The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church
Bibliographic items added to the site - July to September 2009
- Almeida, Alceste Pinheiro de. O cardeal Arcoverde e a reorganizaçco eclesiastica. Wernet, Augustin, orient.
São Paulo, 2004. Dissertation: Tese (Doutorado). Abstract: Essa tese busca tragar o itinerário de um prelado da Igreja Católica Romana, Joaquim Arcoverde Albuquerque Cavalcanti, bispo coadjutor e titular de São Paulo entre 1892 e 1897, arcebispo do Rio de Janeiro de 1897 a 1930, cardeal - o primeiro da América Latina - em 1906. Foi o principal líder da Igreja no Brasil a partir de sua posse no Distrito Federal. Articulador das relações com o Estado e formulador de sua polmtica. A tese procura elucidar a ação de um prelado em um ambiente muitas vezes hostil à religião catslica. Sua atuação dirigiu-se ao interior da Igreja: ampliou o controle sobre o clero, desarticulou as irmandades leigas, impts novos padrues de organização, burocratizou as paróquias, contratou ordens e congregações estrangeiras para o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, instituiu no Brasil devoções européias, encontrou formas de suprir a perda do apoio do Estado. Arcoverde agiu também para fora da Igreja. Foi quem, ao assumir a Arquidiocese do Distrito Federal, deu continuidade à polmtica estabelecida de convivência com o Estado. Tal polmtica vigorou até o final da segunda década do siculo XX, quando a Santa Sé optou então por um novo modelo, sob a liderança de um jovem bispo paulista, Sebastião Leme.
- Aubert, Arnaud, ca. 1319-1371 ; Williman, Daniel. Calendar of the letters of Arnaud Aubert, Camerarius Apostolicus 1361-1371. Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1992. (Subsidia mediaevalia, 20). Note: "Over 850 letters of Pope Urban V's financial minister set down in calendar order with the complete Latin texts of many letters."
- Baldwin, John W. Masters, princes, and merchants; the social views of Peter the Chanter & his circle. 2 vols. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1970. Contents: v. 1. Text.--v. 2. Notes.
- Baraldi, Giuseppe ; Borgia, Stefano. Notizia biografica sul cardinale Stefano Borgia di Velletri. Modena : Eredi Soliani, 1830. Note: The author's name is taken from the dedication.
- Baron, Ruth. Hermann Kardinal Volk : 20 Jahre Bischof von Mainz. 4e Aufl. Mainz : Krach, 1983.
- Batelja, Juraj ; Mirosevic, Franko. Zagrebacki biskupi i nadbiskupi. Zagreb : Skolska Knjiga, 1995.
- Boniecki, Adam. Kalendarium życia Karola Wojtyły. Kraków : Znak, 2000.
- Borgia, Stefano. Breve istoria del dominio temporale della Sede Apostolica nelle Due Sicilie. Roma : [s.n.], 1788.
- Borgia, Stefano. Breve istoria dell'antica città di Tadino nell'Umbria : ed esatta relazione delle ultime ricerche fatte sulle sue ruine. In Roma : Nella stamperia di Pallade a spese di Niccolò, e Marco Pagliarini, 1751.
- Borgia, Stefano. De cruce Vaticana ex dono Iustini Augusti in parasceve maioris hebdomadae publicae venerationi exhiberi solita commentarius :
cui accedit ritus salutationis crucis in ecclesia Antiochena Syrorum servatus, nunc primum syriace & latine editus adnotationibusque inlustratus. Romae : Ex typographia eiusdem Sacrae Congregationis, 1779.
- Borgia, Stefano. De cruce veliterna commentarius. Romae : Typis eiusdem Sac. Congregationis, 1780.
- Borgia, Stefano. De Fabricio Borgia Ferentini episcopo oratio funebris Stephani Borgiae nepotis ad cives Veliternos. Velitris : Ex typographia Caesaris de Sartoriis bibliopolae, & calchographi, episcopalis, & publici, 1755.
- Borgia, Stefano. Letters from the Cardinal Borgia and the Cardinal of York, 1799-1800. London : [s.n.], 1800. Note: Addressed to, & ed. by, Sir J.C. Hippisley./ With facsimiles, one of a letter from Pope Pius VII.
- Borgia, Stefano. Memorie istoriche della pontificia città di Benevento dal secolo VIII. al secolo XVIII. :
divise in tre parti. In Roma : Dalle stampe del Salomoni, 1763-1769. Contents: v. 1. Dal secolo VIII. ai principj del secolo XI. -- v. 2. Dal secolo XI. al secolo XVIII.
- Borgia, Stefano. Stefano Borgia : epistolario privato. Velletri : Veliternagrafica, 1998-2000. (Quaderni della Biblioteca Comunale ; 6), Note: v. 1. 1758-1783 -- v. 2. 1784-1796 -- v. 3. 1797-1804. Other title: Epistolario privato. Responsibility: Maria Rigel Langella ; presentazione di Renato Mammucari.
- Borino, Giovanni Battista. "L'elezione e la deposizione di Gregorio VI." Archivio della Reale Società Romana di Storia Patria, XXXIX (1916), 141-252, 295-410.
- Bréhier, Louis. Le schisme oriental du XIe siècle. Paris : E. Leroux, 1899.
- Chapman, John. Studies on the early papacy. London : Sheed & Ward, 1928. Other title: Early papacy, Sutdies on.
- Charles-Roux, François. Huit ans au Vatican, 1932-1940. Paris : Flammarion, 1947.
- Cicholaz, Roger Krzysztof. Glauben und Leben : die Theologie des geistlichen Lebens bei Hermann Kardinal Volk. Berlin Münster Lit, 2007; Dissertation: Thesis (doctoral) -- Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Georgen, Frankfurt am Main, 2006. (Theologie der Spiritualität / Beiträge; Bd. 11; Variation: Theologie der Spiritualität ; Bd. 11).
- Cieślak, Stanisław. Kardynał Adam Kozłowiecki. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2008.
- Collison-Morley, Lacy. The story of the Borgias. New York : E.P. Dutton and Co., 1933.
- Conte, Pietro. Chiesa e primato nelle lettere dei papi del secolo VII. Milano L Vita e pensiero, 1971. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università cattolica del S. Cuore. Saggi e ricerche, Serie III. Scienze storiche, 4; Variation: Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore.; Pubblicazioni. Saggi e ricerche. Serie III. Scienze storiche ; 4).
- The correspondence of Pope Gregory VII, selected letters from the Registrum. Translated by Ephraim Emerton. New York : Columbia University Press, 1932. (Records of civilization, sources and studies, v. 14). Uniform Title: Registrum. English. Selections.
- Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario. L'istoria della basilica diaconale, collegiata, e parrocchiale di S. Maria in Cosmedin di Roma. In Roma : Per Antonio de' Rossi, 1715.
- Czaczkowska, Ewa. Kardynał Wyszyński. Warszawa : Świat Książki-Bertelsmann Media, 2009.
- Dalin, David G. The myth of Hitler's Pope : how Pope Pius XII rescued Jews from the Nazis. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed by National book Network, 2005. Contents: Myth of Hitler's Pope and why it matters -- Popes in defense of the Jews -- Future Pope -- Righteous gentile: Pope Pius XII and the holocaust -- Liberal media and the culture wars -- Hitler's Mufti: Muslim anti-semitism and the continuing Islamic war against the Jews -- John Paul II and papal condemnation of anti-semitism.
- Delogu, Marco ; Monda, Andrea. Cardinali. Milano : B. Mondadori, 2001. Note: 50 portraits of high churchmen of the Catholic Church, incl. cardinals over the age of 80 who are not eligible to participate in the next Conclave and current ministers of the government of the Holy See. Responsibility: fotografie di Marco Delogu ; testi di Andrea Monda.
- Dolan, Thomas Stanislaus. The papacy and the first councils of the church. St. Louis, Mo. ; Freiburg (Baden) : B. Herder, 1910.
- Duffy, Eamon. Saints & sinners : a history of the Popes. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, in association with S4C, 1997. Note: Published in conjunction with the TV production of the same title.
- Duston, Allen ; Zagnoli, Roberto. Saint Peter and the Vatican : the legacy of the popes. Alexandria, Va. : Art Services International, 2003. Contents: From visible to invisible beauty / Piero Marini -- Through stately gates and sacred portals : the Vatican collections / Allen Duston -- The Petrine office in the biblical texts and the ecclesiastical tradition / Jorge Maria Mejma -- From revolution to the Wailing Wall : the evolution of the modern papacy / Eamon Duffy -- From Saint Peter's tomb to Michelangelo's dome / Francesco Marchisano -- Death, burial, and election of the popes / Charles Hilken -- The likeness of Peter's successors : 2000 years of papal portraits / Christiane Denker Nesselrath -- The congregation for the evangelization of peoples and its historical archives / Crescenzio Sepe -- The pontifical sacristy / Bernard Berthod -- Seasons of pardon and grace : the popes and the holy years / Joan Lewis -- Saint Peter and his successors.
- "25 (dwadzieścia pięć) -lecie święceń kapłańskich J.E. ks. Biskupa Władysław Rubina," Wrocławskie Wiadomości Kościelne, 26 (1971), p. 346-349.
- Dyduch, Jan.Kanoniczne wizytacje parafii kardynała Karola Wojtyły. Kraków : Wydawnictwo Św. Stanisława BM Archidiecezji Krakowskiej, 2000.
- Dyduch, Jan. Kardynała Karol Wojtyła w służbie Konferencji Episkopatu Polski. Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej, 2007.
- Dyduch, Jan. Kardynała Karol Wojtyła w służbie Kościołowi powszechnemu. Udział w pracach Kurii Rzymskiej i Synodów Biskupich. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Św : Stanisława BM Archidiecezji Krakowskiej, 1998.
- Eno, Robert B. The rise of the papacy. Wilmington, Del. : M. Glazier, 1990. (Theology and life series ; v. 32). Note): "Tuohy lectures".
- Fileti Mazza, Miriam ; Medici, Leopoldo de'. Eredità del cardinale Leopoldo de' Medici : 1675 - 1676 . Pisa : Scuola normale superiore, 1997. (Strumenti e testi / Centro di Ricerche Informatiche per i Beni Culturali ; 4). Responsibility: Centro di Ricerche Informatiche per i Beni Culturali; Accademia della Crusca. Miriam Fileti Mazza.
- FitzGerald, Desmond. "The Visit of Cardinal Vannutelli, Papal Legate, to Ireland, 1904", Seanchas Ard Mhaca- Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, XXI, no 1, (2006), p. 205-243.
- Fliche, Augustin. La réforme grégorienne et la reconquête chrétienne (1057-1123). Paris : Bloud & Gay, 1950. (Histoire de l'Église depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours, 8).
- Forcella, Vincenzo. Iscrizioni delle chiese e d'altri edificii di Roma dal secolo XI fino ai giorni nostri. 14 v. in 7. Roma, Tip. delle scienze matematiche e fisiche, 1869-1884. Note): Imprints vary: v. 2-7, "Tip. dei fratelli Bencini"; v. 8-13, "Coi tipi di L. Cecchini"; v. 14, "Roma, Firenze, Torino, E. Loescher & Cie."/ Vol. 14 contains indices to the whole work. Responsibility: raccolte e pubblicate da Vincenzo Forcella ...
- Gay, Jules. Les papes du XIe siècle et la chrétienté. 2d ed. Paris : J. Gabalda, 1926. (Bibliothèque de L'enseignement de l'histoire ecclésiastique). Other titles: Papes du onzième siècle et la chrétienté; Papes du 11e siècle et la chrétienté.
- Giovenale, G. B. La basilica di S. Maria in Cosmedin. Roma : P. Sansaini, 1927. (Monografie sulle chiese di Roma ; 2).
- Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633. De præsulibus Angliæ commentarius omnium episcoporum, necnon et cardinalium eiusdem gentis, nomina, tempora, seriem, atque actiones maximè memorabiles ab vltima antiquitate repetita complexus. Per Franciscum Godwinum, Episcopum Landauensem.
Uniform title: Catalogue of the bishops of England. Latin. Londini : [Printed by William Stansby and Eliot's Court Press,] ex officina Nortoniana, apud Ioannem Billium, 1621. (Variation: Early English books, 1475-1640 ; reel 1067/17). Note: An enlarged translation of: A catalogue of the bishops of England./ At foot of title: Cum priuilegio Regis./ Printers' names from STC; "Eliot's Court Press pr[inted]. 2nd A-M"./ "De archiepiscopis Eboracensibus" (caption title) begins new pagination and register./ This reissue of the 1616 edition has "Ad commentarium de prfsulibus Anglif .. Appendix", 16 p. at end, printed by John Bill; publication date estimated by STC./ Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery./ Appendix only./ Reproduction: Microfilm./ Ann Arbor, Mich. :/ UMI,/ 1966./ 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm./ (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1067:17). Other titles: Catalogue of the bishops of England.; Ad commentarium de prfsulibus Angliæ .. Appendix.; De archiepiscopis Eboracensibus.
- Grocholewski, Zenon. "Filipiak Bolesław." In: Encyklopedia katolicka. vol. 5. Lublin : Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1989, p. 208-209.
- Grocholewski, Zenon. "Kardynał Bolesław Jan Filipiak (1901-1978) długoletni audytor i dziekan Roty Rzymskiej." Prawo Kanoniczne, 25 (1981), nr ¾, p. 265-285.
- Guglielmotti, Alberto P. Storia della marina pontificia. Roma : Tipgrafia vaticana, 1886-1893. Contents: v. 1-2. Storia della marina pontificia nel Medio Evo, dal 728 al 1499 -- v. 3-4. La Guerra dei Pirati, 1500-1560 -- v. 5. Fortificazioni nella spiaggia romana -- v. 6. Marcantonie Colonna alla Battaglia di Lepanto (1570-1573) 1887 -- v. 7. La squadra permanente della marina romana, 1573-1644 -- v. 8. La squadra ausiliaria a Candia ed alla Moréa, 1644-1699 -- v. 9. Gli ultimi fatti della squadra romana, da Corfù all'Egitto, 1700-1807 -- v. 10. Atlante delle cento tavole descritte nei dieci libri delle fortificazioni (1458-1570).
- Hamilton, Bernard. The Latin Church in the Crusader states : the secular church. London : Variorum Publications, 1980.
- Heitzer, Horstwalter. Georg Kardinal Kopp und der Gewerkschaftsstreit 1900-1914. Köln : Böhlau, 1983. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands ; Bd. 18).
- Herrmann, Klaus-Jürgen. Das Tuskulanerpapsttum (1012-1046): Benedikt VIII., Johannes XIX., Benedikt IX. Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1973. (Päpste und Papsttum, Bd. 4).
- Hilger, Peter. Kreatürlichkeit : Hermann Kardinal Volk als Theologe. Sonderdr. Mainz : Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Bistums, 1990.
- Hülsen, Christian; Cecchelli, C. ; Giovannoni, G. ; Monneret de Villard, U. ; Muñoz, A. S. Agata dei Goti. Roma : P. Sansaini, 1924. (Monografie sulle chiese di Roma ; 1).
- Hurtubise, Pierre ; Toupin, Robert. Correspondance du nonce en France, Antonio Maria Salviati : 1572-1578. 2 v. Rome : Université pontificale grégorienne : École française de Rome, 1975. (Acta Nuntiaturae Gallicae ; 12-13). Contents: t. 1. 1572-1574.--t. 2. 1574-1578.
- Hurtubise, Pierre. Une famille-témoin, les Salviati. Città del Vaticano : Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1985. (Studi e testi ; 309 ; Variation: Studi e testi (Biblioteca apostolica vaticana) ; 309).
- Hurtubise, Pierre. Tous les chemins mènent à Rome : arts de vivre et de réussir à la cour pontificale au XVIe siècle. Ottawa : Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2009.
- J.E. "Kardynał Rubin prefektem rzymskiej kongregacji." Więż, (1980), nr 7/8, p. 265-266.
- Johannes, Papa, XXII. Les sermons de Jean XXII sur la vision béatifique. Texte précédé d'une introduction et suivi d'une Chronologie de la controverse avec la liste des Écrits pour et contre le Pape. Edited by Marc Dykmans. Rome : Pr. de l'Univ. Grégorienne, 1973. (Miscellanea historiae pontificiæ; 34; Variation: Miscellanea historiae pontificiæ; 34) Uniform title: Sermones.. Other title: Les sermons sur la vision béatifique.
- Jungnitz, Ingobert. Hermann Kardinal Volk zum Gedenken. Mainz : Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bischöfliches Ordinariat Mainz, 1988. (Aktuelle Information ; 50; Variation: Aktuelle Information (Mainz) ; 50).
- Kakowski, Aleksander ; Pamiętniki. Krawczak, Tadeusz (red.) ; Świętek, Ryszard (red.). Z niewoli do niepodległošci. Kraków: Platan 2000.
- Kozłowiecki, Adam. Ucisk i strapienie. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2008.
- Lee, Andrew. The most ungrateful Englishman. Lydney, Gloucestershire : Corpus, 2006. Note: About Adam Easton, (?- 15 September 1397) English Catholic Cardinal, born at Easton in Norfolk; made a Cardinal by Urban VI, in 1381. On 7 March, 1381 or 1382; nominated Dean of York. In 1381 imprisoned by Urban on charge of conspiring with five other cardinals against the pope, deprived of his cardinalate and deanery. Boniface IX, restored his cardinalate. He effected the canonization of Birgitta of Sweden. He may have been Julian of Norwich's spiritual director, editing her Long Text Showing of Love. Died at Rome, 1397.
- Maratu, abbé. Girard, évêque d'Angoulême : légat du Saint-Siége (vers 1060-1136). Angoulême : F. Goumard, 1866.
- Myszor, Jerzy. Konieczny, Jan (red.). Korespondencja Augusta Hlonda i Józefa Gawliny w latach 1924-1948. Katowice: Księgarnia Św. Jacka - Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2003.
- Montini, Renzo Uberto. Le tombe dei papi. Roma : Angelo Belardetti, 1957. Note: At head of title: Instituto di studi romani.
- Montini, Renzo Uuberto. S.Teresa al Corso d'Italia. Roma : Marietti, 1958. (Le chiese di Roma illustrate ; 43).
- Morgain, Stéphane-Marie. "Richelieu 'pasteur d'ámes'." Revue d'Historie ecclésiastique, CIV, no. 1 (Janvier-Mars 2009), p. 115-137.
- O'Carroll, Ciarán. Paul Cardinal Cullen : portrait of a practical nationalist. Dublin, Ireland : Veritas, 2008. Note: "Paul Cullen and his relationship with the Independent Irish Party of the 1850s and the Fenian Movement in Ireland of the 1860s."
- Ośko, Jan. Ksiąźę. Rzecz o kardynale Adamie Stefanie Sapieże. Ząbki: Apostolicum Wydawnictwo Księży Pallotynów Prowincji Chrystusa Króla: 2009.
- Panvinio, Onofrio, 1529-1568. Epitome Pontificum Romanorum a S. Petro usque ad Paulum IIII : gestorum (videlicet) electionisque singulorum, & conclauium compendiaria narratio : cardinalium item nomina, dignitatum tituli, insignia legationes, patria & obitus. Venetiis: I. Stradae Mantuani, 1557
- Panvinio, Onofrio, 1529-1568 ; Platina, 1421-1481. Le vite de'pontefici di Bartolomeo Platina cremonese, Parte Secondo: Da Sisto IV al presente pontefice Benedetto XIII, descritte da Onofrio Panvinio e da altri autori più moderni. Venice, 1730.
- Pappalardo, Salvatore. Vescovo a Palermo : discorsi e scritti del Cardinale Pappalardo. Palermo : S.F. Flaccovio, 1982. (Collana di saggi e monografie ; nuova ser., 57).
- Papàsogli, Maria Zalum. Il cardinale del silenzio : Raffaello Carlo Rossi. Roma : Postulazione Generale O.C.D., 1983.
- Pater, Józef. "Rola kardynała Bolesława Kominka w przygotowaniu orędzia biskupów polskich do biskupów niemieckich." Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny. [Wrocław]. 15 (2007), no 1, p. 65-78.
- Pest, Czesław. Kardynał Edmund Dalbor (1869-1926) - pierwszy Prymas Polski Odrodzonej. Poznań : Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2004.
- Petrus Pisanus. Vita Paschalis II papae. Parisiis : Migne, 1854.
- Platina, Bartholomaeus Sacchi de (1421-1481). Le vite de'pontefici di Bartolomeo Platina Cremonese: dal Salvator Nostro fino a Paolo II. Accresciute con quelle de'Papi Moderni da Sisto Quarto fino ` Clemente X...con le Annotationi del Panuinio, e con la Cronologia Ecclesiastica dello stesso. Venetia : Abondio Menafoglio, 1674. These two titles [LE VITE & LA CRONOLOGIA] were published together as one, with separate pagination, [lxxx + 776pp.] & [224pp.]. Each pontifical biography is accompanied by an engraved portrait. LA CRONOLOGIA is an ecclesiastical timeline.
- Platina, 1421-1481 ; Panvinio, Onofrio, 1529-1568; Ciccarelli, Antonio, d. 1599 ; Stringa, Giovanni. Le vite de'pontefici di Bartolomeo Platina Cremonese, dal Salvator Nostro fino a Benedetto XIII. 2 v. In Venezia : Presso Girolamo Savioni, 1730. Uniform Title: Vitae pontificum. Italian. 1730. Panvinio, Onofrio, 1529-1568. ; Pontificum Romanorum chronicon. Italian. Note: Translation, with additions, of Platina's Vitae pontificum. Other titles: Cronologia ecclesiastica. Responsibility: da Onofrio Panvinio, Giovanni Stringa, Antonio Ciccarelli, Abraamo Bzovio, Antonio Bagatta Benacense, dal Cav. Girol. Brusoni, e da altri. Con le annotazioni del Panvinio, e con la Cronologia ecclesiastica dello stesso, ampliata da Bartolomeo Dionigi, da Lauro Testa, da Francisco Tomasuccio, dal Bagatta, dal Cav. Girolamo Brusoni, e da altri fino all'anno MDCCXXX. Aggiuntavi anco in quest'ultima impressione la vita del Platina scritta diffusamente dal Sig. Nicol'Angelo Caferri Romano ...
- Platina, Bartolomeus, Bartolomeo Sacchi, detto il, 1421-1481 ; Panvinius, Onuphrius, 1530-1568 ; Dionigi, Bartolomeus ; Caferri, Nicol'Angelo. Le vite de'Pontefici di Bartolomeo Platina Cremonese, dal Salvator nostro fino a Clemente XI., da Onofrio Panvinio ... [et al.] :
con le annotationi del Panvinio, e con la cronologia ecclesiastica dello stesso, ampliata da Bartolomeo Dionigi ... e da altri fino all'anno M.DCCIII. In Venetia : Appresso Antonio Bortoli, 1703. Note: La cronologia ecclesiastica met aparte titelpagina. Other Titles: Le vite de'Pontifici. Responsibility: aggiuntavi ... la vita del Platina scritta ... dal Nicol'Angelo Caferri ....
- Pons Alós, Vicente. Cardenales y prelados de Xátiva en la época de los Borja. Valencia : Universitat de València, 2005. (Colección Centro de Estudios Borgianos).
- Raina, Peter. Kardynał Wyszyński. Vol. 1-15 [1901-1975]. Warszawa : von borowiecky, 1998.
- Ratzinger, Joseph (Benedikt XVI). Offenbarungsverständnis und Geschichtstheologie Bonaventuras. Edited by Gerhard Ludwig Müller and Marianne Schlosser. Freiburg : Herder, 2009- (Gesammelte Schriften ; Bd. 11). Corp. author: Institut Papst Benedikt XVI (Regensburg).
- Robinson, Ian S. Henry IV of Germany, 1056 - 1106. Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. Contents: Introduction; 1. The young king, 10561075; 2. The conflict with Pope Gregory VII; 3. Emperor Henry IV, 10841106; Conclusion. Note: This is the first book in English devoted to the German king and emperor Henry IV (10561106), whose reign was one of the most momentous in German history and a turning-point in the history of the medieval empire (the kingdoms of Germany, Italy and Burgundy). The reign was marked by continuous rebellions and fluctuating fortune. Earlier monarchs had also witnessed conflict between crown and aristocracy, but Henry IVs reign differed in that his conflicts could never be definitively resolved either by negotiation or by war. During the 1070s the young king gained a lasting reputation for tyranny, while his assertion of the crowns traditional rights over the imperial church aroused papal opposition. The alliance between the German princes and the papacy haunted Henry IV for the rest of his life. He meanwhile, by turns opportunist and compromiser, dedicated himself at all times to preserving the traditional rights of the monarchy. Note 2: The first book in English on one of the most turbulent half-centuries in German history. The first detailed guide in English to the extensive scholarly literature in German, Italian and French on imperial and papal history in the later eleventh century. A contribution to the study of the Investiture Contest - often regarded by historians as the first European revolution.
- Romaniuk, Marian P. Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński Prymas Tysiąclecia. Przewodnik bibliograficzny 1921-2005. Radom : Polskie Wydawnictwo Encyklopedyczne, 2006.
- Romaniuk, Marian P. Źycie, twórczość i posługa Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego Prymasa Tysiąclecia. Vol. 1-4. Warszawa : Pax, 1994-2002.
- Rossi, Raffaello Carlo. Epistolario. 3 v. A cura di Valentino e Vito Bondani. Roma : Editrice Teresianum, 1973-1975. Contents: I. Carisma della paternità -- I. Testimonianza di servizio -- III. Pienezza di donazione. Other titles: Carisma della paternità Testimonianza di servizio; Pienezza di donazione.
- Rożek, Michał. Kardynał Sapieha. Kraków : Wydawnictwo WAM 2007.
- Le quattro voci del mondo : arte, culture e saperi nella collezione di Stefano Borgia 1731-1804. A cura di Marco Nocca. Napoli : Electa Napoli, 2001. Note: "Giornate internazionali di studi, Velletri, Palazzo comunale, Sala Tersicore, 13-14 maggio 2000."
- Quattrocchi, Paul B. Al di sopra dei Gagliardetti : l'Arcivescovo Schuster : un asceta benedettino nella Milano dell'"èra fascista". Casale Monferrato, AL : Marietti, 1985.
- Richards, Jeffrey. Consul of God : the life and times of Gregory the Great. London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
- Robertson, Clare. Il gran cardinale : Alessandro Farnese, patron of the arts. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1992.
- St. Peter's in the Vatican. Edited by William Tronzo. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. Contents: 1. Introduction - William Tronzo; 2. Peter and Constantine - Glen W. Bowersock; 3. The use and meaning of Spolia at St. Peter's - Dale Kinney; 4. Est haec sacra principis aedes: the Vatican basilica from Innocent III to Gregory IX (1198-1241) - Antonio Iacobini; 5. Renaissance St. Peter's - Christ of Thoenes; 6. Michelangelo to Marchionni, 1546-1784 - Henry A. Millon; 7. Bernini at St. Peter's: Singularis in singularis, in omnibus unicus St. Peter's in the modern era: the paradoxical colossus - Richard Etlin; 9. Appendix: Theatres for the canonisation of saints: the architectural structures for celebrating the ceremony - Alessandra Anselmi.
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