The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Members of Religious Orders (1099-1198)

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The list includes the names of the religious cardinals, the position they occupied at the time of their cardinalitial creation, and the year of their promotion.

Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines - O.S.B.)      (51)

Teodorico, abbot of the monastery of SS. Trinità della Cava, Salerno (1080/1100) (Antipope Theodoric)
Amico, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno, Capua (1099) (O.S.B. Cassinese)
Giovanni (1099)
Guido (1099)
Pandolfo (1099) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Gualon (1099) (O.S.B. Cluniacense)
Gregorio, abbot of Ss. Andrea e Gregorio in clivo Scauri, Rome (1099)
Pietro, O.S.B.Cas. (1100)
Riccardo (1101)
Leone (1105) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Roscemanno Sanseverino (1106) O.S.B. (Cassinese)
Pietro Pierleoni (1106) O.S.B. (Cluniacense)
Oderisio (1112) O.S.B. (Cassinese)
Giovanni (1114) (Cassinese)
Leone, abbot of the monastery of S. Clemente (1115)
Leone, abbot of the monastery of S. Clemente (1115)
Amico, iuniore, abbot of the monastery of S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura, Rome (1117) (O.S.B. Cassinese)
Errico, abbot of the monastery of Mazzara (1117)
Gilles of Paris (1121) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Pons de Melgueil, abbot of Cluny (1120) (O.S.B. Cluniacense)
Mathieu, O.S.B.Clun. (1126) (O.S.B. Cluniacense)
Giovanni, O.S.B.Cam., abbot general of the order (1126) (O.S.B. Camaldolese)
Adinolfo, abbot of the monastery of S. Maria de Farfa. (1130)
Lucio Boezio (1130)
Pietro (1130) (pseudocardinal) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Pietro, abbot of S. Apollinare, Rome (1133) (O.S.B. Cassinese)
Drogon (1134)
Chrysogone (1134)
Albéric, abbot of the monastery of Vézelay (1138) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Rainaldo di Collemezzo, abbot of the monastery of Monte Cassino (1140) (O.S.B. Cassinese)
Hugues de Foliet, prior of Saint-Laurent au Bois, Amiens (1140)
Imar, abbot general of the order (1142)
Sylvester, abbot of the monastery of Subiaco (1150)
Jean, abbot of the monastery of Déols, Bourges, France (1150) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Bernard (1146) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Boso Breakspear (1155)
Simone, O.S.B., abbot of Subiaco (1158)
János Struma, bishop of Albano (pseudocardinal bishop 1163/1168) (O.S.B.Vallombrosana) (Antipope Callistus III)
Giovanni, aboot of the monastery of S. Sofia in Benevento (1168)
Rainaldo, bishop elect of Gaeta (1168) (O.S.B. Cassinese)
Pietro da Pavia (1178)
Rogerio (1178) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Gandolfo, abbot of S. Sisto, Piacenza (1176)
Thibaud, abbot of Cluny (1171) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Leonato, abbot of the monastery of S. Clemente in Cassaure (1170)
Teodino, abbot of Monte Cassino. (1165) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Benerede, abbot of St-Crépin, Soissons, France (1164)
Teodino degli Atti (1164)
Vitellio, abbot (1164)
Manfredo (1163)
Oderisio, abbot of S. Giovanni in Venere, Lanciano. (1163) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Rolando, O.S.B., bishop of Dol, Bretagne, France (1185)
Gandolfo, abbot of the monastery of S. Sisto, Piacenza (1186)
Rinaldo (1191)
Giovanni di Salerno (1191) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Giovanni di San Paolo, abbot of the monastery of S. Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome (1193)
Roffredo dell'Isola, abbot of Monte Cassino (1191)

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Order of the Cistercians (Cistercians - O.Cist.)      (14)

Badouin (1130)
Luc (1130)
Martino (1132)
Étienne (1139)
Ubaldo Allucingoli (1141) (Pope Lucius III)
Konrad von Bayern (1142)
Hughes, abbot of the Trois-Fontaines Monastery, Châlos-sur-Marne, France (1150)
Errico Moricotti, abbot of the monastery of Ss. Vincenzo ed Atanasio, Rome (1150)
Bernard, Cist. (1151)
Guglielmo Matengo (1155)
Henri de Marsiac, abbot of Clairvaux (1179)
Henri de Sully, archbishop of Bourges, France (1186)
Guy Paré, superior general of the order (1191)
Gérard Mainard, abbot of the monastery of Potigny, France (1188)
Giordano, abbot of the monastery of Fossanova (1188)

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Canons Regulars of S. Maria di Crescenziano       (2)

Tommaso (1140)
Albino (1182)

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Canons Regular of San Frediano       (5)

Giovanni (1143)
Bernardo, prior of the Lateran monastery, Rome (1145)
Girolamo (1164)
Matteo (1178)
Ardoino (1178)
Bernardo (1188)

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Canons Regular of Saint Augustine       (2)

Theodwin (1134)
Hugh de Saint-Victor, prior of the monastery of Saint-Victor, Paris (1139)

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Canons Regular Premonstratense of Saint-Martin of Laon       (1)

Alberto di Morra (1155) (Pope Gregory VIII)

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Canons Regular of S. Maria di San Reno      (7)

Gerardo Caccianemici dell'Orso (1122) (Pope Lucius II)
Ugo Misini, prior of the monastery of S. Prassede (1144)
Guarino Foscari (1144)
Ubaldo Caccianemici (1144)
Ildebrando Grassi, administrator of the diocese of Modena (1152)
Pietro de Bono (1165)

Guglielmo (1173)
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Canons Regular of Arrouiase      (1)
Kuno von Urach (1108)
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Canons Regular of Saint-Victor of Paris       (4)

Yves (1135)
Giovanni Pizzuti (1155)
Ugo Pierleoni, bishop of Piacenza (1164)
Ugo Pierleoni (1171)

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Canons Regular of Saint-Ruf of Avignon      (1)

Nicholas Breakspear, abbot general of the order (1146) (Pope Adrian IV)

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Canons Regular Lateranense      (3)

Aymery de la Châtre (1120)
Corrado di Suburra (1127) (Pope Anastasius IV)
Rolando Bandinelli (1150) (Pope Alexander III)

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Canons Regular of S. Pietro in Caelo aureo      (1)

Anselmo (1126)
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Cardinals religious created by:
Paschal II (1099-1118) - 17
Callistus II (1119-1124) - 4
Honorius II (1124-1130) - 4
Innocent II (1130-1143) - 19
[Antipope] Anacletus II (1130-1138) - 1
Celestine II (1143-144) - 2
Lucius II (1144-1145) - 2
Eugenius III (1145-1153) - 10
Adrian IV (1154-1159) - 5
Alexander III (1159-1181) - 21
[Antipope] Paschal II (1164-1168) - 1
Lucius III (1181-1185) - 1
Urban III (1185-1187) -- 2
Clement III (1187-1191) - 6
Celestine III (1191-1198) - 2
Total -- 101

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