The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church
Bibliographic items added to the site - October to December 2011
Following are the books and articles added to the general bibliography and/or the individual biographical entries between the months of October and December 2011.
- Albert, Marcel. "Die benediktinischen Kardinäle im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert." Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige, 119 (2008), 257-293.
- Altieri, Vincenzo Maria. Ritrattazione di S. E. il signor D. Vincenzo Maria Altieri, gia cardinale del Sagro Collegio, morto in Roma il dl 10 febrajo 1800. Texte imprimé. In Roma, presso i Giunchi, 1800.
- Baldassari, Pietro. Relazione delle avversità e patimenti del glorioso Papa Pio VI : negli ultimi tre anni del suo pontificato. 4 vols. 2nd ed., corr. ad aumentata. Modena : Dalla reale tip. degli Eredi Soliani, 1840.
- Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927- . Jesus of Nazareth. Part two, Holy week : from the entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection. San Francisco, Calif. : Ignatius Press, 2011. Contents: The entrance into Jerusalem and the cleansing of the Temple -- Jesus' eschatological discourse -- The washing of the feet -- Jesus' high-priestly prayer -- The Last Supper -- Gethsemane -- The trial of Jesus -- Crucifixion and burial of Jesus -- Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Abstract: Offers a detailed analysis of Jesus Christ's final week in Jerusalem, examining the political, religious, and scholarly aspects of Jesus' life, teaching, death, and resurrection.
- Chisnall, Peter. John Henry Cardinal Newman : a man of courage, conflict and conviction. London, UK : St Pauls, 2001.
- Cardinal Paul Cullen and his world. Edited by Dáire Keogh & Albert McDonnell. Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2011. Contents: Paul Cullen: the great ultramontane / Emmet Larkin -- Converging worlds: Paul Cullen in the world of Mauro Cappellari / Christopher Korten -- The age of Pio Nono: the age of Paul Cullen / Eamon Duffy -- The ultramontane spirituality of Paul Cullen / Oliver P. Rafferty -- 'Strong views ... in very strong forms': Paul Cullen, archbishop of Armagh (1849-52) / Ambrose Macaulay -- Paul Cullen and the visual arts / Eileen Kane -- The pastoral vision of Paul Cullen / Ciaran O'Carroll -- Catholic Dublin: the public expression in the age of Paul Cullen / Mary E. Daly -- 'Attending to the wants of poverty': Paul Cullen, the relief of poverty and the development of social welfare in Ireland / Virginia Crossman -- Faith, famine and fenianism: Paul Cullen and the Irish emigrant world / Gerard Moran -- Amiens, Brisbane and Crimea: Paul Cullen and the Mercy Mission that led to the establishment of the Mater Hospital in Dublin / Margaret Ó hÓgartaigh -- Cardinal Cullen and the system of national education in Ireland / Joseph Doyle -- Paul Cullen in the Irish Conservative imagination / Andrew Shields -- A meeting of minds?: Margaret Aylward and Paul Cullen / Anne-Marie Close -- The conversion of Connemara and conflict between Paul Cullen and John MacHale / Miriam Moffitt -- His Excellency, His Eminence and the minister: Paul Cullen and channels of political communication during the first Gladstone administration, 1868-74 / James H. Murphy -- Paul Cullen, J.J. McCarthy and Holy Cross Church, Clonliffe: the politics and iconography of architectural style / John Montague -- 'Not ... an equal, but ... one of his subjects': John Henry Newman's perception of the archbishop of Dublin / Ian Ker -- Cardinal Cullen's other capital: Belfast and the 'devotional revolution' / S.J. Connolly -- Providence, revolution and the conditional defence of the union: Paul Cullen and the Fenians / Matthew Kelly -- The pope, the prelate, the soldiers and the controversy: Paul Cullen and the Irish Papal Brigade / Anne O'Connor -- Paul Cullen and the declaration of papal infallibility / Norman Tanner -- Paul Cullen and the Irish College, Paris / Liam Chambers -- Paul Cullen and the remaking of Catholicism in the Antipodes / Rory Sweetman -- Visualizing Ireland's first cardinal / Fintan Cullen -- 'An ambiguous awe': Paul Cullen and the historians / Colin P. Barr -- Reassessing Paul Cullen: an afterword / Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh.
- Dolan, Bob. Life lessons from my life with my brother, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan. Phoenix, AZ : Tau Publishing, 2011.
- Duffy, Eamon. Ten popes who shook the world. New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, 2011. Contents: St Peter -- Leo the Great -- Gregory the Great -- Gregory VII -- Innocent III -- Paul III -- Pio Nono -- Pius XII -- John XXIII -- John Paul II.
- Eyt, Pierre ; Brian, Françoise ; Monget, Didier ; Etchegaray, Roger ; Meunier, Paul. La joie et l'espérance
du cardinal Pierre Eyt. Paris : Cerf, 2009. (L'histoire à vif).
- Eyt, Pierre ; Meunier, Paul. Cardinal Pierre Eyt: entretien avec Paul Meunier. Bordeaux : Mollat, 1997.
- Flood, Joseph Mary. Cardinal Newman and Oxford. London : I. Nicholson and Watson, 1933.
- Fouilloux, Étienne. Eugène, cardinal Tisserant (1884-1972). Une biographie. Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, 2011.
- Forno, Mauro. Tra Africa e Occidente : il cardinal Massaja e la missione cattolica in Etiopia nella coscienza e nella
politica europee. Bologna : Il mulino, 2009. (Progetto Alfieri / Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Torino). Table of contents: Introduzione p. 9; Glossario, sigle e abbreviazioni 25; I. Nell'Europa della Restaurazione 27; 1. L'adolescenza di Massaja e la scelta vocazionale 32; 2. Il rapporto con la politica 37; 3. Gli anni di sacerdozio nella Torino di Carlo
Alberto 47; 4. Tra ultramontanismo e risveglio missionario 54; II. La scelta missionaria 65; 1. La febbre evangelizzatrice 71; 2. La Chiesa e l'Occidente in Africa orientale 78; 3. La "scoperta" del Nilo e i primi approcci "italiani" nell'area 81; 4. L'Etiopia al tempo di Massaja 85; 5. Le radici religiose 88; 6. Le missioni cattoliche 93; 7. Un rinnovato interesse della Santa Sede 99; 8. Chiesa cattolica e Chiesa ortodossa 103; III. Tra cristiani e musulmani 111; 1. Le potenze europee e il miraggio di Suez 117; 2. La Chiesa ortodossa e il vescovo Salama III 121; 3. Le scuole dottrinali 124; 4. I signori d'Etiopia 132; 5. L'eurocentrismo dei missionari p. 135; 6. Il calvario per l'ingresso in missione 139; 7. La diplomazia europea e l'Etiopia 143; 8. Un possibile ruolo per l'Italia 148; 9. L'approccio di Massaja alla tradizione cristiana; in Africa orientale 162; IV. Islam e Cristianesimo 171; 1. Cristianesimo e Isiam nella missione massajana 175; 2. Una nuova "crociata" per l'Europa 185; 3. L'azione diplomatica 193; 4. Le prime delusioni 204; 5. La percezione dell'evoluzione dell'Isiam 212; 6. Dieci anni di missione tra gli oromo 216; 7. Nuovi tentativi diplomatici 222; 8. Un destino forse segnato 232; 9. Il bilancio di una prospettiva 238; V. Travagli e fine di un lungo apostolato 245; 1. Giudizi e pregiudizi missionari 253; 2. Quindici anni prima di Daniele Comboni 258; 3. I contrasti con la Congregazione di Propaganda fide 264; 4. Il trasferimento della missione alla Francia e la questione catechismo in lingua oromo 274; 5. Alla corte di Menelik 285; 6. La Società geografica italiana e la spedizione in Etiopia 296; 7. L'ultima "battaglia" 307; VI. I riconoscimenti pontifici 315; 1. Un modello missionario 319; 2. Le memorie massajane 323; 3. Un retaggio controverso dell'azione massajana: la "questione del rito" 328; 4. La vicenda di Dogali 335; 5. Gli ultimi anni di vita 344; 6. I ritardi del processo di beatificazione: alcune ipotesi interpretative 348; Appendice 359; Cronologia 383; Bibliografia 393; Indice dei nomi 419.
- Frings, Joseph. Für die Menschen bestellt : Erinnerungen des Alterzbischofs von Köln Josef Kardinal Frings. Köln : Bachem, 1973.
- Galen, Clemens August von. Les sermons de S. Exc. Mgr von Galen, Évêque de Münster (Westphalie). Fribourg : Ed. "Pro Deo et Patria", 1942.
- Grassi, Ferdinando. I pastori della cattedra beneventana. Benevento : Tipografia Auxiliatrix, 1969. Responsibility: Ferdinando Grassi in collaborazione per l'iconografia e l'araldica con L. Ingaldi.
- Hartt, Frederick; Corti Gino ; Kennedy, Clarence.. The Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal, 1434-1459, at San Miniato in Florence. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1964. (The Haney Foundation series of studies in English, American and foreign literature; modern history, sociology, and economics; music and art, v.1).
- Hudal, Alois. Die österreichische Vatikanbotschaft 1806-1918. München : Pohl, 1952.
- Knecht, Thierry. Mgr von Galen. L'évêque qui a défié Hitler. Paris : Parole et silence,
2007. (Cahiers de l'école cathédrale ; 79).
- Lavaud, Claudie. "Pierre, cardinal Eyt." Communio, revue catholique internationale, vol. 27/1, nº 159, Janvier-Février 2002 (02/2002), 115-122.
- Maas, Ferdinand. "Frankenberg, Johann Heinrich." New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2d. edition. 15 vols. Detroit : Thomson/Gale, 2003, V, 913-914.
- McDowell, John B. The life of Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D. : eleventh Bishop of Pittsburgh. [S.l. : s.n.], 2005.
- Masetti Zannini, Gian Ludovico. "Il card. Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi e gli idraulici bolognesi." Bolletino del Museo del Risorgimento di Bologna, IX (1964), 39-79.
- Mattioli Háry, Nicoletta. The Vatican Library and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The history, Impact and Influence of their collaboration [1927-1947]. Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vatican, 2009.
- Maxwell, Kenneth. Pombal, paradox of the Enlightenment. Cambridge [England] ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 1995. Table of contents: List of illustrations. 1. Ideas and images. 2. The golden age and its consequences. 3. Action in the national interest. 4. Collaborators and conspirators. 5. Reform. 6. War and empire. 7. Public interest and private profit. 8. The legacy. Bibliographic essay. Abstract: This is the first major study in English for over half a century of one of Portugal's most important historical figures, Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Melo, marques de Pombal (1699-1782), who is best known today as the key figure in the reconstruction of Lisbon after the devastating earthquake of 1755. Pombal's achievements, however, went far beyond the reconstruction of the capital. An unusually single-minded and ruthless first minister, he was also one of the eighteenth century's most successful "enlightened despots": for example, he reformed the Portuguese system of education, expelled the Jesuits from Portugal, thereby beginning the process leading to their suppression by the pope in 1773, and mounted a formidable challenge to British commercial hegemony in Portugal. Recent renewed interest in the theory of enlightened absolutism has tended to ignore developments in the Iberian peninsula. This book is therefore essential to a full understanding of the complexities and paradoxes of enlightened rulership in a southern European context.
- Menestrina, Francesco. "Due prelati trentini ne giudizio de un vesco austriaco." Studi trentine di scienza storiche, XXXIII (1954), 299-305.
- Newman, John Henry. Newman the oratorian : his unpublished Oratory papers. Uniform title ; Oratory papers. Leominster, Herefordshire : Gracewing, 2004. Note: "First published in 1968 by Fowler Wright Books Ltd.". Responsibility: edited with an introductory study on the continuity between his Anglican and his Catholic ministry by Placid Murray.
- Noto, Vincenzo. Chiesa e Mafia : Salvatore Pappalardo un cardinale in prima linea. Palermo : ILA Palma, 2009.
(Memorie/ testimonianze). Note: S. Pappalardo (1918-2006), Archbishop of Palermo (Sicily) and Cardinal.Contents: Premessa, 7; II giorno della morte, 9; Istantanee di un uomo di religione, 19; Lo stile, 23; I primi interventi, 37; Ruffini e la mafia, 45; Rifiutato all'Ucciardone, 59; I funerali di Dalla Chiesa, 67; II primo maxiprocesso, 73; Giovanni Paolo II ad Agrigento, 81; L'uccisione di don Pino Puglisi, 87; Conclusione, 95; Appendice/1, 101; Appendice/2, 105.
- Paluska, Georgius. Purpura Pannonica : sive vitae, et res gestae S.R.E. cardinalium, qui, ante in ditionibus sacrae coronae Hungaricae nati, aut regibus sangvine conjuncti, aut episcopatibus Hungaricis potiti fuerunt ... Cassoviae : Typis Academicis Societatis Jesus, 1745.
- Panizon, Piero. Il cardinale lanzichenecco : potere e carriere nella Roma dei papi tra Controriforma ed era barocca. Torino : Ananke, 2010. Other title: Subtitle on cover; Marco Sittico III di Alta Ems.
- Piscitelli, Enzo. "Il Boncompagni Ludovisi segretario di Stato di Pio VI." Studi Romani, VII (1959), 275-286.
- Richardson, Carol M. Reclaiming Rome : cardinals in the fifteenth century. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.
(Brill's studies in intellectual history, v. 173). Summary: The fifteenth century was a critical juncture for the College of Cardinals. They were accused of prolonging the exile in Avignon and causing the schism. At the councils at the beginning of the period their very existence was questioned. This book focuses on a relatively unknown period for Renaissance art history and the history of Rome. Contents: List of illustrations ix; Popes of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries xxi; Preface xxiii; Introduction 1; PART ONE: CARDLNALS AND POPES: Chapter One The crisis of the Councils 39; Chapter Two From three Colleges to one 67; Chapter Three Dignity and dress 95; PART TWO: CARDINALS AND ROME: Chapter Four Restoring Rome 143; Chapter Five The ritular churches 183; Chapter Six The allocation of tides 235; Chapter Seven Property portfo|os 263; PART THREE: CARDINALS AND ETERNITY: Chapter Eight The St Peter's problem 317; Chapter Nine St Peter's in the fifteenth Century 383; Chapter Ten Instructions for a good death 423; Epilogue 469; Bibliography 471; Index 505.
- Slawson, Douglas J. Ambition and Arrogance. Cardinal William O'Connell of Boston and the American Catholic Church. Cobalt Productions, 2007.
- Sugg, Joyce. Ever yours affly : John Henry Newman and his female circle. Leominster, Herefordshire : Gracewing, 1996.
- Tornielli, Andrea. Il futuro e la speranza. Vita e magistero del cardinale Angelo Scola. Milano : Piemme, 2011.
- Tusor, Péter. Purpura Pannonica : az esztergomi "bíborosi szék" kialakulásának elozményei a 17.
században = Purpura Pannonica : the "Cardinalitial See" of Strigonium and its Antecedens in the 17th Century. Budapest :
Róma : Research Institute of Church History at Péter Pázmány Catholic University, 2005. (Collectanea Vaticana
Hungariae, Classis I, vol. 3).
- Verhaegen, Arthur Théodore. Le cardinal de Franckenberg, archévêque de Malines (1726-1804). Lille : Société de Saint-Augustin Desclée, de Brouwer et cie., 1889. Note: "Collection historique."
- Wuerl, Donald W. The Catholic way : faith for living today. New York : Doubleday, 2001. Contents : Papal and Council Documents Cited in This Book xiii -- 1. What Is a Catechism? 1 -- 2. The Bishops: Teachers of the Faith 5 -- 3. To Give an Account of Our Faith 9 -- 4. The Human Capacity for God 13 -- 5. The Revelation of God 17 -- 6. Passing On the Faith 21 -- 7. Sacred Scripture 25 -- 8. The Creed and the Councils 30 -- 9. God the Creator of Heaven and Earth 34 -- 10. The Attributes of God 38 -- 11. The Holy Trinity 43 -- 12. The Works of God's Hand 47 -- 13. The Fall from Grace 52 -- 14. Jesus Christ the Only Son of God 56 -- 15. Christmas and the Incarnation 61 -- 16. Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of God 64 -- 17. The Public Life of Jesus 69 -- 18. The Cross and Our Redemption 74 -- 19. The Resurrection 79 -- 20. Jesus' Return in Glory 83 -- 21. The Holy Spirit 87 -- 22. The Mystery and the Images of the Church 92 -- 23. The Marks of the Church 96 -- 24. Who Speaks for the Church? 101 -- 25. The Church's Teaching Office 106 -- 26. Called to the Service of God 111 -- 27. The Role of the Laity 115 -- 28. The Role and Mission of the Pope 119 -- 29. The Communion of Saints 122 -- 30. The Forgiveness of Sins 127 -- 31. The Resurrection of the Body 131 -- 32. Life Everlasting 135 -- 33. Amen--I Believe 140 -- 34. Liturgy 144 -- 35. Sacraments 149 -- 36. Baptism 154 -- 37. Confirmation 159 -- 38. The Eucharist 163 -- 39. The Real Presence 168 -- 40. Order of the Mass 174 -- 41. The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation 178 -- 42. Anointing of the Sick 182 -- 43. The Sacrament of Orders 186 -- 44. Marriage 191 -- 45. Family Life 196 -- 46. Sacramentals 200 -- 47. The Rosary 204 -- 48. Christian Funerals 208 -- 49. Life in Christ 212 -- 50. Christian Freedom 216 -- 51. Responsibility Before God 220 -- 52. Christian Morality 224 -- 53. Moral Conscience 229 -- 54. The Human Virtues 234 -- 55. The Theological Virtues 238 -- 56. Sin 243 -- 57. The Seven Capital Sins 247 -- 58. The Person and Society 252 -- 59. Social-Justice Issues in America 256 -- 60. Christian Discourse: Building Up the Church and Society 261 -- 61. Fashioning a Moral Compass 266 -- 62. The Natural Moral Law 270 -- 63. Justification 274 -- 64. The Church, Mother and Teacher 278 -- 65. The Ten Commandments 282 -- 66. The First Commandment: Have No Strange Gods 286 -- 67. Nurturing a Lively Faith 290 -- 68. The Second Commandment: You Shall Not Take God's Name in Vain 294 -- 69. The Third Commandment: Keep Holy the Lord's Day 298 -- 70. The Fourth Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother 303 -- 71. The Fifth Commandment: You Shall Not Kill 307 -- 72. Challenges to Human Life in Our Time 311 -- 73. Medical and Moral Issues 316 -- 74. Confronting Racism in America 321 -- 75. The Sixth Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery 325 -- 76. The Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Steal 331 -- 77. The Eighth Commandment: You Shall Not Bear False Witness 336 -- 78. The Ninth and Tenth Commandments: You Shall Not Covet 340 -- 79. What Is Prayer? 345 -- 80. Kinds of Prayer 349 -- 81. Ways of Praying 354 -- 82. The Lord's Prayer 358 -- 83. The Seven Petitions 362.
- Wuerl, Donald W. ; Aquilina, Mike. The mass : the glory, the mystery, the tradition. New York : Doubleday Religion, 2011. Contents: The Mass is what we do -- What makes the Mass : people, places, words, and things. The beginnings in the Bible ; The Mass through history ; Mass : a word about the Word ; Names for the Mass ; Preparing for Mass ; The essentials : bread and wine ; A word about obligation ; The parts of the Mass ; The people at Mass and their roles ; The Church and its furnishings ; The books ; Vessels and cloths ; Vestments ; The Church's calendar -- The Mass as it is : a close look. The procession ; The Sign of the Cross ; Confession and mercy : the penitential rite ; Glory to God in the highest! ; The first reading ; The responsorial psalm ; The second reading ; Alleluia! ; The Gospel ; The homily ; The Profession of Faith ; Prayer of the Faithful ; The Offertory ; The Preparation of the Gifts ; The Preface and "Holy, holy, holy" ; The Eucharistic Prayer ; Prayer for the Sending of the Spirit ; The narrative of institution ; Remembrance ; The first elevation of the Host and Chalice ; The Mystery of Faith ; Eucharistic prayers ; The Great Amen ; The Lord's Prayer ; The Sign of Peace ; The Lamb of God ; "I am not worthy" ; Holy Communication ; Should I receive? ; The cleansing of the vessels ; The prayer after Communion ; The Blessing and dismissal.
- Wuerl, Donald W. The gift of Blessed John Paul II : a celebration of his enduring legacy. Frederick, MD : Word Among Us Press, 2011. Contents: Focus on the future : Redemptor hominis (The redeemer of man) -- Handing on the faith : Catechesi tradendae (On catechesis in our time) -- God's mercy : Dives in misericordia (Rich in mercy) -- A "gospel" of work : Laborem exercens (On human work) -- The family as foundation : Familiaris consortio (On the role of the Christian family in the modern world) -- Sin and forgiveness : Reconciliatio et paenitentia (Reconciliation and penance) -- Models of evangelization : Slavorum Apostoli (the Apostles to the Slavs) -- Lord and giver of life : Dominum et vivificantem (the Holy Spirit, lord and giver of life) -- Behold your mother : Redemptoris mater (The mother of the Redeemer) -- Building a better world : Sollicitudo rei socialis (On social concern) -- Speak and live the faith : Christi fideles laici (The vocation and the mission of the lay faithful in the church and in the world) -- A quiet man with much to say : Redemptoris custos (On the person and mission of St. Joseph) -- Sowers of the seed : Redemptoris missio (The mission of the Redeemer) -- A commitment to care : Centesimus annus -- Forming good shepherds : Pastores dabo vobis (On the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day) -- The truth sets us free : Veritatis splendor (The splendor of truth) -- A people of life and for life : Evangelium vitae (The gospel of life) -- Committed to Christian unity : Ut unum sint (On commitment to ecumenism) -- A priceless gift : Vita consecrata (The consecrated life) -- Faith, reason, and the truth : Fides et ratio (On the relationship between faith and reason) -- Encountering Christ in America : Ecclesia in America (the church in America) -- United to Mary : Rosarium Virginis Mariae (On the most holy rosary) -- A real presence : Ecclesia de Eucharistia (On the Eucharist in its relationship to the church) -- "Good shepherds" : Pastores gregis (The bishop, servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope of the world).
- Wuerl, Donald W. Seek first the Kingdom : challenging the culture by living our faith. Huntington, IN : Our Sunday Visitor, 2011.
- Zardin, Danilo. Carlo Borromeo : cultura, santità, governo. Milano : V&P, 2010.
- Zavattaro, Fabio. La valigia di Papa Wojtyla. Pavona di Albano Laziale (Castelli Romani, Roma) : Iacobelli,
2011. (Frammenti di memoria ; 24). Contents: In viaggio con Papa Wojtyla, 9; EI Korda, 14; II Grande viaggiatore, 21; Quando il Papa fa l'autostop, 28; In preghiera per la pace nel mondo, 33; Un viaggio tra indiani e cowboy. 42; Quando il Papa prende il treno, 49; Papa, cristianesimo e rivoluzione, 56; Dall'Atlantico agli Urali, 65; II generale e Felettricista, 72; Un francescano in Kazakistan, 81; In Siberia, la gente più colta, 89; La sfida ecumenica, 97; II francescano archeologo, 105; La Smokey mountain, 113; Nell'isola di al Qaeda, 120; UncleSam, 128; I bambini soldato, 136; La porta del cielo, 144; II tram giallo, 151; Quaranta anni con Papa Wojtyla, 159; Santo subito, 166.
- Zuchniewicz, Pawel. Miracles of John Paul II. Toronto : Catholic Youth Studio-KSM, 2006. Note: Originally published: Warsaw : Prószynski i S-ka, 2006.
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