The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Early lists of cardinals

Catalog of Pietro Mallio

The catalog of Pietro Mallio, produced during the pontificate of Alexander III (1159-1181), recorded twenty eight titles attached to the four patriarchal basilicas; seven for each of them. The cardinal priests were to celebrate mass there in turn.

Titles attached to the basilica of S. Pietro in Vaticano:
1. S. Maria in Trastevere;
2. S. Crisogono;
3. S. Cecilia;
4. S. Anastasia;
5. S. Lorenzo in Damaso;
6. S. Marco;
7. S Martino e Silvestro ai Monte.

Titles attached to the basilica of S. Paolo fuori le mura:
1. S. Sabina;
2. S. Prisca;
3. S. Balbina;
4. Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo;
5. S. Sisto;
6. S. Marcello;
7. S. Susanna.

Titles attached to the basilica of S. Maria Maggiore:
1. Ss. XII Apostoli;
2. S. Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziana;
3. S. Eusebio;
4. S. Pudenziana;
5. S. Vitale;
6. Ss. Marcellino e Pietro;
7. S. Clemente.

Titles attached to the basilica of S. Lorenzo fuori le mura:
1. S. Prassede;
2. S. Pietro in Vincoli;
3. S. Lorenzo in Lucina;
4. S. Croce in Gerusalemme;
5. S. Stefano in Monte Celio;
6. Ss. Giovanni e Paolo;
7. Ss. Quattro Coronati.

The basilica of S. Giovanni Laterano was reserved for the cardinal bishops.

Taken from Giraud, A., and Lierde, P.C. van. What is a cardinal? Translated by A. Manson. Vol. LXXXIV of Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Edited by Henri Daniel-Rops. 122 vols. New York: Hawthorne Books, 1964, p. 28-29.

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