The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Members of Religious Orders (1198-1303)

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The list includes the names of the religious cardinals, the position they occupied at the time of their cardinalitial creation, and the year of their promotion.

Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines - O.S.B.)      (11)

Pietro Campano (1216) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Pietro (1207) (O.S.B.Cassinese)
Paio Galvão (1205)
Jean Halgrin, patriarch of Constantinople (1227) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Guillaume de Talliante, abbot of the monastery of San Facundo, León, Spain (1244) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Tesauro dei Beccheria, abbot general of the order (1255) (O.S.B.Vallombrosana)
Riccardo di Montecassino, abbot of the monastery of Montecassino (1255/1256)
Bernard Ayglier, abbot of Monte Cassino (1265/1268)
Bertrand de Saint-Martin, archbishop of Arles, France (1273)
Simon d'Armentières (1294) (O.S.B.Cluniacense)
Pietro de L'Aquila, bishop elect of Valva-Sulmona (1294)

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Order of the Cistercians (Cistercians - O.Cist.)      (11)

Gérard, abbot of the monastery of Potigny, France (1198)
Gerardo da Sessa, archbishop of Milan (1211)
Stefano di Ceccano, abbot of the monastery of Fossanova (1212)
Raniero Capocci, abbot of the monastery of Tre Fontane, Rome (1216)
Niccolò de Chiaramonte, bishop of Frascati (1219)
Konrad von Urach, bishop of Porto e S. Rufina (1219)
Giacomo da Pecorara, bishop of Palestrina (1231)
John of Toledo (1244)
Guy de Bourgogne, superior general of the order (1262)
Teobaldo di Ceccano, abbot of the monastery of Fossanova (1275)
Robert de Potigny, 28th superior general of the order (1294)

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Order of the Carthusians (O.Carth.)      (1)

Guglielmo di Modena, former bishop of Modena (1244)

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Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans - O.F.M.)      (7)

Bonaventura, seventh general of the order (1273)
Bentivenga de Bentivengis, bishop of Todi. (1278)
Girolamo Masci, minister general of the order (1278) (Pope Nicholas IV)
Matteo d'Acquasparta, twelfth minister general of the order (1288)
Giacomo Tomassi-Caetani, former bishop of Alatri (1295)
Gentile Partino, lector of theology in the Sacred Palace (1300)
Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, minister general of his order (1302)

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Order of the Celestines (O.Cel.)      (2)

Tommaso d'Ocre, abbot of S. Giovanni in Piano (1294)
Francesco Ronci (1294)

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Order of Our Lady of Mercy (Mercedarians - O. de M.)      (1)

Ramón Nonato (1239)

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Order of Preachers (Dominicans - O.P.)      (7)

Hughes de Saint-Cher (1244)
Annibale d'Annibaldi (1262)
Pierre de Tarentaise, archbishop of Lyon, France (1273) (Pope Innocent V)
Latino Malabranca Orsini (1278)
Robert Kilwardby, archbishop of Canterbury, England (1278)
Hugues Aycelin de Billom (1288)
Niccolò Boccasini, master general of the order (1298) (Pope Benedict XI)

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Canons Regulars of Saint Augustine (C.R.S.A.)      (1)

Jacques de Vitry, C.R.S.A., bishop of Acre, Syria (1228)

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Order of Canons Regular of San Frediano (C.R.S.F.)       (1)

Leone Brancaleone (1200)

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Canons Regular of San Pietro (C.R.S.P.)       (1)

Guala Bicchieri, former bishop of Vercelli (1205)

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Canons Regular of San Reno (C.R.S.R.)       (1)

Gregorio Crescenzi, C.R.S.R. (1205)

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Canons Regular of Santa Maria (C.R.S.M.)       (1)
Rainiero (1213)
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Cardinals religious created by:
Innocent III (1198-1216) - 11
Honorius III (1216-1227) - 2
Gregory IX (1227-1243) - 4
Innocent IV (1243-1254) - 4
Alexander IV (1254-1261) - 2
Urban IV (1261-1264) - 2
Clement IV (1265-1268) - 1
Gregory X (1271-1276) - 4
Nicholas III (1277-1280) - 4
Nicholas IV (1288-1292) - 2
Celestine V (1294) - 7
Boniface VIII (1294-1303) -4
Total -- 45

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