"Titles" divided among the presbyters, St. Evaristus (97-105).
The fifth successor of St. Peter divided the Roman titles among the priests and ordained 7 deacons to watch over the bishop when reciting [mass] and safeguard the expression of the truth.
Hic titulos in urbe Roma dividit presbiteris et VII diaconos ordinavit, qui custodirent episcopum predicantem propter stilum veritatis.
Source: Josi, Enrico. "Titoli della Chiesa Romana", Enciclopedia Cattolica, 12 vols. Città del Vaticano: Ente per l'Enciclopedia Cattolica e per il Libro Cattolico, 1949-1954, vol. 12, columns 152-158.
Text: The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis). The ancient biographies of the first ninety Roman bishops to AD 715. Translated with an introduction by Raymond Davis. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1989. (Translated texts for historians, Latin Series V), p. 3; Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Liber Pontificalis, "VI. Evaristus", p. 9..
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