral basilica of S. Marco, presided by Patriarch Moraglia. The funeral chamber, in the cathedral basilica, started on Wednesday May 14. The body of the late cardinal was entombed in the crypt of the cathedral following the funeral (2).
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; his portrait by Luciano Perolini, secolo XX, regione ecclesiastica Triveneto, diocesi Venezia, Beni Ecclesiastici in web (BeWeB); photograph and biography, in Italian, patriarchate of Venice; his arms, Araldica Vaticana; Il racconto della "vecchiaia bella" del Patriarca emerito Marco. L'ultimo scritto del card. Cé, a marzo 2014, su Gente Veneta, Patriarcato di Venezia, Lunedì 12 Maggio 2014; Muore il cardinale Cè, successore di Luciani a Venezia by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider, 13/05/2014; A Venezia la Messa in suffragio per il Cardinale Marco Cè, ACI Stampa, 12 maggio, 2017 / 12:00 AM.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the site of the Press Office of the Holy See:
A Sua Eccelenza Mons. Franceco MoragliaAnalogous telegram was sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, secretary of State.
(2) This is the text of the inscription on his sarcophagus, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
Birth. February 22, 1906, Casalecchio di Reno, archdiocese of Bologna, Italy. Descendant of the Righi family, to whom Marquis Giovanni Lambertini, ancestor of Pope Benedict XIV and of Blessed Imelda Lambertini, granted the use of the surname.
Education. Studied at the Pontifical Regional Seminary of Bologna; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; and at the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles, Rome.
Priesthood. Ordained, May 25, 1929, Bologna. Pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Bologna, 1929-1936. Further studies, 1936-1939, Rome. Joined the Vatican Secretariat of State, 1939. Auditor, nunciature in Italy, 1939-1949. Auditor and counselor, nunciature in France, 1949-1954. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, December 10, 1954. Chargé d'affaires, nunciatures in Costa Rica and Venezuela; and in the apostolic delegation in Great Britain, 1954-1957. Apostolic delegate in Korea, December 28, 1957.
Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Doclea and appointed nuncio in Lebanon, July 9, 1960. Consecrated, October 28, 1960, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope John XXIII, assisted by Diego Venini, titular archbishop of Adana, privy almoner of His Holiness, and by Benigno Carrara, bishop of Imola. In the same ceremony were consecrated future Cardinals Dino Staffa, titular archbishop of Cesarea di Palestina, secretary of the S.C. of Seminaries and Universities; and Pericle Felici, titular archbishop of Samosata, secretary general of the Second Vatican Council. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Nuncio in Chile, December 9, 1963. Nuncio in Italy, July 8, 1967. Nuncio in France, April 23, 1969. Special envoy, with functions of permanent observer, to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 1974-1979. Awarded the title of Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor of France.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the deaconry of S. Giovanni Bosco in Via Tuscolana, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Meeting of Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, February 22, 1986. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Maria in Via, November 26, 1990.
Death. October 4, 2000, Rome. Upon learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope John Paul II sent a telegram of condolence to the his relatives through Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State (1). His funeral mass, presided by the pope and concelebrated by the cardinals, took place at the patriarchal Vatican basilica, on Friday October 6, 2000, at 10 am. The pope also delivered the homily. He was buried in the cemetery of Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (2).
Webgraphy. His arms and biography, in Italian, Wikipedia; his photograph and arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
PREGIATISSIMO SIG. GIANANGELO GANDOLFI(2) This is the text of the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
1906 ﹣ 2000
Birth. March 19, 1921, Trac But, apostolic vicariate of Việt Nam. Son of Peter Trịnh Van Dien (+ 1952) and Anna Nguyen Thi Thao, both from But Dong village. He had a younger sister named Teresa Avila Trinh Thi Mieu. His parents named him Joseph because he was born on the day of the feast of Saint Joseph. His parents went to Laos in 1922 for Peter to find a job as a nurse. After that, they went to Thailand and stayed there until 1932 when they returned to Vietnam.
Education. Coming from a Catholic family, from a young age, he followed and worked as an assistant to deacon Peter Nguyen Duc Tin in his hometown. On June 28, 1929, when he and his mother were visiting the parish priest, Seminarian Tin asked Joseph-Marie if he wanted to follow him and he accepted. The very next day, his mother sent him to live and study with the parish priest of Nam Dinh, Pédebidau (Vietnamese name is Hoa). In 1930, after Master Tin was ordained a priest to help Ke Voi, he took Joseph-Marie with him and sent him to study at Thuong Tin Seminary School. In 1931, he passed the French-Vietnamese Compendium of Basic Studies and began his ecclesiastical life at the Hanoi priest training school for 3 years. At the beginning of the school year 1934-1935, he was sent to study at Hoang Nguyen Minor Seminary for 5 years. At that time, Father Binet (commonly known as Co Ninh) was the principal. After graduating and receiving the diaconate, he was sent to help Yen My and in 1941 was sent to study at Xuan Bich Seminary in Lieu Giai, run by priests of the Xuan Bich Priests' Association, under the direction of Father Palliard. After September 2, 1945, the Indochina War occurred, and the major seminary where Joseph-Marie was studying was closed, and he was evacuated to his hometown and then to Dai On with the priest, Father Peter Nguyen Duc Tin. Around March 1947, he returned to the Major Seminary to attend a theology classes now under the Redemptorist Order under the guidance of the rector Father Gagnon. In early 1948, he returned to study at Xuan Bich Seminary in Lieu Trai, now known as St. Joseph's Major Seminary in Hà Nôi, and in the same year he founded the Vietnamese lay associations.
Priesthood. Ordained, December 3 (or 8), 1949, Hà Nôi, by Bishop François Chaize, M.E.P., titular bishop of Alabanda, vicar apostolic of Hà Nôi; four other priests were also ordained in the same ceremony. Successively, 1949-1963, in the archdiocese of Hà Nôi, pastoral ministry; vicar foraneous; vicar delegate; official of the ecclesiastical tribunal. After ordination, in February 1950, Father Can was appointed to Ham Long to assist the parish priest Father Joseph Trinh Nhu Khue. A year later, Father Trinh Nhu Khue was appointed bishop of Hanoi by the Holy See. He left Ham Long to go to the bishopric to take the position of secretary of the new bishop. After that, he concurrently held the position of deputy parish priest of the cathedral and deputy director of Dung Lac High School. In August 1952, Father Peter Nguyen Huy Mai was appointed rector of the Minor Seminary Pius XII and vicar general. Father Can was promoted to be the parish priest of the Hanoi cathedral and the general administrator of the Hanoi region. In 1954, when the Geneva accords were implemented, 100 of the 180 priests of the diocese emigrated with parishioners to South Vietnam. Father Can stayed with a number of parishioners to serve the diocese and continue the restoration work of the church. Contemporaries see him as one of the leaders of the Catholic Church in the North of Vietnam who help people overcome difficulties when the social situation becomes volatile because of the relationship between the Democratic Vietnamese government and the Democratic People's Republic of China. The Republic and the Vatican relations were fractured. In 1958, Father Can ordered to ring the bell of Hanoi cathedral within an hour to call for help from parishioners to save the church from a group of people claiming to be the masses who flocked to decorate the church for Christmas. The reason was also that a year earlier, the authorities on the occasion of Christmas sent a crowd to this church to hang decorative flower lights and force the church to pay a high amount. After this, Father Can and the vicar general of the Hanoi archdiocese, John Lasan Nguyen Van Vinh and some parishioners were accused by the government of disrupting peace and order. Father Can was sentenced to 12 months of suspended prison. In 1959, Father Can was named the parish priest of the cathedral and concurrently of the parish of Ke Seth. In the same year, the state at that time confiscated the land at the Hanoi nunciature. Father Can had to move the statue of Our Lady out of the nunciature because of threats from the authorities. In 1960, as the representative of the Apostolic Vicariate of Hanoi, Father Trinh Van Can went to the Apostolic Vicariate of Lang Son to attend the funeral of the late Apostolic Vicar Félix-Maurice Hedde Minh. However, upon arrival, the burial had taken place.
Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Ela and appointed coadjutor, with right of succession, of Hanoi, February 5, 1963. Consecrated, June 2, 1963, metropolitan cathedral of Hà Nôi, by Joseph-Marie Trin-nhu-Khuê, archbishop of Hà Nôi, assisted by Father J. Bich and Father Cung. His episcopal motto was Caritas Gaudiam Pax. Participated in the last two sessions of the Second Vatican Council, 1963-1965. Participated in the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, September 27 to October 26, 1974. In 1976, he accompanied the new Cardinal Joseph Maria Trinh Nhu Khue, archbishop of Hà Nôi, to Rome to receive the biretta. Succeeded to the metropolitan see of Hà Nôi, November 27, 1978, after the sudden death of Cardinal Trin-nhu-Khuê from a heart attack; he presided over the funeral of the late cardinal, concelebrating with 11 bishops and 50 priests.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Maria in Via, June 30, 1979. He was the second Vietnamese cardinal. At the end of July, 1978, he returned to Hà Nôi. On August 15, 1979, he received Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong. From April 24 to May 1, 1980, 33 bishops from all over the country went to Hà Nôi to attend the founding congress of the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference and unanimously elected the cardinal as the first president of the Vietnam Bishops' Conference. After the founding of the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference, he and a number of Vietnamese bishops went to Hungary for a week in May 1980 and were welcomed by István Sarlós, president of the Patriotic People's Front and by the archbishop of Esztergom, Cardinal László Lékai. In the same year, after the religious situation eased, he re-established the ranks of catechists and opened a training course for this class. For this, Cardinal Trinh Van Can was supported by the Hanoi Congregation of the Lovers of the Cross. After that, Cardinal Trinh Van Can and all the bishops of Vietnam went to the Ad Limina visit (the duty to visit the tombs of the Apostles in Rome), which requires the bishops to visit once every 5 years. The Vietnamese bishops were divided into two delegations, the North was led by him, the South was led by the archbishop of Saigon, Paul Nguyen Van Binh. The delegation of bishops led by him departed in June, while the delegation led by Archbishop Binh followed in September of the same year. The Vietnamese bishops' delegation led by him also visited Foyer Phat Diem in Rome and were received by Pope John Paul II on June 22, 1981. In 1981, a foreign charity sponsored a reprint of 50,000 copies of the New Testament translated by Cardinal Trinh Van Can as a gift on the occasion of his promotion to the cardinalate. In 1982, with permission of the government, he ordained six new priests. The following March, he was placed under house arrest while 130 other priests were sent to a re-education camp. A month later, he met Dr. Frank Werkmeister - one of the founders of the Friendship Association between the people of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, called the Friendship Association with Vietnam for short. After that, he attended the Second Conference of the Vietnamese Bishops and was re-elected president of the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference for that term. Also on this occasion and to present the list of bishops who could go to Rome to attend the Sixth World Synod of Bishops in 1983, the bishops established a delegation led by him to greet the Central Committee of the Front, the Vietnamese Fatherland and the Religious Affairs Committee of the Council of Ministers. The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Huỳnh Tấn Phát and Mr. Hoàng Quốc Việt at the headquarters. Cardinal Trinh Van Can was placed again under house arrest between late 1983 and 1984, along with between 100 and 200 priests who were sent to re-education camps or imprisoned. During the time of the cardinal's house arrest, on May 10, 1984, Pope John Paul II, during his visit to Thailand, sent a telegram to the Catholic Church of Vietnam. On the occasion of the beginning of the 1985 Lunar New Year, on January 14, Pope John Paul II sent a letter to Cardinal Trinh Van Can to inquire about the Ad Limina visit that year of the Vietnamese bishops. Since he did not receive a reply, the letter was broadcast in Vietnamese on the Vatican radio. In the letter, the pope aid that he wished to meet the Vietnamese bishops again, and at the same time he expressed the Holy See's concern with the situation of Catholicism in Vietnam. The cardinal went to the Ad Limina visit and stayed in Rome for the synod of bishops. Attended the the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985. He participated in the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987; he was named one of its three presidents delegate but he was not authorized by the Vietnamese authorities to travel to Rome. The other two Vietnamese bishops who are allowed to go are only half the time of the Synod of Bishops. In a letter sent to the Synod on the September 20, 1987 and published on October 7 at the morning session of the Synod, Cardinal Can said he did not attend because of his medical condition. Despite the government's objections to the canonization of the Vietnamese martyrs, Cardinal Trinh Van Can said he would attend the Rome ceremony after traveling to Moscow to attend celebrations marking the millennium of Christianity in Russia at the beginning of May. On June 19, 1988, despite the Vietnamese government's objections and obstacles, Pope John Paul II canonized 117 Vietnamese martyrs - something that Cardinal Trinh Van Can had continuously promoted. That was the largest canonization ceremony in the history of the Roman Catholic Church with 117 saints, exceeding the number of 103 in Korea also declared by Pope John Paul II in 1984. However, from the Vietnamese side, no delegation was authorized by the government to attend. After that, the cardinal he sent Auxiliary Bishop Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Sang to head the delegation, along with Bishop Bartholomew Nguyen Son Lam and Bishop Paul Huynh Dong Dinh to go to Rome to explain and attend the canonization ceremony, but the delegation was also not given permission to go. The Bishops' Conference of Vietnam expressed great appreciation to the pope for this canonization. In August, the Council of Ministers discussed and granted permission for Cardinal Trinh Van Can to organize the veneration of 117 Martyrs and celebrate it on September 1 in Vietnam, but not to all parishes belonging to the dioceses. On June 25, 1988, a papal proclamation of the ceremony was sent to the bishops of Vietnam, Cardinal Trinh Van Can, and his assistant, Bishop Nguyen Van Sang. On June 8, 1988, the archbishop of Hue, Philip Nguyen Kim Dien, passed away. A week later, a funeral was held presided by Cardinal Trinh Van Can and concelebrated by most of the Vietnamese bishops and many priests. On the followinf June 10, he was appointed apostolic administrator of Hue and he accepted the appointment. In this capacity, he visited parishes, met with priests and monks, and six times himself proposed to the Holy See Father Stanislao Nguyen Duc Ve to be archbishop of Hue when Bishop James Le Van Man, who was authorized to succeed refused. Cardinal Trinh Van Can's recommendation was also not accepted by the Holy See and the authorities. Some diocesan priests asked to reinstate former Ausxiliary Archbishop Stephen Nguyen Nhu The. During his tenure as the administrator of Hue, Cardinal Trinh Van Can caused controversy when he decided to ban the use of incense sticks and incense offerings in Catholic ceremonies. The use of incense sticks and Catholic ancestor worship had been authorized and popularized by the Holy See in rituals. Cardinal Trinh Van Can's ban created a very strong movement against him in the dioceses of Central Vietnam. Cardinal Trinh Van Can ended his duties as apostolic administrator when he died suddenly in May 1990, and the Vatican appointed the "priest vicar general" of the Hue archdiocese James Le Van Man as administrator of the archdiocese. At the end of 1988, Archbishop of Saigon, Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, was released from prison, and was brought to the archdiocese of Hanoi under house arrest, right at the residence of Cardinal Trin Van Can. Before that, while Archbishop Thuan of Saigon was in prison, Cardinal Trin Van Can and Father Joseph Dang Duc Ngan visited him many times, and that Archbishop Van Thuan was release from house arrest to the arhcbishop's palace in Hanoi was due to the guarantee of Cardinal Trinh Van Can. In January 1989, Cardinal Trinh Van Can presided over the funeral of Hung Hoa Bishop Joseph Phan The Hinh and hosted the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops during their visit to Hà Nội from the 4th to the 9th. In March 1989, the bishop of Thai Binh, Joseph Maria Dinh Binh died, and the cardinal assumed the role of apostolic administrator while waiting for the Holy See to appoint a new bishop. He and Archbishop Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan of the archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City concelebrated Mass with Pope John Paul II in April at the pope's private chapel with the participation of the people from the Vietnamese communities. He stayed in Rome until April 23, then returned to Vietnam. Before that, he and Bishop Thuan had met with Vatican officials. In addition to concelebrating with the pope, the cardinal also traveled to Rome for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Congregation for the Evangeliztion of Peoples. Also in April of the same year, he commissioned Auxiliary Bishop Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Sang on his behalf to attend the International Eucharistic Congress held in Seoul (South Corea). In May 1989, he went to Rome to attend a meeting of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. In July 1989, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray represented Pope John Paul II to Vietnam for two weeks. After Cardinal Etchegaray's return, he wrote a letter of thanks for the visit and considers it a "new Pentecost", he said. During his visit, Cardinal Etchergaray also brought a message from the pope to Cardinal Trinh Van Can and the Vietnamese bishops' conference. Realizing the complicated situation, Cardinal Trinh Van Can chose to send the pope's message back through the Vietnamese government and then did not mention the message. This message was summarized by the Catholic and National newspaper, truncated with words they deemed inappropriate, and published later in August 1989. In the same year, he published the book "Learn to play piano, learn music, learn to sing". In the same year, a year after the canonization, he and his auxiliary bishop, Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Sang, went to Rome for medical treatment. On this occasion, Vatican Radio interviewed Bishop Sang for an hour about the canonization of Vietnamese martyrs. In October 1989, he wrote a petition to the Vatican asking for the Church's favor: the Catholic association in Vietnam celebrates the feast of Saint Andrew Dung Lac and his companions, martyrs. In December 1989, the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference elected a new standing committee; the cardinal resigned from the position of president after 3 terms lasting from 1980 to 1989, and a new president succeeded him: Bishop Xuan Loc Paul Maria Nguyen Minh Nhat. In 1989, the Holy See reappointed Cardinal Trinh Van Can as apostolic administrator of the diocese of Hung Hoa in place of Bishop Joseph Phan The Hinh who had died in January 1989. He was also appointed as apostolic administrator of the diocese of Thai Binh in March of the same year in place of Bishop Joseph Maria Dinh Binh who had died in March, and apostolic administrator of the Thanh Hoa diocese for Bishop Peter Pham Tan who passed away in February 1990. In December 1989, he attended the annual meeting of the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference and issued a pastoral letter calling on Catholics to unite to serve the poor and educate the children. This session was especially attended by Cardinal Agostino Casaroli. He also met Father Hermann Schmuck, one of eight members of the General Council in Rome of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), during his visit to Vietnam in 1990.
Death. May 18, 1990, at 8:20 p.m., suddenly in his office, due to myocardial infarction and high blood pressure, in Hà Nôi. Upon learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope John Paul II sent François Xavier Nguyên Van Sang, auxiliary bishop of Hà Nôi, a telegram of condolence. Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, representing Pope John Paul II, presided over his funeral in Hà Nôi. The funeral Mass was concelebrated by twenty bishops, one hundred twenty priests with some 80,000 people in attendance. His tomb is located right under the altar of the Vietnamese Martyrs in St. Joseph's metropolitan cathedral, Hà Nôi.
Webgraphy. Photograph, arms and biography, in Vietnamese, Wikipedia; his photograph and arms, Araldica Vaticana; his photograph, tomb and biography by Guy Gagnon, in English, Find a Grave.
Birth. October 21, 1906, Fossarmato, diocese of Pavia, Italy. His elder brother, Luigi (1886-1971), was titular bishop of Tespia and canon of the chapter of the Patriarchal Vatican Basilica, who led the Catholic Action for years as Assistant of the Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani (ACLI), was confessor of Pope John XXIII and authored numerous publications.
Education. Studied at the Seminary of Pavia; at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, where he earned a doctorate in canon law; and at the Sacred Roma Rota, legal section, Vatican City becoming a Rotal lawyer.
Priesthood. Ordained, June 29, 1930, Pavia. Further studies, 1930-1932, Rome. Vice-rector, Lombardian Seminary, Rome, 1932-1934. Pastoral ministry in the diocese of Rome and staff member of the S.C. Consistorial, 1934-1953. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, July 15, 1950. Substitute of the S.C. Consistorial, 1953-1965; undersecretary, 1965-1967. Commissary of the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments and justice promoter of the Vatican City Tribunal, 1953-1967. Referendary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, November 18, 1958; voting prelate, October 10, 1962. Expert at the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. He was confessor to Pope John XXIII. Counselor of the S.C. for the Propagation of the Faith, 1965-1967. Secretary of the S.C. Consistorial, May 17, 1967.
Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Sardica, June 26, 1967. Consecrated, July 16, 1967, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope Paul VI, assisted by Augusto Gianfranceschi, bishop of Cesena, and by Jacques-Paul Martin, titular bishop of Neapoli di Palaestina, canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica. In the same ceremony were consecrated Agostino Casaroli, titular archbishop of Cartagine, future cardinal; and three other prelates. Present at the ceremony was his brother Bishop Luigi. Secretary of the Sacred College of Cardinals, July 16, 1967. Secretary of the conclave of August 25 to 26,1978, which elected Pope John Paul I. Secretary of the conclave of October 14 to 16,1978, which elected Pope John Paul II.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the deaconry of S. Teodoro, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, October 21, 1986. He authored numerous publications.
Death. November 28, 1989, Rome. The funeral was celebrated by Pope John Paul II at the patriarchal Vatican basilica on Thursday, November 30, 1989. Buried in the chapel of the "Confraternità dei Lombardi", Campo Verano cemetery, Rome.
Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.
Birth. June 29, 1919, Tampico, México. Son of Ernesto Corripio Estrada and Herminia Ahumada; he was the eldest of four brothers; the other children were Valentín, Francisco and Narciso. During his infancy there began a religious persecution which became more acute in the government of Plutarco Elías Calles, who assumed the presidency in 1924, when the future cardinal was five years old; the "Cristero" conflict in its critical phase lasted until 1929, when the government and the Church arrived at an unfulfilled peace agreement; by that time, he had already felt God's call and was the altar server of Fr. Francisco Cortés, who had to seek refuge in the house of the now Servant Of God Francisco Balmori. Inspired in his vocation by his maternal grandmother and promoted by the bishop of Tampico, Serafín María Armora, he entered the seminary.
Education. Studied at Seminario Palafoxiano, Puebla, December 30, 1930-1935 (literary studies and philosophy); at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (doctorate in philosophy, 1937-January 1945; licentiates in theology, 1942; in canon law, 1944; and in church history, 1945); resided at Collegio Pio Latino Americano.
Priesthood. Ordained, October 15, 1942, Gesù church, Rome, by Luigi Traglia, titular archbishop of Cesarea di Palestina, vice-gerent of Rome. Further studies, Rome, 1942-1945. Successively, 1945-1950, pastoral ministry in the diocese of Tampico; faculty member, administrator and vice-rector, Seminary of Tampico. Secretary of the Tampico diocesan curia, 1950-1952.
Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Zapara and appointed auxiliary of Tampico, December 27, 1952; at the time, he was the youngest bishop of the world. Consecrated, March 19, 1953, cathedral of Tampico, by Octaviano Márquez Toriz, archbishop of Puebla, assisted by Serafín María Armora y González, bishop of Tamaulipas, and by Luis Guizar Barragán, bishop of Saltillo. His episcopal motto was Nuestro vivir es Cristo. Transferred to the see of Tampico, February 25, 1956. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Antequera, July 25, 1967. President of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, from 1967 to 1973. Attended the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969. Transferred to the metropolitan see of Puebla de los Angeles, March 8, 1976. Transferred to the metropolitan see of México, July 19, 1977. Attended the Third General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, Puebla, México, January 27 to February 13, 1979; one of its three presidents delegate.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of Immacolata al Tiburtino, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5 to 9, 1979. Special papal representative to the funeral of Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdamez, assassinated archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador, March 30, 1980. Member of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of the Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See, May 31, 1981. Special papal envoy to the National Marian Congress, La Paz, Bolivia, January 29 to February 5, 1984. Attended the IV General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 12 to 28, 1992. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, September 29, 1994. Apostolic administrator, sede vacante, of México, September 29, 1994 to June 13, 1995. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, June 29, 1999. He was instrumental in the renewing of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and México.
Death. April 10, 2008, at 5:30 a.m., from complications of heart problems, thrombosis and diabetes, in his residence in La Noria, Xochimilco, México City. Upon learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI sent Cardinal Noberto Rivera Carrera, archbishop of México, a telegram of condolence (1). His body was exposed in the Minor Seminary of the archdiocese of México on April 10, from 4 p.m. until the following day at noon; then, the casket with the body of the late cardinal was transferred to the National Basilica of Guadalupe, where it was in repose until Saturday at noon, when it was taken to the metropolitan and primatial cathedral of México; Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, archbishop of México, presided the funeral mass on Sunday April 13 in that cathedral. His burial took place in the crypt of the archbishops, fila 2, sitio 41, beneath the Altar de los Reyes of that cathedral.
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italina, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; biography, in Spanish, Arzobispado de México; photographs and biography, in Italian, Santi e Beati; and his arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
Señor Cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera
Arzobispo de México
(2) This is the text of the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
Birth. February 1, 1904, Shittsu, archdiocese of Nagasaki, Japan.
Education. Studied at the Seminary of Nagasaki; at the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum, Rome; and at the Catholic University of America, Washington, United States of America.
Priesthood. Ordained, December 17, 1932, Rome. Successively, 1933-1941, in diocese of Nagasaki, pastoral ministry, procurator and episcopal chancellor. Apostolic administrator of Taiwan, 1941-1945. Rector, Seminary of Nagasaki, 1945-1947. Successively, 1945-1955, in the diocese of Nagasaki, pastoral ministry, vicar general, director of diocesan journal, faculty member of "Junshin School".
Episcopate. Elected bishop of Kagoshima, February 25, 1955. Consecrated, May 3, 1955, church of Our Lady of the Martyrs, Nagasaki, by Maximilien de Furstenberg, titular archbishop of Palto, apostolic delegate in Japan, assisted by Paul Aijiro Yamaguchi, bishop of Nagasaki, and by Paul Yoshigoro Taguchi, bishop of Osaka. His episcopal motto was Laetentur insulare multae. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Nagasaki, December 19, 1968. President of the Episcopal Conference of Japan. Attended the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977. Elected President of the Japanese Episcopal Conference in 1978.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Maria della Pace, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, February 1, 1984. During his episcopate, he founded the Nagasaki diocesan seminary in 1989; and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Annunciation, an indigenous congregation. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, February 8, 1990.
Death. August 8, 1996, of a brain tumor at St. Francis Hospital, Nagasaki. Buried, Akagi no bochi (cemetery of Akagi), Nagasaki, with the deceased priests of the archdiocese.
Webgraphy. His arms and photographs, Araldica Vaticana.
Birth. September 25, 1922, Espelette, diocese of Bayonne, France. Son of Jean-Batiste Etchegaray and his wife Aurélie Dufau. He was baptized a few days later with the names Roger-Marie-Élie. He had two younger siblings, Jean, who was a member of the Priestly Society of the Mission de France, and Maïté.
Education. Studied at the Seminary of Ustaritz, Bayonne, September 1934-1943; at the Major Seminary, Bayonne, September 1943-1947; resided at the Pontifical French Seminary, Rome, from 1947 to 1949, while studying at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he obtained a doctorate in canon law on July 6, 1949.
Priesthood. Ordained, July 13, 1947, Espelette, by Jean Saint-Pierre, titular bishop of Gordo, former auxiliary bishop of Carthage, Tunisia. Successively, 1947-1961, in the diocese of Bayonne, pastoral work; secretary to Bishop Léon-Albert Terrier (July 1949); secretary general of the Catholic Action and of the diocesan works, October 1, 1954; director of works of the diocese, December 3, 1958; vicar general, October 18, 1960. Director adjunct of the secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of France, January 19, 1961-1966. Expert at the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Secretary of the Committee for the relations between the European Episcopal Conferences, 1965. Director of the general secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of France, 1966-1970.
Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Gemelle di Numidia and appointed auxiliary of Paris, March 29, 1969. Consecrated, May 27, 1969, cathedral Notre-Dame of Paris, by Cardinal François Marty, archbishop of Paris, assisted by Cardinal Paul Gouyon, archbishop of Rennes, and by Władysław Rubin, titular bishop of Serta, secretary of the Synod of Bishops. Attended the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969. Promoted to the archbishopric of Marseille, December 22, 1970. First president of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences, 1971-1979. Attended the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974; member of the council of the general secretariat, 1974. President of the Episcopal Conference of France, 1975-1981. Prelate of Mission de France, November 25, 1975. Attended the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Leone I, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5 to 9, 1979; the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980. Member of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of the Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See, May 31, 1981. Resigned the prelature, April 23, 1982. Special papal envoy to the National Eucharistic Congress and the centennial celebrations of the evangelization, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, August 28, 1983. Attended the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983; member of the general secretariat, 1983-1986. President of the Pontifical Commission Iustitia et Pax and of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, April 8, 1984. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Marseille, April 13, 1985. Attended the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985; member of the general secretariat until 1987. Attended the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987. Papal legate to the 44th International Eucharistic Congress, Seoul, South Korea, October 5 to 8, 1989. Attended the Eighth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 28, 1990; the Special Assembly of Synod of Bishops for Europe, Vatican City, November 28 to December 14, 1991; the Fourth General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 12 to 28, 1992; the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa, Vatican City, April 10 to May 8, 1994; the Ninth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 2 to 29, 1994. Elected membre libre of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, a part of the Institut de France, March 28, 1994. Named president of the Central Committee and of its Council of Presidency for the Jubilee of the Holy Year 2000, November 15, 1994. Special papal envoy to the celebration of 150th anniversary of evangelization, Savaii and Apia, Samoa, September 12 to 15, 1995. Resigned the presidency of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, December 2, 1995. Special papal envoy to the celebration of the 750th anniversary of the feast of Corpus Domini, St. Martin's basilica, Liège, Belgium, June 9, 1996; to the celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the Union of Uzhorod and the 3rd centenary of the Marian Shrine of Mariapocs, Hungary, August 18, 1996. Attended the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 16 to December 12, 1997. Ceased as president of the Pontifical Council Iustitia et Pax, June 24, 1998. Named cardinal bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Porto-Santa Rufina, June 24, 1998. Awarded an honoris causam degree by the Theology and Canon Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, December 1, 1998. Special papal envoy to the National Eucharistic Congress of Portugal, Braga, June 3-6, 1999; to the commemorative celebrations of the second centennial of the death of Pope Pius VI, Valence, France, August 29, 1999. Special papal enoy to the celebration of the World Peace Day in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, January 1, 2001; and to deliver the Papal Message for the occasion to the authorities of Israel and Palestine. Papal legate for the closing of the Holy Door at the basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls. Special papal envoy to the conclusive celebrations of the centennial of the Evangelization of Rwanda that took place in Kigali, February 8, 2001. Papal envoy on a special peace mission to Jerusalem, May 1 to 8, 2002. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned 80 years old, September 25, 2002. Grand office of Légion d'honneur, October 7, 2002. Special papal envoy to Baghdad, Iraq, to demonstrate to all the solicitude of the Holy Father in favor of peace and to help the Iraqi authority to do a serious reflection about the duty of an active international cooperation, based on justice and international law, to insure that population the supreme good of peace, February 10, 2003. Received the Prize "Felix Houphouet-Boigny" for his work towards world peace. The prize was instituted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). He received the recognition together with the great mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mustafa Cedric, on March 24, 2004. The prize was named after the first president of Ivory Coast. Special papal envoy to the celebrations of the centennial of the "Social Week of France", that took place in Lille, September 24 to 26, 2004. Vice-dean of the College of Cardinals, April 30, 2005. Special papal envoy to Lebanon, on August 15, 2006, to bring to that tormented population, and to all those in that region who are suffering, the expression of the pope's spiritual proximity and concrete solidarity, and to pray for the great intention of peace. Member of the delegation of the Holy See to the funeral of His Holiness Alexis II, patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, December 9, 2008. Injured by a mentally unstable woman who jumped Pope Benedict XVI during the procession of the Christmas Eve mass in the Vatican basilica, December 24, 2009; recovered at Policlinico Agostino Gemelli, Rome. Received the grand cross of the Légion d'honneur on April 28, 2014. On January 20, 2017, it was announced that he was leaving Rome and going to live in Cambo-Les Bains, in the diocese of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron, a few kilometers from his native Espelette, in a retirement home, with his sister Maïté. On June 10, 2017, the pope accepted his request to be dispensed from the office of the Vice Dean of the College of Cardinals.
Death. September 4, 2019, at 5:30 p.m., retirement home of Arditeya, Cambo-les-Bains, peacefully, after receiving the last rites. After learning the news of the death of the cardinal, the pope sent Marc Aillet, bishop of Bayonne, Lescar et Oloron, a telegram of condolence. The body of the late cardinal was exposed in the retirement home of Arditeya from Thursday, September 5, in the afternoon. The funeral was held Monday, September 9, at 10:30 a.m., in Sainte-Marie cathedral of Bayonne, presided by Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, prefect of the Supreme tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, Vatican envoy. Burial took place in his family's tomb in his native village of Espelette on September 9 after a tribute in the church of Saint-Etienne d'Espelette at 4 p.m (1). He was the oldest living cardinal for one day.
Bibliography. Etchegaray, Roger. L'homme à quel prix?. Paris : Éditions de la Martinière, 2012; Etchegaray, Roger. J'ai senti battre le coeur du monde. Conversations avec Bernard Lecomte. Paris : Fayard, 2007 (Témoignages pour l'histoire); Jore, Alexander. Épiscopologe Français de 1592 à 1973. Mis à jour et continué jusqu'en 2004. Complément de l'article "France" du Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques t. XVIII, colonnes 161 à 532. Pro-Manuscripto, 25 - III- 2004, no. 3163; Miranda, Salvador. "Etchegaray, Roger." New Catholic encyclopedia : jubilee volume, the Wojtyla years. Detroit : Gale Group in association with the Catholic University of America, 2001, pp. 242-243.
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; photographs and biography, in Italian, diocese of Porto-Santa Rufina; biography, in English, Wikipedia; photographs, Araldica Vaticana; Pope visits cardinal hurt in Mass attack, in English, North Jersey Media Group; What we need most of all is prayer. Witness of Cardinal Roger Etchegaray by Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, 30Days In the Church and in the world, international monthly magazine directed by Giulio Andreotti, from WITNESSES, year XXIX, issue no. 01/02 - 2012; Roger Etchegaray: «Ma che bella avventura...» by Filippo Rizzi, Avvenire, 3 maggio 2012; L’appel du cardinal Etchegaray pour l’Orient, Aleteia, Radio Vatican, 23 octobre 2014; François a rendu visite au cardinal Etchegaray hospitalisé à Rome, Aleteia, Radio Vatican, 26 octobre 2015; Etchegaray, il servitore della pace. Il saluto del Papa al 94enne cardinale amico by Angelo Scelzo, Avvenire, venerdì 20 gennaio 2017; Cardenal Etchegaray: Artífice del viaje de San Juan Pablo II a Cuba, deja el Vaticano by Andrea Gagliarducci, ACI, Vaticano, 26 Ene. 17 / 04:03 pm; Cardinal Etchegaray's retirement means the end of an era by Andrea Gagliarducci, EWTN News/Catholic News Agency, Vatican City, Vatican City, Jan 26, 2017 / 08:10 am; Cardenal Etchegaray: Artífice del viaje de San Juan Pablo II a Cuba, deja el Vaticano by Andrea Gagliarducci, ACI Prensa, 26 de enero de 2017 4:03 pm; Le cardinal Roger Etchegaray est décédé, Diocese of Bayonne, Lescar et Oloron, Septembre 4, 2019; Falleció el Cardenal Etchegaray, cercano colaborador de San Juan Pablo II, ACI Prensa, 4 de septiembre de 2019 4:08 pm; Papa Francisco recibe con dolor la noticia del fallecimiento del Cardenal Roger Etchegaray, ACI Prensa, 5 de septiembre de 2019, 6:36 am; Le cardinal Etchegaray est mort à l’âge de 96 ans, Aleteia, 05 septembre 2019; l cordoglio per la morte del cardinale Etchegaray, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 settembre 2019; Il viaggio più difficile by Angelo Scelzo, L'Osservatore Romano, 05 settembre 2019; French Cardinal Etchegaray dies. Pope Francis: a man of dialogue by Robin Gomes,, 05 September 2019, 10:50; Padre Lombardi ricorda il cardinale Etchegaray,, 05 settembre 2019, 12:22, with audio; Pope: Cardinal Etchegaray, a zealous pastor with deep faith by Robin Gomes,, 05 September 2019, 14:12; Élus, anonymes et prêtres pleurent le cardinal Etchegaray, Aleteia, 05 septembre 2019; Bernard Lecomte : « Le cardinal Etchegaray a été d’abord un grand serviteur de l’Église », Aleteia, 05 septembre 2019; Vietnamese Catholics grateful to late French cardinal,, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, September 6, 2019; Etchegaray, l’amico della Cina by Gianni Valente, Vatican Insider, 06 Settembre 2019; Quei racconti di viaggio davanti a un caffè. Ricordo del cardinale Roger Etchegaray by Cardinale Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, L'Osservatore Romano, 09 settembre 2019; Il saluto al cardinal Etchegaray: “Dio ci ama, malgrado tutto” by Alessandro Di Bussolo,, Città del Vaticano, 09 settembre 2019, 14:05; Messe d'obsèques du cardinal Etchegaray, diocese of Bayonne, chaîne de télévision catholique KTO, YouTube, September 9, 2019; Le jour où le cardinal Etchegaray « ressuscita » l’abbé Pierre by René Poujol, Aleteia, 09 septembre 2019; El Cardenal Etchegaray fue el “hombre de la fraternidad universal”, afirman en exequias, ACI Prensa, 9 de septiembre de 2019 6:01 pm; « J’avance comme un âne », un surprenant texte aux obsèques du cardinal Etchegaray, Aleteia, 10 septembre 2019; Document : l’homélie des obsèques du cardinal Etchegaray, Aleteia, 10 septembre 2019; Cardinal Roger Etchegaray Dies at 96; Skilled Papal Emissary by Anna Momigliano, New York Times, Sept. 12, 2019, updated 7:00 p.m. ET; Il cardinale Etchegaray e la politica dell’incontro by Andrea Riccardi, L'Osservatore Romano, 23 settembre 2019; Le cardinal Roger Etchegaray, Henri de Lubac et le concile Vatican II by Mgr Robert Barron, Aleteia, 28 septembre 2019; Ambasciatore di pace. Ricordo del cardinale Roger Etchegaray nel centenario della nascita by Riccardo Burigana, L'Osservatore Romano, 28 settembre 2022.
(1) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:Birth. October 3, 1913, Genoa, Italy. Eldest of the five children of Giacomo Ballestrero and Antonietta Daffunchio. He was baptized on November 2, 1913 in the parish of S. Zita; received the name Alberto. He was confirmed on May 3, 1923 in the church of S. Martino di Albaro, Genoa; and received the first communion on June 21, 1923.
Education. Attended elementary school in Genoa, 1919-1922; then, Collegio Belimbau, Genoa, 1922-1923. Entered the Novitiate of the Discalced Carmelites of Deserto di Varazze, October 2, 1924; joined the Order of Carmelites Discalced, province of Liguria, in Loana, Savona; took the habit, October 12, 1928 and the name of Anastasio del Santissimo Rosario; emitted the first vows, October 17, 1929; transferred to the convent of S. Anna, Genoa. September 1932 (philosophy and theology); recovered in a local hospital from a life-threatening infection, October-December 1932; solemn profession, October 5, 1934, convent of S. Anna, Genoa; received the subdiaconate, March 1935; and the diaconate, December 1935.
Priesthood. Ordained, June 6, 1936, metropolitan cathedral of S. Lorenzo, Genoa, by Cardinal Dalmazio Minoretti, archbishop of Genoa. Named professor of philosophy in the studentato of Genoa-S. Anna, August 13, 1936. Initiated his preaching apostolate in the clinic "Bertani", Genoa, January 1, 1937. Elected prior of the convent of S. Anna, April 22, 1945; occupied the post until 1948. Elected provincial of Liguria, April 3, 1948; occupied the post until May 7, 1954. Elected prior of the convent of S. Anna, again, May 7, 1954. Elected preposito general of the order, April 9, 1955; reelected, April 21, 1961; occupied the post until May 20, 1967; visited all 350 Carmelite convents and 850 Carmelite monasteries in the world except Hungary, which did not allow him to enter the country. Participated in the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. President of the Union of Superior Generals.
Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Bari, Italy, December 21, 1973. Consecrated February 2, 1974, Rome, by Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, prefect of S.C. for Bishops, assisted by Michele Mincuzzi, titular bishop of Sinnipsa, auxiliary of Bari, and by Enrico Romolo Compagnone, O.C.D., bishop of Terracina-Latina, Priverno e Sezze. His episcopal motto was In omnia bonitate et caritate. Transferred to metropolitan see of Turin, Italy, August 1, 1977. Attended Fourth Ordinary Assembly of Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977. Elected vice-president of Italian Episcopal Conference, May 25, 1978; named by Pope John Paul II its president, May 18, 1979; occupied the post until July 3, 1985.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Maria sopra Minerva, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980. Special papal envoy to the inaugural ceremonies of the Theresian Year commemorating the 4th centennial of the death of St. Theresa of Avila, October 14 to 15, 1981, Alba de Tormes and Avila, Spain. Attended the Second Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 23 to 26, 1982, Vatican City; the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983; the Third Plenary Assembly of the College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 21 to 23, 1985; the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985; the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese, January 31, 1989. He retired to the monastery of S. Croce in Bocca di Magra, La Spezia. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, October 3, 1993.
Death. June 21, 1998, in his residence of Fortino Santa Maria, Bocca di Magra, La Spezia. After a solemn funeral celebrated in the metropolitan cathedral of Turin, he was buried in the crypt of the church of S. Giuseppe del Deserto (Eremo del Deserto), Carmelite monastery, Varazze, Savona, Italy (1).
Beatification. The Council of Bishops of Piedmont announced on February 4, 2014 the opening of the process for his beatification.
Bibliography. "Date principali di 'Una vita donata'." Ite ad Joseph, LXXXVI, No. 4 (Luglio-Agosto 1998), 4-6.
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Wikipedia; photographs and arms, Araldica Vaticana; Ballestrero, 100 anni by Renzo Savarino, archdiocese of Turin, 29 settembre 2013; Padre, vescovo e maestro by Giuseppe Ghiberti, archdiocese of Turin, 29 settembre 2013; Ballestrero «Carmelo, la mia patria» by Filippo Rizzi, in Italian, Avvenire, 19 dicembre 2013; Al via la causa beatificazione di Ballestrero, Vino Nuovo, 07 febbraio 2014; Ballestrero, pastore dell'incontro by Marco Bonatti, L'Avvenire, 10 ottobre 2014.
(1) This is the text of the inscription on his sarcophagus, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
1974 - 1977 1977 - 1989
1913 - 1998
Birth. November 3, 1923, Crossmaglen, archdiocese of Armagh, Ireland. Son of Patrick Ó Fiaich and Annie Carragher. He had an older brother, Patrick (Paddy), who died in 1983. His last name is also listed as Fee and O' Fee.
Education. Primary education at Cregganduff Public Elementary School, where his father was the principal teacher, from 1928 until 1936; St. Patrick's College, Armagh; St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, September 1940-1943; he had to interrupt his studies because of illness (pleurisy and pneumonia); St. Peter's College, Armagh (theology); University College, Dublin, 1948-1950 (took his degree in 1950; thesis: "The Kingdom of Airgialla", a study of the tribes and customs of South Armagh); and St. Anthony's College, Louvain, Belgium, 1950-1952 (history; he obtained his degree in 1952 "avec la plus grande distinction") .
Priesthood. Ordained, July 6, 1948, St. Peter's College, Armagh, by Bishop James Staunton of Ferns. Further studies in Dublin and Louvain, 1948-1952. Curate in the Parish of Clonfeacle, Armagh, 1952-1953. Lecturer in modern history, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, 1953-1959; professor, 1959-1970; vice-president, 1970-1974; president, 1974-1977.
Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Armagh, August 18, 1977. Consecrated, October 2, 1977, Armagh, by Gaetano Alibrandi, titular archbishop of Binda, nuncio in Ireland, assisted by Francis Lenny, titular bishop of Rotdon, auxiliary of Armagh, and by William J. Philbin, bishop of Down and Connor. His episcopal motto was Fratres in unum. President of Episcopal Conference of Ireland, 1977-1990.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Patrizio, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5 to 9, 1979; the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980; the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983; the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24 to December 8, 1985; the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987. During his time as archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland, sectarian and political violence greatly affected Northern Ireland and he suffered with his people. Throughout his ministry he maintained a pastoral concern for all the sections of the population.
Death. May 8, 1990, of a severe heart attack, in the evening, while leading the annual Armagh Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Lourdes in France. He had arrived in France the day before and had complained of feeling ill shortly after saying mass at the Grotto in the French town of Lourdes. He was rushed by helicopter to a hospital in Toulouse, 125 miles away, where he died. During his lying in state at the metropolitan cathedral of Armagh, thousands of people lined up to pay their respects. The funeral took place on May 15, 1990 in that cathedral. The requiem mass was celebrated by Bishop Cahal Brendan Daly of Down and Connor, senior bishop of the ecclesiastical province of Armagh, who also delivered the homily. Present were Cardinals George Basil Hume, O.S.B., archbishop of Westminster; Bernard Francis Law, archbishop of Boston; John Joseph O'Connor, archbishop of New York; Adrianus Johannes Simonis, archbishop of Utrecht; and Francis Arinze, president of the Secretariat for Non-Christians; also present was Emmanuel Gerada, titular archbishop of Nomento, nuncio in Ireland. Also in attendance were President Patrick John Hillery of Ireland; Vice-President Martin McGuiness; Taoiseach Charles Haughey; Taniste Brian Lenihan; Lord Caledon, representative of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain; Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams. At the head of the nave, in the front seats, on either side were the members of the late cardinal's immediate family: Mrs. Deidre O'Fee, his sister-in law, with his nieces and nephews Ainin, Eithne, Blaithin, Tom, Padraig, Sile, John and Orla. The remains of the cardinal were buried in the grounds of that metropolitan cathedral. The Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Memorial Library, a registered charity, was officially opened in Armagh on May 8, 1999 by the Northern Ireland Secretary of State (1).
Bibliography. FitzGerald, Billy. Father Tom. Fount, 1990; Ó Glaisne, Risteárd. Tomás Ó Fiaich. Baile Átha Claith: Coiscéim, 1990; Ó Fiaich, Tomás, "'The Primacy in the Irish Church". Seanchas Ard Mhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, XXI, no 1, (2006), 1-23.
Webgraphy. His arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) Named after the cardinal to honor his academic interests, it contains extensive archival material about local and national Irish folklore, heritage and history. Cardinal Ó Fiaich's private papers covering his period as archbishop and cardinal are held by the library, as are those of nine previous archbishops of Armagh dating back to the mid-eighteenth century.
Birth. March 11, 1912, Montréal, Canada. He was the youngest of eight children of an Irish Catholic family of modest means. His father, a strong union man, was a typesetter for the newspaper Montreal Star. His brother Alexander was bishop of Sault-Sainte-Marie, and two sisters became nuns.
Education. Primary studies at St. Patrick's Boy School, Montréal; then attended the Collège de Montréal, (classics); the Grand Seminary, Montréal (theology); and the University of Montréal, (licentiate in theology, 1936; master's of arts, 1940; doctorate, 1947).
Priesthood. Ordained, May 22, 1937, Montréal, by Alphonse-Emmanuel Deschamps, titular bishop of Tenneso, auxiliary of Montréal. Pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Montréal; ecclesiastical inspector of the English Catholic schools of Montréal and responsible of the Catholic School Committee 1937-1939. First director of the English section of École Normale Jacques-Cartier, 1939. Chaplain of the Catholic students at McGill University,1942-1956. Adjunct director of the English section of Catholic Action, 1943; director, 1944. President of the Thomas More Institute for Adult Education, 1946-1961. Member of the Commission of the Catholic Schools of Montréal, 1948-1961. Canon of the cathedral chapter of Montréal, January 30, 1953. President of the St. Joseph's Teachers College, from June 5, 1955. Member of the Board of Catholic Schools. Founder of St. Thomas More and Newman Clubs throughout Canada. Director of St. Lawrence College, Sainte-Foy, 1961.
Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Altiburo and appointed auxiliary of London, Canada, December 1, 1961. Consecrated, February 2, 1962, Montréal, by Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger, P.S.S., archbishop of Montréal, assisted by John Christopher Cody, bishop of London, and by Alexander Carter, bishop of Sault-Sainte-Marie, his brother. His episcopal motto was Pax et Lux. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965. Transferred to the see of London, Canada, February 17, 1964. Vice-president of the Episcopal Conference of the Region of Ontario, 1971-1973. Vice-president of the Episcopal Conference of Canada, 1973-1975. Attended the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974. President of the Episcopal Conference of Canada, 1975-1977. Attended the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977; elected member of its council. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Toronto, April 27, 1978.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Maria in Traspontina, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinal, November 5 to 9, 1979. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980; member of its general secretariat, 1980-1983. Member of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of the Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See, May 31, 1981. He suffered a cardiac crisis in 1981. Companion of the Order of Canada, 1983. He broke a hip in 1988. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Toronto, March 17, 1990. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years of age, March 11, 1992.
Death. April 6, 2003, after a series of strokes, Toronto. After learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope John Paull II sent Cardinal Aloysius Matthew Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, a telegram of condolence (1). Buried in the Bishops' Mausoleum, Holy Cross Cemetery, Thornhill, Ontarious (2).
Bibliography. Higgins, Michael W. and Douglas R. Letson. My Father's Business: A biography of His Eminence G. Emmett Cardinal Carter.Toronto : Macmillan of Canada, 1990; LeBlanc, Jean. Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada. Les diocèses catholiques canadiens des Églises latines et orientales et leurs évêques; repères chronologiques et biographiques, 1658-2002. Ottawa : Wilson and Lafleur, 2002, pp. 354-355.
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; photograph and biography, in English, Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto; and his arms, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
Cardinal Aloysius M. Ambrozic
Archbishop of Toronto
Birth. May 20, 1927, Kraków, Poland. The youngest of the three children of Leopold Macharski, a lawyer, and Zofia Pec. The other siblings were Władysław, member of the Polish Association of the Knights of Malta (died on June 10, 2010); and Janina. Baptized on June 26, 1927, in St. Stefan parish in Kraków. He received the sacrament of confirmation in 1944 from Stanisław Rospond, titular bishop of Dardano, auxiliary of Kraków.
Education. Studied at the Major Metropolitan Seminary of Kraków; at the Jegellonican Catholic University, Kraków; and at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Priesthood. Ordained, April 2, 1950, basilica of Święty Franciszek, Kraków, by Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha, archbishop of Kraków. Pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Kraków, 1950-1956. Further studies, 1956-1960. Faculty member, Major Metropolitan Seminary of Kraków, 1960-1970; rector, 1970-1978. Attended the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; auditor priest. Canon of the metropolitan chapter of Kraków, 1977-1978.
Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Kraków, December 29, 1978. Consecrated, January 6, 1979, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope John Paul II, assisted by Julian Groblicki, titular bishop of Filadelfia di Arabia, auxiliary of Kraków and by Stanisław Smoleński, titular bishop of Alava, auxiliary of Kraków. His episcopal motto was Jesu in te confido.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the title of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, November 5 to 9, 1979, Vatican City. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980; Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1983. Papal legate to the 17th International Marian Congress and 10th Mariological Congress, Kevelaer, Germany, September 17 to 20, 1987. Attended the Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 30, 1987; Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Europe, Vatican City, November 28 to December 14, 1991. Attended the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 1 to 23, 1999; president delegate. Special papal envoy to the Slovakian National Eucharistic Congress, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 23 to 24, 2000. Special papal envoy to the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the consecration of the Basilica of Lisieux, France, July 11, 2004. Participated in the conclave of April 18 to 19, 2005, which elected Pope Benedict XVI. His resignation from the pastoral government of the archdiocese, in conformity to canon 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law, was accepted by the pope on June 3, 2005. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned 80 years old on May 20, 2007.
Death. August 2, 2016, at 9:17 a.m., in the university hospital of Kraków. His death came after a severe fall in June 2016 which had left him in a medically-induced coma. Upon learning the news of the death of the cardinal, Pope Francis sent a telegram of condolence to Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, archbishop of Kraków (1). On Friday, August 5, at 11 a.m., the funeral Mass was presided by Cardinal Dziwisz in the metropolitan cathedral of Kraków (Wawel). Burial was in the metropolitan cathedral, next to one of his predecessors, Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha (2).
Bibliography. Nitecki, Piotr. Biskupi Kościoła w Polsce w latach 965-1999. Słownik biograficzny. Przedmowa Henryk Gulbinowicz. Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy "Pax", Warszawa 2000, col. 271; Prokop, Krzysztof Rafał. Polscy kardynałowie. Kraków : Wydawnictwo WAM, 2001, pp. 325-333.
Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; photographs, arms and biography, in Polish, Wikipedia; his arms, Araldica Vaticana; Cardinal Franciszek Macharski, dead at 89, was bred to heroism by George Weigel, Crux, August 2, 2016; Prayers for the soul of Cardinal Franciszek Macharski, Vatican Radio, 02/08/2016 11:48; Fallece Cardenal al que Papa Francisco visitó en su agonía en Cracovia, ACI, Cracovia, 02 Ago. 16 / 05:44 pm; Znów się spotkamy, his testament, in Polish,; Il Cardinale Macharski, il successore di Giovanni Paolo II a Cracovia by Marco Mancini, Cracovia, 02 agosto, 2021 / 10:00 AM.
(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
Jego Eminencja
Kard. Stanislaw Dziwisz
Arcybiskup Metropolita Krakowski
Z zalem przyjalem wiadomosc o smierci Kardynala Franciszka Macharskiego, emerytowanego Arcybiskupa Krakowskiego. Jednocze sie z Toba, Drogi Bracie, z duchowienstwem i wiernymi Kosciola w Polsce w modlitwie dziekczynienia za zycie i pasterski trud tego zasluzonego Slugi Ewangelii.
Iesu, in te confido!- Jezu, ufam Tobie! - to biskupie zawolanie bylo dewiza jego zycia i pasterskiej poslugi. Dzis, w Jubileuszowym Roku Milosierdzia, stalo sie wymownym zawolaniem oglaszajacym wypelnienie dziela, jakie powierzyl mu Pan juz w akcie chrztu, wprowadzajac do grona naznaczonych Jego odkupiencza Krwia, a potem wraz z darem kaplanstwa, gdy posylal go z zadaniem uswiecania ludu slowem i laska sakramentów. Pelnil te posluge z oddaniem jako duszpasterz, profesor, rektor Seminarium Duchownego, do dnia, w którym Pan polecil mu podjac spuscizne sw. Stanislawa i swego bezposredniego poprzednika Karola Wojtyly, dzis sw. Jana Pawla II, na stolicy biskupiej w Krakowie. Z ufnoscia w Boze milosierdzie prowadzil to dzielo jako ojciec kaplanów i wiernych powierzonych jego pieczy. Przewodzil Kosciolowi w Krakowie w nielatwych czasach politycznych i spolecznych transformacji, z madroscia, ze zdrowym dystansem do rzeczywistosci, dbajac o poszanowanie godnosci kazdego czlowieka, o dobro wspólnoty Kosciola, a zwlaszcza o zachowanie zywej wiary w sercach ludzi.
Jestem wdzieczny Opatrznosci, ze dane mi bylo nawiedzic go podczas niedawnej wizyty w Krakowie. W tym ostatnim etapie zycia byl bardzo doswiadczony cierpieniem, które znosil z pogoda ducha. Równiez w tym doswiadczeniu pozostal swiadkiem zawierzenia dobroci i milosierdziu Boga. Takim pozostanie w mojej pamieci i modlitwie. Niech Pan przyjmie go do swojej chwaly!
Tobie, Czcigodny Bracie, polskim Kardynalom i Biskupom, Rodzinie Zmarlego i wszystkim Polakom z serca blogoslawie: w imie Ojca i Syna, i Ducha Swietego.
Watykan, 2 sierpnia 2016 r
The Press Office of the Holy See also published the text of the message in Italian:
Al Venerato Fratello
Cardinale Stanisław Dziwisz
Arcivescovo Metropolita di Cracovia
Ho appreso con dolore la notizia della morte del Cardinale Franciszek Macharski, Arcivescovo Emerito di Cracovia. Mi unisco a Te, Caro Fratello, al Presbiterio e ai fedeli della Chiesa in Polonia nella preghiera di ringraziamento per la vita e l'impegno pastorale di questo benemerito Ministro del Vangelo.
Iesu, in te confido! - Gesù, confido in te! - questo motto episcopale ha guidato la sua vita e il suo ministero. Oggi, nell'Anno Giubilare della Misericordia, è diventato un'eloquente invocazione che proclama il compimento dell'opera che il Signore gli ha affidato già nell'atto del Battesimo, introducendolo nella schiera dei sigillati con il Suo Sangue redentore, e in seguito insieme con il dono del sacerdozio, quando lo ha inviato con il compito di santificare il Popolo con la parola e con la grazia dei sacramenti. Svolgeva questa missione con zelo come pastore, professore, rettore del Seminario, fino al giorno in cui il Signore gli ha chiesto di farsi carico dell'eredità di San Stanislao e del suo immediato predecessore Karol Wojtyla, oggi San Giovanni Paolo II, sulla sede vescovile a Cracovia. Con fiducia nella Misericordia Divina ha condotto quest'opera come padre per i sacerdoti e per i fedeli affidati alla sua cura. Ha guidato la Chiesa in Cracovia nel non facile periodo delle trasformazioni politiche e sociali, con saggezza, con una sana distacco dalla realtà, preoccupandosi del rispetto di ogni persona, per il bene della comunità della Chiesa, e soprattutto per conservare viva la fede nei cuori degli uomini.
Sono grato alla Provvidenza, che mi è stato possibile fargli visita durante la recente visita a Cracovia. Nell'ultima tappa della vita è stato molto provato dalla sofferenza che accettava con serenità di spirito. Anche in questa prova è rimasto fedele testimone della fiducia nella bontà e nella misericordia di Dio. Rimarrà così nella mia memoria e nella preghiera. Il Signore lo accolga nella sua gloria!
A Lei, Venerato Fratello, ai Cardinali e ai Vescovi polacchi, alla Famiglia del Defunto, a tutti i fedeli polacchi imparto di cuore la mia benedizione: nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.
Dal Vaticano, 2 agosto 2016
(2) A highly esteemed and beloved figure by clergy and laity alike, Cardinal Macharski is already being suggested as a candidate for beatification after the required
lapse of five years from his death. Although he always avoided commenting about it, the Cardinal was considered to be a miraculée through the intercession of Saint Faustina
Kowalska after being diagnosed with a malignant colon cancer back in September 1992 for which he underwent chemotherapy at the Institute of Oncology at Garncarska Street, Krakow.
With the doctors giving up their hopes, such was the tumor in an extensive state, after undergoing surgery the Cardinal left hospital just after an eleven-day stay and after three
weeks of convalescence at the Centrum Formacyjno-Szkoleniowe “Księżówka” of Zakopane, where he used to go for both rest and retreats along the years, he was soon back on his
feet. Asked on numerous occasions whether he considered his healing as a miracle through the intercession of Saint Faustina, he would choose not to say anything. During his ministry
and especially his sickness, while he always sought prayer for the sick, he never asked the faithful nor his priests to pray specifically for him.
(3) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
1927 - 2016
Birth. September 20, 1917, Toki, archdiocese of Lviv of the Latins, Poland. Son of Ignace Rubin and Tekla Saluk. He had five siblings; one of them was called Jan Kazimierz. Baptized on September 22, 1917, in the church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, in Toki, by Father Wacław Zakrzewski.
Education. Studied at Jan Kazimierz University, Lviv; at the University of Saint Joseph, Beïrut, Lebanon; and at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. During the Second World War, he was arrested and interned in a forced labor camp. Released, he joined the Polish Army.
Priesthood. Ordained, June 30, 1946, Beïrut, by Rémy-Louis Leprêtre, O.F.M., titular archbishop of Rusio, vicar apostolic of Aleppo. Pastoral ministry with Polish refugees, Roumy, Lebanon, 1946-1949. Further studies, 1949-1953, Rome. Pastoral ministry among Polish refugees throughout Italy, 1953-1958. Rector of the Pontifical Polish College, Rome, 1959-1964.
Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Serta and appointed auxiliary of Gniezno, Poland, and delegate of the primate of Poland for the spiritual care of Polish emigrés, November 17, 1964. Consecrated, November 29, 1964, church of S. Andrea al Quirinale, Rome, by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw, primate of Poland, assisted by Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Kraków, and by Stefan Bareła, bishop of Częstochowa. Rector of the church and residence of St. Stanisław, Rome, 1964-1967. Secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, February 27, 1967. Participated in the First Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 29, 1967; the First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11 to 28, 1969; the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; the Third Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974; the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to October 29, 1977. Attended the Third General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, January 27 to February 13, 1979, Puebla, México.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of June 30, 1979; received the red biretta and the deaconry of Santa Maria in Via Lata, June 30, 1979. Attended the First Plenary Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5 to 9, 1979. Prefect of the S.C. for the Oriental Churches, June 27, 1980. Attended the Fifth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26 to October 25, 1980; member of the general secretariat, 1980-1983. Special papal envoy to the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the union of the Malankar Church with the Catholic Church, Kottayam, India, December 26 to 29, 1980. Attended the Sixth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 29 to October 28, 1983. Resigned the prefecture, October 30, 1985. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and his deaconry was elevated, pro illa vice, to title, November 26, 1990.
Death. Wednesday November 28, 1990, after a long illness, Vatican City. Buried in the pro-cathedral of Lubaczow, archdiocese of Lviv of the Latins, Poland (1).
Bibliography. "25 (dwadzieścia pięć) -lecie święceń kapłańskich J.E. ks. Biskupa Władysław Rubina," Wrocławskie Wiadomości Kościelne, 26 (1971), p. 346-349; J.E. "Kardynał Rubin prefektem rzymskiej kongregacji." Więż, (1980), nr 7/8, p. 265-266; Prokop, Krzysztof Rafał. Polscy kardynałowie. Kraków : Wydawnictwo WAM, 2001, pp. 335-343; Szetelnicki, Waclaw. Lwowianin na drogach swiata, Władysław. Roma : [s.n.], 1985. Responsibility:Przedmowa ... Mariana Jaworskiego.
Webgraphy. His portrait, Araldica Vaticana.
(1) This is the text of the inscription on his sarcophagus, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
1917 + 1990
(2) This is the inscription above his sarcophagus, also povided by Mr. Bonnici:
20 · IX · 1917 - 28 · XI · 1990
EMIGRACJI 1964 - 1980
1967 - 1979
1980 - 1985
Birth. August 2, 1901, P'ou-tong, diocese of Shanghai, China. He belonged to a five generation Catholic family. He was the eldest of four children. His last name is also listed as Gong Pin-mei; and as Gong Pinmei.
Education. At 12, he was taught Chinese classics and religious instruction by his aunt Martha, a homebound nun, who encouraged him to join the priesthood. He later attended St. Ignatius High School in Shanghai and entered the Seminary of Shanghai at 19.
Priesthood. Ordained, May 28, 1930. From 1930 to 1949, pastoral ministry in diocese of Shanghai; although a diocesan priest, he was appointed headmaster of Aurora High School and later of Gonzaga High School, both run by the Society of Jesus.
Episcopate. Elected bishop of Soochow (Suzhou), August 9, 1949. Consecrated, October 7, 1949, Shanghai, Zikawei, church of Saint Joseph, by Antonio Riberi, titular archbishop of Dara, nuncio in China, assisted by James Edward Walsh, M.M., titular bishop of Sata, and by Simon Chu Kai Min, bishop of Haimen. Transferred to Shanghai and also appointed apostolic administrator of Soochow and Nanking, July 15, 1950. When persecution against church started, arrested September 8, 1955; sentenced to life in prison, March 16, 1960. Released from jail and placed under house arrest, 1985; political rights granted by Shanghai tribunal, January 6, 1988. Exercised pastoral ministry during his years in jail. Resided in United States since 1988.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest and reserved in pectore, June 30, 1979; published, June 28, 1991; received the red biretta and the title of S. Sisto, June 30, 1991. By the time his creation was published he had already turned 80 years of age, August 2, 1981, and lost the right to participate in the conclave.
Death. March 12, 2000, at 3:05 a.m., from stomach cancer, at the home of his nephew Joseph Kung in Stamford, Connecticut, United States of America. Following his death, he was laid out in state at St. John the Evangelist church, Stamford, where the funeral mass was also said on Saturday, March 18, at 11 am., with some 1,700 mourners in attendance. Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, was the personal representative of Pope John Paul II for the occasion and principal celebrant; while Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi, bishop of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, delivered the homily. The diocese of Hong Kong celebrated a requiem mass for the late cardinal on the evening of March 15 in the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Another requiem mass was celebrated, in Latin Tridentine Rite, on Monday, March 20, at 11 am., at the church of the Five Wounds, San Jose, California, followed by interment. Buried near the vault of Archbishop Dominic Tang Yee-Ming, S.J., of Canton, who died of pneumonia while visiting Cardinal Kung in 1995, in Santa Clara Mission cemetery, Santa Clara, California (1). At his death, he was the oldest member of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
Bibliography. Brender, Andreas ; Kierein-Kuenring, Mandred D. Catholic Hierarchy in China since 1307. Cluj-Napoca, 2012, pp. 101 and 269.Webgraphy. Biography, in English, The Cardinal Kung Foundation; his funeral, The Cardinal Kung Foundation; photo gallery, The Cardinal Kung Foundation; photograph, arms and biographical information, in Chinese and English, Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives; his photograph, Araldica Vaticana; Vatican sensitivity cited for stalling Chinese cardinal's beatification,, China, March 17, 2020; Why isn’t Ignatius Cardinal Kung recognized as a saint? by Dawn Beutner, The Catolic World Report, March 11, 2023.
(1) This is the inscription in his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:Top | Consistories | Catalogs | Home |
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