1903 | 1914 | 1922 | 1939 | 1958 | 1963 | August 1978 | October 1978 | Conclaves | Catalogs | Home | Search |
Pope Leo XIII died in the Vatican on July 20, 1903. Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto was elected on August 4, 1903 and took the name Pius X. Sixty-two of the sixty-four cardinals participated in the conclave. During the electoral proceedings, on August 2, Cardinal Jan Puzyna, bishop of Kraków, Poland, Austria-Hungary, presented the veto of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary against Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, secretary of State of Leo XIII. The cardinals strongly protested the imperial interference and continued voting. There was a powerful current of opinion that someone with a different style from Leo should be elected. On the seventh ballot held on the fourth day, Cardinal Sarto was chosen.
-Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano, bishop of Ostia and Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of CardinalsThe following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Michelangelo Celesia, O.S.B.Cas., archbishop of Palermo, Italy, who was seriously ill.
-Francis Patrick Moran, archbishop of Sydney, Australia, arrived after the new pope had been elected.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 38
France - 7
Austria-Hungary - 5
Spain - 5
Germany - 3
Belgium - 1
Ireland - 1
Portugal - 1
United States of America - 1
Total - 62
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Pope Pius X died in the Vatican on August 20, 1914. Cardinal Giacomo della Chiesa, archbishop of Bologna, Italy, was elected on September 3, 1914 and took the name Benedict XV. Fifty-seven of the sixty-five cardinals participated in the conclave. Three of the cardinals arrived in Rome after the election had taken place and five excused themselves because of health. On the tenth ballot held on the third day, Cardinal Della Chiesa was elected.
-Serafino Vannutelli, bishop of Ostia and Porto e Santa Rufina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Antonio Agliardi, bishop of Albano, chancellor of the
Holy Roman Church
-Vincenzo Vannutelli, bishop of Palestrina, prefect of
the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature
-Francesco di Paola Cassetta, bishop of Frascati,
prefect of the S.C. of the Council
-Gaetano de Lai, bishop of Sabina, secretary of the S.C.
-Diomede Falconio, O.F.M., bishop of Velletri
-José Sebastião Neto, O.F.M.Disc.
-Angelo Di Pietro, datary of His Holiness
-Michael Logue, archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
-Andrea Carlo Ferrari, archbishop of Milan, Italy
-Girolamo Maria Gotti, O.C.D., prefect of the S.C. for the Propagation of the Faith
-Domenico Ferrata, prefect of the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments and secretary of the Supreme
S.C. of the Holy Office
-José María Martín de Herrera y de la Iglesia, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
-Giuseppe Francica-Nava di Bontifè, archbishop of Catania, Italy
-Agostino Richelmy, archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Lev Skrbenský z Hriste, archbishop of Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary
-Giulio Boschi, archbishop of Ferrara, Italy
-Bartolomeo Bacilieri, bishop of Verona, Italy
-Rafael Merry del Val y Zulueta, secretary of State
-Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, archbishop of São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Aristide Cavallari, patriarch of Venice, Italy
-Aristide Rinaldini
-Benedetto Lorenzelli, prefect of the S.C. of Studies
-Pietro Maffi, archbishop of Pisa, Italy
-Alessandro Lualdi, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Desiré Mercier, archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
-Pietro Gasparri
-Louis-Henri Luçon, archbishop of Reims, France
-Paulin-Pierre Andrieu, archbishop of Bordeaux, France
-António Mendes Bello, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-José María Cos y Macho, archbishop of Valladolid, Spain
-Antonio Vico
-Gennaro Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte
-John Murphy Farley, archbishop of New York, United States of America
-Francis Bourne, archbishop of Westminster, England
-Leon-Adolph Amette, archbishop of Paris, France
-Enrique Almaraz y Santos, archbishop of Seville, Spain
-François-Marie-Anatole de Rovérié de Cabrières, bishop of Montpellier, France
-Basilio Pompilj, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District
-Károly Hornig, bishop of Veszprém, Austria-Hungary
-Victoriano Guisasola y Menénedez, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Domenico Serafini, O.S.B.Cas.
-Giacomo della Chiesa, archbishop of Bologna, Italy (Elected Pope Benedict XV)
-Franz von Bettinger, archbishop of Münich und Freising, Germany
-János Csernoch, archbishop of Esztergom, Austria-Hungary
-Hector-Irénée Sevin, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Felix von Hartmann, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Friedrich-Gustav Piffl, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, archbishop of Vienna, Austria-Hungary
-Francesco Salesio della Volpe, camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
-Ottavio Cagiano de Azevedo, prefect of the S.C. of Religious
-Gaetano Bisleti
-Louis Billot, S.J.
-Wilhelmus Marinus van Rossum, C.SS.R.
-Scipione Tecchi
-Filippo Giustini
-Michele Lega
-Francis Aidan Gasquet, O.S.B.
Cardinals William Henry O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, United States of America; James Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, United States of America; and Louis-Nazaire Bégin, archbishop of Québec, Canada, arrived in Rome after the election had taken place.
Cardinals Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A., prefect of the S.C. of Rites; František Saleský Bauer, archbishop of Olomouc, Austria-Hungary; Kolos Ferenc Vaszary, O.S.B.Hungarica, archbishop of Esztergom, Austria-Hungary; Giuseppe Prisco, archbishop of Naples, Italy; and François-Virgile Dubillard, archbishop of Chambéry, France, excused themselves because of poor health.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 31
France - 6
Spain - 5
Austria-Hungary - 4
England - 2
Germany - 2
Portugal - 2
Belgium - 1
Brazil - 1
Holland - 1
Ireland - 1
United States of America - 1
Total - 57
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Pope Benedict XV died in the Vatican on January 22, 1922. Cardinal Achille Ratti, archbishop of Milan, Italy, was elected on February 6, 1922 and took the name Pius XI. When Pope Benedict XV died, there were sixty cardinals (Cardinal Enrique Almaraz y Santos, archbishop of Toledo, Spain, had died on that same day, January 22, 1922). Fifty-three of the sixty living cardinals participated in the conclave. Three cardinals arrived after the election had taken place and four cardinals excused themselves from attending the conclave for reasons of health, age or distance to Rome. Cardinal Ratti was elected on the fourteenth ballot, held on the fifth day.
-Vincenzo Vannutelli, bishop of Ostia and Palestrina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
Cardinals William Henry O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, United States of America; Denis Dougherty, archbishop of Philadelphia, United States of America; and Louis-Nazaire Bégin, archbishop of Québec, Canada, arrived in Rome after the election had taken place.
Cardinals José María Martín de Herrera y de la Iglesia, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Lev Skrbenský z Hriste, former archbishop of Olomouc, Czechoslovakia; Giuseppe Prisco, archbishop of Naples, Italy; and Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, excused themselves from participating in the conclave because of advanced age, illness or distance to Rome.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 30
France - 5
Spain - 4
Germany - 3
Austria - 2
England - 2
Poland - 2
Belgium - 1
Holland - 1
Hungary - 1
Ireland - 1
Portugal - 1
Total - 53
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-Gennaro Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte, bishop of Ostia and Albano, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Donato Raffaele Sbarretti, bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto, secretary of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Tommaso Pio Boggiani, O.P., bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, chancellor of the Holy Roman Church
-Enrico Gasparri, bishop of Velletri, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature
-Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani, bishop of Frascati, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District
-Angelo Maria Dolci, bishop of Palestrina
-William Henry O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, United States of America
-Alessio Ascalesi, archbishop of Naples, Italy
-Adolf Bertram, archbishop of Breslau, Germany
-Michael von Faulhaber, archbishop of Münich and Freising, Germany
-Denis Dougherty, archbishop of Philadelphia, United States of America
-Francisco de Asís Vidal y Barraquer, archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
-Karl Joseph Schulte, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Giovanni Battista Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano, archbishop of Bologna, Italy
-George William Mundelein, archbishop of Chicago, United States of America
-Alessandro Verde
-Lorenzo Lauri, grand penitentiary
-Jozef-Ernest van Roey, archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
-August Hlond, S.D.B., archbishop of Gniezno and Posen, Poland
-Pedro Segura y Sáenz, archbishop of Seville, Spain
-Jusztinián György Serédi, O.S.B., archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
-Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, O.S.B., archbishop of Milan, Italy
-Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-Eugenio Pacelli, secretary of State, prefect of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs and camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church (Elected Pope Pius XII)
-Luigi Lavitrano, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Joseph Mac Rory, archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
-Jean Verdier, P.S.S., archbishop of Paris, France
-Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra, archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Raffaele Carlo Rossi, O.C.D., secretary of the S.C. Consistorial
-Achille Liènart, bishop of Lille, France
-Pietro Fumasoni Biondi, prefect of the S.C. for the Propagation of the Faith
-Federico Tedeschini, datary of His Holiness
-Maurilio Fossati, O.Ss.C.G.N., archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Carlo Salotti, prefect of the S.C. of Rites
-Jean-Marie-Rodrigue Villeneuve, O.M.I., archbishop of Québec, Canada
-Elia dalla Costa, archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Theodor Innitzer, archbishop of Vienna, Austria
-Ignace-Gabriel I Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians
-Enrico Sibilia
-Francesco Marmaggi
-Luigi Maglione, prefect of the S.C. of the Council
-Carlo Cremonesi
-Henri-Marie-Alfred Baudrillart, Orat.
-Emmanuel-Celestin Suhard, archbishop of Reims, France
-Karel Kašpar, archbishop of Prague, Czechoslovakia
-Santiago Luis Copello, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Isidro Gomá Tomás, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Pietro Boetto, S.J., archbishop of Genoa, Italy
-Eugene Tisserant, secretary of the S.C. of the Oriental Church
-Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, O.C.D., patriarch of Venice, Italy
-Ermenegildo Pellegrinetti
-Arthur Hinsley, archbishop of Westminster, England
-Giuseppe Pizzardo
-Pierre-Marie Gerlier, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Camillo Caccia Dominioni
-Nicola Canali
-Domenico Jorio, prefect of the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments
-Vincenzo La Puma, prefect of the S.C. of Religious
-Federico Cattani Amadori
-Massimo Massimi
-Domenico Mariani, provost of the Administration of the Wealth of the Holy See
-Giovanni Mercati, librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 35
France - 6
Germany - 3
Spain - 3
United States of America - 3
Argentina - 1
Austria - 1
Belgium - 1
Brazil - 1
Canada - 1
Czechoslovakia - 1
England - 1
Hungary - 1
Ireland - 1
Poland - 1
Portugal - 1
Syria - 1 (1)
Total - 62
(1) Cardinal Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians, was born in what is now Iraq and the patriarchal see resides in Beirut, Lebanon.
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Pope Pius XII died in Castelgandolfo on October 9, 1958. On October 28, 1958, Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, patriarch of Venice, Italy, was elected pope and took the name John XXIII. At the death of Pope Pius XII, there were fifty-five cardinals. Two of them died during the sede vacante, Celso Costantini on October 17, 1958, and Edward Aloysius Mooney, on October 25, 1958, three hours before the beginning of the conclave. Fifty-one of the fifty-three remaining cardinals took part in the conclave. Two were impeded by the Communist regimes of their countries. On the eleventh ballot held on the fourth day, Cardinal Roncalli was elected.
-Eugène Tisserant, bishop of Ostia and Porto e Santa Rufina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, secretary of the S.C. of the Oriental Church
-Clemente Micara, bishop of Velletri, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Giuseppe Pizzardo, bishop of Albano, secretary of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office and prefect of the S.C. of Seminaries and Universities
-Benedetto Aloisi Masella, bishop of Palestrina, prefect of the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments and camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
-Federico Tedeschini, bishop of Frascati, datary of His Holiness
-Marcello Mimmi, bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto, secretary of the S.C. Consistorial
-Jozef-Ernest van Roey, archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
-Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-Achille Liènart, bishop of Lille, France
-Pietro Fumasoni Biondi, prefect of the S.C. of the Propagation of the Faith
-Maurilio Fossati, O.Ss.C.G.N., archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Elia dalla Costa, archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Ignace-Gabriel I Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians
-Santiago Luis Copello, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Pierre-Marie Gerlier, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian, patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians, Armenia, Soviet Union
-James Charles McGuigan, archbishop of Toronto, Canada
-Clément-Emile Roques, archbishop of Rennes, France
-Carlos Carmelo Vasconcelos Motta, archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil
-Norman Thomas Gilroy, archbishop of Sydney, Australia
-Francis Joseph Spellman, archbishop of New York, United States of America
-José María Caro Rodríguez, archbishop of Santiago, Chile
-Teódosio Clemente de Gouveia, archbishop of Lourenço Marques, Mozambique
-Jaime de Barros Câmara, archbishop of São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Enrique Pla y Deniel, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Manuel Arteaga y Betancourt, archbishop of San Cristóbal de La Habana, Cuba
-Joseph Frings, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Ernesto Ruffini, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Antonio Caggiano, bishop of Rosario, Argentina
-Thomas Tien-ken-sin, S.V.D., archbishop of Peking, China
-Augusto Álvaro da Silva, archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
-Gaetano Cicognani, prefect of the S.C. of Rites and prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic
-Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, patriarch of Venice, Italy (Elected Pope John XXIII)
-Valerio Valeri, prefect of the S.C. of Religious
-Pietro Ciriaci, prefect of the S.C. of the Council
-Maurice Feltin, archbishop of Paris, France
-Carlos María de la Torre, archbishop of Quito, Ecuador
-Georges-François-Marie Grente, archbishop-bishop of Le Mans, France
-Giuseppe Siri, archbishop of Genoa, Italy
-John Francis D'Alton, archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
-James Francis McIntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Giacomo Lercaro, archbishop of Bologna, Italy
-Stefan Wyszyński, archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw, Poland
-Benjamín de Arriba y Castro, archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
-Fernando Quiroga y Palacios, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
-Paul Emile Léger, P.S.S., archbishop of Montréal, Canada
-Crisanto Luque, archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia
-Valerian Gracias, archbishop of Bombay, India
-Joseph Wendel, archbishop of Münich und Freising, Germany
-Nicola Canali, grand penitentiary
-Alfredo Ottaviani, pro-secretary of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office
The following cardinals were not able to participate in the conclave:
-József Mindszenty, archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary, in asylum in the American embassy in Budapest.
-Alojzije Stepinac, archbishop of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, under house arrest by the Communist government, in his native village of Krásic, Yugoslavia.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 17
France - 6
Brazil - 3
Spain - 3
Argentina - 2
Canada - 2
Germany - 2
United States of America - 2
Australia - 1
Belgium - 1
Chile - 1
China - 1
Colombia - 1
Cuba - 1
Ecuador - 1
India - 1
Ireland - 1
Mozambique - 1
Poland - 1
Portugal - 1
Soviet Union - 1
Syria - 1 (1)
Total - 51
(1) Cardinal Ignace-Gabriel I Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians, was born in what is now Iraq and the patriarchal see resides in Beirut, Lebanon.
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Pope John XXIII died in the Vatican on June 3, 1963. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini, archbishop of Milan, Italy, was elected on June 21, 1963 and took the name Paul VI. Eighty of the eighty-two cardinals participated in the conclave. Cardinal Montini was elected on the sixth ballot held on the third day.
-Eugène Tisserant, bishop of Ostia and Porto e Santa Rufina, librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Clemente Micara, bishop of Velletri, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Giuseppe Pizzardo, bishop of Albano, prefect of the S.C. of Seminaries and Universities
-Benedetto Aloisi Masella, bishop of Palestrina, prefect of the S.C. for the Discipline of the Sacraments and camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
-Giuseppe Antonio Ferretto, bishop of the title of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto
-Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, bishop of the title of Frascati, secretary of State, prefect of the S.C. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs
-Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-Achille Liènart, bishop of Lille, France
-Maurilio Fossati, O.Ss.C.G.N., archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Ignace-Gabriel I Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians
-Santiago Luis Copello, chancellor of the Holy Roman Church
-Pierre-Marie Gerlier, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Grégoire-Pierre Agagianian, prefect of the S.C. for the Propagation of the Faith
-James Charles McGuigan, archbishop of Toronto, Canada
-Clément-Émile Roques, archbishop of Rennes, France
-Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta, archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil
-Norman Thomas Gilroy, archbishop of Sydney, Australia
-Francis Joseph Spellman, archbishop of New York, United States of America
-Jaime de Barros Câmara, archbishop of São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Enrique Pla y Deniel, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Joseph Frings, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Ernesto Ruffini, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Antonio Caggiano, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Thomas Tien-ken-sin, S.V.D., archbishop of Peking, China
-Augusto Álvaro da Silva, archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
-Valerio Valeri, prefect of the S.C. of Religious
-Pietro Ciriaci, prefect of the S.C. of the Council
-Maurice Feltin, archbishop of Paris, France
-Giuseppe Siri, archbishop of Genoa, Italy
-James Francis McIntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Giacomo Lercaro, archbishop of Bologna, Italy
-Stefan Wyszyński, archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw, Poland
-Benjamín de Arriba Castro, archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
-Fernado Quiroga Palacios, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
-Paul Émile Léger, P.S.S., archbishop of Montréal, Canada
-Valerian Gracias, archbishop of Bombay, India
-Giovanni Battista Montini, archbishop of Milan, Italy (Elected Pope Paul VI)
-Giovanni Urbani, patriarch of Venice, Italy
-Paolo Giobbe, datary of His Holiness
-Fernando Cento, grand penitentiary
-Carlo Chiarlo
-José Garibi Rivera, archbishop of Guadalajara, México
-Antonio María Barbieri, O.F.M.Cap., archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay
-Carlo Confalonieri, secretary of the S.C. Consistorial
-Richard James Cushing, archbishop of Boston, United States of America
-Alfonso Castaldo, archbishop of Naples, Italy
-Paul-Marie-André Richaud, archbishop of Bordeaux, France
-José María Bueno Monreal, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain
-Franz König, archbishop of Vienna, Austria
-Julius Döpfner, archbishop of Münich und Freising, Germany
-Paolo Marella, prefect of the S.C. of the Fabric St. Peter's Basilica
-Gustavo Testa, prefect of the S.C. of the Oriental Church
-Albert Gregory Meyer, archbishop of Chicago, United States of America
-Luigi Traglia, pro-vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District
-Peter Tatsuo Doi, archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan
-Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre, archbishop of Bourges, France
-Bernardus Johannes Alfrink, archbishop of Utrecht, Holland
-Rufino Jiao Santos, archbishop of Manila, Philippines
-Laurean Rugambwa, bishop of Bukoba, Tanganyika
-Joseph Elmer Ritter, archbishop of St. Louis, United States of America
-José Humberto Quintero Parra, archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela
-Luis Concha Córdoba, archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia
-José da Costa Nunes
-Ildebrando Antoniutti
-Efrem Forni
-Juan Landázuri Ricketts, O.F.M., archbishop of Lima, Perú
-Raúl Silva Henríquez, S.D.B., archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Chile
-Leo-Jozef Suenens, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium
-Alfredo Ottaviani, secretary of the Supreme S.C. of the Holy Office
-Alberto di Jorio
-Francesco Bracci
-Francesco Roberti, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature
-André Jullien, P.S.S.
-Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F., prefect of the S.C. of Rites
-Francesco Morano
-William Theodore Heard
-Augustin Bea, S.J.
-Antonio Bacci
-Michael Browne, O.P.
-Joaquín Anselmo María Albareda, O.S.B.
Two cardinals did not participate in this conclave. They were József Mindszenty, archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary, who was in asylum in the American Embassy in Budapest since 1956; and Carlos María de la Torre, archbishop of Quito, Ecuador, who, at 89, excused himself because of old age and poor health.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 29
France - 7
Spain - 6
United States of America - 5
Brazil - 3
Germany - 3
Argentina - 2
Canada - 2
Portugal - 2
Armenia - 1
Australia -1
Austria - 1
Belgium - 1
Chile - 1
China - 1
Colombia - 1
Holland - 1
India - 1
Ireland - 1
Japan - 1
México - 1
Perú - 1
Philippines - 1
Poland - 1
Scotland - 1
Soviet Union - 1
Syria - 1 (1)
Tanganyika - 1
Uruguay - 1
Venezuela - 1
Total - 80
(1) Cardinal Ignace Gabriel I Tappouni, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians, was born in what is now Iraq and the patriarchal see resides in Beirut, Lebanon.
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Pope Paul VI died in Castelgandolfo on August 6, 1978. Cardinal Albino Luciani, patriarch of Venice, Italy, was elected on August 26, 1978 and took the name John Paul I. When Pope Paul VI died, there were one-hundred-fifteen cardinal electors. One of them, Cardinal Paul Yü Pin, archbishop of Nanking, China, died on August 16, 1978, during the sede vacante. Three of the cardinal electors were not able to participate in the conclave because of illness. One-hundred-eleven cardinal electors participated. There were fifteen cardinals who had lost the right to participate in the conclave for having turned eighty years of age. Cardinal Luciani was elected on fourth ballot held on the second day.
-Jean Villot, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Frascati, secretary of State, prefect of the
Council for Public Affairs of the Church, president of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the
Holy See, camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
-Antonio Samorè, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto, librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church
-Francesco Carpino, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Albano, referendary for relations in the S.C. for Bishops
-Sebastiano Baggio, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Velletri, prefect of the S.C. for Bishops, president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America
-Stéphanos I Sidarouss, C.M., patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts, Egypt
-Giuseppe Siri, archbishop of Genoa-Bobbio, Italy
-Stefan Wyszyński, archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw,
-Paul Émile Léger, P.S.S., former archbishop of Montréal, Canada
-José María Bueno Monreal, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain
-Franziskus König, archbishop of Vienna, Austria and president of the Secretariat for Non-Believers
-Bernardus Johannes Alfrink, former archbishop of Utrecht, Holland
-Laurean Rugambwa, archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
-José Humberto Quintero Parra, archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela
-Juan Landázuri Ricketts, O.F.M., archbishop of Lima, Perú
-Raú Silva Henríquez, S.D.B., archbishop of Santiago, Chile
-Leo-Jozef Suenens, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium
-Thomas Benjamin Cooray, O.M.I., archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka
-Maurice Roy, archbishop of Québec, Canada
-Owen McCann, archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa
-Léon-Étienne Duval, archbishop of Algiers, Algeria
-Ermenegildo Florit, former archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Franjo eper, prefect of the S.C. for the Doctrine of the Faith
-Paul Zoungrana, M.Afr., archbishop of Ouagadougou, Upper Volta
-Agnelo Rossi, prefect of the S.C. for the Evangelization of Peoples
-Giovanni Colombo, archbishop of Milan, Italy
-Gabriel-Marie Garrone, prefect of the S.C. for Catholic Education
-Egidio Vagnozzi, president of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Church
-Maximilien de Furstenberg
-José Clemente Maurer, C.SS.R., archbishop of Sucre, Bolivia
-John Joseph Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, United States of America
-John Patrick Cody, archbishop of Chicago, United States of America
-Corrado Ursi, archbishop of Naples, Italy
-Alfred Bengsch, archbishop-bishop of Berlin, Germany
-Justinus Darmojuwono, archbishop of Semarang, Indonesia
-Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Kraków, Poland
-Michele Pellegrino, former archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Alexandre-Charles Renard, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Alfredo Vicente Scherer, archbishop of Porto Alegre, Brazil
-Julio Rosales y Ras, archbishop of Cebú, Philippines
-Gordon Joseph Gray, archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland
-Paolo Bertoli
-Joseph Parecattil, archbishop of Ernakulam of the Syro-Malabars, India and president of the Pontifical
Commission for the Revision of the Code of Oriental Canon Law
-John Francis Dearden, archbishop of Detroit, United States of America
-François Marty, archbishop of Paris, France
-George Bernard Flahiff, C.S.B., archbishop of Winnipeg, Canada
-Paul Gouyon, archbishop of Rennes, France
-Mario Casariego y Acevedo, C.R.S., archbishop of Guatemala, Guatemala
-Vicente Enrique y Tarancón, archbishop of Madrid, Spain
-Joseph Malula, archbishop of Kinshasa, Zaïre
-Pablo Muñoz Vega, S.J., archbishop of Qutio, Ecuador
-Antonio Poma, archbishop of Bologna, Italy
-John Joseph Carberry, archbishop of St. Louis, United
-Terence James Cooke, archbishop of New York, United
-Stephen Sou Hwan Kim, archbishop of Seoul, South Korea
-Eugênio de Araùjo Sales, archbishop of São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Joseph Höffner, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Johannes Willebrands, archbishop of Utrecht, Holland and president of the Secretariat for Christian Unity
-Albino Luciani, patriarch of Venice, Italy (Elected Pope John Paul I)
-António Ribeiro, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-James Robert Knox, prefect of the S.C. of Sacraments and Divine Worship
-Avelar Brandão Vilela, archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
-Joseph Cordeiro, archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan
-Aníbal Muñoz Duque, archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia
-Luis Aponte Martínez, archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico
-Raul Francisco Primatesta, archbishop of Córdoba, Argentina
-Salvatore Pappalardo, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Marcelo González Martín, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Jean Guyot, archbishop of Toulouse, France
-Ugo Poletti, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District
-Timothy Manning, archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Maurice Michael Otunga, archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya
-José Salazar López, archbishop of Guadalajara, México
-Humberto Sousa Medeiros, archbishop of Boston, United States of America
-Paulo Evaristo Arns, O.F.M., archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil
-James Darcy Freeman, archbishop of Sydney, Australia
-Narciso Jubany Arnau, archbishop of Barcelona, Spain
-Hermann Volk, bishop of Mainz, Germany
-Pius Taofinu'u, S.M., bishop of Samoa and Tokelau, Western Samoa
-Octavio Antonio Beras Rojas, archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
-Juan Carlos Aramburu, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Joseph-Marie Trin-nhu-Khuê, archbishop of Hanoi, Vietnam
-Hyacinthe Thiandoum, archbishop of Dakar, Sénégal
-Emmanuel Nsubuga, archbishop of Kampala, Uganda
-Lawrence Trevor Picachy, S.J., archbishop of Calcutta, India
-Jaime Lachica Sin, archbishop of Manila, Philippines
-William Wakefield Baum, archbishop of Washington, United States of America
-Aloísio Lorscheider, O.F.M., archbishop of Fortaleza, Brazil
-Reginald Delargey, archbishop of Wellington, New Zealand
-László Lékai, archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
-George Basil Hume, O.S.B., archbishop of Westminster, England
-Victor Razafimahatratra, S.J., archbishop of Tananarive, Madagascar
-František Tomášek, archbishop of Prague, Czechoslovakia
-Dominic Ekandem, bishop of Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria
-Giovanni Benelli, archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Joseph Ratzinger, archbishop of München und Freising, Germany
-Pericle Felici, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, president of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law, president of the Pontifical Commission for the Interpretation of the Decrees of the II Vatican Council
-Silvio Oddi
-Giuseppe Paupini, grand penitentiary
-Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano
-Sergio Guerri, pro-president of the Pontifical
Commission for the State of Vatican City
-Sergio Pignedoli, president of the Secretariat for Non-Christians
-Umberto Mozzoni
-Paul-Pierre Philippe, O.P. prefect of the S.C. for the
Oriental Church
-Pietro Palazzini
-Opilio Rossi, president of the Pontifical Commission for
the Laity and president of the Pontifical Committee for
the Family
-Giuseppe Maria Sensi
-Corrado Bafile, prefect of the S.C. for the Causes of
-Joseph Schröffer
-Eduardo Francisco Pironio, prefect of the S.C. for Religious and Secular Institutes
-Bernardin Gantin, president of the Pontifical Commission
Iustitia et Pax
-Mario Luigi Ciappi, O.P., pro-theologian of the
Pontifical Household
The following cardinal electors were not able to participate in the conclave because of illness:
-Valerian Gracias, archbishop of Bombay, India
-John Joseph Wright, prefect of the S.C. for the Clergy
-Bolesław Filipiak
The following cardinals could not participate in the conclave for being older than eighty years of age, according to No. 33 of the apostolic constitution Romano Pontifici eligendo, issued by Pope Paul VI on October 1, 1975:
-Carlo Confalonieri, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian sees of Ostia and Palestrina, archpriest of the Lateran basilica, and dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Paolo Marella, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Porto e Santa Rufina, archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Carlos Carmelo Vasconcelos Motta, archbishop of Aparecida, Brazil
-Joseph Frings, former archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Antonio Caggiano, former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-James Francis McIntyre, former archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Alfredo Ottaviani, prefect emeritus of the S.C. for the Doctrine of the Faith
-Antonio María Barbieri, O.F.M.Cap., former archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay
-Alberto di Jorio
-Josyf Slipyj, archbishop major of Lwow of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
-Lawrence Joseph Shehan, former archbishop of Baltimore, United States of America
-Patrick Aloysius O'Boyle, former archbishop of Washington, United States of America
-Pietro Parente
-Miguel Darío Miranda Gómez, former archbishop of México, México
-Ferdinando Giuseppe Antonelli, O.F.M.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 26
United States of America - 8
France - 7
Brazil - 6
Germany - 5
Spain - 4
Argentina - 3
Canada - 3
Australia - 2
Belgium - 2
Holland - 2
India - 2
Philippines - 2
Poland - 2
Algeria - 2
Austria - 2
Benin - 1
Bolivia - 1
Chile - 1
Colombia - 1
Czechoslovakia - 1
Dominican Republic - 1
Ecuador - 1
Egypt - 1
England - 1
Guatemala - 1
Hungary - 1
Indonesia - 1
Kenya - 1
Madagascar - 1
México - 1
New Zealand - 1
Nigeria - 1
Pakistan - 1
Perú - 1
Portugal - 1
Puerto Rico - 1
Scotland - 1
Senegal - 1
South Africa - 1
South Korea - 1
Sri Lanka - 1
Tanzania - 1
Uganda - 1
Upper Volta - 1
Venezuela - 1
Western Samoa - 1
Yugoslavia - 1
Zaïre - 1
Total - 111
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Pope John Paul I died in the Vatican on September 28, 1978, after a brief pontificate of thirty-three days. Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Kraków, Poland, was chosen his successor thus becoming the first non-Italian pope since Adrian VI (1522-1523). He took the name John Paul II. At the death of Pope John Paul I, there were one-hundred-twelve cardinal electors. One of them, Cardinal Bolesław Filipiak, died during the sede vacante, on October 14, 1978, in Poland. All the other one-hundred-eleven cardinal electors participated in the conclave. Fifteen cardinals had lost the right to participate in the election for having turned eighty years of age. Cardinal Wojtyła was elected on the eighth ballot held on the third day.
-Jean Villot, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Frascati, secretary of State, prefect of the Council for Public Affairs of the Church, president of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
-Antonio Samorè, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto, librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church
-Francesco Carpino, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Albano, referendary for relations in the S.C. for Bishops
-Sebastiano Baggio, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Velletri, prefect of the S.C. for Bishops, president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America
-Stéphanos I Sidarouss, C.M., patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts, Egypt
-Giuseppe Siri, archbishop of Genoa-Bobbio, Italy
-Stefan Wyszyński, archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw,
-Paul Émile Léger, P.S.S., former archbishop of Montréal, Canada
-José María Bueno Monreal, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain
-Franziskus König, archbishop of Vienna, Austria and president of the Secretariat for Non-Believers
-Bernardus Johannes Alfrink, former archbishop of Utrecht, Holland
-Laurean Rugambwa, archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
-José Humberto Quintero Parra, archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela
-Juan Landázuri Ricketts, O.F.M., archbishop of Lima, Perú
-Raú Silva Henríquez, S.D.B., archbishop of Santiago, Chile
-Leo-Jozef Suenens, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium
-Thomas Benjamin Cooray, O.M.I., archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka
-Maurice Roy, archbishop of Québec, Canada
-Owen McCann, archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa
-Léon-Étienne Duval, archbishop of Algiers, Algeria
-Ermenegildo Florit, former archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Franjo eper, prefect of the S.C. for the Doctrine of the Faith
-Paul Zoungrana, M.Afr., archbishop of Ouagadougou, Upper Volta
-Agnelo Rossi, prefect of the S.C. for the Evangelization of Peoples
-Giovanni Colombo, archbishop of Milan, Italy
-Gabriel-Marie Garrone, prefect of the S.C. for Catholic Education
-Egidio Vagnozzi, president of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Church
-Maximilien de Furstenberg
-José Clemente Maurer, C.SS.R., archbishop of Sucre, Bolivia
-John Joseph Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, United States of America
-John Patrick Cody, archbishop of Chicago, United States of America
-Corrado Ursi, archbishop of Naples, Italy
-Alfred Bengsch, archbishop-bishop of Berlin, Germany
-Justinus Darmojuwono, archbishop of Semarang, Indonesia
-Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Kraków, Poland (Elected Pope John Paul II)
-Michele Pellegrino, former archbishop of Turin, Italy
-Alexandre-Charles Renard, archbishop of Lyon, France
-Alfredo Vicente Scherer, archbishop of Porto Alegre, Brazil
-Julio Rosales y Ras, archbishop of Cebú, Philippines
-Gordon Joseph Gray, archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland
-Paolo Bertoli
-Joseph Parecattil, archbishop of Ernakulam of the Syro-Malabars, India and president of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Oriental Canon Law
-John Francis Dearden, archbishop of Detroit, United States of America
-François Marty, archbishop of Paris, France
-George Bernard Flahiff, C.S.B., archbishop of Winnipeg, Canada
-Paul Gouyon, archbishop of Rennes, France
-Mario Casariego y Acevedo, C.R.S., archbishop of Guatemala, Guatemala
-Vicente Enrique y Tarancón, archbishop of Madrid, Spain
-Joseph Malula, archbishop of Kinshasa, Zaïre
-Pablo Muñoz Vega, S.J., archbishop of Qutio, Ecuador
-Antonio Poma, archbishop of Bologna, Italy
-John Joseph Carberry, archbishop of St. Louis, United States of America
-Terence James Cooke, archbishop of New York, United States of America
-Stephen Sou Hwan Kim, archbishop of Seoul, South Korea
-Eugênio de Araùjo Sales, archbishop of São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Joseph Höffner, archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-John Joseph Wright, prefect of the S.C. for the Clergy
-Johannes Willebrands, archbishop of Utrecht, Holland and president of the Secretariat for Christian Unity
-António Ribeiro, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
-James Robert Knox, prefect of the S.C. of Sacraments and Divine Worship
-Avelar Brandão Vilela, archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
-Joseph Cordeiro, archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan
-Aníbal Muñoz Duque, archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia
-Luis Aponte Martínez, archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico
-Raul Francisco Primatesta, archbishop of Córdoba, Argentina
-Salvatore Pappalardo, archbishop of Palermo, Italy
-Marcelo González Martín, archbishop of Toledo, Spain
-Jean Guyot, archbishop of Toulouse, France
-Ugo Poletti, vicar general of His Holiness for the City of Rome and its District
-Timothy Manning, archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Maurice Michael Otunga, archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya
-José Salazar López, archbishop of Guadalajara, México
-Humberto Sousa Medeiros, archbishop of Boston, United States of America
-Paulo Evaristo Arns, O.F.M., archbishop of São Paulo,
-James Darcy Freeman, archbishop of Sydney, Australia
-Narciso Jubany Arnau, archbishop of Barcelona, Spain
-Hermann Volk, bishop of Mainz, Germany
-Pius Taofinu'u, S.M., bishop of Samoa and Tokelau,
Western Samoa
-Octavio Antonio Beras Rojas, archbishop of Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic
-Juan Carlos Aramburu, archbishop of Buenos Aires,
-Joseph-Marie Trin-nhu-Khuê, archbishop of Hanoi, Vietnam
-Hyacinthe Thiandoum, archbishop of Dakar, Sénégal
-Emmanuel Nsubuga, archbishop of Kampala, Uganda
-Lawrence Trevor Picachy, S.J., archbishop of Calcutta,
-Jaime Lachica Sin, archbishop of Manila, Philippines
-William Wakefield Baum, archbishop of Washington, United
-Aloísio Lorscheider, O.F.M., archbishop of Fortaleza,
-Reginald Delargey, archbishop of Wellington, New Zealand
-László Lékai, archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
-George Basil Hume, O.S.B., archbishop of Westminster, England
-Victor Razafimahatratra, S.J., archbishop of Tananarive, Madagascar
-František Tomášek, archbishop of Prague, Czechoslovakia
-Dominic Ekandem, bishop of Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria
-Giovanni Benelli, archbishop of Florence, Italy
-Joseph Ratzinger, archbishop of München und Freising, Germany
-Pericle Felici, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, president of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law, president of the Pontifical Commission for the Interpretation of the Decrees of the II Vatican Council
-Silvio Oddi
-Giuseppe Paupini, grand penitentiary
-Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano
-Sergio Guerri, pro-president of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City
-Sergio Pignedoli, president of the Secretariat for Non-Christians
-Umberto Mozzoni
-Paul-Pierre Philippe, O.P. prefect of the S.C. for the Oriental Church
-Pietro Palazzini
-Opilio Rossi, president of the Pontifical Commission for the Laity and president of the Pontifical Committee for the Family
-Giuseppe Maria Sensi
-Corrado Bafile, prefect of the S.C. for the Causes of Saints
-Joseph Schröffer
-Eduardo Francisco Pironio, prefect of the S.C. for Religious and Secular Institutes
-Bernardin Gantin, president of the Pontifical Commission Iustitia et Pax
-Mario Luigi Ciappi, O.P., pro-theologian of the Pontifical Household
The following cardinals were unable to participate in the conclave for being older than eighty years of age, according to No. 33 of the apostolic constitution Romano Pontifici eligendo, issued by Pope Paul VI on October 1, 1975:
-Carlo Confalonieri, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian sees of Ostia and Palestrina, archpriest of
the Lateran basilica, and dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Paolo Marella, bishop of the title of the suburbicarian see of Porto e Santa Rufina, archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican
basilica, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals
-Carlos Carmelo Vasconcelos Motta, archbishop of Aparecida, Brazil
-Joseph Frings, former archbishop of Cologne, Germany
-Antonio Caggiano, former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
-James Francis McIntyre, former archbishop of Los Angeles, United States of America
-Alfredo Ottaviani, prefect emeritus of the S.C. for the Doctrine of the Faith
-Antonio María Barbieri, O.F.M.Cap., former archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay
-Alberto di Jorio
-Josyf Slipyj, archbishop major of Lwow of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
-Lawrence Joseph Shehan, former archbishop of Baltimore, United States of America
-Patrick Aloysius O'Boyle, former archbishop of Washington, United States of America
-Pietro Parente
-Miguel Darío Miranda Gómez, former archbishop of México, México
-Ferdinando Giuseppe Antonelli, O.F.M.
Cardinals who participated in the conclave arranged by country:
Italy - 25
United States of America - 9
France - 7
Brazil - 6
Germany - 5
Spain - 4
Argentina - 3
Canada - 3
Australia - 2
Belgium - 2
Holland - 2
India - 2
Philippines - 2
Poland - 2
Algeria - 2
Austria - 2
Benin - 1
Bolivia - 1
Chile - 1
Colombia - 1
Czechoslovakia - 1
Dominican Republic - 1
Ecuador - 1
Egypt - 1
England - 1
Guatemala - 1
Hungary - 1
Indonesia - 1
Kenya - 1
Madagascar - 1
México - 1
New Zealand - 1
Nigeria - 1
Pakistan - 1
Perú - 1
Portugal - 1
Puerto Rico - 1
Scotland - 1
Senegal - 1
South Africa - 1
South Korea - 1
Sri Lanka - 1
Tanzania - 1
Uganda - 1
Upper Volta - 1
Venezuela - 1
Western Samoa - 1
Yugoslavia - 1
Zaïre - 1
Total - 111
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